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Daughter of a Hood Legend 2

Page 4

by Latoya Nicole

  “I guess these niggas got gone because they knew that we were coming. These bitches ran.” That’s why I really didn’t want Kalina running the city. Women thought differently. Niggas didn’t run. If it was me, we would have been waiting guns drawn. It would have been one hell of a shoot out and my men would have been the last ones standing.

  Instead, here we were looking at each other like some damn dummies. How the fuck was Rebecca in charge of everything. There was no way Vega would have let her fuck other niggas if she was his everything. He used her ass like a pawn and had something up his sleeve. I don’t know what, but I can feel it now like I did twenty two years ago.

  Not only was she in charge, she wanted me to know that she was. Rebecca was around, she heard the stories and she knew who I was. If a nigga sent for me, I was coming. I’m sure she knew I put the shit together about Fat Back. The bitch wanted me to know that she was the one behind it. So why run? Why the fuck would you have me to come out here only to disappear like some fucking bitches.

  Looking around the room, I tried to piece the shit together. I’ve been out the game for a while and it was taking me a little longer. Back in the days, it would have come to me right away. I was missing something and then it hit me. The bitch wanted me here because she knew I would come. They wanted to take us out, just not the way that we thought.

  “The compound is about to blow up.”

  Chapter Seven


  Sitting in the car, I wanted to address the elephant in the room, but everyone else was trying to ignore it. Roulette has been my best friend since before we could talk. I know her like I know myself and she was hiding something. Her ass don’t look the least bit heart broken, but she just told us her nigga died and there is no emotion going through her.

  “I’ll meet up with yall later. I got some shit to handle and I need to head out. Breezy, I hope your lazy ass cooking tonight, a nigga gone be hungry as fuck when I get back.” Leaning in, I kissed him.

  “I got you.” When he got out, my ass went the fuck off.

  “This nigga thinks I’m stupid. Either he cheating on me or his bitch ass working for the other side. I’ll beat that nigga with his extra meat if he thinks he is going to cheat on me.” Crying, all I could do was break down. “Roulette, what if he working for the other side?”

  “Friend, why the fuck would you say some shit like that? Glitch been one hundred since he’s known us. No matter who came and left, it has always been us.”

  “Bitch you mean when your ass killed them all but think about it. Every time we’re in a meeting, he heads out. When I got shot up, he was conveniently out of town. Shit not adding up, so if he is not a traitor, his ass is cheating.” I knew I was right on the money because Roulette gave me a sympathetic look.

  “I’m sorry best friend. You know how this story ends and I know how you feel about him. If what you are saying is true, we gotta take him out. Glitch is my right hand, so I need you to be sure. Friend are you sure?”

  “Bitch were you sure when your dick was setting your ass up? Of course I’m not sure. This nigga been acting like everything was normal when he come home. Fucking me with that lil tuck tuck and shit.”

  “This nigga better not be around here lying and shit.” Looking at her, I thought about what I needed to say to her ass. She was over here judging me and tuck dick, but she had some explaining to do.

  “Speaking of lying, bitch you know damn well I know your ass better than you know yourself. If that nigga was dead, you would have broken down by now. I don’t know what is going on, but you better tell me something before I call and tell your daddy.

  “I wish you would. I’m going to start calling your ass snitch bitch.”

  “Spill it hoe before I slap you with my left tittie. You know that bitch longer than my right one, it can reach.” Looking at her sigh, I started to tell her never mind. It sounded like something big and my ass was just too nosy to not hear it. Eating some imaginary popcorn while I sipped my tea, I waited for her to give me the juicy shit.

  “Okay, so I kind of lied about it all. He had no idea that my daddy killed his. His mama was in there trying to kill him when I walked in and the bitch just seemed off to me. After talking, the only logical thing to do was move him. Bitch it took me that long because I had to pay someone to fake his death and get him the fuck out of there before Vicious or his mama took his life.” My ass wanted to jump out of the car and run. I wanted the tea but this bitch just served me a shot of Hennessy.

  “No bitch. Noooo. You need to run and go hide wherever the fuck you put that nigga. We don’t know if he is playing you or what. You know like I do, the right thing to do was take him out. We don’t leave room for doubt. On top of that, bitch you crossed the crew. That’s a war within itself and now you done dragged my ass into it. Nope bitch, throw down the anchor my ass getting the fuck off this sinking ship.”

  “Calm your ass down. I have it all under control. Until we can figure out what his mama is up to, I will keep him hidden away. If he is not a traitor, then no harm no foul. If the nigga flaw, I can take him out and he will really be dead.” This girl has lost her mind. She was not getting it. Vicious was like a damn hound, he found out everything.

  “You know I have your back, but I’m telling you now as your friend, this is the wrong call. You just put me in some shit I didn’t want to be in. Your dad is going to find out, you know how he is. God help us all.”

  “You so damn dramatic. As long as you keep your mouth shut, especially to Glitch, we will be good. No one will know, I promise. We just have to find out what the fuck his mama is up to.

  “You spitting a lot of we around here. Bitch the only French I know is fries. I’ll keep your secret, but if Uncle V comes to me, I’m telling on your ass and when did your ass become so damn slow?” I knew she wouldn’t have the slightest idea of what I was talking about. My girl was in love and done fell off.

  “What now?”

  “You know your father. We’ve never seen him in action, but we heard the stories. There is no way your dad is standing around waiting for information. They ass somewhere kicking off a war with your dick’s mama. He just told us what we wanted to hear. Him and his crew left together, where you thought they were going to an AARP meeting?” She was about to deny it and thought about it.

  “Bitch we about to go crash some shit. He got me fucked up. If they ass was gone be in a shoot out, I will be leading the fucking pack.” I wasn’t as pumped as she was, but it would be interesting to see how it played out. This was going to be a war within itself. My ass was ready to get there, but Roulette was driving like she was crazy. I wanted a front row seat, but not in front of the Lord.

  “Hey bestie, you think you can slow down?” Giving a nervous laugh, I looked at her waiting to see if she would slow down.

  “I got this bitch. You know how many times I had to beat my daddy home. I’ve put this car on two wheels to make it back to that tunnel. If you’re scared, put your seatbelt on.”

  “Bitch don’t play me like I’m a fucking coward.” I was talking shit, but I slid that seatbelt on right quick. I know Bugatti’s are meant to drive fast, but this bitch was hitting corners like the girl that didn’t make it on the fast and furious. As soon as we pulled up, we got out of the car. The grounds seemed quiet as hell, and I was concerned. Uncle V’s car was here so we should be hearing gun shots. Instead, all I heard was Roulette breathing. When she opened the trunk, my pussy jumped a little. It was an entire arsenal in that bitch.

  “You ready best friend?” Grabbing a shot gun, I nodded.

  “Fuck yea I am.” Walking towards the gate, we screamed as the compound blew up in front of us.

  Chapter Eight


  Oh, have the tables have turned. I was having a damn good time watching everyone trying to figure out what was going on. No one knew what I was up to and I loved it that way. See, the thing is, Vicious ass was too cocky. He thought the sins of his past w
ent away because his ass disappeared for twenty two years. That was not the case.

  I’ve been waiting on his return for a long time. I knew that one day, he would resurface. Men like that just can’t walk away for good. His ass was in the background lurking and I knew that something was going to bring him out. If I had known it would be his daughter, I would have went that route a long time ago.

  From the moment she walked into our office, I knew it was some kind of relation. She looked just like him. When Capone confirmed it, I knew I had his ass. See, all that time, I wanted to kill him and leave it at that. This plan was much better. I could tear his daughter to shreds and take all his money. Well, at least that’s what I thought I was going to do. My incompetent ass son couldn’t even do his part. That lil bitch was running amuck and his ass couldn’t do shit about it. He was nothing like his father, but in that way, he was. She walked all over his simple ass and I had to stand by and watch the shit hoping it was for a good cause.

  My son didn’t know, I had cameras installed everywhere and I knew whatever went on in my house. The only time I turned away is when they ass was having sex. I just knew he was going to use his meat to get what he wanted out of her, but his ass couldn’t do that. His father used that lil ass dick of his to get what he wanted, so I thought his ass could too. My mistake.

  Not only did this nigga allow this lil bitch to treat him like shit, he stood his dumb ass there while she shot him up. Security tried to handle her and he let her go. There is no room for something like that on my team. He liked to believe that he was in charge, but he had no idea the lengths I have gone through. I was the devil himself and my son had no idea.

  His ass thought he was running shit, and I liked to let him think he was. There is nothing that he did that I didn’t give the okay or shut it down. Him and his dumb ass friend Shitz thought they were some boss ass niggas, when all they were was some errand boys. Doing my dirty work. Every deal they made, it was me that made it happen. By the time they called in, I had already sealed the deal.

  There was no way I was allowing another Vega man to run me or my household. This shit was going to be done the way that I saw fit and that’s how the shit was going to stay. The lil bitch walked in on me about to take his weak ass out and I didn’t need that. Hopefully, she was there to do the same thing. My phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts.

  “Mrs. Vega how can I help you?” It was an unknown number and I had no idea who was on the other end of the phone. I hope it was Vicious calling to meet up.

  “This is Dr. Granger at Advocate South Hospital. We would like for you to come up here so we can talk to you about your son. Are you available to come in?” I wanted to tell they ass hell naw, let him die but I couldn’t.

  “I’m on the way.” Calling my driver, I headed towards the hospital to see what the weak ass punk needed. If his ass needed a donor, that nigga was assed out. Pulling up, I put my game face on so I could pretend to be mother of the year. Walking inside, I went into pissed mother mode.

  “Excuse me. Who is in charge? I need to speak to someone about my son and someone better approach this desk right now or I will shut this hospital down.” Some young ass nurse came running towards me and I wanted to slap her with my gloves. If they hadn’t cost a thousand dollars, I probably would have.

  “I’m sorry ma’am. How can I help you?”

  “You can page Dr. Granger thank you.” Rolling my eyes, I walked away. There was no way she would get anything more out of me.

  “Hell Mrs. Vega, I’m Dr. Granger and maybe you should sit down.”

  “Maybe you should do your job and tell me why I’m here. If I wanted to sit down, I know how to bend my legs.” He looked as if he was trying to avoid saying something disrespectful.

  “Well, getting straight to the point. Your son passed away a few hours ago. I wanted to know if you wanted to know where to pick up his remains?” Now my ass was confused.

  “You’re just now telling me that my son died. So who in the fuck ordered him to be cremated?” You could tell he was uncomfortable with this line of questioning.

  “A Mrs. Kalina Barnes. He had her down as his power of attorney. When he passed away, she ordered him to be cremated and then left.” It took everything in me not to laugh.

  “Write down where this funeral home is and I will go and pick it up.” Once he gave me the paper, I faked a cry and got my ass up out of there. Grabbing my phone as I got in the car, I called Shitz.

  “What’s up Mrs. V?”

  “Did you know that Capone passed away? The lil bitch killed him and then had his ass cremated. His dumb ass had her on his paper work. What kind of idiot of a son did I raise?” The phone went silent and then he started talking.

  “I don’t know shit about that. I told his ass let me take her out, but he wanted to talk to her. I knew I shouldn’t have called her ass up there.”

  “Everybody can’t be as smart as me. Tomorrow you are going to go pick up his dusty ass remains.”

  “Say less.” Hanging up the phone, I laid back and closed my eyes. Out of nowhere, I shot my ass back up. If I didn’t know shit else, I knew bullshit. She wasn’t there to kill him, my son asked for her. All of a sudden, she is his power of attorney and had him cremated. These niggas thought they could pull one over on me. This could only mean one thing, they were coming after me and my son helped them do it. Grabbing my phone, I called my security.

  “Get everyone out of the house. Leave the gate open and make sure that no one stays behind.”

  “Are you sure boss lady, I can make sure everything is straight.”

  “Just do what the fuck I asked you and hurry up. If you’re there in ten minutes, that shit on your ass.” Hanging up, I smiled. I had a trick for all of them. This was about to be an explosive ass twist, I hope they ass was ready for it.

  Chapter Nine


  Shit was out of control and I had no idea what was going on. One thing I knew, I couldn’t figure the shit out hid away in this damn house. Roulette hadn’t come back and it’s been a month. She made sure I had a great nursing staff, but I was going crazy wondering what was happening. Finishing up my therapy, I headed to the shower. It felt good to be able to walk. At least I didn’t have to lay around all damn day while I tried to piece this shit together.

  Once I was done taking care of my hygiene, I wrapped my towel and walked out of the bathroom. Roulette was standing there listening to the nurse and therapist update her on how I was doing. She finally turned to look at me and I had to turn around to keep her from seeing my dick. The shit was rising and I knew we weren’t there.

  “Hey, they told me you’re doing great. How are you feeling?” I’m feeling like I want you to put your mouth on my dick. How do you think I’m feeling? I would be feeling so much better if you just let me stick the tip in.

  “I’m good. Tired of being in the house left in the dark. What’s going on Roulette?” Motioning for the staff to leave the room, shorty started giving me an update.

  “Your mother blew your compound up while my father and his crew were inside.” Grabbing her, I held her close. Here I was thinking about sticking my dick in her and her father died. Our parents killed each other.

  “I’m sorry shorty.” Pulling back, she started laughing.

  “I’m sorry if you misunderstood. He didn’t die, apparently they got out of there before it happened. They are looking for her and I’m sorry, but I need you to tell me where she could be hiding.” She asked me that shit like it was nothing. Even though the bitch tried to kill me, she was still my mother and I needed to know why. If anyone was going to kill her, it would be me.

  “I’ll handle that myself. Tell your daddy to stand down.” From the look on her face, I could tell we were about to have it out.

  “Capone, I’m trying to believe that you had nothing to do with this plan but you are making it hard. I’m not asking you to give me an address, I’m telling you to. You think this shit is all laughs
and giggles. This shit ain’t a fucking game. Did you not get my message when I shot you the first fucking time?” Walking close to her, I leaned in.

  “Maybe you didn’t get the message the first time. You don’t run me. I’m that nigga and I don’t take orders from a mother fucking soul. You keep trying to flex on me shorty like I’m some soft ass nigga. If that’s what you looking for, I’ll drive you through boys town. They got a lot of soft dicks. Want one?” Slapping me in my face, she was ready to fight.

  “Fuck you.” Slamming her on the bed, I climbed on top of her.

  “What did I tell you last time? If you put your hands on me, you will pay one way or another.” Taking my leg, I pushed her legs apart forcefully. Even though I was in pain, I refused to let her know that. Snatching her leggings down, I ran my fingers up her slit. It’s like she was paralyzed. Shorty wouldn’t talk or move but that shit was about to change. Pushing my dick inside of her, I needed to feel her on me before I punished her ass. The way she gasped, I knew she was missing me as much as I missed her. Pulling out, I flipped her over and took charge.

  I know I shouldn’t be having aggressive sex, but I was tired of her thinking shit was sweet. Snatching her body towards me, I forced her on her legs. She had no idea how I was about to fuck her up, but that’s what was about to happen. Spitting on her ass, I pushed my dick inside before she realized what happened.

  “Oww what the fuck. Capone no. Pull out please, this shit hurts so bad. Fuck. You’re ripping my ass.”

  “What the fuck I tell you about putting your hands on me? Are you going to stop putting your fucking hands on me?”


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