The Elliot Silvestri Erotic Reader Volume 6
Page 86
While he wanted to continue the argument, Morgan knew he had other, more pressing, issues. He took the basin and held it under the bright red head of Wilbert’s long cock. “Finish him off,” he told her.
“With pleasure.” Her fingers curled around his cock and she pumped her hand up and down Wilbert’s length. He made some strange noises in the back of his throat and his paws scrabbled at the smooth stone floor. Faye literally had him by his most precious possession. It didn’t take long for her to complete the process. His reaction was like any other animal’s when he finished. He gasped and tensed up, and then his cock produced a prodigious amount of cum that splashed into the silver basin.
“Don’t touch it,” Morgan cautioned her. There was no predicting what Faye’s reaction would be. When Morgan judged that Wilbert’s orgasm had passed, he moved the basin away and took it to his workbench. Using the copper spoon from the previous day, he scooped up the cum that Wilbert had left behind and dropped it into a glass beaker where he began adding various other fluids. “If you’d help Miss Faye onto the exam table, Cassandra,” Morgan said without looking at his wife. “This will be ready shortly and every moment counts.”
Since Faye was already undressed, it was easy to get her into position while Wilbert watched. It was hard to tell if the centaur was just curious or didn’t know what else to do while his lover was being experimented upon. Centaurs had a reputation of stoicism, so his lack of showing emotion didn’t strike Morgan as odd.
When Morgan approached Faye, on the bench with her legs splayed open and her cunt exposed, he got the first real indication that perhaps she wasn’t completely in control of this situation and that scared her. “Is this going to hurt?” she asked.
“It shouldn’t,” said Morgan as he gathered the strange mixture he had created. The color had changed to bright red, looking oddly blood-like, and the tool he used to draw it up was halfway between a chef’s basting spoon and a human’s cock. She wondered why a wizard would have such a device or if he had created it just for her. He displayed the loaded tool for her and said, “I don’t suppose this is the strangest thing you’ve had up your cunt, is it?”
It was an accusation that was supposed to humiliate her. There was very little that could humiliate Faye when it came to her love for Wilbert and her need for strange sex. “Not by any measure.”
“Good,” he said smoothly and nodded to Cassandra who grabbed Faye’s knee to prevent her from closing her legs. Morgan stood between her legs and slid the inseminator up into Faye’s cunt. She didn’t react until it went much further than she expected.
“Oh! It’s…it’s really up there.”
“Unless you have a transport gate hidden in your cunt,” Morgan said absently, “then this shouldn’t be a problem because Wilbert’s cock is much bigger than this inseminator.”
“But’s it’s metal and he’s not,” she complained as she jumped slightly and gripped the edge of the table with her fingers.
“A little warmth now,” Morgan said, ignoring her complaint.
There was a warming glow deep in her belly which Faye found pleasant at first, but then it quickly grew uncomfortable. “It’s starting to hurt.”
Morgan nodded. “That often happens to people who are unaccustomed to the effects of magic.”
The heat grew worse…and then there was a spike of pain. “Fuck!”
“Not now,” Morgan joked. The handle of the inseminator was glowing now, though Morgan wasn’t the least bit affected by the flow of magical energy. His body knew how to process the energy; few humans could claim the same.
Faye became more agitated and her body started trembling. When she tried to get off the table, Morgan lifted a hand from the inseminator and gestured. The golden bonds appeared from nowhere and efficiently pinned her to the table. “Almost done,” he said.
She whined in response, hoping for some relief.
When he pulled the inseminator from her, the pain disappeared as if it had never been there.
“Oh, that’s much better,” she smiled at him and struggled against the bindings for a moment. “This is rather nice,” she said, unfazed by her vulnerability. “Are you going to take advantage of me?”
Morgan shook his head and waved his fingers. The bonds disappeared. “From what I know of raising children, that pain you just felt was mild compared to what you have in front of you.”
Knut grunted. “Don’t know about yeh, but I’m going to Miss Brandywine’s tonight. She has a minidrag that been trained to fuck maidens with its tail.”
Chapter Five
“That was very nice what you did for Faye,” Cassandra told her husband in bed that night.
He lifted his face from between her legs. The surprising thing about the rather plain body that Cassandra was to shortly shed was that her cunt tasted sweeter than any Morgan could remember. “Just doing my job,” he replied. “She’s going to regret her decision when her cunt is stretched wide by that centaur baby.”
“Maybe so,” Cassandra agreed. “But you didn’t have to do it.”
“We needed the money,” he reminded her.
“Even so…and can’t you take a compliment?”
Morgan rested his cheek against her thigh which was slightly sweaty from after her orgasm. “As a matter of fact, no. Want me to make you cum again?” He waggled his tongue at her suggestively.
“No, you know what I really want.” Her fingers curled under his jaw hidden by his thin beard.
Morgan frowned. “I think I might have a possible solution for the problem I’ve given you,” he said.
That caught Cassandra’s attention. What she had really wanted at the moment was Morgan’s cock, either in her mouth or cunt, but a solution to her unstable body-shifting would also be welcome. “How would that be done?”
“I need to do a bit more research—”
“Always with the more research,” she complained.
He continued on as if she hadn’t spoken, “But I think if you are pregnant, then your body will stabilize and you won’t shift any longer.”
She smiled at him. “Let’s do it now,” she begged, reaching for his cock that was still hidden by his breeches.
Morgan pushed her hand away. “But there are definite dangers. I don’t know if it will work. I don’t know if you’ll revert to your original body. I don’t know how it will affect the child. I don’t know if it’ll create a monster. There’s a lot I don’t know.”
“I’m willing to risk it.”
Morgan climbed up her body and kissed her. She tasted her cunt on his lips. “I know, but I’m still going to make it as safe for you as possible.” While he spoke she opened the laces to his breeches and hauled out his hard cock.
“Get me pregnant,” she begged. “I don’t care for the danger. I just want to go back to the body I had. My body.”
She tilted her hips and pulled his cock down to her cunt. Just hearing the words that might solve their problem was enough to make her want to fuck him; not that she ever had trouble wanting to fuck her husband. Her eagerness and need slowly drew his cock into her cunt and before Morgan knew it, he was balls deep in the body that his wife currently inhabited. It was pleasant and warm and unfamiliar and strange and perfectly lovely all at the same time.
“I don’t know if I can get you pregnant,” he told her. “I don’t know if this will work.”
“Fuck me anyway. Work your magic on me.”
It wasn’t as if Morgan hadn’t tried over the years. It was his mistake that the beautiful girl he had bedded changed every night and he had been trying to fix the problem with every magical means at his disposal. His efforts had driven them to the point of poverty where he had to take a position with the city to survive; no wizard wanted to do guard duty. The one thing that had helped was the necklace Cassandra always worked. Before, the changes always happened randomly, sometimes three or four times a day. The necklace stabilized her to once a day, but she had to let the change happen overnight otherwi
se there were painful physical repercussions.
Morgan now unclasped her necklace while he fucked her and flung it aside. She wouldn’t change right away. Usually that happened when she was sleeping.
“Fuck me hard,” she begged. “Fill my belly.”
He did the best he could. The woman beneath him was unfamiliar, but her cunt was inviting. They kissed and he rapidly started to approach orgasm. Just as the rush was too much, she started to shift. The way her cunt writhed around his cock was unnerving and thrilling. Sex during transformation was a kink he never would admit to, but secretly loved.
“Morgan! I love you, Morgan!” Cassandra cried out as she came too.
“Perverts,” Knut said dryly as he jumped off the stool that stood under the peephole in the wall. Spying on his employer wasn’t a good idea, especially since his employer was a wizard, but Knut was a pervert and one of his perversions was voyeurism. “I could get a better show down at Miss Brandywine’s.”
He grunted and shook the purse that dangled from his belt. “Maybe I just will tonight. Maybe there'll be a dwarf woman there with big hairy tits. I haven’t had big hairy tits in a while.” He nodded once to himself and headed down the stairs from the secret passage outside Morgan’s bedroom.
Book 2
Chapter Six
Thump! Thump! Thump!
The pounding seemed to shake the tower. Morgan grunted in annoyance and pulled his eye away from the enlarging scope he was using to inspect the contents of the flower that had cost him a good pile of silver and apparently the life of an amateur adventurer who didn’t know which end of a sword to hold. The moment he looked up from his observations the pounding stopped.
“I’ve been working too hard,” he said to himself. His wife was in tower buying food and his assistant Knut had the day off from responsibilities. There were other servants in the tower, but they wouldn’t open the main door without an order.
Thump! Thump! Thump! Pause. Thump! Thump!
The moment he put his eye back to the enlarging scope, the pounding resumed.
“Zod’s scars!” he cursed and looked out the window. The view from the laboratory’s window didn’t show the tower’s main door. He could have employed a scrying spell, but that was more effort than it was worth. Knocking the scope aside, he marched out of the lab, down the stairs, crossed through the main lobby, cursing all the while that tesseract compression spells were fine and dandy for making the most of limited space, but made traveling through the tower a pain in the ass.
He flung open the door to the tower and found himself facing an enormous back. “What?!” Morgan demanded of the back.
A large man turned around. He was an unremarkable man apart from his stature. From his size Morgan guessed he was some laborer or woodcutter or common peasant. “Are…are ya the wizard?” he asked in a surprisingly high-pitched voice.
Biting back his first instinct to harangue the man’s obvious stupidity, Morgan sighed and said, “Yes. What gave it away? The pointy hat? The moon and star covered robe?” Morgan was wearing none of those.
The big man slowly shook his head. “No.” He slowly shook his head back and forth while pointing to Morgan’s forehead and then his own. The man’s forehead perfectly matched his bald pate. Morgan had a blue pentagram permanently etched into his. He shook his brown hair so that it mostly covered the mark. “What do you need?”
“Ya gotta help me, wiz,” the man said slowly.
Morgan realized it was going to take a long time to get through this process. “What help do you need?” He hated helping the public. Officially he was the city’s guardian and protector, but only from magical threats. His real income came from assisting those citizens who had a private magical problem. It was the more profitable part of his life.
“I’ve got a giant’s cock, wiz,” the man said.
Morgan hated being called “wiz”. He found it demeaning, but this man didn’t understand the niceties of magical society so he ignored it. “For a man your size, I should hope so.”
“No, no, wiz. I mean I’ve got a real giant’s dick attached to me.” He shrugged his big shoulders. “I don’t know where mine is.”
Morgan had missed the use of the possessive in the man’s first statement, or had figured the simpleton had misspoke. The man reached for the bottom of his kilt. Wearing kilts wasn’t unknown in the region, though most laborers tended to wear woolen or leather trousers. The man lifted his kilt up from the knees to his waist, exposing himself.
Morgan’s eyes went wide. The man did have a giant’s dick dangling between his legs. He wasn’t just merely well-endowed. He was the victim of some sort of curse or magical trade. The length of the member—while soft Morgan noted—was easily two imperial feet long. To encircle it would take both of most men’s hands. It was huge and it was obviously not the man’s original equipment. Morgan was reasonably sure that if the man somehow managed to achieve an erection, he would immediately pass out because all the blood in his body would be needed to maintain the erection and unconsciousness would shortly follow.
Nodding his head slowly, Morgan agreed with his visitor. “That is a giant’s cock.”
“Ya need to get it offa me,” he begged.
“Most men would give their left ball to be carrying that between their legs.”
“It’s not mine and I want it off!” The man was becoming agitated.
Morgan squatted down to get a better look at the man’s cock—or borrowed cock or cursed cock, Morgan wasn’t sure yet—and before he could finish his initial visual inspection—
Thump! Thump! Thump!
The tower was still shaking. It wasn’t the big man pounding on the door that had been causing his tower to shake.
“Do you hear that?” Morgan asked.
“Hear what?”
“That pounding.” The sound was easily audible to Morgan’s ears.
The big man nodded slowly. “Somethin’ is shakin’ your tower. I work in the quarry. It sounds like someone is using a sledge.”
Thump! Thump! Thump!
“A seven pound sledge,” the man said authoritatively.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
“He’s not usin’ it correctly,” the man said with a nod.
Morgan stood up and had turned to go back into the tower, but turned back at the man’s statement. “How do you know that?”
“The shakin’ and the sound.”
“What’s your name?”
Morgan nodded. “Come with me, Sim. Before we fix your problem, I might need your expertise.”
The big man followed the wizard through the doorway, ducking his head under the lintel, and either didn’t notice the size disparity between the interior and the exterior of the tower or he didn’t think it was noteworthy enough to comment on.
“They’re not doin’ it right,” Sim said.
“Doing what?” asked Morgan as he stopped in the middle of the lobby and waited for the noise to return so he could determine the correct direction.
“Usin’ the sledge.”
“How do you know?”
“Sound. Rhythm. It’s wrong for breakin’ rock and wrong for drillin’ a hole.”
“Mmm,” was Morgan’s only comment. He wanted to call for help, but the cook and the maid would have said hunting down strange sounds that were probably caused by some magical experiment gone awry was not part of their jobs.
Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! This time the pounding wasn’t stopping and while there wasn’t a steady rhythm yet, there was certainly something happening that worried Morgan. “Up the stairs!” he called out and dashed up the wide, stone steps. Sim, not knowing what else to do, lumbered after the wizard, following the one person he hoped could help with his affliction.
The wizard wound his way through the confusing corridors of the tower. Sim was lost after the first turn. As they ran, Morgan with confidence and Sim haltingly, the thumps steadily got louder, but still followed some s
trange undefined rhythm.
Morgan stopped short in front of an unimpressive wooden door and raised his fist to pound on it.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
His knocks fell in time with the sledge on rock sound coming from within.
After a moment’s silence Sim said, “Nothin’.”
Morgan gave him a sour look and banged on the door again.
Once again the thumps from within fell in time with his fist.
“You’re good at this,” Sim said, his face honest and open. From any other person who wasn’t as dim-witted as he was sure Sim was, Morgan would have been sure the statement was sarcasm.
“Fuck this,” Morgan muttered, stepped back, and raised his hand once more before knocking the air with his glowing fist. With one gesture the door flew open and banged noisily against the stone wall. Morgan marched in and took in what was happening and immediately regretted all his actions in life, up to and including walking into Knut’s room.
He knew it was Knut’s room from the moment he walked up to the door. But he didn’t care. He hated being interrupted in his work and he hated that even though he was supposed to be in charge, it rarely felt that way to him.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Morgan demanded.
“What the fuck are yeh doin’?” the dwarf demanded back.
The dwarf, squat and naked, stood in the middle of the room. Like any other dwarf he was covered in wiry hair. To human eyes, he was as far from attractive as possible. It wasn’t the dwarf’s hairy, naked ass that bothered Morgan. It wasn’t that the cock dangling between his legs looked more like a clenched fist than a piece of humanoid flesh. On his muscular chest, his prominent nipples stood out proudly from his pectorals, pierced through with bright golden rings.
But it wasn’t the naked dwarf that was truly disturbing. It was what was on his bed that confused Morgan. At first he thought he was just looking at an ugly human woman, but the skin tone was wrong and all the details were off. With the prominent brow ridge, slightly pointed ears, forward jutting jaw, and four razor-sharp teeth jutting up between her lips, the person tied to the bed wasn’t a human, but an orc.