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by Hartley, Jennifer

  Jennifer narrowed her eyes at her youngest child, the child she’d just seen publicly propose to her tennis partner. To Adam. But it wasn’t real, and although Jennifer had waited forever for such an occurrence, she hadn’t envisaged it would be fake, that Kimberly would be the one doing it or that she would ever see it. She always imagined them quietly getting engaged and then telling the family. Then there was the thing that Kimberly didn’t know, the thing that Jennifer knew and was waiting for. The thing that had made her so sure it would be real, even though the roles were reversed.

  Adam had been accosted by Penelope who was providing her opinion on ways that the awkward situation could have been better handled in a way that didn’t completely shock her, Jennifer, and their families. Adam could only patiently listen, making noises of agreement every so often to indicate he was paying attention. He’d essentially frozen out there, causing Kimberly to take the lead and she’d found a way that had made everyone laugh and moved them on from that situation relatively quickly. Except that their mothers were none too impressed by it.

  Kimberly knew her method of handling it had caused most of the shock, but she had been watching Adam’s discomfort, and she wanted to do something, anything, to ease his stress. Somehow that had culminated in fake proposing, but it had worked. He’d laughed, so had the audience, and the awkward moment had dissipated.

  “I cannot believe you thought this was a good idea. How do you think Penelope and I felt watching it?” asked Jennifer for what felt like the hundredth time.

  “Mom, I’m sorry you were shocked. It was just a joke, just something to resolve the situation the audience member put us in,” said Kimberly.

  “It was not funny,” said Jennifer, shaking her head.

  “It got us out of the tense spot, so it worked at least,” said Kimberly.

  Jennifer glanced over at Penelope and Adam over in the corner. Penelope was still speaking, gesticulating wildly while Adam listened, looking like a little boy being scolded.

  Jennifer sighed. “Penelope is already telling Adam what she thinks, so he gets to avoid my wrath for the day. You don’t, though.”

  “I understand, and I’m sorry,” said Kimberly. She loved her mother so much, but right now, she wanted to forget that the fake proposal had even happened. And she needed Adam. She needed Adam to hug her and tell her it was all okay.

  Kimberly was too distracted to notice that Jennifer had exchanged a brief look with Adam before she’d hugged him goodbye and headed off. Penelope too hugged Kimberly, and she chose to keep her mouth shut, knowing that Jennifer had probably already scolded her enough for the both of them.

  Finally, with some time alone, neither spoke, both focused on getting ready to leave and ignoring the tension, or trying to.

  The short bus ride back to the hotel was rowdy; their fellow athletes were all laughing and talking at once. Adam sat silently, staring out the window. Kimberly worried he was angry at her. She leaned her head against his shoulder for a moment, and he turned, placing a light kiss on her hair and putting his arm around her. He could see the fear in her eyes that something was wrong and knew he needed to explain himself.

  Instead of going into the room that had been booked for him, he followed Kimberly into her room when they arrived at the hotel. Kimberly immediately stepped into his embrace, her arms around him.

  Adam held her close before releasing her, and he could see the fear that remained in her eyes.

  “Come here,” he said, taking her hand and going over to the bed. He sat down and she sat too, looking nervous.

  “Kim, stop. Stop worrying, I can literally see you worrying right now,” said Adam.

  “Tell me you’re not mad at me,” said Kimberly, worriedly.

  “I am not mad at you,” said Adam immediately.

  “That was too quick. Are you sure?” asked Kimberly.

  “I am not mad at you, Kim. Not at all,” said Adam.

  “I was mad at the situation, the situation the audience member put us in but also at myself for acknowledging it. I could have just pretended I didn’t hear; we could have just gone onto something else,” said Adam.

  “I tried to lighten the mood. You seemed…uncomfortable, so I don’t know, I tried to make you laugh,” said Kimberly.

  “And you did,” smiled Adam, tenderly stroking her hair.

  Kimberly still looked at him worriedly, and he sighed.

  “Kim, it’s fine, really,” said Adam.

  “I don’t want you to be worried, though. That’s not exactly a comfortable topic for most men,” said Kimberly, looking down at her hands, trying to act nonchalant.

  To her surprise, Adam laughed.

  “If only you knew,” he said, chuckling.

  Kimberly looked up at him, confused, and he sighed.

  “The situation made me uncomfortable, yes, but not for the reason you think. I was mad. I was mad for being put in that position, but then I had the great pleasure of being fake proposed to by you,” he began.

  Kimberly still looked unsure, and he kissed her forehead.

  “The topic you think made me uncomfortable…it didn’t. I was more uncomfortable because...because I’ve already started planning something for you, Kim,” said Adam quietly.

  “Started planning what?” asked Kimberly, not understanding.

  Adam gave her a pointed look, and it suddenly dawned on her. It all made sense now - his discomfort, his silence as he processed the situation.

  “Oh,” was the only response she could come up with, surprised.

  Adam swallowed hard. He knew Kimberly might think it was too soon and in any other relationship it would be, but this was a decade in the making, and so he’d made a decision and planned to propose to Kimberly. He even had her ring. Well, he was getting it made, it needed to be unique and special like her. Jennifer even knew about it. Because he’d asked her permission first, ever the traditionalist. He’d also contacted Kimberly’s father and asked him and had resounding yes’s from both of them. So the ‘get married’ fiasco from that evening had thrown him. He had wanted to surprise her. But now, in having to explain his behavior, he had decided to just tell her.

  “That’s amazing,” stammered Kimberly, starting to get her voice back.

  Adam was silent, wondering if he’d even made the right choice in telling her or even planning something like this so soon. Her reaction, or lack thereof, made him feel that they weren’t on the same page.

  “I’m sorry. I’m a bit surprised. A bit speechless,” murmured Kimberly, still trying to get her feelings across.

  “It doesn’t need to be soon,” mumbled Adam, backtracking.

  Kimberly moved to hug him.

  “But I want it to be,” she said.

  He stared at her for a moment, and she grinned.

  “Oh,” he managed, realizing that she wanted this too. He relaxed, grinning.

  “When is it?” asked Kimberly curiously.

  “Patience is a virtue,” he said with a wink.

  “And it’s a virtue I don’t have right now,” said Kimberly.

  Adam smirked, plainly telling her she’d have to wait.

  “Tell me, please!” she said, adding a pout for good measure.

  “That’s not going to work this time,” laughed Adam.

  Kimberly gave up, hugging him tightly.

  “I love you so much,” she said as she pulled back slightly to look into his eyes.

  “I love you. I’m sorry, I just….it hit too close. I wanted you to be surprised, and suddenly there we were dealing with that. And don’t worry, it’s nowhere public like that,” said Adam.

  “It’s okay. I worried that it made you uncomfortable and I worried that I’d made it worse…and I worried you were so quiet because even the idea of it made you uncomfortable,” admitted Kimberly.

  “I’m sorry I was so quiet. I was just thinking, processing everything. I just want that day…when it comes, to be perfect for you,” said Adam, caressing her cheek.
  “It will be perfect because it’s you,” said Kimberly with a smile.

  Chapter 12

  “It’s your birthday tomorrow,” said Adam with a smile as he nuzzled her neck.

  “We never do anything for birthdays,” said Kimberly.

  Though somehow this year she wanted to do everything she possibly could for Adam’s birthday and was already thinking up ideas.

  “There’s no way we’re not celebrating your birthday,” said Adam, shaking his head.

  “Alright, let’s celebrate,” said Kimberly slyly, climbing onto his lap and smirking.

  “Kim…I was being serious. That’s all you want, really?” asked Adam.

  “I don’t want anything except spending time with you,” said Kimberly.

  Kimberly leaned down and kissed him, her hands threading through his hair, and he lost himself in the sensation.

  “We will celebrate your birthday tomorrow whether you want to or not,” he eventually murmured against her lips.

  “Alright,” she said.

  Adam smiled at her, lifting her up off the couch and carrying her to the bed.

  Kimberly woke up and stretched on her birthday. The bed felt colder and emptier than it should, and she opened her eyes. Adam wasn’t there, and she picked up the note on his pillow, sitting up to read.

  Good morning, birthday girl. Get dressed and come meet me for breakfast.

  Love, Adam

  Underneath was an address and time. Kimberly hurriedly got out of bed. She was still naked from the night before, so she put on her robe and rushed into the bathroom to shower, stopping short as she saw a present sitting on the bench beside the sink.

  She reached for the present, with the card saying, ‘Open Me’.

  She opened the box, finding a card inside telling her to wear it if she wanted to and she curiously opened the tissue paper surrounding the gift. Adam buying her clothes? She couldn’t imagine. And then her eyes landed on the royal blue jacket, and she blushed. She had looked at that jacket but did not buy it just a week ago. They’d been out and about, and she’d admired it in a display briefly before moving on. And here it was. He had the right size too, and she took it out of the tissue paper in full, admiring it and couldn’t wait to wear it to breakfast. The idea of Adam even noticing that she’d looked at the jacket filled her chest with warmth.

  “Adam, why aren’t you here?” she murmured with a sigh. She desperately wanted to hug and kiss him for being so thoughtful and was disappointed he wasn’t there with her.

  She threw caution out the window when she saw Adam, throwing her arms around him so hard he had to step back to steady them.

  “I love you!” she murmured into his neck. “Thank you.”

  “I love you,” he said, holding her close.

  He then released her, mindful they were in public.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, his eyes taking her in. She wore the jacket with a white shirt underneath and jeans.

  “Thank you, handsome,” smiled Kimberly.

  “Where were you? I wanted to wake up with you today,” said Kimberly quietly.

  “I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you, I swear,” said Adam, gently squeezing her hand.

  “I was plotting birthday surprises,” said Adam with a grin.

  “I just need you,” said Kimberly with a pout.

  “You have me. Please smile; I never wanted to make you sad today,” said Adam.

  “You haven’t made me sad. I’m so happy. Thank you for everything,” said Kimberly, lightly kissing his cheek.

  “You and that pout, I swear Kim. Use that weapon carefully,” said Adam, lightly touching her bottom lip.

  “Sorry,” laughed Kimberly.

  She hugged him, leaning her head against him.

  “I wish I could thank you more right now, but we’re in public. When we get back to the hotel, I can thank you properly,” she said quietly.

  “I know, it’s okay,” said Adam.

  “So, hungry? They make great Belgian waffles here. Want to practice for Belgium?” he teased.

  “Starving!” smiled Kimberly.

  They had a booth in the corner away from prying eyes and relaxed over their breakfast.

  Kimberly couldn’t resist ordering the Belgian waffles, taking a bite and moaning.

  “This is so good,” she said with a satisfied smile.

  “I’m kind of jealous of that waffle right now,” teased Adam, eyeing Kimberly.

  “I still love you more,” said Kimberly with a smile.

  “Well, that’s good,” said Adam with a grin as he dug into his pancakes.

  “Want some?” he asked her, offering her a bite.

  Kimberly took the mouthful of pancake, chewing thoughtfully.

  “So good!” she said. “Want some of this?” she asked.

  “It’s yours; enjoy it,” said Adam.

  Kimberly didn’t listen, cutting him a bite of waffle and making sure it had the chocolate topping and berries on it so he could get the full flavor.

  “Open,” she said, and Adam laughed, obediently opening his mouth and letting Kimberly feed him the waffle.

  “Good?” she asked.

  “Very good,” said Adam.

  Kimberly smiled, taking a sip of her coffee.

  “Thank you for finding this amazing breakfast spot too,” she said.

  “It’s nothing,” said Adam, dismissively.

  “It’s not nothing, I really appreciate it. This birthday is already very special,” said Kimberly.

  “I’m glad, I want it to be special for you,” said Adam.

  After breakfast, they left the café and Adam started walking back towards the hotel, Kimberly following.

  “Off to get a cake for the birthday girl,” said Adam.

  “Cake?” asked Kimberly, eyes lighting up even though she’d just had waffles.

  “Of course, it’s a necessary part of your birthday,” said Adam, briefly placing an arm around her and she snuggled against his side happily before letting go.

  “Now, I’ve got a full itinerary planned for before the games. After the meet and greet, we’re having dinner with everyone,” began Adam, looking at his list. He’d carefully planned out her birthday and was planning to take her out for a picnic for lunch once they had the cake.

  Kimberly grabbed the list out of his hand.

  “Hey!” he said, trying to take it back.

  “I don’t see time for sex on this list,” said Kimberly pointedly.

  Adam turned red.

  “Oh, we can…yes, that can go on the list,” he said.

  “Thank you,” winked Kimberly. “I can’t wait to go unwrap you. Best present!”

  Adam blushed. “Kim, don’t make me drag you back to the hotel right now.”

  “I wouldn’t complain,” grinned Kimberly.

  “That’s it, picking up your cake later then. Let’s go,” he said, already turned on at how eager she was.

  Kimberly smiled. Her birthday was about to get even better.

  Reaching her room, she ushered him in ahead of her and then got the ‘do not disturb’ sign from the back of the door, placing it outside and shutting the door.

  “I believe there’s another present to unwrap,” she said seductively.

  Adam’s breath caught in his throat as he looked at her. She was so unbelievably beautiful at all times, but when she was like this, when she looked at him in that way, he was a goner.

  “Birthday girl gets anything she wants,” he said.

  Kimberly came close, moving into his space, her eyes on his. He felt the wall hit his back as she pushed him against it gently.

  “I know what I want,” she whispered against his lips.

  He was a second away from grabbing her and kissing her when she finally let her lips touch his. It was a sweet, soft kiss. He matched her light pressure, his lips moving with hers. She kept him pinned against the wall, hands threading through the hair at the nape of his neck and his arms around
her waist.

  She then increased the intensity, Adam once again matching her before she pulled away and took his hand, leading him over to the bed.

  He followed and tried to remove his jacket, but she caught both of his hands in hers.

  “Let me unwrap my present,” she said.

  “Even the jacket?” asked Adam.

  “Even that,” said Kimberly with a smile.

  He smiled, quirking an eyebrow at her and she pushed him down onto the bed.

  “Sit,” she commanded, and he did as she said, legs out as he sat in the middle of the bed.

  Kimberly then climbed onto his lap, and he immediately wrapped his arms around her as she kissed him again. This time she wasn’t gentle; this time she was intent on driving him wild, feeling the effect she was having on him as she sat on his lap.

  Parting from him only for air, she finally started to peel off his clothing. He let her do it, helping only to help her remove his jeans by moving so that she could pull them off.

  She admired every bit of skin she uncovered, her fingertips tracing along his muscles. She was still fully clothed, and she’d left nothing on him at all.

  She tenderly kissed her way from his lips, down to this neck, where she most certainly left a mark before continuing down to his collarbone and making her way down his chest.

  “Kim,” he murmured, enjoying her kisses and caresses against his skin.

  “Mmm,” she replied.

  “What about you? Too many clothes,” he said.

  Kimberly smirked. “True,” she said.

  “You want to?” she asked.

  “Come here,” he said, and she laughed as he pulled her down onto the bed, kissing her senseless in between getting her out of her clothes. Kimberly only asked that he be gentle with her jacket; it was her new favorite after all. He had smiled, putting it carefully on the chair before returning to continue unclothing her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” murmured Adam against her skin. She smiled, pushing him down and getting on top of him, moaning with pleasure as she joined their bodies.

  The rest of the morning, they ignored Adam’s list. Instead, they stayed in, the ‘do not disturb’ sign up on the door to ensure privacy and for Kimberly, it was the best birthday celebration ever.


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