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Page 14

by Sam Crescent

  Easton looked at Scar across the picnic table. She twirled her spaghetti around her fork, and she looked in control, calm, as if these questions were not hard. They were. He didn’t have a chance of ever fulfilling his dreams.

  “If I didn’t have to worry about what happened at home, I’d find someone who only loved me for me. What do you think?”

  “You’re wanting someone to love you?”

  “Pretty much. Lame huh?”

  “No, not at all. I rather like it.” She grabbed her soda, lifting it up. “To falling in love. Hopefully, there will be someone within our future who’ll love us no matter what.”

  He picked up his own soda and tapped it against the metal of hers. “Here’s hoping.”


  Present day

  Rather than wait for the appropriate time at five o’clock to leave work, Easton left at lunchtime. They had a little time before Junior needed to be picked up. He’d never felt this nervous before.

  This decision he was about to make scared the crap out of him. It was such a huge move, and he’d not discussed it with any of his friends. He imagined they would think him crazy to share a woman who gave birth to his kid, and deep down, he really did think it was a little whacky for him to be sharing anyone.

  Taking a deep breath, he was about to knock at the door, but Liam opened it.

  “You’re early.”

  “I’ve made my final decision.”

  “And you’re here.”

  “I think we should all talk about this. I’m getting mixed messages inside my head, and I need to clarify them”

  Liam moved out of the way, and Easton crossed over the threshold.

  Scar stood behind her husband. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair bound up on her head. She wore a white dress, and she looked stunning.

  “Easton,” she said.


  “Why don’t we take this in the dining room? You two, sit, relax, have some fun, and I’ll go and make us all a hot drink.” Liam didn’t give them a chance to argue.

  Scar sat down, and Easton took the seat he usually did at dinner.

  Silence fell between them. She stared at the table, and he couldn’t take his gaze away from her. In the past eleven years, if it was even possible, she’d gotten more beautiful.

  To him, Scar had always been a stunner, but there was something more to her now, a womanliness that had been missing years ago.

  “It’s a nice week we’re having,” he said.

  Silences of late always seemed to annoy him.

  “It is.” She had a smile to her lips. “You’ve made a decision?”

  “Yes. I’ll wait for Liam to be present. He seems to know what he’s doing more than us. It must be his age.”

  “He’s a man used to getting what he wants.” She rested her elbows on the table, arms crossed. “How are you coping with everything? I imagine it has been a really huge adjustment for you. Finding out about Easton, I mean Junior, you mentioned going to rehab. We’ve not really talked about it.”

  “I’m handling everything great. I have no desire to drink. Finding out about Junior, he was the best thing to ever happen to me. I only wish I could have been there when you gave birth. Was it a hard birth?”

  “Not so much. All births are difficult and come with complications. Compared to most I had a good birth, you know. I did whatever I could to take care of our son. Please know that. I would never allow any harm to come to him.”

  He reached across the table, which required him to stand up so he could touch her hand. “I know you’d never harm Junior, or allow anything to happen to him. I’ve seen you with him, and I stand by my earlier judgment. You’re an amazing mom.”

  Her cheeks went a darker shade of red. “You’re just trying to charm me now.”

  “No. I believe it. Besides, if I was trying to charm you, I’d mention how pretty your hair is. I miss the length I remember, but I can’t do anything about the length, now can I?”

  She teased a strand around her finger. “Do you remember brushing it for me? You’d spend hours, and I think in a strange way, it always calmed you while you brushed my hair.”

  “Is it weird, it did?”

  “No, not at all.” She chuckled. “This is nice. We’re talking about it, and I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too. So much. I wanted to find you,” he said. Liam had told him the only way a relationship of any kind worked was by telling the truth. He didn’t want there to be any secrets between them.

  “You did.”

  “I did. I didn’t know your last name, and my PI had a hard time tracking you down.”

  Scar smiled. “Liam takes care of all kinds of things like that. He knows if someone is tracking me. I’ve got family who didn’t care how I got pregnant or my love of my unborn child. They wanted me to get rid of it.”

  “You’ve not spoken to your family?” he asked.

  “Not since the day they kicked me out.” She shrugged. “I was pregnant, scared, alone, and it was the most terrifying moment of my life. I survived though.”

  Easton squeezed her hand a little harder. “I’d have been there.”

  “You broke my heart, Easton.”

  “It was all lies. Every single word of it. I couldn’t take you home with me. Hearing you say you loved me and you saw your hopes and dreams with me, it meant the world to me.”

  “Not enough to stop you from leaving though. We could have been together,” she said.

  “I didn’t want to leave you. I told you why I had to.”

  “Let’s not talk about what you did or didn’t do,” Liam said. “This is the chance for both of you to have a fresh start, and the only way to do that is to be open and honest with each other.” Liam put down three cups of steaming coffee in front of each of them.

  Easton let her hand go and took a seat. The coffee smelled wonderful, and he took his, sipping at the steaming liquid without a care for any burns or scalds.

  “Have you made a decision?” Liam asked.

  “I have, but first I want to know what Scar knows.” He looked directly at her, wanting the truth from her. “I’m not going to go forward if she’s being pushed into this.”

  Scar smiled. “I know everything. Liam wants to share me with you, and you with me.” She looked toward her husband. “There is a lot you don’t know about us, but I want this, if you do. I don’t believe in force.” Easton noticed as she held Liam’s hand just a little tighter, almost as if she was afraid to speak. “And I think if we’re discreet and lay some ground rules, this could work.”

  “You know this is about me fucking you, with your husband, without him. All of it?”

  “I know he’s trying to make a family with us, yes. It doesn’t surprise me. Does it surprise you, Easton?”

  “Everything right now surprises me.”

  “What’s your decision?” Liam asked. “Once we know what you want, we can move on and make a chance of this.”

  He sighed. Locking his fingers together, he looked at each of them, in turn. “I want this chance more than anything. It’s a yes. What I don’t want is to hurt Scar again.” He looked at her. “I know I hurt you once, and I’d do anything to change the pain I’ve given you.”

  “Excellent,” Liam said.

  “You need to tell him the truth,” Scar said, looking toward Liam. “If he’s involved in this, he has a right to know.”

  “A right to know what?”

  Liam and Scar stared at each other, and he watched the man nod his head.

  “I’m bisexual,” Liam said. “It has been a dream of mine to find a man and a woman to share my life with. Scar knew of this, and before our marriage I was involved with another man, but it ended badly. I wasn’t willing to give up my woman. Of course, she didn’t know I was going to develop feelings for her.”

  “Our marriage was originally a contract,” Scar said. “You cannot under any circumstances speak of this to anyone. If yo
u do, you void all contact with your son.” Scar gave Liam’s hand a squeeze.

  “This is an NDA with special requirements. At any time, you speak to the press or violate our privacy, you forfeit your right to your son, and any children we may have.”

  Easton stared down at the document. “Excuse me?”

  “I take my privacy seriously. Anyone who comes into this kind of arrangement must be willing to take risks here. For your silence on our family, you will get full access to your son, even if this doesn’t work out. Talk, and I will end you.”

  Easton looked toward Scar. “You accept this?”

  “The happiest of my entire life has been with Liam. At first, I thought it was a little … full, but I know he does it out of love. This is his life and our life. I signed my own years ago. What you’re doing is not only protecting Liam and yourself, but Junior and me. Any kind of kiss and tell could be dangerous, and I won’t have that.”

  “Neither will I.” Liam held out two other forms. Easton hadn’t realized he’d brought with him a file from the kitchen. “Here are two NDAs signed by Scarlett and myself. You’re protected just as much as we are.”


  “In the event of your reputation being damaged, you can contest for full custody, or shared custody. You will also be compensated. I told you, I protect all the people I care about.”

  Easton stared down at the two forms, and they had signatures. “Wow.”

  “You will be part of the protection I offer, Easton. I know it must take a great deal agreeing to this.”

  He looked up at Liam. “Hold on, does this mean you find me attractive?”

  “I will not give any further detail unless you wish to continue and sign the form.”

  Easton stared at the form. It wasn’t a terrifying concept. After having his entire life smeared across the tabloids and his father in prison, there really were worse ways about keeping your life private.

  With the flick of his wrist, he signed the NDA. He wouldn’t ever have to give up his son because he valued privacy and respected Liam for doing everything he could to protect the family he held dear to him.

  “Excellent. Yes, I find you attractive. I want to see you and Scarlett together as well. Do you have any other questions?”

  “I’m still absorbing the fact you find me attractive.”

  “What’s not to love? Your eyes are so dark and smoky, and even though you have the worst fashion sense in the world, you’re hot.”

  “Is this odd for you?” Easton asked, turning to Scar.

  “I don’t know. At first, I thought it would be, but now, I think it’s kind of hot.”

  “Have you told any of your friends?” Liam asked.


  “You cannot tell them what we have. Not until you are sure of their loyalty.”

  “The Four Kings are loyal.”

  “Your entire company is built on a hierarchy of lies and blackmail. Do you even know what a best friend is?” Liam asked.

  “Let’s not delve into the business here. Easton’s been part of the Four Kings for a long time. Since birth if I remember. We don’t want to start an argument about loyalty. He knows his friends, and you’re not going to control every single element of his life, even if you want to.” Scar patted Liam’s hand.

  “So, how does this work?” Easton asked.

  “You’ve shared women before.”

  “They were women I didn’t care about, and it was only for sex. She’d come to the office or one of the clubs, fuck each of us, and we’d play with her. This is not the same. This is different, and you know it.”

  Liam leaned back in his chair. “Tell me what you want to do?”

  Easton started to get nervous. “Me?”

  “Yes.” Liam glanced down at his watch. “We’ve got a couple of hours before I need to pick up Junior. What would you like?”

  “I’d like to kiss Scar,” Easton said. “To pick up where we left off.”

  “Scarlett, baby, what would you like?”

  “I’d like the kiss.”

  He saw her nerves as well.

  She looked toward Liam. “I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be.” The playful husband was gone, and Easton watched as Liam helped Scarlett to her feet. “I love you. More than anything. I want to see him with you. This will not change our relationship one bit. I will love you for a long time, and this won’t change that. Remember, I’m a bit different. You knew it when you married me.”

  She laughed, resting her head against his. “You’re right.”

  “Easton, come and kiss our woman,” Liam said. He stood behind her, his hands on her shoulders.

  Getting to his feet, Easton moved closer and stood in front of Scar. “You want this?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  He stepped closer and pressed his lips to hers.

  The past, all of it faded, and he saw his future and it was with this woman. He didn’t know if he’d ever be comfortable with Liam, but he wasn’t willing to ruin this with Scar.


  At first Scarlett didn’t know what to do with her hands. Liam didn’t let go of her shoulders, and for his presence, she was thankful, more so than ever before. She didn’t want him to ever leave or for him to think she would push him aside for this man.

  There was a time she loved Easton and there was still part of her that did, but he’d broken her heart once. She wouldn’t trade Liam for Easton, but she also wouldn’t trade Easton for Liam. Her life had gotten so confusing.

  What Liam offered, was a chance of something more. Each time he spoke of them together, not just the sex but being a family for Junior and for each other, it felt so right. She didn’t know how it was possible to be right.

  Easton cupped her cheeks, tilting her head back, and deepened the kiss. She opened up, and his tongue slid inside, making her gasp.

  Sinking her fingers into his hair, she released a moan and behind her Liam ran his hands down to cup her ass. Both men were igniting a fire within her, and she didn’t want either of them to put it out.

  Easton broke from the kiss, but his lips were not done. He trailed down to her neck, sucking on her pulse as Liam lifted her arms up to circle the back of his head.

  “Don’t move,” Liam said.

  She whimpered, especially as he unlatched each strap. The dress she wore had removable straps so it didn’t have to be worn with a bra. Today she’d opted to wear it with one, but as Liam slid the dress down her body for it to pool at her feet, she had to wonder why she even bothered.

  Easton stepped back, and the lust in his eyes was unmistakable.

  “You see how perfect she is?” Liam asked.

  “She’s fucking stunning.”

  “She’s all ours,” Liam said.

  He flicked the catch of her bra, and her tits spilled out.

  Easton was there, cupping the mounds together, flicking each nipple with his tongue.

  “Touch her pussy,” Liam said. “Feel how wet she is. I bet she’s soaking. I know every single time I’ve talked about us taking her together, she’s been like fire in my arms.”

  “You’ve talked about me?” Easton asked. One of his hands rested on her stomach, and she bit her lip to stop herself from begging him to touch her, to do anything. She pressed her thighs together in the hope to gain some friction or anything.


  She was at Easton’s mercy.

  “Yes. Why do you think I made the suggestion? Scarlett wants the two of us together, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” There was no point in denying it.

  Liam had showed her only truth made a successful relationship. It’s why she always told the truth, even with her son.

  Pushing Junior out of her mind, she focused on the two men currently pleasing her right now.

  Easton slid his hand between her thighs, touching her clit, and he let out a growl. “Fuck, she’s wet.”

  “Do you want to taste her? She’s got the best pussy.”
  He sank to his knees, and Liam held her hands behind his neck so there was nowhere to go. The panties she wore were slid down her body, and then his lips were on her pussy. “You wax?” Easton asked.

  “I shave her regularly. I’m not one to hear her in pain unless it’s down to a bit of discomfort from my cock. Only then will I accept her gasps and cries.” Liam put his lips at her neck and bit down. There was pain and pleasure combined as Easton licked across her clit. He moved her legs so he had better access to her pussy.

  Scarlett couldn’t believe this was happening. Easton was licking at her pussy, and her husband stood behind her, cupping her tits.

  This was something out of a fantasy, but it was one she wanted to keep on having. Her legs shook from the pleasure.

  “Let’s move this into my office,” Liam said.

  Easton stood, wiping the excess arousal from her pussy off his face. More heat flooded her body as he licked his hand. “Tastiest pussy.”

  Liam picked her up and carried her to his office. She and Liam had been making up for a lot of lost time in his office, and now that Easton was there, it felt complete.

  He put her on the sofa and ordered her to her knees. Liam stood in front of her, removing his shirt, followed by his pants. His cock stood out, long, thick, with the vein seeming to pulse at the side. He looked fierce, in control, and as he wrapped her hair around his fist, she knew exactly what he wanted.

  Even as Easton moved between her thighs so she straddled his head, she moaned as she sucked the tip of Liam’s cock into her mouth. He hit the back of her throat, pulling out, only to dive in again.

  The pleasure took her by surprise as she rocked against Easton’s tongue. He cupped her ass, rocking her pussy on his mouth. He stroked over her clit, sliding back and forth before moving down to tease her entrance, and back again.

  “You can play with her asshole as well. She likes that. I’ve been getting her ready to take both of us,” Liam said.

  “You’ve become really bossy,” she said.

  “Did you expect anything else?”

  “She likes you bossy,” Easton said. Three fingers plunged into her pussy but for only a second before he drew them out, going to her anus to stroke over the puckered hole. “She’s dripping, and every time you give an instruction, she feels ready to explode.”


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