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Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725

Page 151

by Heaven's White Crane

  ‘Liars,’ Ou Yangming said to himself, but he still smiled and had a toast with the men.

  The alcohol volume of the watery wine was not high, hence it was nothing for martial arts powerhouses like them. Ou Yangming pondered and expressed, “Gentlemen, I’d like to hear your opinions on what happened today.”

  His eyes were as sharp as lightning, and he looked high-spirited as if he was confident about everything.

  Hu Yicheng and Scholar Xu were not dubious at all. They were startled at first, but they soon racked their brains to think about how they felt when the incident took place.

  Sir Hu answered after a brief moment, “Young Ou, the power that you released was exceptionally wonderful. It could somehow boost our spirits and drive our weariness away, so we became a hundred times more energetic.”

  Scholar Xu nodded and commented, “That’s right, but it seems to be quite wasteful to use the power on us. If it’s used in a way, it’ll surely result in an amazing effect!”

  Hu Yicheng nodded as well. “I secretly observed the rest. Not only did they become more spirited, but they also became more courageous. Hehe, if we encounter the dwarf again, we’ll be brave enough to fight with him.”

  They described their feelings in a few sentences. Following that, Hu Yicheng lowered his voice and added, “Master Ou, if that power can be popularized, it’ll certainly become a formidable military weapon!” Ou Yangming responded with a smile, “Big Brother Hu, it’s exceptionally difficult to use the power, so it can’t be adopted for regular use.”

  Hu Yicheng and Scholar Xu were visibly disappointed, but they understood what Ou Yangming meant, and they were not going to mention a word about it to anyone else.

  Since they had to hurry on with their journey the next day, they had a simple dinner.

  As soon as Ou Yangming returned to his luxurious guest room, which had been specially prepared by Hu Yicheng, the smile on his face disappeared.

  It turned out that the overflowed mental power, which was converted by the Devouring attribute, had resulted in such a wonderful effect. No wonder Hu Lingfeng and the rest treated Ou Yangming with an entirely different attitude; they experienced the power’s benefit. As said by Hu Yicheng, if Ou Yangming could grasp the power…

  Ou Yangming’s eyes glowed because it seemed like a problem that he could study. If he could succeed, it would be quite stirring too even if it was slightly less exciting than the interspatial bag. Before long, Ou Yangming’s mental conception slowly sank into his sea of consciousness, where the largest purple light ball quietly floated on the same spot.

  The Devouring attribute was a forbidden area as it was not something Ou Yangming could touch on and study yet due to his strength.

  That said, Ou Yangming was suddenly attracted to a rune mark in his sea of consciousness.

  It was a brand new mark, and he could tell everyone that he had never learned the rune. Furthermore, the rune was not naturally born from the Runes Formation.

  More importantly, the rune mark was slowly drifting toward the top of the Devouring attribute’s light ball.

  Ou Yangming was struck dumb, and he only had a thought in his head.

  ‘I didn’t just make a petty gain, did I…’

  Chapter 253 - Mental Power Rune

  ‘A pie fell from the sky, and it hit my head!’

  This was Ou Yangming’s first thought.

  When he saw the rune’s mark, he instantly understood that it was definitely the source of the mysterious power, which Hu Yicheng and Scholar Xu had been talking about.

  Without the rune, Ou Yangming could only find a second crystal ball for the Devouring attribute to play its part if he wanted to achieve the magical effect again. However, how could the second crystal ball be found so easily? Perhaps the first crystal ball was already a lost item.

  Despite that, the situation became completely different now that there was a new rune mark.

  Ou Yangming could employ his mental power to portray the rune, and he could achieve the same wonderful effect with it.

  As Ou Yangming focused his mental conception on the rune, he quietly recorded the veined patterns on it. It would be extremely difficult for ordinary people to do it because one needed to possess great mental power; without sufficient mental power, even a person with pronounced sight could not grasp a rune’s real mystery and essence.

  Perhaps ordinary martial artists could copy a rune numerous times to unleash some of its effects but as compared to the ones produced by Ou Yangming, they were Heaven and Earth apart. Ou Yangming’s mental conception slowly retreated after an hour. Instead of opening his eyes, he was still immersed in the rune. He only exhaled deeply when he roughly grasped the rune, then he became fully relaxed.

  He had acquired the rune by surprise, and it contained an amazing power, hence he was incredibly overjoyed. The young fellow stood up and looked inside his traveling bag, but he did not find a suitable brush or paper.

  It was not easy to draw a rune. Unless it was made into a mold or engraved on a unique rock, extremely precious unique paper and brush would be required.

  This was what Ou Yangming learned from the Ni family’s library, and he had a strong urge to record the rune and to display its power at once.

  The fact that Hu Yicheng and Scholar Xu described the magical power as something divine made Ou Yangming feel moved.

  Needless to say, he only wanted to know if releasing the power felt different from when he devoured flesh, blood, and spiritual energy.

  If it was the same, Ou Yangming would do everything possible to seal the information and would deny having produced the power.

  On the other hand, if there was an obvious difference, the unique power would become his other trump card.

  Ou Yangming left his room and looked for Hu Yicheng as he wanted to purchase some unique materials.

  Although it was already dark at night, Hu Yicheng did not mind. He immediately gave an order, where he asked his followers to search for the items in the town.

  They had checked in a small county town. The place did not have ample resources, but Ou Yangming and the other people were glad that the requested items could be bought from one of the stores.

  Later on, Ou Yangming took the specially made paper and brush back to his room. Hu Yicheng and the rest were exceedingly curious, but none of them dared to ask.

  According to records from books, if one wanted to draw a rune, one had to use a brush that was made of a half-spirit beast’s fur, an ink that was refined from a superb ferocious beast’s flesh and blood, as well as paper made from an unordinary plant.

  Even if one had a lucky stroke, one could not buy anything related to half-spirit beasts in the town. Therefore, Ou Yangming’s brush was actually made from a superb ferocious beast’s fur instead The young fellow spread out the paper, dipped the tip of the brush in the specially made ink, then gently pressed the tip on the paper. The paper was not an ordinary item too, so he wondered how the items could be gathered from the small town.

  Nonetheless, Ou Yangming did not inquire about it. He only knew that the items could at least allow him to draw the rune mark.

  When a drop of ink dripped onto the paper, the paper quickly absorbed it, leaving a rippling ink mark on it.

  Ou Yangming’s eyes moved a little, and he went from being rather clumsy to being able to draw much faster. He constantly turned his wrist at the speed of light as everything about the rune flashed in his head. At the same time, he copied the mark exactly as it was.

  It seemed like it only took an instant for the rune to be successfully produced by him.

  Ou Yangming’s eyelids twitched when he took a look at it. He noticed a mysterious power in the completed rune, to the extent that his soul might even fall inside if he stared at it for a long time. The young fellow was moved, and he came to a sudden realization that the rune was not meant to be “looked” at; it was supposed to be fathomed through mental power.

  It was an exceptionally unique
rune. Without having significant mental power, one could forget about learning it. This was entirely different from the runes that were passed down by the Ni family’s ancestors.

  Ou Yangming tore the rune apart without any hesitation once it was completed.

  An indescribable power was released right away and spread out in all directions with him as the center. With that, the power shrouded over half of the inn.

  Next, the inn fell silent. Everyone who was within the Runes Power’s enveloped range widened their eyes.

  Ou Yangming’s convoy was not the only bunch of people staying at the inn. Apart from them, many people stopped by and stayed, so those people enjoyed the marvelous experience too.

  Their exhausted bodies seemed to have been washed by warm water, by which their bodies became full of power again, and their minds seemed to be thrilled too.

  Hu Yicheng and Scholar Xu could not help but smile bitterly when they looked at each other.

  They vaguely had a hunch when Ou Yangming requested to purchase those unique items earlier. Nevertheless, they did not expect the young fellow to carry out a test in this place. They wondered, ‘Isn’t he afraid that news will spread?

  ‘He should know that we’re not the only ones staying at this inn.’

  Before long, excited people walked out and discussed it.

  Scholar Xu instantly signaled with his eyes so that many cavaliers would join the crowd and express their shock.

  Fortunately, the inn was not a place where hidden talents could be found. Since there were no martial artists who were above Yin Grade, the crowd could not identify the power’s source.

  The next morning, Hu Yicheng and his people left early, leaving an incomprehensible legendary story at the inn, whose business ended up increasing by more than 30%.

  Hu Yicheng and Scholar Xu entered Ou Yangming’s carriage. Seeing as they were hesitant to speak, Ou Yangming could not help but laugh. “What do you want to do?” “Brother Ou, did you ask us to purchase the special paper and brush yesterday to refine a rune?” Hu Yicheng asked embarrassedly.

  Ou Yangming was cheerful, and he knew he could not hide it from them, thus he answered, “Yes, I studied it for the whole night, and I finally gained something.” Hu Yicheng’s eyes lit up. He straightened his chest and assured the young fellow. “Brother Ou, can you sell a few runes to me? I won’t let you suffer a loss!”

  “Big Brother Hu, if someone asks you where the runes came from, how are you going to answer?” Ou Yangming asked after some thought.

  Hu Yicheng was dumbfounded and at a loss for words.

  Previously, they promised that they would never talk about this matter. If they possessed the unique runes and used them, would that not mean that they were exposing it?

  That said, they were unwilling to give up the treasure when it was right in front of their eyes.

  Scholar Xu’s eyes wandered about, then he stated, “Young Ou, Brother Hu encountered a peculiar person when he carried out an inspection outside. The person became good friends with Brother Hu, and they had such an enjoyable conversation that the person gave Brother Hu three rune drawings before he left. What do you think?”

  Hu Yicheng’s eyes became bright, and he looked at Ou Yangming with extreme eagerness.

  “Okay, that’ll do,” Ou Yangming replied to the scholar with a smile, then he added after a pause, “But a huge consumption is needed for me to draw runes, so I’ll pass them to Big Brother Hu after we enter the capital.”

  Hu Yicheng was elated, and he quickly expressed his gratitude.

  They initially did not have wild thoughts for the runes, but Ou Yangming released the power twice consecutively in a day, and it was obvious that he drew a rune during the second time. This was why the inspector and the scholar were moved, but they were not greedy, so they were content after they managed to ask for three drawings.

  As Ou Yangming urged, the convoy traveled fast and arrived at the capital.

  This was the Wu Dynasty’s capital city, where the walls around were nearly 16 meters tall. Not to mention a normal person, even a mighty spirit beast or an ordinary Yang Grade martial artist could not climb over it.

  Since Hu Yicheng was an inspector, other than the capital, he had access to anywhere in the world, where even the officials in charge of the different counties had to treat him with respect. Nonetheless, his status seemed insignificant at the capital.

  In fact, the convoy was spot-checked when they entered the gate, but Hu Yicheng and the other people were already used to it.

  Hu Yicheng immediately explained when he noticed the strange look in Ou Yangming’s eyes, “Brother Ou, this is the capital, so it’s expected that the check is stricter.”

  Ou Yangming nodded. He watched as the inspection was completed, then they entered the city together.

  Sir Hu had a different look on his face once he entered the city. It was as if he carried a graceful blessing.

  He laughed out loud and expressed, “After leaving the capital for a year and a half, I’m finally back.”

  The other people around him were full of emotions too, but they appeared to be overjoyed.

  Scholar Xu cleared his throat and reminded Hu Yicheng, Brother Hu, don’t forget about our proper business.”

  Hu Yicheng stopped right away and said, “You’re right, Let’s send the materials to Master Wu’s residence first as it’s our priority.” Ou Yangming was struck dumb when he realized that instead of reporting to the government office, the inspector visited a blacksmith master first when he returned. It seemed like Master Wu Hongxi—the Fine Grade King—was not an ordinary figure.

  With that, the convoy traveled slowly in the city and entered the never-ending stream of people.

  Chapter 254 - Visiting The Master

  Master Wu’s residence in the city was luxurious. When Hu Yicheng and the others arrived outside the place in carriages and presented their invitation card, the doorkeeper was arrogant and ignorant.

  Hu Yicheng later smiled apologetically, then he gave him a big red packet and stated his purpose of visitation.

  When the doorkeeper heard that Hu Yicheng brought the two unique materials that were requested by Master Wu Hongxi, he weighed the red packet in his hands and went in to report the guests’ arrival. Ou Yangming furrowed his eyebrows a little. His cultivation base did not seem high on the surface, but within Changlong County’s prefecture, people from the military and the various aristocratic families respected him. In fact, he was treated similarly to how many Supreme Great Ancestors were treated.

  On the other hand, a mere blacksmith in the capital was assuming a haughty manner, hence Ou Yangming was displeased.

  Hu Yicheng immediately noticed Ou Yangming’s attitude. He explained softly, “Brother Ou, Master Wu isn’t an ordinary blacksmith! He’s a superb blacksmith, who was specially recruited by the imperial family, and he has a huge influence on the imperial family and the military. Many officials and noble people requested divine weapons and sharp tools from him but failed; a figure like him musn’t be offended!”

  Ou Yangming hesitated for a while before he said, “Big Brother Hu, you’re an inspector, so you’re unordinary too. Why do you have to fawn over him?”

  Judging from Hu Yicheng’s tone, one could tell that there was a huge disparity between him and Wu Hongxi. It would be quite ambitious for him to want to flatter the master.

  After all, things that were precious to Hu Yicheng might not necessarily be deemed valuable by Master Wu.

  The spending and the gain were disproportionate.

  Hu Yicheng chuckled and responded in a high spirit, “An inferior son of mine was chosen by the Wu residence and is currently practicing basic smithing art.” Ou Yangming was moved. “He has been learning smithing art for 3 years?” “That’s right.” “3 years. What’s his rank as a blacksmith?” Ou Yangming questioned out of curiosity.

  Although he—like Old Craftsman-never took any form of blacksmith assessments, he was in the capital
at the moment. Since someone had gotten into Master Wu’s residence, the person must have taken the necessary assessments according to the rules.

  Nonetheless, Hu Yicheng blushed instead and answered, “My inferior son has only been learning smithing art’s foundation, and he hasn’t been approved by the master yet, so he has yet to receive the Military Fire or the spiritual fire.”

  “What?” Ou Yangming was stunned, and he could not help but have a strange look on his face. “How many people are learning basic smithing art in the Wu residence?”

  Hu Yicheng put up a finger and replied to him, “There are only over a hundred people.” “A hundred…” Ou Yangming twitched his mouth as he could not understand what the people from the capital were thinking.

  Hu Yicheng smiled bitterly, but also seemed slightly proud. “There are 10,000 if not 8,000 people who want to become Master Wu’s apprentice. My son was lucky to have stood out!”

  Ou Yangming sighed when he looked at Hu Yicheng, who had a complicated look on his face.

  He somewhat understood Hu Yicheng’s feelings because he saw the same from Old Craftsman, who did him such a huge favor but asked for nothing in return. “Big Brother Hu, what’s your son’s name?” Ou Yangming asked plainly. Hu Yicheng’s eyes lit up. “His name is Lingguang. Brother Ou, go ahead and teach him if you see him.”

  As they conversed, the doorkeeper returned and invited them into the residence through the side door.

  They arrived at a big hall after a brief moment. The place was decorated uniquely as more than ten different pieces of equipment were placed on both sides.

  The servants served them fragrant tea and left.

  Hu Yicheng’s eyes glowed as he whispered to the young fellow, “Young Ou, Master Wu smithed these pieces of equipment himself. Not all of them are his best works, but they’re worth 10,000 gold.”

  Ou Yangming was struck with a thought, and he approached one of the weapons.

  It was a longsword, whose body was like a bronze mirror as it reflected a peculiar light. No matter who looked at the weapon, it was clear at one glance that it was certainly unordinary.


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