Book Read Free


Page 15

by Jordan Marie

  “No, I’ve already spoken to the funeral home. Once Glenna’s body is released, I’m having her cremated quietly with her ashes scattered,” Dawn says.

  “Shouldn’t we have a small service?” I ask.

  “Don’t pressure your sister, Ellie. If she doesn’t want a service for this girl, she doesn’t need to do one. There’s no point. You said yourself that the girl didn’t really have anyone. She was alone in this world. The world is for the living. Dawn needs to put this behind her.”

  I stop walking towards the car. I look at my mother and sister and I wonder—not for the first time—who they are. Did they change overnight into these people, or were they like this all along and I blindly went along not noticing until I found out they had lied to me.

  “Well? Are you coming? Dawn and I need to get back to Page.”

  “You’re going home to Page?” I ask, blindsided. This is the first I’m hearing about Dawn going back with Mom. “I thought you were having Glenna cremated and you both said you’d help me finish packing and closing down the house. You never mentioned leaving.”

  “The world doesn’t revolve around you, Eleanor,” Mom snaps.

  “I’m having Glenna’s body transferred to the funeral home in Page. They’ll do it there and it will be half the cost.”

  “I… You two have been talking about this for a while,” I stutter, feeling kind of stupid. All this time, I thought Dawn just wasn’t talking to me. I assumed that she was just closed up because of the trauma. That obviously wasn’t it. She’s been talking quite a bit to our mother, apparently.

  “So? What does it matter?”

  “It doesn’t, I guess.”

  “You don’t need us to pack up. If you’re intent to go back to that biker and ruin your life, then do it. You won’t listen to me, you never did,” Mom says, her voice full of annoyance and derision.

  “Liam won’t ruin my life, Mom. He loves me.”

  “He’s nothing but a criminal. I’ve seen those biker shows on television. He’s a thug that makes his money dealing in drugs and women. Why you want that element in your life, Eleanor is beyond me. I had hoped that when you came home the first time, you’d gotten smart, but apparently, I was wrong.”

  “That’s not who Liam is. You’re basing your hate of him on a dramatized television show,” I respond. My voice is monotone, because I’m not sure what I’m feeling. I just know that I feel like I never knew my family at all.

  “Don’t you try and defend him to me. Dawn and I both saw how broken you were when you came home.”

  “Yeah, Ellie. Maybe you’ve forgotten what a mess you were that first month when Fury didn’t even bother to call you. It was five weeks before he finally worried about you. Five. You want to act like he’s such a good guy. He’s scum,” Dawn snarls and I step back, because the hate in her eyes is so deep that it’s terrifying. I don’t think it’s all directed at Liam. I think it just lives in her.

  “Funny, you want to call him scum and Mom wants to talk about the things he is supposedly involved in and yet both of you are happy he’ll be taking care of Wolf’s body. How many times have you quizzed me about that, Dawn? You want to make sure he’s dead and never found again. Isn’t that right?” I ask her, paraphrasing the small conversations that we’ve had when it came to Wolf.

  “Wolf was a monster, he deserved to die,” Mom sniffs, but Dawn just stares at me. I think we’re beginning to understand each other.

  “At least on that we can agree,” I murmur. “While you two are busy judging my husband—”

  “He’s not your husband anymore. You should have put that mistake behind you. You knew he was bad then, or you wouldn’t have come home,” Mom snaps. “Why my girls are intent on ruining their lives over trash, I don’t know. Thank God that Dawn has finally seen the light. I’m giving up hope on you.”

  I flinch. Not so much at what my mother just said, more because she’s almost right. I did come home because of Liam’s life. I didn’t trust his love for me.

  “I would have went back to him, then. I just needed time to sort through all of the sadness. I would have gone back to him if you’d told me he called.”

  “And that’s exactly why we didn’t,” Mom yells. The words are so loud that I know the people on the street are now staring at us. I shake my head. I thought going back home to Page back then was going home to my safe zone. I thought I could go there and think things over then Liam would call and we’d be able to fix things between us. I can see the exact moment everything began to go off the rails and it’s all pointing at me. I have more of Dawn and my mother in me than I realized and suddenly, I know that’s not a good thing.

  I turn away from them, walking the opposite direction.

  “Where are you going?” Dawn yells.

  “Home,” I tell them without looking back. I don’t owe them anything. They’re not the people I had built up in my mind. They’re toxic. I made the wrong decisions when I left Tennessee. I need to learn from them and make sure I don’t repeat the same ones.

  I just hope I’m not too late.


  “How are you doing, Fury?” Diesel asks, coming over to sit with me.

  It’s a quiet night at the club. I think we’re all starting to worry about Devil. He’s still got Wolf locked in the basement. The guy is breathing, but it’s beyond me how. With all of the wounds he has and blood loss, he should be dead. I guess that’s the thing about monsters, they wouldn’t be scary if they did what was expected of them. And Wolf? He’s definitely a monster.

  “I’m okay. Got a lot of shit on my mind,” I mumble. “Where’s Devil?”

  “You know where he is,” Diesel mutters.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  We both look over at Torrent. She’s sitting talking to Dani and Crusher, but even from this distance I can see the circles under her eyes. She’s worried about her man, just like we all are.

  “Are we going to have to intervene?” I ask Diesel. He lets out a loud sigh that makes it clear he’s as worried as the rest of us.

  “I hate to. God knows that Devil deserves this. I can’t imagine all of the hell he went through. I even got my turn at Wolf, but Devil…” he shifts his shoulders a minute before continuing. “There are things he needs to work through. If he doesn’t get his head together soon, I’ll step in and send in the big guns.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “I’ll send Torrent down there to talk some sense into him. She’s been letting him fight his demons as best as he can, but she’s almost at the end of her rope, too.”

  “He won’t thank you for letting Torrent anywhere near that fucker again, even if he is chained up like a side of beef in a packing plant.”

  “Maybe not, but it might take that to pull Devil’s head out of his ass,” Diesel says and he’s not wrong.

  “Women have a way of doing that. Diesel, I need to talk to you.”

  “When are you leaving?” he asks, smirking.


  “You’re going to tell me you are going to go back to Phoenix, right?”

  I let out a laugh, which isn’t of humor, rather, it’s one of respect. I should have known that Diesel would know where my head is. There’s a reason he makes a damn good president of our crew.

  “I have to, Brother. I’ve lived without her for almost two years. I did it, but it was miserable. Since having her back in my life, being without her again feels like I’m fucking dying.”

  “Are you coming back?” he asks and that’s the part that kills me.

  “I want to,” I tell him.

  “But, you’re not sure she will.”

  “There were things she didn’t like me doing for the club,” I tell him, tiptoeing over a touchy subject and hoping to leave it at that.

  “Like going after Vicki.”


  “I always wondered if that wasn’t the real reason she left. It happened when you left to hunt that bitch down the first time.” />
  “It was part of it, yeah, but our problems were bigger than that, Diesel, man. We needed to work through shit and instead…”

  “Ellie left.”

  “And I didn’t try to go to her when I got back. I let my pride get in my way,” I admit.

  “Pride is a hard thing for a man to let go of and sometimes he shouldn’t. It’s what makes us the men we are, the men that can live this life that we lead,” he says. I nod my head, because he’s right. “It makes a piss-poor bed fellow, though,” he says with a grin, holding his glass up in salute. I clink mine against his, swallowing down the whiskey, as we share a drink and understanding. Diesel gets up, slaps me on the shoulder and gives me the words I need. “Do what you need to do, Fury. You know this is your home. We’re always here for you, however you need us.”

  “I do. I just know that Ellie is my life. Without her—”

  The front door opens, I barely look up, figuring it’s one of the pledges or club candy. But, my eye catches that long wave of blonde hair and I do a double-take.

  Standing at the door is Ellie…suitcase in hand.


  I nervously stand at the door and I know all eyes are on me. I can feel them. I keep my gaze concentrated on Liam though. I’m so nervous, I feel like a cat on a hot tin roof. I’m praying that just showing up was the right choice. Liam could have already decided he was tired of putting up with me. Until I was faced with my mother and sister on the streets in Phoenix, I honestly didn’t realize that my first instinct was to run when things got difficult, but it is. Maybe I have more of my father in me than I realized. He sure ran from our family. Now that I see my mother without blinders, I can only imagine how difficult his life was.

  “Ice,” Fury growls, coming towards me. His big muscular body charges at me like a bull and I’m starting to rethink the red dress I’m wearing.

  I gasp as he pulls me into his arms. My suitcase drops to the floor, as he slams his mouth down against mine, kissing me so hard that it takes my breath away.

  “Liam,” I moan, as we break apart. I can hear the club behind us, catcalling and yelling out, but they seem a world away. I’m pressed against Liam, my arms around his shoulders, my legs wrapped around his hips. I’m looking into his gray eyes, the taste of him on my lips.

  “You’re here,” he growls, his fingers biting into the flesh of my ass, as he grinds me against him. His dick is pushing against his jeans.

  “I’m here.”

  “Thank fuck. Tell me you’re here to stay, Ellie.”

  “I’m here for as long as you want me, Liam,” I respond, wondering if he catches what I said. I know I’m going to have to come clean to him and there’s a chance he may never forgive me.

  “Always, Ice, always,” he growls, taking my mouth again.

  I know we’re walking, and I can hear the crowd’s voices in the main room get dimmer, but it doesn’t matter. I drink in the reality of being in Liam’s arms again, of having his kiss, of feeling his arms around me. I’ve been so empty since he left Phoenix, that I can barely believe this is happening.

  He takes us to his room. A room that used to be ours. I’m surprised that it hasn’t changed, but literally nothing has changed—including the fact that our wedding photo is still on the dresser. When he puts me down, I walk over to it, picking it up.

  Our smiling faces are reflected back at me. It was over four years ago, but we look so much younger and carefree. We lost our way. To realize that most of that fault lies on my shoulders, is a hard pill to swallow. Liam never changed. He was who he was when I married him. I was young and naïve. A virgin who romanticized what our life would be like.

  I was so wrong.

  But, the one thing I wasn’t wrong about was the fact that Liam loved me. He has always loved me.

  “We need to talk,” Liam says. I slowly raise my gaze to look at him through the reflection in the mirror, our wedding photo still in my hand.

  “We do,” I admit, nervously. I have so much to tell him, so much to confess. What happens if he hates me for it?”

  “It will have to wait until after I have you, Ellie.”

  “Liam, there are things you need to know. Things we really should discuss before—”

  “Nothing you have to say is going to change the fact that you belong to me, Ellie. We’ll talk about it all, but it will be after.”

  “After…” I murmur, the heated look in his eyes is so hot it feels as if it might scorch me.

  “Definitely after. Now, put your hands on the dresser and spread your legs apart,” he orders, my body shivers in response.

  Maybe I’m weak. Maybe I should try to make him listen to me, but I don’t. I put our photo down and I grip the dresser, positioning my legs wider to make room for him. He comes up behind, his large body making me feel small and feminine. His ink covered hand comes down to grab our wedding photo.

  “You kept it,” I murmur, because the significance of that isn’t lost on me.

  “Always,” he says. “Just because you left, Ellie, didn’t mean it was over for me. I love you. I’ll always love you.” I want to believe that’s true, I pray it is. I close my eyes as he nuzzles my neck, putting whisper-soft kisses there, his beard teasing my skin. “I’ll just put this over here, where it’s safe. I don’t want it to break as I’m slamming into you,” he purrs against my ear.


  “This isn’t going to be slow and easy, Ellie. It’s been too long. I’m going to fuck you so hard that your legs give out,” he promises, as he puts our picture on the small stool beside the dresser. Then, I feel his hands at the zipper of my dress.

  We’ll have to talk later. Right now, I just want to get lost in Liam’s touch.

  “I don’t want slow and easy, Liam. I just want you, anyway I can get you,” I tell him and as he releases my zipper, I’m filled with anticipation.


  As my dress falls to the floor, I’m left in nothing more than my thong and matching bra. Liam’s hand moves over my back, slowly followed by his lips, kissing a path that only he knows—that only he has explored. His hand dips down, moving over my ass cheek, squeezing the fleshy globe, once…twice and then, without warning, smacking it. I cry out, not prepared, even though I should have been.

  “I’ve missed this ass, Ellie. Who does it belong to, baby?”

  “You, Liam. Always, you,” I answer immediately.

  “Such a good little girl, giving me the right answer. I think maybe you need a reward.” His fingertip moves along the fabric of my thong and it seems to burn me as it does. “What do you think, Ice? Do you need a reward?”

  “Please, Liam,” I beg, so turned on it’s ridiculous and he’s barely touched me. His fingers slide under the fabric of my thong and he pulls it tight so that it puts friction against my pussy and slips between my lips abrading my clit and causing me to moan at the sensation. He pulls the fabric outward, tugging on it so it works my pussy like a puppet. My clit, already swollen, is drenched, and I’m sure the fabric is too. “Oh fuck,” I hiss, thinking he’s going to make me come using nothing but my panties.

  “Lean down and angle that sweet little ass out, Ellie,” he growls against my ear.

  I shudder, so close to exploding that if he just touched me I’d shatter. I do exactly as he asks, afraid that if I don’t he’ll stop and that’s the last thing I want.

  He does stop, but even as I whimper in protest, I hear the fabric of my thong rip.

  “Liam, you’re torturing me,” I complain. I hold tighter onto the dresser, afraid my knees are going to give out on me.

  I look into the mirror. His head is bent down and I know he’s looking at his cock, but I can’t see from this angle. His face is almost tortured and beautiful in its hunger. I bite into my lip, my eyes closing as I feel the head of his heated cock move over my ass, leaving a wet trail where he spanked me.

  “Fuck, yeah, Ice. I really did miss this ass,” he groans.

  I don’t know what I’m asking for, maybe nothing. I just know whatever he’s doing to me seems monumental. Intuitively, I know that I’ll never be the same again. I feel the head of his cock push between my cheeks, applying pressure to the entrance of my ass. My body betrays me, automatically thrusting out to meet him, wanting what he’s giving, even if I’m apprehensive. He moves his cock back and forth in between the small valley, pushing his head against the tight opening, but never quite entering. He does this repeatedly, and I get lost in the repetition. Then, unexpectedly, his cock moves lower, tunneling between my thighs, and sliding against the tender aroused flesh that leads to my clit.

  “You’re so fucking wet, Ice. I’d forgotten what magic we create together.”

  He’s right. That’s the only word for it, too.


  “Quit torturing me, Liam. I need you,” I pant, leaning deeper against the dresser, I reach my hand between my legs, to touch his wet cock, pressing it up against me, loving the way that feels. Liam slaps my ass, this time harder than before, causing my entire body to shudder and a fresh new wave of wetness to soak his cock and run down my thighs.

  I’ve never been this wet in my life.

  “Remember the rules, Ellie. What are they?”

  “You give me what I need and how I need it,” I murmur the words that I learned early on in our relationship. Liam is definitely the dominate man in the bedroom and I love every second of it.

  His hand wraps in my hair, as he twists the curls and roughly pulls my head back.


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