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Whom Shall I Kiss... an Earl, a Marquess, or a Duke?

Page 9

by Laura A. Barnes

  “Give Belle my love.”

  Wilde raised his hand as he acknowledged Sheffield’s sly remark. Let him believe he still frequented Belle’s establishment. What could it hurt? As he paused outside the club, he waved away an offer for a ride with a group of young gentlemen who left the club. They were on their way to a card game, and he declined their offer, to their groans of disappointment. While any other night he would have led the charge to one indiscretion after another, tonight his heart was not in it. He walked for a spell, his thoughts leading his steps to an unknown destination. Before long, he stopped and leaned against the street post, the glow of the lantern lost in the fog, keeping him in the shadows. He stood outside the home of the lady who consumed his thoughts.

  Chapter Seven

  Darkness cloaked the Hartridges’ townhome. When he left his club, the clock had chimed ten o’clock. They either retired to bed early, or he had walked longer than he thought. Wilde wondered which bedroom hers was. He imagined her to have a room that faced the garden, where she could admire the beautiful flowers as they bloomed. He moved quietly toward the fence on the side of their townhome. When he opened the gate, he waited for a screech that never came. Wilde smiled at his luck as he continued to the back of the house. As he stood in the middle of the garden, he noticed the soft light appearing in the window next to the trellis. It had to be her room. Should he? Why not? Was that not what he was known for?

  Wilde shook off his coat and suit jacket, laying them across the bench he sat on earlier in the day. The same spot where he tempted her to eat the sweet candy. Where he gazed as her eyes turned dark with desire. He rattled the trellis to judge the sturdiness of his climbing apparatus. Satisfied it was secured to the house, he began his climb. When he reached her window, he peered in through the curtain to find her at her desk. The cool night air blew through the slightly cracked window.

  Her head was bent as she swiftly wrote across a piece of paper. She reached the bottom of the page, where she flipped the parchment over and started on another. Her pen dipped into the ink as she continued on. Wilde’s curiosity drew him to know what captivated her attention so thoroughly. She was a mystery he wanted to solve. A smile spread across his face as she slid the butterscotch candy between her lips. With every dip of her pen into the ink, she treated herself to a bite of candy. Each morsel she savored, she closed her eyes for a brief second in pleasure. Suddenly, she set down her pen and lifted the sheets of vellum to read her work. As she glanced over her notes, she licked the candy off her fingers. When she slid her finger in her mouth and slowly sucked on her fingers, Wilde moved his body forward, entranced with the sight, and lost his foothold on the lattice. His foot slipped on the wet rung, and his body scrambled to hold on. To make matters worse, the gentle rain turned into a downpour, which caused him to loosen his grip. He realized if he didn’t reach the window ledge, he would fall off the trellis and land in a painful mess in the garden. With such a racket, he would surely awaken Lord Hartridge and create a scandal for their family. A scandal that would earn him a bride he didn’t wish for at this moment. Then why did he climb a trellis and attempt to climb into her room? It was a question he could not answer, nor did he want to.

  Wilde regained his hold on the trellis, with one arm he reached for the window ledge and swung his body onto the wide landing. After he recovered his balance, he lowered his body and lifted the window higher. He slid inside and landed in a heap on her carpeted floor. It was a soft landing for him, and dry too. He closed his eyes and sighed at his relief to be inside, instead of outside in the pouring rain.

  Sidney gasped as her window rose and the wind blew the curtains off the ground. She was even more surprised when a man rolled through the window and fell onto her floor. She pushed her chair back and rushed over to stand above the intruder. Sidney held the fire poker above her head, ready to attack. As she gazed at the man lying on her floor, her surprise soon turned to disbelief. Noah Wildeburg lay on her floor with his arms spread wide and a look of contentment upon his face. She lowered the fire poker, propped it against her bed, and lowered her fist onto her hips. She glared at him as she waited for him to open his eyes.

  Wilde knew she stood above him, probably in a huff for his intrusion on her domain. His grin grew as he imagined her in a fury. He slit his eyes open, just wide enough to view her, but his gaze became distracted by the sheer white nightgown illuminated by the fire behind her. His smile disappeared, replaced by an inner moan. She was stunning as her long legs and high breasts graced his eyes. He desired to take in her full beauty but knew she would cover herself when she became aware of the direction of his vision. But his fingers had a mind of their own. Before he realized his actions, his hand reached to touch the softness of her skin. Wilde wrapped his hand around her ankle and slid his palm along her leg. He released a moan at the silkiness of her body.

  Sidney’s eyes grew wide at his bold touch. The flurry of sensations enveloping her body sent her thoughts into a mere blur. Her mind became incoherent as her leg tingled with the path his fingers journeyed. His moan invaded her senses, and her common sense took hold. She lifted the poker and tried to whack at his head to attract his notice. Only the curtain blew out and knocked her off balance. She dropped the poker, missing him by inches. Sidney became tangled in his arms.

  His arms tightened around her as he drew her flush to his body. When her hands rested on his chest, his warmth seared the wet garment. She raised her head to meet his eyes, which held the same confusion she felt. Sidney’s heartbeat quickened as the confusion disappeared into desire. Wilde’s head lifted off the floor as her head bent toward him, both of their bodies on their own accord but one with each other.

  Their lips met, slowly brushing across to meet again for more of a taste, each kiss gentle to the touch. His mouth opened as his tongue slid to coax her mouth open wider. As she obliged, he explored the sweetness of Sidney Hartridge. Wilde savored the candy she devoured and moaned into her mouth. When she responded to him, he became hungry for more. His kisses turned more passionate, showing her his desire. Soon she responded to the same level of his passion. It wasn’t enough, he wanted to sample more. He pulled her tighter to him as his kisses became a hunger only she could sate. His hands roamed over her sheer nightgown as he tugged it up her body, wanting to touch her silken skin. Wilde’s touch turned bolder than he intended.

  His lips drew her to him, and she became hypnotized by the desire in his eyes. Her inexperience with kissing went unnoticed to Wildeburg as he guided her along on the passion he inflamed. When his caresses changed to something more powerful than she ever imagined or read about, she floated lost in his spell. Each nip and stroke of his tongue created a powerful draw to him, one she no longer wished to deny herself. Soon she felt his hands stroke her body, and she softened against him, moaning into their kisses.

  A gust of wind and rain blew into the bedroom and awakened Sidney to her ruination. Rain pelted against the bare legs he uncovered. Sidney pulled away, and her knee dug into his stomach as she struggled out of his arms. Her own behavior stunned her. Wildeburg rolled around on the floor in agony as he grabbed at his stomach. Sidney took full notice of the marquess and how his wet clothes clung to him. He was a man who took care of himself, despite his late-night carousing. Muscles gripped his arms, and his stomach was flat. Sidney’s eyes wandered lower over his muscled thighs and lingered near one area. She wasn’t naïve about a man’s anatomy. The research she performed with her father educated her in this area. Wildeburg’s desire strained against the placket of his trousers. Even in pain, he still held an arousal. Sidney bit her bottom lip as she continued to admire him.

  Wilde should not be so aroused with the pain in his stomach. Nonetheless, he was. Any man would be if they stared at Sidney Hartridge before them in a wet nightdress, as she centered her eyesight on their cock. When her teeth tugged at her bottom lip and she continued to stare, he only grew harder. What made it worse was that she had no clue how her reaction
affected him. A complete innocent. Who be it for him to not allow a lady a glance? If she were to stare, then so would he until she realized she stood before him in a wet nightgown.

  The wet garment showed him more than before, every curve outlined to detail. Her breasts were full, and her nipples were pressed tight against the fabric. Their rosy tips begged for him to rise and take them between his lips. Wilde shut his eyes as he groaned loudly at the image before him.

  His groan was loud enough to wake her parents if they were not such sound sleepers, stopped her bold examination. She stepped over his body when she moved to shut the window. As she turned toward him to reprimand his rude behavior, she discovered his eyes fastened on her nightgown. When she bent her head, she realized why. With her gown plastered to her body, she displayed herself to him as if she were naked. She rushed to the screen and yanked on her dressing gown. Sidney stormed back to him and held out her hand as she pointed at the window.

  “Out. Get out. Right this instance. Have you no shame?”

  Wilde laughed as he came to his feet; shame was his middle name. He ignored her anger and roamed around her room. He picked up her knickknacks and then set them back down again. As he approached her desk, she swiftly followed him, scooped up her papers, and slid them into a drawer. Obviously, they were not something she wanted anybody to read. He fingered the ribbon wrapped around the candy and turned to her.

  “I notice you are enjoying my treat.”

  “Nonsense. I gave them to my maid.”

  “Mmm, I could have sworn I tasted them on your lips. Lips that are most delicious tasting all on their own.”

  “Leave this instance before I scream. You, sir, are a scoundrel of the highest order.”

  “And you, my dear, are a piece of candy I am newly addicted to.”

  “Do you not realize the consequences of your actions? I will not be forced to wed you.”

  Wilde reached to touch a curl, clinging to her neck. “No act between us will be performed under force, my sweet,” he whispered.

  Sidney stood still at his words. Once again, she drowned in the essence of Wildeburg. His touch and voice lured her to him. She took a hesitant step toward him, then stopped as she tried to pull away from the attraction. He lowered his hand and walked to the window. When he raised the glass to leave, she stopped him.


  He turned around and shrugged his shoulders. “An impulse,” he answered.

  He slipped out the window and climbed down the trellis. Sidney rushed to the opening and stared as he landed in the garden. Once he landed, Wildeburg strolled over to the bench to slide on his jacket and coat. When he turned around, he blew her a kiss. Sidney heard the soft whistle of a song as he sauntered from the garden.

  “An impulse?” she murmured as she touched her fingers to her lips.

  SIDNEY WIPED THE WATER off the bench with her handkerchief. The rain from the evening before created a drenched atmosphere in the park. She opened the paper sack she carried and tossed out the bread crumbs. Before long, the ducks waddled toward her for the special treat. A grin graced her face as two ducks fought over the food. When the bigger duck devoured the bread, the smaller duck wandered away. Taking pity on the small creature, she rose and headed toward the duck. When she approached the animal, she lowered herself to talk quietly, while offering the smaller duck the remainder of her bag. Sidney laughed as the small animal nibbled on the rest of her bread. Her laughter brought on the attention of the other ducks, who soon swarmed her, as they wanted more too. When a couple of ducks attacked her, she released a scream and swatted her arms to keep them at bay.

  Soon an arm swept her aside as an umbrella poked at the ducks. “Get, get.”

  Once the ducks scattered back to the pond, Sidney glanced at her rescuer. It was none other than Lord Wildeburg, the same gentleman who caused her a restless night sleep. Her emotions were on edge when she awoke, and she headed to the park to gather her thoughts. He was as handsome wearing an overcoat, dry as can be, as he was compared to the evening before when he was drenched wet in her bedchamber. The wind ruffled his hair at the ends, and the overcast sky didn’t impact the charming smile he bestowed upon her. Sidney felt frumpy next to him. She donned an old dress for her hasty excursion, and her hair was piled atop her head haphazardly, with stray strands tousled along her neck. Sidney didn’t think she would see anybody this morning. It was early yet, with not a soul in sight, except for him.

  “Did you come to any harm?”

  “No, My Lord, but then I was never in harm’s way.”

  Wilde laughed at her denial. She was a delight. Her refusal to admit to his aid only endured her to him more. As he took in her appearance, he noted the subtle changes to her clothes. She appeared before him comfortable and at home in her simple dress. Also, he found the thrown-together hairstyle attractive on her. She held the appearance of a lady who had just risen from bed. Her blue eyes held a sleepy look, likely from the result of a sleepless night. Did she dream of him? Lord knows he dreamed of her. He had lain in bed for countless hours thinking of their kiss. He finally rose after sleep eluded him. With Lady Sidney on his mind, he decided to visit the park near her home. His wishful thoughts led him to hope she would also be here. As luck would have it, she was.

  “No, of course you weren’t.”

  Sidney had no reply. She realized her attitude was defensive but could not help herself. She knew of no other way to handle her emotions around him. Sidney stared as he scrutinized her appearance. Instead of holding disgust with her form, his eyes took on the same dreamy gaze from the previous night when he kissed her. Sidney raised her hand and patted at her head as she tried to control her hair. It was useless. The strands loosened, and her hair tangled around her face.

  They stood facing each other while neither one of them said a word. Both of their breaths caught as her hair blew behind her. His because her hair was loose and flowing and hers because of the look his eyes held. His dreamy gaze soon turned into a heavy stare filled with a need that consumed her. She needed to speak, to break the moment, but could find no words to complete the action.

  Wilde took a step toward her, but when her eyes met his and confusion clouded her vision, he stopped himself. He pulled his hands behind his back to keep them from drawing her into his arms. He realized after his intrusion into her bedroom that he needed to court her properly. And if he enclosed her into his embrace while he ravished her mouth in the open park, it would not earn him a spot on her dance card.

  “Are you following me?”

  “In a slight way, I suppose I am.”

  “Slight way?”

  “Not deliberate, but hopeful.”

  “Hopeful? You, My Lord, make no sense. Are you following me or not?”

  “No, I did not follow you from your home. But I walked to the park, hoping you would be here. So, you could say my wishful thoughts drew my steps down the same path as yours.”

  “Is this part of your famous charm that you use to draw the ladies into your web?”

  “Is it working?” he asked as he waggled his eyebrows.

  Sidney couldn’t help herself and giggled. She had to hand it to him, his charm oozed from him so naturally. She now understood why the fallen maidens and widows held a fascination with him. His way with words confused them, yet captivated them enough to want to listen to more. Sidney fell hard for his charm.

  “I will never tell. A secret I shall keep close to my heart,” she flirted back.

  “A secret I must discover.”

  Sidney smiled over her shoulder at him as she wandered to the bench. She sat and stared at the pond, watching the ducks swim. She knew he would follow her, and she was not mistaken. He slid next to her, closer than properly allowed. His warmth enveloped her as he blocked the cool wind. When his hand drew her hair back, she didn’t stop him. She shouldn’t allow his touch, but she craved more. His fingers slid under her chin and turned her face toward his. She should pull away and leave the park
now. As she stayed close to him, she allowed him to tease her into ruination, which was foolish on her part. But her curiosity had always been her downfall.

  When she didn’t draw away, he slid his hand to cup her cheek and lowered his lips to hers. He softly brushed across them once, then twice. When she still didn’t resist, he coaxed her mouth open under his. He kissed her gently as he drew out each kiss slowly. Wilde savored the taste of her lips with his. When he heard her moan, he deepened the kiss.

  The sudden noise of a horse galloping along the path tore him out of her arms as he stood a respectable distance from her. The horse had yet to reach the clearing when he addressed her.

  “I will not apologize for my kiss, even though I should. I must leave before we are spotted together. Please inform me where I may find you this evening.”

  Confused by the loss of his lips and the intrusion that would soon be upon them, she answered him before she realized she shouldn’t. “The Steadhampton Musical.”

  “I promise I will see you then.” Wildeburg departed in the woods near the pond.

  Once again, he disappeared while he spoke the last word. Sidney held her fingers to her lips as she sat in awe of the gentle kiss he bestowed upon her. The caress was quite different from the previous night. Last night’s kiss promised a passionate desire, this one a gentle affection, as if he held as much doubt as she did if they should kiss. Today’s kiss wrapped her in a sense of security. An emotion Wildeburg would not usually evoke on a lady.

  Suddenly, the horse they had heard a few moments ago stopped. When she turned around, Sheffield lowered himself to the ground and rushed to her side. His groom followed behind them and controlled the horses.


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