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Lone Star Christmas Witness

Page 19

by Margaret Daley

  Except Brutus wasn’t waiting at the fence. A vague sense of unease wove through him as he scanned the yard. In his job as an assistant district attorney, he’d made some enemies and received several threats. Most he hadn’t taken seriously. A few he had.

  He wished his new neighbor farewell and hurried to his vehicle. At a push of a button, the gate rolled open. Still no dog. The uneasiness intensified.

  Colton slid from the Highlander and hurried toward the house. Nothing looked amiss in front.

  But where was his dog?

  He climbed the porch steps, heart pounding. His three-year-old son and babysitter were inside. He fumbled as he tried to insert the key into the lock. When he finally swung open the door, fear morphed to panic. At the opposite end of the foyer, every drawer in the Bombay chest was open, the contents strewn across the top and overflowing onto the tile floor. On either side, the living room and den were in the same condition.

  “Liam!” He ran into the family room. “Meagan!” Where were they?

  Dear God, let them be okay.

  He headed toward the hall. At half past one, Meagan would have already put Liam down for his nap.

  Movement snapped his gaze toward the dining room. As Colton ran into the room, a figure disappeared through the back door, little legs bouncing on either side of his waist. Colton’s knees went weak, almost buckling under him.

  Someone was taking his son.

  He tore into the room, shattered glass on the floor barely registering before he burst through the back door. Two figures ran toward the rear fence, knit ski masks covering their heads. At his shout, the man carrying Liam turned, then dropped his burden.

  Liam hit the ground and landed in a heap, legs curled under him, face turned to the side. A vise clamped down on Colton’s chest. Liam wasn’t moving. Oh, God, please...

  No, if the men had harmed him, they wouldn’t be trying to kidnap him.

  When he dropped to his knees next to his son, his breath whooshed out. Liam was breathing. His eyes were squeezed shut, and soft whimpers slipped through his parted lips. Colton scooped him up, and little arms went around his neck with a strength that surprised him.

  Rapid footsteps approached, and Colton swiveled his head. “Meag—”

  But it wasn’t Meagan who’d stopped a short distance away, face etched with concern. It was his new neighbor. What was she doing there?

  He rose, clutching Liam to his chest. “I have to find my babysitter.”

  Jasmine shifted her attention to the back of his property, and he followed her gaze. A man dropped from one of the lower limbs of his oak tree to disappear behind the wall. A second shimmied out to follow his accomplice.

  Colton squeezed his son more tightly. He’d get a tree trimmer out pronto. That same branch had probably given them a way into the property.

  As he turned, a dark shape snagged his gaze. It lay several yards from the oak’s trunk, partially obscured by the shrubbery lining the back wall. Brutus. He pressed his lips together. As soon as he found Meagan, he’d check on his dog.

  When he looked at Jasmine again, she was already punching numbers into her phone. “I’m calling 911.”

  “Thanks.” He’d let her handle it. He ran back to the house. Next to the door, jagged glass surrounded a large hole in the dining room window. He’d check out the security footage later. Or the cops would. He had a camera in back and one in front.

  Once inside, he ran room to room, still holding his son while he shouted Meagan’s name. An image rose in his mind—features twisted, hatred shining from eyes so dark they were almost black. One defendant whose threats had sent a chill all the way to his core.

  Colton had gotten the man a life sentence. Death would have been better. Drug dealer, gang leader and ruthless killer—men like that didn’t rehabilitate. Before being led from the courtroom in shackles, he’d turned to Colton and made his threat, cold fury flowing beneath the surface. You didn’t get a death sentence for me, but you just secured your own.

  Maybe Perez had sent someone for him, and taking Liam was his way of drawing Colton out. Or maybe it was someone else, determined to exact the worst kind of vengeance.

  When he started down the hall, a cell phone lay on the floor. Meagan’s phone. His chest clenched. Eighteen years old, her whole life ahead of her.

  Oh, God, please let her be safe.

  As he stepped into his son’s room, Liam stiffened and let out a wail. Colton cupped the back of his head. “It’s okay, buddy.”

  He looked around the room. Drawers hung open, their contents tossed to the floor. Nearby, a Lego village sat in a state of incompletion. Maybe this was where Liam had been playing when the man grabbed him.

  Jasmine stepped up behind him. “Cops are on the way. I checked on your dog. He’s unconscious, but his breathing is steady. What happened?”

  “Someone just tried to kidnap my son. My house is ransacked and my babysitter’s missing.” He spun to walk from the room.

  She stepped out of his way. “Maybe she escaped when the men broke in.”

  “And left Liam inside? Not Meagan.”

  “Or she could have slipped out to call the police.”

  He walked into the bathroom across the hall. “They’d have been here long before now.” The destruction they were looking at didn’t happen in minutes. “She’s here somewhere. She’d never abandon Liam to save—”

  Colton cut off his own thought. Had he just heard a thud? His gaze snapped to his neighbor. She’d obviously heard it, too.

  He jogged down the hall toward the master bedroom. When he called Meagan’s name again, the thuds grew louder, more insistent. As he entered the room, there was another thud, and the door on the large walk-in closet jumped. He shifted Liam to one hip and swung it back on the hinges.

  Meagan lay curled on the floor, hands tied behind her back, ankles bound. Tape covered her mouth. An angry bruise was already forming on her left cheek. When her fear-filled eyes met his, they welled with tears.

  Colton tried to pry his son loose, but Liam released a wail that built into a scream of pure terror.

  “Here, let me.” Jasmine pushed Colton aside and dropped to her knees. “This is going to hurt.”

  When she ripped the tape from the girl’s face, Meagan winced. “I tried to protect him.” The tears flowed in earnest now.

  “He’s fine.” Jasmine looked at Colton. “Get me something to cut the rope.”

  He pulled a pocketknife from the drawer in his bedside stand. Jasmine had stepped in and taken charge. With a terrified child and a babysitter on the verge of hysteria, he was thankful for the help.

  “Why did you come?”

  “You.” Without looking up, she continued sawing through the ropes binding Meagan’s ankles. “When Cade was leaving, you started acting weird, like you were worried about something. I figured I’d stay outside and watch you.”

  Colton shook his head. He’d just met the woman. How could she identify weird when she had nothing to base normal on? Had to be women’s intuition. After seven years of marriage, he still didn’t understand it.

  “When you left your front door wide-open, I knew something was up.” The last rope gave way. Jasmine helped a sobbing Meagan to her feet and led her to the bed. “It’s okay. You’re safe now.”

  Colton sat next to his babysitter, Liam in his lap. “What happened?”

  “Liam and I were sitting on the floor playing with his Legos when I heard glass shatter.” She drew in a shuddering breath, struggling to pull herself together. “I jumped up to get my phone. I’d left it on the coffee table in the living room.”

  She swiped at her tears. “I got halfway back to the bedroom when someone tackled me from behind. He was straddling me, flipped me over and punched me in the head. Everything went black. I just woke up a few minutes ago.”

  She sque
ezed her eyes shut. Today’s events would likely trigger some terrifying nightmares.

  He put a hand on her shoulder. “Do you know who attacked you?”

  “He was wearing a ski mask.” The tears started anew. “All I could think about was Liam.” She stroked his back. “Is he all right?”

  “Just frightened.”

  Colton had no idea what his son had witnessed and probably wouldn’t anytime soon. Liam had stopped speaking shortly after his mother died.

  “Uh, Colton?”

  Something in Jasmine’s tone sent fingers of dread crawling down his spine. He followed her gaze toward the door.

  His mahogany dresser occupied a sizable section of the wall to the right of it, the massive mirror framed by curved shelves on either side. Letters were scrawled across the glass in his dead wife’s lipstick.

  His foundation shifted, and the room seemed to tilt sideways as the message dived deep into his heart.

  “The sins of the fathers...”

  From the time he was adopted at age fifteen, he’d attended church. He knew his Bible. The next words went something like “...are visited on the children to the third and fourth generation.” Whoever wrote the phrase was taking the verse out of context, but the intended meaning was clear.

  Colton tightened his hold on Liam and buried his face in the boy’s hair, soft and silky like his mother’s had been. Determination surged through him. No one was going to get to his son ever again. He’d see to it.

  Sirens wailed outside, growing in volume. Soon the police would be there. He’d give his report. And he’d insist that Meagan go to the hospital.

  Then he’d find a bodyguard. Someone big and tough and mean.

  The fence encircling the yard, with its electronic gate, the rottweiler prowling the property, the alarm when they were asleep. It wasn’t enough. What had previously been empty threats had just taken on flesh and blood.

  He’d do whatever he must to ensure Liam’s safety. Even if it meant paying for around-the-clock protection.

  Or leaving Atlanta and starting over somewhere else. Maybe both.

  Yes, definitely both.

  * * *

  Jasmine strode down the hall of Burch Security Specialists, her gait heavier than normal. She still had another week blocked off, which would have given her enough time to finish the interior painting before the scheduled carpet installation began. So much for plans. Less than an hour ago, she’d gotten a call from her boss and former commander—she needed to show up pronto for a new assignment.

  Gunn didn’t tell her what the assignment was, but something in his tone warned her. She was about to meet another idiot who had his doubts about whether a woman could handle the job. After doing two tours with her in Afghanistan, Gunn didn’t have any of those reservations.

  She stopped at the end of the hall. A plaque was affixed next to a closed door—Gunter Burch, Owner in engraved black letters. At her two soft raps, Gunn’s voice boomed a command to enter.

  A man sat facing Gunn’s desk, his back to her. He was wearing a suit, sandy-blond hair brushing the jacket’s collar.

  “Colton Gale, Jasmine McNeal.” Gunn indicated her with a tilt of his head.

  Her jaw slackened when Gunn gave the visitor’s name. “We’ve met.” They spoke the words simultaneously.

  “It’s good to see you again.” Colton stood and extended his hand, pinning her with his blue gaze.

  Yesterday, his eyes had held panic, desperation, protectiveness. Now a sadness she hadn’t noticed swam in their depths. When he smiled, there was a tightness to it, as if it had been so long since he’d given the gesture a try it no longer came naturally. He and Cade were identical twins, but they wore their personality differences on their faces.

  Jasmine accepted the handshake, her grip firm and confident. Colton probably had her five feet two inches beat by a solid foot. The one-inch heel on her boots didn’t make any appreciable difference. He still towered over her.

  He wasn’t in bad shape, either, especially for a business type. His jacket hung open. Beneath the dress shirt and narrow tie, the guy was obviously fit. Of course, she’d suspected that yesterday, too.

  Colton released her hand. “I take it you work here?”

  “For the past three years.” They hadn’t exchanged personal details yesterday. He’d helped her carry in a bucket of paint, then left. At his place, they’d been occupied with more important things.

  “What do you do for the company?”

  Great. He probably thought she did clerical work. Gunn did that on purpose—referred to her by her nickname when talking to potentially difficult clients and introduced her by her legal name in person.

  She straightened the zippered black jacket she wore and lifted her chin. “Bodyguard. Former MP.”

  He cocked a brow for a half second before understanding flooded his eyes. “Jaz. Jasmine.” His jaw tightened, and his gaze went to Gunn. “This isn’t what I had in mind.”

  Jasmine bristled. “I’m sure he told you my qualifications.”

  Those blue eyes turned to her again. But the sadness she’d seen was buried under layers of determination. “He did. But I’d assumed Jaz was a man.”

  Heat built in her chest and spread. “You felt those qualifications were impressive until you found out they belonged to a woman.”

  “I know this sounds sexist. I don’t mean it that way.” He heaved a sigh. “You know what I came home to yesterday. No offense, but I’m looking for someone a little more...intimidating.”

  Yeah, someone like her coworker Dom. But Gunn knew what he was doing. Other than the fact that the former sniper was assigned elsewhere, he was built like a linebacker and unintentionally terrified small children.

  She drew in a calming breath. Colton was trying to protect his little boy. The reminder was like water splashed on a fire. Enough to slow it down but a long way from dousing it completely.

  He continued before she had a chance to respond. “I’m an assistant district attorney, and I’ve put away some really bad dudes. One has decided to go after my son.” He crossed his arms. “I’m sure you’re good at what you do, but I need somebody big and mean.”

  He stared down at her, exuding an unmistakable sense of power. In the courtroom, he was probably a force to be reckoned with.

  But when it came to protection, so was she. “A thirty-eight stops a man cold, regardless of the size of the hand holding it.”

  “What if someone sneaks up behind you?”

  “They’d better hit me with a tranquilizer dart first.”

  “That’s exactly what they did to my dog.”

  Oh. “You’re assuming they could get close enough. Not gonna happen.”

  He dropped his arms to his sides. His gaze swept downward to her feet and back up again. Something changed. His eyes held a momentary flash of indecision, then coldness.

  She stepped back with her right foot, weight distributed equally between both legs, knees slightly bent. She didn’t get where she was by not being able to read people. Unless she’d completely lost her touch, Colton Gale was preparing to administer a test.

  One she was determined to pass.

  He lunged toward her, arms swinging upward to capture her. She didn’t give him the opportunity to complete the maneuver. In one smooth motion, she grasped his arm, twisted, crouched and thrust one hip into his legs. Using his own weight and momentum against him, she jerked him forward as she straightened.

  He sailed over her, did a flip and landed hard on his back, the plush carpet muffling the thud. Before he could recover, she rolled him over, dropped to one knee and wrenched his right arm behind his back.

  He slapped the floor like a wrestler conceding a match. “Okay.” His voice sounded strained. “Point taken.”

  She held him a moment longer before releasing him, then rose and wa
tched him get to his feet. “So, tell me about my assignment.” The words were for Gunn, but she kept her gaze locked on her tall neighbor.

  “You’re going to live at their home. While Mr. Gale is there, you’ll be responsible for protecting both of them.”

  Colton settled himself in the chair where he’d been when she first entered. “But Liam will be your first responsibility.”


  She tamped down her annoyance and sank into the chair next to him. Dom likely never had potential clients doubt his competence. The other three Burch Security people probably didn’t, either. Though not as large as Dom, they were all men.

  Colton continued. “Tomorrow morning, we’re heading to Murphy, North Carolina, two hours north. We moved from there a year ago.” He heaved a tension-filled sigh. “Probably should have never left.”

  The last words were soft, like a private thought that spilled out without him realizing it. Life had apparently not gone the way he’d hoped. Of course, that was typical for those who walked through Burch Security’s door. People didn’t need a bodyguard when everything was sunshine and roses.

  “Where is Liam now?”

  “With Cade.”

  Colton’s brother rather than his wife. Maybe he was a single parent.

  She frowned. She wasn’t good with kids, particularly ones that young. At least, that was what she assumed. In actuality, she’d managed to avoid them. With the exception of a sixteen-year-old amateur model who’d picked up a stalker, all her assignments had involved adults.

  “When do I start?”

  “Tonight.” Gunn tapped a pen on his desk. “I’ll fill you in on what you need to know. Then you can get your personal belongings together. Corine will be in touch with you after she checks out the leads Mr. Gale gave us.”

  She nodded. Corine had worked for Burch Security since a month after Gunn opened shop, and she was a whiz on the computer. If there was information available, she’d find it.


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