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Page 8

by Sam Crescent

Next, he pushed down his pants and boxer briefs. Within a few seconds, he stood in the shower stall.

  He reached out and stroked some hair back from her face. His hands fell to her shoulders, and he spun her around so that her back was now to his chest.

  Liam didn’t make a move to touch her, and she didn’t stop him.

  This was so far beyond a fantasy. This wasn’t a fantasy. This was real life.

  Liam, her husband, was standing in the shower with her.

  “Is this because of Easton?” Liam asked. His lips were so close to her ear, it made it impossible for her to pretend not to hear.


  “Then what is it? I’ve never seen you like this.”

  “I don’t want to say.”

  “Tell me, Scarlett. You can tell me anything.”

  She sank against him, feeling his warmth once again surround her. “It’s you. It’s all you.”

  They were words she didn’t want to speak, and yet, saying them for him to hear, felt right. This was what she wanted with him. They slept in the same bed, kissed, hugged, and were a couple in most things. This had never happened though. Whenever she was aroused, she’d always taken care of it herself.

  This was different. This arousal came from something else.


  He’d made her wet and hot, and desperate.

  He kissed her neck. He’d done it many times in the past. Only this time, it was so much more. His lips grazed her earlobe, and his teeth scored the flesh of her neck, making her gasp.

  This was more than she could have imagined. So much more. His hands didn’t move from her shoulders. He held her tightly against him.

  “Please, Liam.”

  “All in good time. Pleasure is not to be rushed. It’s to be explored, to be given time to really develop before you explode.”

  He pulled her hair down one shoulder, and the tips of his fingers grazed down her body, stroking over the buds of her nipples.

  She gasped.

  “I love that I did this to you.” He cupped her tits, pressing them together. She pressed her thighs together. He bit down harder on her neck, and she cried out, the intense pleasure shocking her with the force of it.

  Liam let go of her tits, and his hand ran down her stomach.

  “Do I make you nervous?” he asked.

  “No. I’ve never felt anything like this.”

  “No desire?”


  “Then I’m glad it’s me that’s done this.” He pressed against her ass. The hard ridge of his cock was evidence of his excitement to be in this situation with her. Would this ruin everything between them, or would it only enhance what they had?

  “I don’t want to ruin us.”

  “We’re better than what we want, Scarlett. I love you. It’s never going to change. It doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy each other, and I don’t want to see you suffer. You have a right to pleasure like everyone else.”

  He cupped her pussy, one finger sliding between her slit, stroking over her clit, before gliding down to thrust inside her, and she cried out his name. It was just a single digit, and yet, it was everything and so much more. She’d not had physical sex in so long.

  The last person had been her abusive ex.

  She had never told Liam how far it went, and she didn’t want to. Those were bad memories.

  Liam was not that guy. She wasn’t afraid of him, and her body was on fire.

  He added a second finger, thrusting them in and out, before drawing his fingers up to her clit, to tease across her nub. His other arm held her up, keeping her stable as he worked her pussy. Her legs felt like jelly as he touched and played with her. His lips never stopping as he kissed at her neck.

  “You’re so beautiful, you know that? I’ve always imagined what it would be like for us to have this. For us to be together.”


  “You’re a woman I want, Scarlett. You’re a great person, the best mother, and I love spending time with you.”

  “You’ve never said anything.”

  “I will never spoil what we have. It means more to me than sex.”

  He added a third finger. At the same time, he pressed her up against the wall, and she put her hands to steady her, the cold tile making her gasp as her flesh hit it. Liam tilted her hips. He didn’t stop playing with her pussy, but he began to play with her body, cupping and squeezing her tits, stroking down her back. His hard cock rested against her ass.

  She wasn’t afraid. She wanted him to plunge inside her, to take the next step and make her his.

  The ring seemed to taunt her. She was Liam’s in all things but this. They had never done anything like this.

  With his fingers inside her, he used his thumb to tease across her clit, and she just couldn’t take it anymore.

  She came hard, crying out his name. The sound echoed around the bathroom, flooding her senses with need.

  Liam’s lips were on her back, traveling up her neck.

  “I love the sound of your orgasm, but now, I want to hear you scream louder.” He picked her up and carried her into their bedroom.

  He dropped her on the bed, spreading her legs open, and before she had time to come down from the first arousal, his lips were on her again, drawing a second orgasm from her. She didn’t think they could ever come back from this.

  She knew what her relationship had been missing with Liam, and now, she also knew she’d never be enough for him.

  With Easton suddenly back, her feelings were all messed up. Even as he’d caused her so much pain in the past, she knew she still had feelings for him. Glancing over at Liam, she had to wonder, would he ever be enough for her?


  After a night of giving his wife scream-worthy orgasms, he knew it would be too much for her to see him, so he’d left their bed early.

  Junior was already up and ready for school. Rather than have a driver take him, he grabbed one of his cars, and drove him to school, promising to be by to pick him up. Before leaving, he’d left Scarlett a note saying to call him when she woke.

  They would need to talk, but for now, he had other plans.

  With Junior safe in school, there was only one place he wanted to go. Putting his foot to the gas, he drove toward the city. He didn’t live too far from the city, an hour’s drive tops. He wanted to be available for his own company but still be a recluse. His home was set back into the country, and he loved it. The privacy it offered was incredible. There was no reason to ever leave his property.

  For the most part, Liam’s life was modest. He stayed grounded, and never in all of his years, had he ever felt … the need to believe he was special or that he was worth more. Of course, he’d encountered this kind of attitude but rarely indulged in it. He never did business with this kind of personality either.

  To him, who had known true danger and the hardest work, there was no such thing as a sense of entitlement. Far from it in fact.

  Arriving at the Four Kings Empire, he parked his car in the opposite parking lot. Entering the Four Kings Empire, he was impressed. He knew how the company was founded, and how there were once five main people, only for one of them to be cast out. He had no idea the reasoning for it, just that it had happened.

  The building was alive with activity. It was an incredible atmosphere to be part of.

  He went straight to the reception desk and offered the sweet redhead a smile. She had this forced smile on her lips as if she’d rather be anywhere else but working.

  “How may I help you?” she asked.

  “I’m here to speak with Easton Long.”

  “Do you have an appointment?”

  “No. He’ll want to see me.”

  “I’m sure he would, sir, but I’m afraid unless you have an appointment. No one sees one of the Kings unless they have authorized it.”

  “Penny, do you have any idea who you’re talking to?”

  Liam turned to see a man with dark hair and blue eyes. Karson Cross. Whe
n Scarlett had told him who Junior’s father was, and who he was associated with, he’d made it his business to find out everything.

  This man was the main soldier of the group. He was more than happy to do the dirty work. The man had ink on his neck, that was hinted at just beneath the collar, and he had an air of danger around him.

  “This is none other than Liam Knight. He’s the stepfather to Easton’s son. Believe me, Easton will want to see him.”

  Liam kept his smile in place. “What he said, darlin’.”

  “I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” Penny’s face had gone a shade of red.

  “We offer a value of services here. I’ve heard one too many complaints. With how you’ve just treated this man, I’m not impressed. Consider this your final warning. One more complaint, or rude behavior and you’re done,” Karson said. “Would you like to follow me?”

  Liam met Karson’s strides with his own, walking toward the elevator. No one dared to get on while Karson was inside.

  “You’re the bully.”

  “I’m not the bully. I’m the guy that has to do what he has to do. No bullying involved. I apologize for her rude behavior.”

  “It is a continued problem?” Liam asked.

  “None of your concern, I’ll handle it.”

  “My expertise is anyone who is rude in the workplace, is not working in the best environment. There are other factors, of course, and it could just mean the woman is not a very nice person overall.”

  “Penny’s a fucking bitch and a slut. She’s been trying to fuck her way to the top, and hoped to get one of us to put a ring on her finger. None of us are biting. She specifically wanted Axton, but we don’t fuck our employees,” Karson said.

  “Apart from Taylor, as I recall. Axton has married her and has a kid. Congratulations.”

  “Your assessments and observations are not needed or required.”

  “You’re like a little robot, aren’t you?” Liam asked.

  Karson glared at him. “Are you here to hurt Easton?”

  “No. I want to have a little chat with him. Man to man.”

  “Easton’s been through a lot. If you intend to take his child away from him…”

  Liam found it incredibly cute when Karson stood tall, trying to intimidate him. To anyone else, they would be cowering in a corner. Karson was not a nice guy. Not even by a little bit.

  Liam was powerful for a reason. He could handle himself.

  Liam stood up and stared at Karson. He stopped smiling and dropped his carefree act.

  “I will do what I see as fit for my son. Easton has only just found out about Junior. Do not think to threaten or intimidate me. Believe me, I don’t get scared easily. My advice, if you’ve got a woman intent on being with one of you, it’s a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen. Make sure others are aware of her intention or it could end badly for all of you.”

  The elevator opened, and Liam stepped off.

  All it took him was a few seconds to see where Easton’s office was.

  Leaving Karson behind, he made his way straight to Easton’s office. He was alone, bent over his desk, reading something.

  He knocked on the door, and Easton looked up. He had really sexy, brown eyes.

  “Can I come in?” he asked.

  “Liam, what are you doing here?”

  “I thought it was time we had a chat.”

  “I didn’t do anything wrong last night, did I?”

  He chuckled. “No. I nearly didn’t come here. One of your receptionists stated how important you all are.”

  Easton sighed. “Penny.”

  “Yes. Karson put her in her place.”

  “I’m sure he did. She’s been a problem. I bet you’re looking around the place thinking about what you’d change.” Easton stood up, walking around the desk. “Please, sit. Do you want some coffee?”

  “Please, and a bagel if you have it. No meat, obviously,” Liam said.

  Easton instructed his PA before entering the office again. “So, what would you change?”

  “I don’t make it my business to assess companies for change. This is not my area of expertise, and I have no desire to change it. I’m not interested in the Four Kings Empire. Never have been.”

  “You’re confident.”

  “I’ve not gotten where I am by being anything less.”

  “Did you know I was the father?” Easton asked, perched on the edge of his desk.

  “Yes, I did. Scarlett and I have no secrets.”

  “Why didn’t you come after me?”

  Liam chuckled. “You think I’d come after you by the past you had with my wife?”

  “Did she tell you all of it?”

  “How you ended it? Yes. She did. I’ve got no vendetta with you, Easton. Scarlett and Junior are my priority. I saw you talking with her last night. I even saw the way you looked at her throughout the night.”

  Easton tensed up.

  Liam wasn’t going to back down. Scarlett’s reaction to him gave him hope. It was the first time she had ever shown any raw sexual desire, and one taste of her, would never be enough.

  Last night he’d given Scarlett three orgasms before she passed out. For most of the night, he’d held her, thinking about how he was going to approach this little hurdle.

  Having Easton come around more often would be the key—only, he’d want him around when Junior wasn’t always there.

  “Scarlett is my wife, and I love her very much. Junior, as far as I’m concerned, is my son. I’m only his stepfather. Scarlett told me about your stint in rehab.”

  “She told you?”

  “We share everything. Be aware of that. There’s no media record of you going to rehab.”

  “It was kept under wraps. I don’t feel comfortable explaining this to you.”

  “Nothing to explain. You’re recovering?”

  “Yes. Not touched a drop in a long time now. It’s no longer an issue.”

  “And finding out about Junior?” Liam asked.

  “I consider it a blessing. You can stop with the personal questions now. I don’t have to justify myself to you.”

  “I’m getting an overall perspective. I made a vow to Scarlett to love and protect her always. It means I have to ask the uncomfortable questions, if you know what I mean.”

  “I get it. I won’t do anything to harm either of them, I promise.”

  “I know. I would like to extend an invitation out to you for the weekends.”

  “An invitation for the weekends?” Easton asked.

  “Yes. I know Junior would love having you around, and it will give you time to get to know your son. Weekends he’s not at school, and it won’t confuse him. Scarlett can also get used to having you around. You’ll have a room at my place. You won’t need to convalesce between drives. You arrive Friday after work, leave Sunday, or Monday to start your day. How does that sound?”

  Easton stared at him for several seconds without speaking.

  Liam waited.

  “Let me get this straight, you came down here to not only invite me to see my son more but to also stay at your house, with my son, and your wife. My ex-girlfriend?”

  “Scarlett was never your girlfriend. She described the event as a camp fling that resulted in her being pregnant.”

  Easton’s face went bright red. “I still had sex with your wife.”

  “Over ten years ago. Your point being?”

  “Don’t you see me as any kind of threat?” Easton asked.

  “No. I don’t. I’m offering you a chance here, Easton. A chance to know your son and to become friends with my wife. This will be amicable.” And it would also start what he wanted as well.

  He didn’t know what Easton’s feelings would be, but something told him to keep trying. If it didn’t work, he’d still continue to allow father and son visits.

  What he’d started with Scarlett couldn’t be undone, and he had no intention of doing so.

  “You have my contact details. Let
me know what you decide. I’ve already kept you enough, and now I need to go home. Lovely to see you.”

  “Your coffee and bagel,” Easton said.

  “Maybe another time. You enjoy them. You look like you need to eat something. You’ve got to stay healthy now, Easton. It’s important you do so.”

  With that, Liam left.

  It would appear he had another person to take care of. Easton wasn’t doing a good enough job of it, but Liam had no problem taking over.


  The bagel and coffee arrived, and Easton sat on the edge of his desk, not moving. Did he really just have a conversation with Liam Knight?

  “Do I need to go and fetch the lawyers?” Axton asked, entering his office.

  Karson and Romeo came in behind him.

  “I … no. It’s not about that. It’s about Junior, my son. He’s offering me the chance to get to know him.”

  “Take it,” Romeo said. “What have you got to lose?”

  “Do you really think a guy like Liam Knight would offer this without something in return?” Karson asked.

  “You don’t know him, Karson.”

  “What if he didn’t know the whole truth?” Karson asked.

  “He did. Scar and Liam share everything together.”

  “How sweet,” Romeo said. “There has to be some lies going on. All relationships work on lies.”

  “Not all of them,” Axton said.

  “True, but white lies are the key to any relationship surviving.”

  “I didn’t lie to Scar when I was with her. I couldn’t.”

  “How did it end between the two of you?” Axton asked. “You never mentioned her.”

  “You did look like death when you came off the camp. I always figured it was because of Carla,” Romeo said.

  “He didn’t love Carla. We all know that,” Karson said.

  Easton glared at his friend. “I did.”

  “No. You didn’t. It’s why you went off the deep end. With Taylor around, I bet horrible guilty feelings have been manifesting in all kinds of badness of late. We need to fire Penny. I don’t care that she was rude to Liam. Bastard probably deserved it, but she’s bad for business.”

  “Then handle it,” Axton said. “What are you going to do about this thing with Liam? If you have any feelings for Scarlett at all, you’re going to have to nip them in the bud.”


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