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Her Promised Dom (Dominant Men Book 3)

Page 13

by Isabella Kole

  "Dale, it's good to see you, as always. Take good care of my big sis, this weekend."

  "Oh, you needn't worry about that, Cassie." He looked at Cora and grinned seductively.

  As Cassie drove away, he remarked, "Marriage and motherhood definitely agree with her. She's beautiful these days. She looks more like you than ever."

  "Yes, now that she has let her hair grow longer, she does look more like me. She's very happy. Clay is wonderful. They have an adorable little girl and a great house. She's got it all."

  "That surprises me to hear you say that, Cora."

  "Why do you say that?"

  "I got the impression that those things didn't mean so much to you anymore."

  "Everyone has a different definition of happy, Dale. For Cassie, it's the life that she has. For many years, for me, it's been the life I have. But there was a time when I wanted everything that my sister has now."

  "And now, Cora, what do you want now?" he inquired as he took her hand and began to walk.

  She looked down and remained quiet for several minutes. Carefully choosing her words, she answered his question, "I'm not really sure anymore, Dale."

  Smiling down at her, he said, "That's an interesting answer."

  "Where are you taking me for lunch? I'm starved," she asked, changing the subject.

  "So am I," he replied, looking at her in a way that suggested he might not be talking about food.

  Slightly flustered by the look in his eye, she spied a small café and said, "Let's duck in here for a bite, and after that, maybe you can take me on that gondola ride you promised me."

  "I guess I did promise you that, didn't I? I'm surprised you remember that," he answered, looking at her oddly.

  "Why did you think I wouldn't remember?" she asked, confused.

  He didn't answer as he placed a possessive hand on her back, guiding her to a table. After they'd ordered pizza and beer for lunch, he reached across the table and took her hand. "It's really good to see you again."

  Smiling sweetly across the table, she agreed, "Yes, I am glad to see you again, as well, Dale."

  "Tell me about the book show. What was it like?"

  "It was hectic, to say the least. I was promoting our newest releases and meeting with new authors who pitched their stories to me. I met with other editors and with some agents whom I've met over the years. And I signed three new book deals."

  "Sounds like you were pretty busy. Maybe another massage is in order, only this time, a real one."

  "That sounds quite nice, are you volunteering?" she teased as she slipped off one of her shoes and ran her foot up the leg of his jeans.

  His eyes widened. Regaining his composure after the shock of her boldness, he grinned and winked. "Keep that up, baby, and you'll get a ride all right, but it won't be a gondola ride."

  "Don't make promises you don't intend to keep, Mr. Barton," she quipped.

  Looking at her oddly again, he replied in a low voice, "I'd never do that, Miss Watson."

  She had purposely worked the word “promise” nonchalantly into the conversation a few times in order to gage his reaction. He wasn't giving anything away. She was no closer to knowing if he remembered the long ago promise he'd made to her or not.

  "So, tell me, Dale, how is the new place coming along?" she asked as she removed her foot from his leg and put in back into her shoe.

  "Slowly. Of course, I'm doing extensive renovations, so I knew it wouldn't be quick."

  "Did you buy a house instead of another condo?"

  "Yes, I did. There's a difference between living in Fredericksburg and living in Austin. I thought it best to buy a house this time around."

  "I loved your Austin condo so much. It was just perfect."

  "I know you liked it," he replied softly, taking a long drink of his beer.

  "And how is work?"

  "I'm settling in, getting my clientele built. I've finally finished the last case with the Austin firm, so I am completely Barton and Barton now."

  "Oh, your dad changed the name of his firm?"

  "Yes, even though he will eventually retire, we decided to let everyone know we're a team."

  "He must be so proud of you."

  "I'm sure your folks are proud of you, too, CB."

  "I think they are, but you know there have been difficulties over the years between my mother and me. I believe that's finally behind us."

  "She only wanted what she thought was best for you at the time."

  "I realize that. I've always known that, but she still has a way of trying to run my life, at times."

  "I think all parents do that. You'll probably do it with your own children, someday."

  "If I ever have any kids of my own," she replied quietly.

  "I believe you will," he told her confidently.

  But only with you, Dale, only with you, she thought as she finished her pizza.

  "Are you ready for that gondola ride?" he asked as they stood up to leave.

  "Lead the way. Like I said, you're in charge of the festivities today."

  "You're going to get that sweet little ass of yours in trouble yet, baby," he whispered as he took her arm and led her out of the café.

  They discovered that there was a wait for the ride, so they sat on a bench until their turn. They watched as other couples strolled along the walkway and talked easily, about first one thing and then another. There didn't seem to be a lack of interesting tidbits to share with each other. The time passed quickly, and it was finally time for their ride. He helped her into the boat, and as they got comfortable, he took her hand in his and held it. The ride was relaxing and enjoyable for Cora, although she couldn't decide if it was the ride or the nearness of Dale that made it so.

  When it was over, they walked the entire length of the Riverwalk, stopping in some of the shops along the way. She purchased gifts for Audrey, Kayla, and Camille, to take back to New York with her, and as it began to get dark, she shivered.

  "Maybe we should get back to the hotel and get checked in. It's getting chilly out here."

  "What about the piano bar?" she asked. "I thought you wanted to go there."

  "How about we get inside where it's warm and order some room service for dinner tonight, and take in the piano bar tomorrow night?"

  "That sounds really good to me. It is really starting to get cooler out here."

  He put his arm around her and pulled her close as they walked back to the hotel. He opened the trunk, and she pointed to the smaller of her two bags. "Just that one; I packed it with the things I'd need for this weekend. I don't need to take everything in."

  He lifted both of their bags out and carried them into the lobby, where he quickly checked in. Leading her by the hand, he took her to the elevator, smiling at her as they rode to the fifth floor of the hotel. He searched for their suite, and when he'd found it, he inserted the key card into the lock. Once inside, he set the bags down and pulled her to him, drawing her into a kiss that quickened her pulses and caused her heart to pound. The heat inside her belly began to spread to her limbs as she clung to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  When he finally released her, he told her thickly, "I've been waiting since one o'clock this afternoon to do that."

  "What was stopping you?" she asked breathlessly.

  He grinned before telling her in a husky voice, "Because I knew what would happen next, and I don't think they allow that sort of thing on the Riverwalk."

  "What happens next?" she asked, teasing him with her eyes.

  "This," was his only response as he scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

  Chapter 9

  They sat on the huge king-sized bed, eating the chicken he'd ordered for their dinner. As she took a sip of wine, she looked over at him and smiled. "This is wonderful. I like it so much better than being out someplace."

  "You do? That surprises me. I figured, with living in the Big Apple, going out on the town was your thing these days," he re
marked as he wiped his mouth with his napkin.

  "I'm not the big city sophisticate that you make me out to be. I enjoy simple things, Dale. I guess I'll always be a small-town girl at heart."

  He looked at her oddly before replying, "Is that because you have to travel so much with your job? When you're at home, you enjoy staying in?"

  "I don't travel all the time. And sometimes, when I'm home, I go out. But for the most part, I'm finding that the older I get, the more I enjoy the simpler things in life. I've lived in the fast lane, and I guess I've outgrown it."

  He smiled as he took her plate and placed it on the tray with his. Setting the tray on the floor, he leaned back against the pillows and said, "I guess I'm starting to get to that point too. Since I've moved back to Fredericksburg, I don't lead the glamorous social life so much either."

  Surprised at that statement, she asked, "You don't go to Austin on the weekends?"

  "No, not really. My social calendar consists of dinners with clients and occasional racquetball or dinner with Bruce. We plan to start golfing soon."

  "I didn't know you golfed."

  "I took it up a few years ago in Austin. Some of the other attorneys I worked with and I started playing on a league."

  "Do you ever run into Tori or Jonathan?"

  "Jonathan plays racquetball at the same club, so I've seen him a few times. I haven't run into Tori. Do you talk to her much?"

  "Occasionally. She's trying to work out a time to come visit me in New York, but so far that hasn't happened."

  "Are she and Jonathan getting married?"

  She looked at him before answering, "I assume, at some point, they will. They've been together for about five years."

  "The next time you come home, the six of us should get together again. Bruce and Sara's wedding will be coming up. I'm the best man, you know."

  "I remember that now that you say it. When is that wedding again?"

  "Not until Christmas," he answered as he picked up the remote and began flipping through the channels.

  "I'm not sure when I'll make it home again. Perhaps I can come for their wedding. I'd love to see you in a tux. It's been a long time."

  "Yes, it has been a very long time," he answered slowly, almost as if he were remembering the time years ago when he dressed in a tux to escort her to their senior prom.

  He found a channel that played love songs on the television and hit the select button. Reaching for her, he began to unbutton the blue shirt that he'd worn earlier. Only now, it was covering her luscious body.

  "You like to wear my shirts, don't you, baby?" he asked as he unbuttoned the last button and peeled the shirt off her shoulders.

  "You don't like for me to wear them?" she asked breathlessly as she anticipated his next move.

  "Oh, I didn't say that. You look deliciously sexy in my shirts, but right now, all I can think about is getting you naked again."

  She ran her tongue slowly over her lower lip, teasing him. He grinned at her before leaning down to claim the same lip, teasing it with his own before devouring her entire mouth in a scorching kiss. His hand found her left breast, and as his tongue invaded her soft, warm mouth with probing curiosity, his hand burned her skin, rekindling the fire that flamed so easily between them.

  His hand moved down to her backside, and he pulled her on top of him and began caressing her soft, smooth skin. She reached up and placed her hands in the mop of dark hair on his head and moaned as he found her most sensitive spot. He continued to tease her with his finger until she was almost over the edge. Abruptly, he rolled her over onto her back and kissed her neck, moving down to her breasts, her belly, and finally to the spot his finger had vacated seconds before.

  "Dale…" she moaned.

  "Yes?" he murmured as he looked up at her.

  "Dale, I need you so much," she whispered as he raised himself back up and met her amethyst gray eyes with his brown ones. Hers were now molten dark purple pools of desire, and his heart soared knowing that he could ignite a flame within her that burned so hot for him.

  "Cora Beth, only with you," he said in a low, husky voice just before they surrendered to each other completely.

  Together, they were as one, all the obstacles standing between them be damned. He was hers, and she was his, for those brief, intense moments as they climbed the mountain of desire together. The passion and white-hot heat between them soared, and as the sweet love songs played in the background, they reached the top of the mountain in unison, crying out as they began the descent downward, spiraling out of control.

  Lying quietly tangled together, neither spoke for several minutes. Finally, he looked into her eyes and said, "You're the only one who's ever made me feel this way, Cora Beth." Plain, vanilla sex, and it had been better with her than any D/s encounters he'd ever had. He didn't add that, only thought it to himself.

  As a single tear rolled down her cheek, she answered softly, "It's always been you, Dale."

  Gently, he wiped the tear and pulled her close. He kissed the top of her head, and they slept that way the rest of the night, with the soft music still playing in the background, wrapped in each other's arms as only lovers do.

  Early the next morning, she woke, still in arms. He was awake, watching her. When he saw her eyes pop open, he smiled at her. "Did you sleep well?"

  "Yes, I did, how about you?"

  "Oh, yes. I could get used to waking up with you, you know," he answered as he caressed her cheek.

  Her eyes widened in surprise. Did he just say what I think he said? She didn't get a chance to ask him to repeat it because he kissed her.

  When he released her, he started to get up.

  "Where are you going?" she asked, not wanting him to leave her or the warm bed just yet.

  "Coffee," he replied as he walked over to his duffel bag and took out a packet of gourmet coffee.

  "You brought coffee?"

  "White caramel chocolate, just for you." He grinned as he went to the coffeemaker in the kitchenette of the suite and made a pot of the flavored brew.

  He walked back to the bed. "Do you know what a beauty you've become?"

  She blushed. "No, but if I am, it's because you put a glow in my cheeks last night."

  "Ah, yes, that glow they say women get after an orgasm. If that's the case, your face should be beet red. You were pretty hot last night, CB."

  Blushing profusely again, she replied, "Dale, you are just downright ornery."

  "I'm an ornery Texas boy, through and through. And if memory serves me correctly, you always did like Texas boys."

  "Only one Texas boy; you are the only Texas boy I ever went out with."

  "I stand corrected, then. You're the only New York gal I ever went out with."

  "But I'm not a true New Yorker. I'm a Texas girl."

  "You certainly are. I'm glad you haven't forgotten that."

  He turned to get the coffee, returning with two steaming mugs. Handing one to her, he sat down on the bed next to her. "What would you like to do today?"

  He's only mine for the weekend, so why not make the most of it? She looked at him and stated honestly, "Stay in bed."

  He nearly choked on the sip of coffee he'd just taken. "Ah, baby, you're my kind of girl," he replied, once he'd recovered from his shock.

  "Am I? I mean, you have so many."

  "Do you really think that?"

  "You said it yourself, that night at the bar. And the subs at the club—"

  He interrupted her with, "I did say that. That was when I lived in Austin. A lot has changed since that night, Cora Beth."

  "Oh, really?" she asked, curious as to just how much had changed.

  "Let me put this dinner tray outside the door and get the newspaper, then we can decide on breakfast," he said as she got the feeling he was changing the subject.

  He set down his mug and reached down to pick up the tray from the night before. Walking to the door, he opened it, set it in the hallway, and picked up the newspaper lying there.<
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  "Now, do you really want to stay in all day?"

  "I'm feeling kind of lazy, and I believe you promised me a real massage. I don't seem to recall getting that last night."

  Treating her to a devilish grin, he said, "So you're going to hold me to that promise?"

  "Yes, I am. After all, you promised."

  "I guess I did. Are we still on for the piano bar tonight?"

  "If you give me my massage, then you can have your piano bar."

  "It's a deal, but first, how about some breakfast? I feel like pancakes."

  "Do they have blueberry pancakes?" she asked as she reached for the room service menu.

  "You still eat blueberry pancakes after all these years?"

  Looking at him in awe, she replied, "Yes, I do. I can't believe you remember that."

  "I remember more than you think, CB," he said softly.

  But how much do you remember, Dale? All I want is for you to remember that one important promise you made to me, all those years ago.

  She busied herself perusing the menu then. "Oh, they do have them. That's what I want."

  "You're so easily pleased." He chuckled as he picked up the phone to order their food.

  But the one thing that would please me the most you're not willing to give me, Dale.

  He shared the newspaper with her after he'd refilled their coffee mugs, and they settled back to read, in what could only be described as yet another domestic scene between the two.

  When their pancakes and juice arrived, they sat at the table in the kitchenette to eat. She had put his blue shirt back on and he was bare-chested, wearing only his jeans from the day before.

  They carried on a platonic, normal conversation while they ate, and when they had finished, he carried the tray to the hallway again.

  Standing up and stretching, she smiled and said, "I'm going to take a shower—alone."


  "Yes, and then I want my massage."

  "So, yesterday was my day to be in charge, and today is yours, is that the game we're playing?"

  "I sort of like this game we're playing, don't you?"

  "Is that what it is to you, just a game?"

  "What do you mean, Dale?" she asked, not sure if he was teasing or serious.


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