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Watch and Learn

Page 2

by K. C. Wells

  “So I can watch and learn.”

  Zac was about to respond that Chris could do that anywhere, but the words caught in his throat when the guys around them quietened, and two men got onto the small stage in front of them. They faced each other, both wearing jocks and boots.

  “Something tells me they’re not about to recite poetry,” Zac quipped, but he couldn’t tear his gaze away from them. Then one guy sank to his knees, while the other lowered his jock to reveal a stiff, meaty cock. Guy #1 didn’t hesitate. He kissed the shaft lightly, letting his lips linger on the head, before taking it into his mouth with a soft moan. Guy #2 smiled, his hands on Guy #1’s head, not exerting any pressure, just holding him steady, making soft sounds of pleasure.

  And Zac couldn’t look away. He watched, mesmerized, as Guy #1 slid his lips along the veiny shaft, taking his time, one hand on Guy #2’s ass, the other pulling gently on his sac, playing with his balls.

  Then Zac became aware of Chris shifting position to stand behind him, his hands coming forward to rest on Zac’s chest.

  “What are you—?”

  Chris’s hand covered his mouth, and Chris whispered in his ear, “Keep watching.” Slowly he removed his hand.

  Zac did as instructed, shivering when Chris’s fingertips brushed against his nipple that pushed at his cotton T-shirt. Then he shivered again when Chris flicked the little bud through the cotton. In front of him, Guy #1 gripped Guy #2’s hips with both hands and picked up speed, head bobbing faster as he sucked him off.

  “Getting hot in here, isn’t it?” Chris’s breath tickled his ear.

  Zac bobbed his head once, his own breath hitching as Guy #1 swallowed that cock to the root, Guy #2 now exerting pressure, forcing his dick to go deep. When Guy #1 gagged, saliva dripping from his mouth and chin, Zac stifled a groan as Chris slid a hand under his T-shirt to stroke his belly with a firm touch.

  “Which would you like to see—him swallow that load or take it in the face?”

  Zac moaned at the thought of cum spattering Guy #1’s cheeks, nose and chin. “Either,” he lied. Then he moaned as Chris reached under his shirt, Zac’s T-shirt riding high on his belly as he played with Zac’s nipples. Zac arched his back, his cheek coming into contact with Chris’s, the rough stubble grazing him.

  Guy #2 was driving his cock into Guy #1’s mouth, his hips snapping forward as he thrust faster, all the while holding onto Guy #1’s head, his fingers wound through the hair. Zac’s heartbeat raced and perspiration covered him, cooling his skin as the air hit it.

  “Oh, you do like this, don’tcha?”

  Zac’s intended retort was lost when Chris seized both nipples and tugged hard on them, twisting them slightly. “Oh fuck,” he moaned weakly, his knees buckling a little. The combination of the erotic sight before him and Chris’s sensual onslaught had him closer to the edge of climax than he would have believed possible.

  And he hasn’t touched my dick once.

  Then all such thoughts fled when Chris’s hand covered Zac’s throat and he squeezed ever so gently, his fingers still toying with Zac’s nipple. “You like this?” Chris sounded breathless, as if he too was close.

  Zac managed the tiniest nod, before losing himself in the sight of Guy #2 crying out as he aimed his cock at Guy #1’s face and shot hard. Guy #1 opened his mouth like a little bird, his tongue popping out to catch a few drops, before licking his lips, unable to open one eye as it too was coated.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Zac whispered, before realizing Chris was rubbing Zack’s dick through his jeans. Around them, came soft moans and noises of approval, and Zac caught the tell-tale odor that told him a few guys had just shown their own form of appreciation.

  “Do you want to come?” Chris asked him in a whisper.

  Zac could only nod, then sighed with satisfaction as Chris used both hands to unfasten his jeans, before licking his palm and slipping his hand into Zac’s briefs. He worked the shaft, its head emerging above the waistband as Chris slid his hand faster and faster, tugging hard, until Zac knew he was about to come.

  “Now,” he managed to croak, as he creamed Chris’s fingers. He sagged against Chris’s body, grateful for his presence, while his cock pulsed out its last drops. They stood like that for a moment, the music suddenly swelling in volume, as if to cover the backdrop of sounds that was obvious all around them.

  Finally, Chris reached into his jeans pocket, removed a handkerchief, and calmly wiped away all traces of Zac’s orgasm. He cleaned his hand, folded the handkerchief, and replaced it in his pocket.

  Zac didn’t wait for words. He spun around, locked his arms round Chris’s neck, and kissed him, deeply and fervently, trying to hold onto the glorious feeling that flowed through him. When he eventually broke the kiss, Chris grinned.

  “So… I did good?”

  Zac shuddered. “I need a drink.” Not to mention an explanation. How had a complete stranger seen so much, to have him coming in his hand like that?

  Chris nodded. “Now we talk.”


  Zac couldn’t stop staring at Chris as they drank their beers. “Okay, you have to tell me your secret. What are you, some kind of sex guru? Is this what you do, go around giving guys the best orgasms of their lives?”

  Chris chuckled. “I take it that lit your fuse.”

  Zac snorted. “Lit it, then sent me into the stratosphere, like there was a rocket up my ass.”

  Chris nodded knowingly. “And that brings us to the crux of your problem.”

  Right then, if Chris had said he could spin straw into gold, Zac would have believed him. Instead, he waited.

  Chris leaned in close. “What I am about to tell you, is an age-old secret, known only to the wisest of gay men.”

  Zac nodded eagerly. “Tell me.”

  Chris’s lips brushed Zac’s ear, making him shiver. “Some guys just don’t get off having a dick up their ass.”

  He froze. “What. The. Fuck?”

  Chris’s eyes were bright. “They don’t tell you that one, do they? Instead, you get fed a diet of how anal is the be-all end-all of gay sex. The pinnacle to reach. Maybe even have two dicks in your ass at the same time—even better.” He sighed. “Meanwhile, there are a lot of men out there who do not do anal, for a variety of reasons. Yours happens to be that you just don’t like it.”

  “I don’t—” Zac was lost for words.

  Chris nodded sympathetically. “I know. You thought there was something wrong with you, or with them. What you lacked was someone to remind you that taking a dick is not the only way to have a good time.” He smiled. “And you did have a good time, didn’t you?”

  Zac laughed. “Like you have to ask.” He couldn’t remember the last time he’d shot so hard.

  “And as for how I knew? That’s easy. It’s not magic—it’s age.”

  “Age?” Zac frowned. “What’s age got to do with it?”

  “When you’ve been around, seen a few things, like I have, there’s little that surprises you about sex. And I’ve met a lot of guys who just don’t do anal. The problem is, they’re made to feel like they’re some kind of anomaly for feeling that way. Like you did.” Chris chuckled. “I’m not this all-seeing superman, all right? Although… I did employ a few tricks that I figured might work with you, based on what I’d observed.”


  Chris stilled. “Nipple play. A tiny bit of choking.”

  Holy fuck. “How… how did you know I’d like those things?” Because up until that point, even Zac hadn’t known.

  “When you asked me if I was a sadist, and I said on occasion.” Chris’s eyes darkened. “You might not have uttered a word, but the way you became so still, the way your pupils dilated… That told me what I needed to know.”

  “And what was that?” Zac’s words crept out like a whisper.

  “You are not totally vanilla, Zac. You like your sex with a bit of kink. How much kink, I’m not sure right now.” Chris chuckled. “At least we kno
w one thing that’ll get you off every time.”

  “We do?”

  Chris cupped Zac’s chin, and for one moment Zac thought he was about to be kissed. Then Chris gently turned Zac’s head toward the stage, which was now bare. Chris’s warm breath tickled his neck. “You like to watch.”

  Zac swallowed. “Doesn’t everyone? I mean, what else is porn for, but to be watched?”

  Chris shook his head. He let go of Zac’s chin. “Porn’s not real. You know it, hell, everyone knows it. You really think you’re watching two guys going at it for thirty to forty minutes, with no breaks, and all those changes in position? Hell, I’ve done porn, and let me tell you, it can be the un-sexiest thing ever. Sure, you can watch a couple of minutes while you bring yourself off, but it’s not the same as…”

  “As what?” Zac stared at him.

  Chris sighed. “Watching two guys—or more—really going for it. Listening to the noises they make. Watching their eyes when they touch each other. Knowing this is real, and hot, and intimate, and taking place right there in front of you. Knowing that when they come, there’s going to be warmth on their skin, inside them, dripping out of their asses…” He straightened. “There is nothing wrong with watching. And it can be the hottest thing ever.”

  And that led Zac to The Question of the night. “Are… are we gonna do this again?”

  Chris grinned. “Do you want to?”

  Zac rolled his eyes. “Duh.” Then he thought about it. “But… what exactly will we be doing?”

  Chris laughed out loud. “How about you leave that up to me? Just trust me.”

  That was the strange part. Zac did.

  “Is that even gonna fit?”

  Chris strolled along Eighth Ave, looking for Zac. They’d agreed to meet outside a restaurant they both knew, because Chris wanted to have a talk with him. There were some things that could not be discussed over the phone.

  He had to admit, Zac was a breath of fresh air. It was great to meet someone who was so open about their needs and desires, and who actually listened to advice. Too many of the guys Chris ran across thought they knew it all.

  The irony of that thought struck him almost instantly. Isn’t that how I must have come across to him last week? Some know-it-all, ‘I see right through you’ kinda guy? Well, that was something he had to put right before they went any further.

  He spotted Zac at the corner, leaning against the wall, his eyes focused on his phone. Lord, that guy in tight jeans was a beautiful sight. Chris had to give such thoughts a hard push aside. Much as he might want to get into Zac’s pants, it wasn’t going to happen. And he had to admit that bringing Zac off in that bar had been one of the hottest things he’d done in a long while.

  Maybe I should take a dose of my own medicine and stop thinking about where to put my dick.

  Zac glanced up as he approached, and he gave Chris a warm, sunny smile. Chris liked the way Zac’s hair looked like he’d just got out of bed, sort of tousled and wild. He was wearing a black T-shirt that clung to him like a second skin, his powerful shoulders bare, and the overall effect was luscious.

  “Hey.” Zac pocketed his phone. “So, what’s on the agenda for this evening?”

  Chris laughed. “Boy, you’re just raring to go, aren’t ya? Well, I thought we’d grab a drink here first, and maybe talk over a few things.”

  Zac arched his eyebrows. “More talk?”

  “Put it this way. What I have planned for tonight doesn’t happen if we don’t talk first.”

  That did the trick. Zac stood up straight, nodding. “Sure.” His manner was suddenly more serious, and Chris regretted his choice of words.

  He leaned in and kissed Zac on the cheek. “Remember I said you like your sex with a bit of kink?”

  Zac swallowed. “Like I could forget. I… I’ve been thinking about that all week.”

  Chris nodded slowly. “Tonight, I’m gonna take you someplace where you’ll see a lot of kink, but there are some things we need to discuss first. Kinda like setting boundaries.”

  Zac was breathing a little easier. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Good.” Chris guided him to the restaurant door. “Then let’s get a drink and talk.”

  Five minutes later they were seated at a table in the window, with two tall glasses containing mojitos in front of them.

  “So, where are you taking me?” Zac asked after taking a sip of his cocktail.

  “A friend’s apartment. It’s a party of sorts, except there are no munchies, no booze, just a lot of black vinyl sheets covering everything, some toys, a thumping soundtrack, and a fuckton of lube and condoms for those who want them.” He grinned. “Most guys turn up with their own towel.”

  Zac regarded him thoughtfully. “Doesn’t everyone use condoms?”

  Chris shook his head. “A lot of these guys are on PrEP. Me included. But I won’t be playing tonight.” He gave Zac a speculative glance. “I’m not saying everyone should go bareback, okay? But a lot of these guys play together regularly. And you should always ask a guy about his status. Not that this is going to matter to you. Tonight, you’re just gonna watch and learn.”

  Zac smiled. “Like you did last week?”

  “Exactly. And before we go there, there’s one thing we have to talk about. If at any time you decide you don’t want to be there, or if anyone asks you to do something you don’t want to do? You say Red, and everything stops.”

  Chris could almost see the layer of calm that settled on Zac. “I like that.”

  “Now drink up, and I’ll take you there.”

  Zac glanced down at his clothing. “Am I suitably dressed?”

  Chris snickered. “I’m not gonna lie. There will be a few naked guys, plus some others in just a jock or a harness. You can keep your clothes on, you can take off your shirt…. Whatever feels right, sweetheart.”

  Zac drained his glass in three long gulps. “Then what are we waiting for?”

  Yeah. Chris really liked Zac.

  Then he remembered he had some things to clear up. “Listen, about our conversation last week…. If I gave you the impression that I know everything about you, or that I know what will work for you and what won’t, can I just say here and now that that’s bullshit? I’m only going on the signals you gave, and—”

  Zac pressed two fingers to Chris’s lips, and the intimate gesture startled him into silence.

  “You saw more in that one meeting than all the guys I’ve ever been with, so hush.” He removed his fingers slowly.

  Chris took a deep breath. “Just because I came to the conclusion that you don’t do anal, doesn’t make it true. If you feel you want to give it another try, then you go ahead. Don’t take my word as gospel.”

  Zac studied him for a moment. “Chris, let me explain where I’m coming from. You promised to make it good for me. You took me to a bar, where I had the most fantastic orgasm I’ve ever had in my life. As far as I’m concerned, I’m gonna trust what you say. All right?”

  “Well, when you put it like that…”

  Zac laughed. “So now can we go?” He was virtually bouncing on the spot.

  Chris couldn’t help laughing too. “Come on.”

  It promised to be an interesting evening.


  Zac had that Alice in Wonderland feeling, like he’d landed in a new dimension. Not that everything was a total shock. In the intervening week since their first meeting, he’d gone online to take a peek at some BDSM porn. He hadn’t mentioned it to Chris, because he had a feeling he knew what Chris’s reaction would be. And faced with reality?

  Yeah, porn was nothing like it.

  The room was exactly as Chris had said it would be, right down to the black vinyl that covered the floor, and the black plastic sheets that covered what few chairs remained. The men who filled the moderately sized apartment were in various states of undress, and Zac spent a moment or two admiring the expanse of flesh. What surprised him was the fact that not all the men there loo
ked like they lived in a gym.

  After watching the BDSM porn, Zac shouldn’t have been surprised by the large wooden X at the far end of the room, but seeing a guy tied to it, spread out like a starfish, with red welts on his buttocks and shoulders…

  Whoa. This was real.

  Only, he didn’t want to stop and watch. He wanted to see what else lay in store for him. Then Chris tugged on his arm, and his attention was claimed by the metal frame in the corner, from which hung four chains that supported a thin leather base, almost like a hammock but not as long. A naked man lay there, holding onto the chains, his feet in stirrups, his ass hanging over the edge of the leather bed on which he reclined. Three or four men stood around the sling, and Zac was mesmerized by the sounds their slick hands made as they worked their erections, awaiting their turn to plow into the reclining guy’s hole.

  And Zac wanted to see that.

  “Want to get closer?” Chris whispered.

  How does he do that? Zac nodded eagerly, and took a step toward the sling, Chris behind him.

  The tall man positioned at the reclining guy’s ass glanced toward him and grinned. “Watch me slide into him, balls deep. It’s sexy as fuck.” He aimed his thick bare cock at the bottom’s hole, which twitched as if in anticipation. He moaned as Tall Guy thrust into him in one long, strong glide, and Zac wanted to moan along with him at the sight of that glistening shaft disappearing into the dark orifice. He loved how the bottom’s body sucked him right in, how he tried to push down on that meaty dick, using the sling to set up the perfect motion as they moved together.

  Warm breath whispered against his neck. “Looks good, doesn’t it?”

  Zac nodded again. When Tall Guy picked up speed and started slamming into the bottom, Zac felt every impact. He might not want to be on the receiving end of that cock, but watching it spear into the bottom’s hole was hot.

  As if on cue, Chris’s hands were on his shoulders, sliding down his bare arms, rubbing and caressing. “Wanna lose the shirt?”


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