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Page 4

by Hartley, Jennifer

  “Kim, you really need to let a man look after you if he wants to,” she muttered under her breath.

  “Bria…” began Kimberly.

  “I know, I know, you guys are just friends,” said Brianna, rolling her eyes dramatically. “But if you open your eyes and see, you’ll see Neilson over there seems to be trying,” added Brianna.

  “Really?” asked Kimberly, probing to see what their fellow athletes may have understood from their behavior.

  “I think so,” said Brianna, shrugging. “You’re both single after all.”

  “Has he asked you out yet?” asked Brianna, her eyes wide with excitement.

  “No!” said Kimberly quickly. “He’s my friend.”

  “It doesn’t have to stay that way,” said Brianna with a smile. Kimberly just gave her a warning look, and Brianna smiled. “Sorry, you know I only want to see you happy.”

  “I am happy,” insisted Kimberly.

  “Well, at least let the man carry your bag Kim,” said Brianna, giving up.

  Squeezing her arm, she went to stand by Henrique, and Kimberly walked up to Adam. He handed her a room key.

  “That’s yours,” said Adam.

  He proceeded to hand out a few more, he and Henrique having checked them all in.

  “We’re all on the same floor. Ladies are on one side of the hall, men on the other,” said Henrique, handing a few more cards out.

  The group took their cards and started to disperse towards their rooms, tired from the flight and wanting to take a nap before practice.

  Kimberly bit her lip as Adam lightly kissed her cheek, giving her the handle to her suitcase that he’d been rolling for her.

  She hesitated slightly and then decided to just say what was on her mind.

  “Don’t go to your room,” she said softly.

  “I’ll be back later. I have to at least get into my room. I’ll unpack a bit and see you soon, I promise,” said Adam.

  Typically, he’d missed her hint entirely, and she opened her mouth to speak.

  “Hey guys,” said Henrique, as he rolled the suitcase behind him, looking at the numbers on the doors.

  Kimberly and Adam had put some distance between them as they’d heard his voice and turned to him with what both hoped were bright and innocent smiles.

  “Hey,” they said in unison.

  “I think I’m next to you, Adam,” said Henrique.

  “Yes, just heading to my room. Was helping Ms. Marcus here with her heavy bag,” said Adam with a smile.

  Kimberly elbowed him jokingly. “Yes, I needed your manly muscles,” she teased.

  Henrique rolled his eyes; the two of them were a head-scratcher for the team. Some team members swallowed the best friends’ line and others, like Henrique, thought they were just fooling themselves if they thought that was what they were.

  “I’d better go to my room,” said Adam, seeing Henrique was looking amused.

  “Thanks, see you both later,” said Kimberly.

  She quickly swiped into her room, the door closing behind her. Henrique and Adam both went to their own rooms, agreeing to meet in the hall to go to practice together.

  With various team members wandering around outside in the hall, Adam didn’t actually make it to Kimberly’s room, and she sent him a sad face text.

  “You want everyone to catch me and start gossiping?” he asked with a laugh as he immediately called her.

  Kimberly chuckled. “They gossip enough already.”

  “Seriously Kim, there’s always someone wandering around. Is no one resting? Our teammates are wandering down the hall every time I’ve looked!” said Adam.

  He went to peer out into the hallway through the tiny hole again.

  “Oh, there, look, now Sandrine just walked past,” said Adam.

  “I know, I get it, Adam. I was just hoping to spend some time with you before practice; that’s all,” said Kimberly.

  “Happy to come in and say we’re going over strategy or something,” said Adam.

  “That’ll do,” said Kimberly, brightening.

  “See you soon,” said Adam, hanging up.

  He grabbed his room key and headed across the hall, knocking on Kimberly’s door.

  She opened it, smiling as she let him in and closing the door.

  “Hey,” she said.

  She was ready for practice, wearing a jumper with tights.

  “Hey,” said Adam, pulling her into a tight hug.

  “Are you seriously pouting because I couldn’t come sooner? You’ll be the death of me, Kim. I can’t bear the thought of disappointing you,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  “I might have pouted a little,” admitted Kimberly with a smile.

  Adam kissed her lightly, wrapping his arms around her again.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you,” said Kimberly with a smile.

  She pulled him over to the bed, sitting and pulling him down with her.

  “Kim,” began Adam.

  “What?” she asked, looking at him innocently. “I only want hugs…maybe a few kisses,” she added with a smirk.

  He couldn’t believe he was the one putting the reins on at this point. He thought Kimberly might actually be ready to move forward. They hadn’t talked about it, but for some reason, it was him putting the brakes on whenever they found themselves in the position to make a choice about going further.

  He didn’t know why…or maybe he did. He wanted her; he was struggling. There was a fire burning within, he felt it and so far had managed to withstand it. But how long for, he didn’t know.

  He was acutely aware that there was no going back once they physically moved forward. He wanted to protect Kimberly more than anything; somehow the fact that she was his best friend made it easier. He’d always been fiercely protective of her, and now it was as if he was protecting her from himself.

  Kimberly snuggled against him contently, and he adjusted his position to hold her closer. Kimberly could always feel the tension in his body though, and this was no exception. She shifted closer, feeling him tensing slightly in response.

  “You can relax, you know,” she said with an amused smile.

  “I am relaxed,” said Adam. He heard right through the lie the moment it left his lips, and Kimberly didn’t believe it either.

  “Alright,” said Kimberly as she sat up. Moving to sit opposite him, she sat cross-legged, studying him.

  He looked down, breaking the eye contact and becoming uncomfortable.

  She tapped his leg, and he looked back up at her.

  “Let’s talk,” said Kimberly, fixing him with a look that told him she meant business.

  “Alright,” he said.

  “Why are you uncomfortable with me?” asked Kimberly. She looked down at the bed cover, nervous about his response.

  “I’m not, really. I’m not. I’m just…maybe, over-protective?” he said, not knowing how to even explain his feelings.

  “Over-protective of what exactly?” asked Kimberly.

  “I just need to protect you. I respect you more than anything, Kim,” said Adam, his eyes earnest as he tried to explain.

  “Is this about…sex?” asked Kimberly, turning red despite her best efforts not to.

  Adam turned even redder, and she chuckled at his reaction.

  “I know I tried to seduce you once. I won’t do it again. Not until it’s time,” said Kimberly.

  Adam coughed, his face burning.

  “Adam, I know you, and you are not so shy around ladies,” teased Kimberly, having relaxed a bit.

  “None were you,” he said quietly.

  “It’s different because it’s me?” asked Kimberly, touched.

  “You’re special,” said Adam, finally reaching out to take her hand.

  “So are you,” said Kimberly, squeezing his hand.

  “I just…I don’t know, Kim. Where are we at?” asked Adam, nervously running a hand through his hair.

  “I’m ready…if t
hat’s what you’re asking…I’m ready,” said Kimberly. Her face was burning, and she placed both hands on her cheeks in an effort to cool the burn.

  Adam stared at her. “Ready for a relationship…everything?” he asked.

  “It’s been amazing sort of dating you all this time. I want the real deal now,” said Kimberly, shy.

  “It’s been amazing sort of dating you all this time too,” said Adam, his head still spinning from what she’d told him.

  “So, will you go out with me on a real date?” asked Adam, now smiling.

  “I’d love to,” said Kimberly with a grin.

  “Secretly though, right?” he asked.

  Kimberly hesitated. “I just hate the scrutiny, the intrusion; it sucks that I can’t just shout it from the rooftops that I love you,” she said.

  “It can be intrusive when it’s out there, especially in the tennis world. I am happy to stay under the radar,” said Adam.

  “Thank you,” said Kimberly.

  Adam didn’t hesitate, moving to kiss her. This was a wild, unrestrained kiss. Not unlike the night Kimberly had got jealous and tried to seduce him. It was with difficulty that he managed to part from her. Kimberly had raked her hands through his hair, pulling herself as close as possible.

  “Whoa,” he managed, blowing out a breath.

  Kimberly looked at him, almost guiltily. “Sorry, I know I probably don’t help the situation.”

  “That…I don’t think I’m quite ready for it. I want you, Kim. Oh my god, I do. But protecting you comes first, and there is no going back from there. You get it, right? You’re special, and I’ve spent my life protecting you, from the time when we were kids all the way to now,” said Adam, a bit shy.

  “I get it. But what are you protecting me from exactly?” asked Kimberly.

  “I don’t really know. I just know that there’s no going back from there and I never want you to have any regrets,” said Adam.

  “You are amazing; do you know that?” said Kimberly, stroking his cheek. “I get the dilemma – you were protecting me all my life, and I knew that. I always knew you were looking out for me and would protect me. Sure, relationships aren’t easy. That’s why we took this slow in the first place. You don’t need to protect me from you, though,” said Kimberly.

  “I’ll try,” smiled Adam.

  “So, when can I take you out on a date here in Japan?” he asked.

  “Now,” teased Kimberly.

  Her alarm went off, alerting them both that it was time to head to practice.

  “Tomorrow night, I’ll plan something,” said Adam, kissing her forehead as he got up.

  “I’ll be there,” smiled Kimberly.

  She checked her make-up in the mirror, and they exited her room. Henrique had just stepped into the hall too and narrowed his eyes slightly as Adam and Kimberly came out together.

  “Hey! We just went over our new strategy!” said Adam animatedly as he and Kimberly went up to Henrique.

  It was a short practice. The longer practice would be the following morning. The flight and then lack of rest before the practice had the team dragging their feet a little as they returned to the hotel.

  “I want food and sleep,” moaned Sandrine as they walked through the lobby.

  “I know, I am so tired,” said Brianna, suppressing a yawn.

  “I’m still wired,” said Shay.

  Evan laughed. “Do we want to have dinner, or are we all too exhausted to do anything much other than room service?”

  The team muttered responses, all keen for rest and room service.

  “Alright, looks like we’ll have dinner together tomorrow then and stay in tonight,” said Evan.

  They all said goodnight with a few of them planning to order room service and eating together. Kimberly stayed non-committal when Brianna asked her to join a few of the team gathering in her room.

  “I’m really tired. I just want food and bed,” said Kimberly, yawning.

  “How about you, Adam?” asked Brianna.

  “I don’t know, really tired,” said Adam.

  “Alright, well, you know where we are if you change your mind and want to join,” said Brianna.

  The group dispersed, and Adam went into his room, having told Kimberly just with a look that he’d be there shortly.

  In his room, he quickly showered and changed, grabbing his room key on the way out. Luckily the hall was empty, and he didn’t need to think of an excuse about why he was going to Kimberly’s room. Knocking lightly, he waited just a moment before she opened the door and ushered him in quickly.

  “Hi,” she said.

  Adam kissed her softly, and she smiled.

  “Hi, you hungry?” he asked.

  “I’m starved; let’s order!” said Kimberly.

  They chose something from the menu, and Kimberly rang to order while Adam sat down on one of the chairs next to the small table.

  “Want to watch Japanese TV and try to work out what they’re saying?” laughed Kimberly.

  “Sure,” he said with a smile.

  “Come over here,” said Kimberly, indicating to the bed.

  She plopped down and grabbed the remote.

  Adam joined her, taking off his shoes and sitting down on the bed.

  “Will you stay?” asked Kimberly suddenly, looking at him.

  “Stay here?” checked Adam.

  “For the night. Just to sleep, I swear,” said Kimberly.

  She looked so nervous that Adam couldn’t help pulling her close in a hug.

  “Sure, I’ll stay,” he said.

  “Go get what you need to be comfortable then and come back,” said Kimberly with a happy smile.

  Adam smiled at her enthusiasm and kissed her hair, getting up and heading across the hall to his room. He grabbed a change of clothes and his toothbrush in a small bag and went out into the hall again, hoping he wouldn’t run into anyone.

  He got back into Kimberly’s room without incident, and she grinned as he sat back down on the bed with her, snuggling against his chest.

  They turned on the TV, settling on what appeared to be a Japanese drama. Kimberly kept up a running commentary on what she thought they were saying, making Adam laugh.

  “She’s really mad, I think that other lady stole something from her,” said Kimberly.

  “Jewels, money?” asked Adam.

  “Hmm,” murmured Kimberly, watching the angry exchange. “Maybe, or maybe she stole her man.”

  “Universal themes,” said Adam with a laugh.

  There was a knock on the door and someone called, “room service!”

  Kimberly got up to answer, and the trays were left on the table; the smell of the food reminded them they were starving.

  “So hungry!” said Kimberly, handing him his plate. They ate holding the plates on the bed rather than at the table, and the Japanese drama in the background was forgotten as they focused on the food and talked about their plans for the following evening. The only snag in the plan to go out alone was that the team would be expecting them to be at dinner.

  “I don’t know what to do about that,” said Adam. “Later? After dinner with the team? We might have to play it by ear. I hate this. I wanted something special.”

  “We have been out plenty of times on unofficial dates, Adam. Please don’t worry. It will be amazing, no matter what,” said Kimberly, touching his arm.

  “No matter what,” agreed Adam, kissing her temple.

  In the morning, Adam woke to find Kimberly cuddled against him. He lived for those moments. She was so peaceful, and he knew that soon they needed to be up for breakfast and practice. He wanted to enjoy the time with her though, so he ignored the clock for a bit to cuddle her closer, kissing her forehead gently. He felt when she started to wake and loosened his hold a bit, only for Kimberly to hold him tighter.

  “Good morning,” he said, looking down at her.

  “Good morning,” said Kimberly, raising her eyes to look at him from her position aga
inst his chest. She literally did not use a pillow when she spent the night with Adam. His chest was her pillow. And it was a very comfortable one.

  Her alarm went off, and Adam grabbed her phone from the bedside table, silencing it.

  “I don’t want to. I want to stay right here,” she murmured, snuggling into the crook of his neck.

  “I don’t want to either,” murmured Adam. “Letting go of you is way too hard right now.”

  “Kim!” came a yell from outside Kimberly’s door. “Let’s go for breakfast!”

  It was Brianna. Adam looked slightly alarmed, and Kimberly softly laughed.

  “Stay there,” she murmured, kissing his cheek.

  She went to the door, opening it so that she could poke her head out.

  “Kimberly, you’re not even ready!” said Brianna.

  “Sorry, I slept right through my alarm. I’ll get ready and meet you at breakfast?” said Kimberly with a sheepish smile.

  “Sure, hurry up!” said Brianna, waving as she headed down the hall.

  Kimberly closed the door and smiled as she looked at Adam. He’d apparently relaxed, realizing Brianna wasn’t going to come barging in and had closed his eyes again.

  “Sleeping beauty…come on, move it, we have to get up,” said Kimberly, bouncing back on the bed and planting a kiss on his cheek.

  “Alright,” mumbled Adam, opening his eyes and pulling her down with him. She giggled as she settled on his chest for a moment.

  “We better get ready before they really send a search party,” said Adam, chuckling.

  Breakfast proved to be a lively affair, the team having rested and feeling more energized, Kimberly was sitting next to Sandrine on one side and Brianna on the other, Adam across the table from her. She tried not to be too obvious and focused on the chatter around her. Brianna was busy talking about what they’d do to see more of Japan on this trip.

  Kimberly ducked into the back room to grab her jacket, having started to get cold. Adam noticed Kimberly had disappeared, and he indicated he would be back in a minute to Henrique. He was just in a t-shirt, having taken off his jumper earlier, so he mouthed he was getting his jumper and stepped off the court.


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