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Fumbled Love

Page 14

by Lila Rose

  “Yo, what’s goin’ on in here?” was boomed from the front door.

  “Daddy!” Caitlyn cried. She was out of Carter’s arms and running for the man who stepped around the corner.

  “Hey, pumpkin.” He grinned, swinging her up in his arms and planting a kiss on her cheek. “Boy,” he called. Crispin, who had still been standing at my side, sighed and then walked to his father to give him a side hug.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  All others greeted him, but I was still looking at his attire to really listen. He wore black jeans, black boots, a tight white tee, but over the top of it was a leather vest. The patch I could read on his upper chest said Vice President. I ran my gaze up to find a full beard trimmed nicely around plump lips that were smiling, then up again to a straight nose and then eyes crinkled at the corners, lit with humor.

  “Hey, babe.” He nodded.

  “Hey,” I breathed, and then blushed for having an instant attraction to Courtney’s husband.

  “Fucking hell,” I heard Carter mutter. Next, he was standing in front of me. “Hey, remember me?”

  My head tilted in confusion. Why would he have asked if I remembered him? Of course I remembered him and his handsome face, his glorious hair, his wide shoulders, his built body—

  “I’m guessing she does now,” Casper said from somewhere, laughing along with others.

  But I was still staring at Carter, who was now grinning down at me. He moved aside. “Right, we’re good to go now,” he said, and it seemed like he was saying a lot of things that confused me. “Reagan, this is Dominic, Courtney’s husband, but everyone calls him State. State, this is Reagan.”

  “My girlfriend,” Crispin announced.

  I bit my bottom lip to keep from giggling.

  “Good choice, boy,” State said down at his son, and then he looked back up at me. “Nice’ta meet’ya, Reagan.”

  “Yes, um, you too.” I nodded.

  Courtney stepped up to my side and placed her hand on my arm. “Don’t worry, Ree, my man has that effect on a lot of people. It’s a burden I must carry, but at least I do it knowing I have his ring on my finger.”

  I nodded and kept doing it like I understood how lucky she was.

  “Woman, I’m here, and where are you?” State boomed.

  Courtney sighed. “The downside of having a biker husband. He’s bossy as hell.”

  “Woman,” State growled low, and I kind of swooned over it.

  Courtney rolled her eyes, but did it smiling, and then she made her way over to State, got to her tiptoes and kissed him.

  Whoa. It wasn’t just a touch of lips. It was a full-blown kiss.

  “Gross,” Crispin cried.

  “Jesus,” Patty mumbled. “That’s my cue to get drinks. Ree, what would you like?”

  Shaking out of my daze, I replied, “Anything, thank you.”

  “You driving?”

  “No,” I answered.

  “Wine it is then.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled.

  I happened to glance back at State to see Crispin had moved away and was talking with Calvin, so State had his wife curled under his free arm. “So, you Carter’s woman?”

  “No,” I replied with a smile. Though I wouldn’t mind being, I couldn’t afford to let my heart and brain take me there. State’s eyes shifted behind me. His lips twitched, so I glanced over my shoulder to see Casper lowering his hands.

  I narrowed my eyes. “What were you doing?”

  “Nothing.” He grinned sheepishly at me.

  “Ree, how about you come into the kitchen with me while I check dinner,” Beth suggested, as she reached out and hit Casper around the back of his head.

  “Sure, I’d love to.” Even though I really, really didn’t. I never knew what I was going to say, and it scared me to be alone around Beth. Still, if Carter could take a call from my dad and have them in his life, I could try and do the same without worrying about how they would take me.

  “Caitlyn, Crispin, come help Grammy.”

  The kids followed without question. At least I would have some type of buffer.

  Chapter Nineteen


  As soon as Reagan was out of sight, I turned back to my family, who had also been watching Reagan walk down the hall. No doubt to make sure she was out of ear range. Immediately I knew I was going to get attacked with questions.

  “Does she know you want her?” Calvin asked.

  “Man, you gotta get in that,” State said, gaining a punch to the gut from my sister.

  “He’s right. I can see the hard-on you have already,” Casper said.

  “Dude, quit looking at my junk,” I stated, covering it with my hands.

  Casper scoffed. “There ain’t much there to look at, which is why all the women jump on this Anthony man over you any day.”

  “You idiots, shut up,” Courtney snapped. Her gaze came to me. “Seriously, Carter. I adore that woman for you.”

  “She’s kinda loco, but in a good way,” Calvin added. Shaking his head, he grinned and said, “Her rant about it being her parents’ fault… fucking funny.”

  “She’d fit in perfectly with our family,” Dad said, appearing from the hall. “Son, don’t know how you managed it, but good work on moving in with her.”

  “Whoa, you live with her now?” State stepped up for a fist bump, which I returned. “How’d you meet?”

  “The school thing I had to do, she’s a teacher.” I then asked Courtney, “Do you think she knows I—”

  “Want her,” Calvin said.

  “Like her,” Dad said.

  “Loooove her,” Casper sang. Everyone stared at me. “Holy shit. You do. You love her.”

  My heart and pulse rocketed off into orbit, yet a soft smile grew on my mouth. Hearing someone else say it, that I loved her, was what I needed to confirm my feelings were in fact strong enough to be called love. She was everything to me. I couldn’t imagine a life without her in it. That shit was terrifying because, again, it was so soon. But when a guy knows, he knows.

  I flicked my eyes to everyone’s shocked expression. “How do you know and why would it be so damn shocking to you all?”

  “Man, let’s face it, you’re a tag and throw away kinda guy, until now, until her,” State said.

  I shrugged. “Reagan’s different.”

  Again, they all looked shocked.

  I sighed. “Look, I had a thing for her in high school, but I was too worried about what people would think.”

  “Because she’s not your usual skanky type since she has curves?” Courtney asked with a glare.

  “Unfortunately, yes,” I admitted.

  “Douche,” Calvin coughed.

  “I know, and I regret it, but then when I saw her at the school, and before I knew exactly who she was, I was already smitten. Since then, I can’t stop thinking about her.”

  State nodded. “It’s how love starts. I didn’t just want to bang your sister—”

  “Dude!” I cried.

  “What? I’m saying I didn’t just want to bang her. I wanted to know everything there was about her, and that’s when I knew I loved her.”

  “Aw,” Courtney cooed, and reached up to kiss State’s jaw.

  “I loved your mom after one glance,” Dad said.

  “So why are you all shocked I’ve fallen for Reagan?”

  “It’ll pass, but you can’t be surprised when you’ve never brought anyone home before and never looked at anyone like you do her.”

  Courtney cleared her throat. “To answer your earlier question, no, I don’t think she knows. There’s a possibility of her having the barest of ideas, but foolishly thinks you’re so far out of her league she won’t let herself think about what could happen between you two.”

  “I’m not out of her league,” I said with a hard edge to my voice.

  “Oh, we know.” Courtney smiled. “But from what you’ve said, she has no idea she was on your radar back then. You were popular, and she wasn
’t. You’re now this big football star and she’s a teacher. She won’t understand how you could have feelings for her.”

  Having my sister’s honesty felt like a weight had been placed onto my shoulders. They dropped, and my gut tightened. I hated that Reagan could possibly think that. I nodded. “You’re probably right. She did catch my friends saying shit back in school about bigger girls. I didn’t stop it from happening and laughed along with them.”

  “Douche,” Calvin coughed again.

  “I know,” I ground out.

  “You’ll need to prove you’re not that douche,” State said. “Though, I think she’s gettin’ it. Then you’ll need to show her she’s worth it. Take your time so you don’t scare her off.”

  “Start with little things,” Dad added. “A kiss on the cheek.”

  I nodded. I could do this, I had already started with the little things.

  “Touch her arm or leg if you’re sitting close,” Courtney said.

  “Show her she’s beautiful to you,” Casper suggested. “Take her out on a date but pretend it’s not a date. She keeps referring to you as her friend so be her friend first, then make a move to be more.”

  Everyone looked at him.

  “What? I can have good ideas,” he exclaimed. When we didn’t look away he rolled his eyes and said, “Whatever, I’m going to see how dinner’s coming along, and I might just flirt with Re—”

  Reaching out, I gripped his tee. “Take it back.”

  He laughed and patted my arm. “Fine, fine. I take it back.” I released him, and he started toward the hall. “Doesn’t mean I have to keep my hands to myself.” He started to run when I made a grab for him again.

  Dad gripped the back of my tee, and he stumbled forward, so I did, and then State was there helping us both.

  “Cool it, brother. Casp’s only teasing, wantin’ to see your reaction. And you gave him one. We all know this shit you feel is serious.”

  “Casper may be an idiot sometimes, but he had a good idea about Reagan,” Calvin said. “Take it slow, but be sure to show some interest in her.”

  “Got it.” Jesus, I must be in love if I was taking advice and listening to my family. Another smile lit my face as my body warmed all over. There was no way I could deny how I felt, and I was okay with that.

  “I’m happy for you, son.” Dad slapped me on the back and moved around me to head to the kitchen.

  “So am I. She’s a keeper. Looking forward to seeing what she does next.” Calvin grinned. “And if you fuck up, I’ll move in.”

  I shoved him. “Christ, are you serious?”

  “Sure. I’m half in love with her already.”

  “Fuck off, she’s mine.”

  His grin widened. “Good to hear.”

  “Mom,” Crispin called as we all sat down at the table. He was across from my spot, glaring for some reason. Though it could be because I was sitting next to Reagan.

  “Yes?” Courtney glanced at him from where she sat beside him. State was on the other side of him, across from Reagan, I wasn’t sure I liked it. She seemed to like his looks a little too much. Thankfully, Caitlyn had most of State’s attention as she sat on the other side of her dad. Mom and Dad were at the end of the ten-seater table, and to my chagrin, Casper sat on the other side of Reagan. Then again, he was a better option than Calvin, who’d admitted he was already half in love with her. He was sitting next to me.

  “Can I move in with Reagan too?”

  Everyone paused.

  Never in Crispin’s life had I wanted to yell no at him, until then.

  To stop myself, I thinned my lips and curled my tongue to the roof of my mouth.

  State started chuckling, Calvin and Casper followed. I cast a look at Reagan, who blushed beside me. Courtney finally answered, “Maybe when you’re older.”

  Crispin shook his head and sighed. “Fine.”

  State ruffled Crispin’s hair. “That’s my boy.”

  Mom cleared her throat. “Ree, Patty was telling me you teach.”

  “Yes.” She nodded, placing her fork on her plate. “High school English.”

  “Her students love her,” I put in. “Even when she threatens to throw up on them.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Reagan’s cheeks turned even redder. “That was one time. Seriously, one time and you just had to overhear.”

  “What happened?” Casper asked.

  Reagan sighed. “I have a squeamish stomach, and my kids know it. A student, Wesley, was blowing his nose and then kept looking at it. When I asked him not to he taunted me by doing it again, so I told him I was going to vomit on him.”

  Again, everyone laughed, even Crispin and Caitlyn. Though I was sure Caitlyn was just laughing because we all were.

  “I happened to be at the door because Tom, the principal, asked me to talk to a few classes.” I nudged her shoulder with my own. “Should I tell them what you said when I asked you to have lunch?”

  Her eyes widened, her hand landed on my thigh under the table, and she squeezed hard. My cock jerked in response. “If you do I’ll… do something really bad.”

  “We have to know now,” State said.

  “Yeah, come on, Reagan. Let him spill it.” Courtney smiled.

  I shook my head. “Maybe I shouldn’t. There are kids present.”

  Casper slapped the table laughing. “It was that bad?”

  I nodded.

  “No,” Reagan blurted and shook her head. “It was nothing. Really. Besides, from memory, you were dragged away by Elena anyway.”


  “Elena? Why does that name ring a bell?” Calvin asked.

  “She was Carter’s girlfriend,” Dad said, and when I sent him an evil stare, he shrugged. “What? I have a good memory.”

  “Oh, you have a good memory, do you?” Mom said. “Then maybe you can remember to take out the trash.” Dad sighed and ran a hand over his face. Served him right for outing who Elena was.

  Courtney gasped. “Elena Roup. That Elena?”

  “Yes,” Reagan replied before I could completely put my hand over her mouth. She laughed and grabbed my arm, pulling it back down.

  “Oh my God, she was a total bi—” she glanced down to Crispin. “Ah, witch,” she ended. “You have to work with her?”

  “Every day, and she used to make my high school days hell,” Reagan explained. I knew they didn’t like each other, but I didn’t know Elena was a bitch to Reagan back in the day. Christ, I felt like an even bigger dick for not knowing and being able to stop it. Courtney gave me a look. Yeah, I got it. That would probably be another reason why Reagan wouldn’t be quick to fall in love with me since I dated the she-bitch from hell.

  “Anyway,” I said loudly, trying to change the unpleasant subject, “I think since Mom was upset about not helping me move and going to Ree’s parents’ house first, we should all have a barbecue, not this one, but the next Tuesday at Reagan’s. With both sides of the families there. I’ll be at an away game this coming weekend, so that’ll give me a week to get things ready.” It’d be the perfect opportunity for our parents to get to know one another. It could make Reagan more at ease if she saw no matter what happened, with her parents there, my folks would still adore her.

  Mom clapped. “That sounds wonderful.”

  Dad grinned. “Perfect idea.”

  “We’d love to come, wouldn’t we, State?” Courtney turned to her husband.

  He grinned down at her then over to us, his lips twitched. “Fuck yeah.”

  “Language,” Mom called.

  “I’m in,” Casper said.

  “Me too.” Calvin nodded, and then went back to shoveling more food into his mouth.

  A hand crept on to my thigh again. All my blood rushed to my head, both ends. All I could think was thank God the hand was from Reagan’s side, or I’d be worried about my brother’s sanity. When her finger dug into my flesh, I winced.

  She leaned in while the others were talking about what they co
uld bring. Okay, so my brothers were telling Mom and Courtney what they’d like, but I ignored it all when Reagan’s breast brushed against my arm. My mind blanked for a second. All I could think was boob, boob, boob against my arm, and it feels nice.

  Her lips brushed my ear, and I nearly groaned aloud. “I’m so going to kill you when we get in the car.”

  Pulling back, I studied her. Her cute nose was scrunched up, her beautiful eyes narrowed, and she was clenching her jaw. Yep, she was pissed. I really shouldn’t have smiled, but I did. “Why?”

  “Having me around your parents was one thing, having my family around them…” She shook her head. “Boom. It’s bound to be a disaster.”

  I placed my arm around her on the back of her chair and gave her a side hug. “Relax, it’ll be fine. Trust me.”

  She grumbled, but I could tell she was giving in. “Fine. But I’m blaming you if it’s not.”

  “Okay.” I winked down at her. We sat there and talked for a while longer, and I wasn’t sure if she noticed her hand was still on my thigh or my arm still around her, but they were, and I enjoyed that moment with a huge-ass smile on my face.

  Yeah, I could definitely get used to having Reagan at my side as more than just a friend.


  Oh my God, oh my God… Carter was touching me. His arm was around me and his fingers gently rubbed up and down my side. I wasn’t sure if he realized what he was doing, but I was more than aware of it because it was turning me to mush. I sat frozen in my seat. If anyone saw how freaked out I was on the inside, they didn’t show it. Thank God. Or maybe I wasn’t showing it. I mean, no one could see my heart beating a million miles an hour or how my skin tingled from each stroke of his fingers on my side.

  What was worse was how I was frozen. My mouth may have moved around with words as people talked to me, but my body was as still as a statue, and my hand remained on Carter’s thigh!

  I was touching Carter.

  I wanted to pull it away, but then if I did, he’d notice, and I didn’t want to draw attention to me freaking out. While he didn’t seem to mind I was touching him, still… I didn’t know what to do or think.


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