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Invasion: Journal Three (Shockwave Book 3)

Page 44

by Hammer Trollkin

  ORION CLASS HAULER: A second generation ship utilizing the basic design of the Orion Class Carrier, including nuclear pulse propulsion. A large-scale fleet hauler is built on the same platform as an Orion Class Hauler and is generally used to haul propellant tanks to be used by strike groups cruising on mission.

  Some quantum port teams have sufficient lift capacity to allow teleportation of loaded replacement tanks to the haulers or even to an individual warship if needed. There are other usages for a Hauler, such as a transporting SGLs for SUGAR mechanized equipment, or SPICE units. There are three Hauler sizes under manufacture.


  PBW-NEUTRAL: A Particle Beam Weapon. PBWn. A neutral PBW is the primary weapon of the Solar League’s main battle ship, a battlestar. Being neutral just means the atoms used in the beam have no charge. That way, the atoms don’t want to attract or repel each other. That in turn makes for a coherent focused beam of destructive energy. In other words, it is a means to focus a whole lot of kinetic energy over a very long distance. As in, it’s going to get really kinetic out there.

  Hydrogen is a neutral atom. And there just happens to be all that hydrogen in the propellant tanks for the ship reaction mass. Now that’s convenient. From there the hydrogen atom just has to undergo a tiny adjustment by stripping its electron for a split second. That leaves a positive ion, making it easy for the particle accelerator to do its part, accelerating the particles to almost the speed of light. But we need a neutral particle to speed along to the target. So, that stripped electron is added back as the particles leave the accelerator.

  The result is a high energy burst of hydrogen atoms speeding along to impact with an Empire ship, an incredible spear of lightning impacting at relativistic speed, imparting explosive energy, electromagnetic pulse, and deadly radiation.

  PBW-CHARGED: A Particle Beam Weapon. PBWc. The charged particle beam weapon is a newer system developed for in-atmosphere operations. The charged beam system design is quite different from a neutral beam system. The beam achieves coherence through particle attraction that is sustained by an enveloping electromagnetic field.

  PENTALINK: A pentalink configuration is a complex arrangement of five Empire ships symmetrically surrounding a central hub containment field. The configuration is maintained by a powerful gravitational vortex of which little is known. The central hub is utilized as a containment field for a very large matter/antimatter generator. It is surmised the combined power of 5 ships is necessary to begin the process of energy production by the generator. Subsequently, the matter/antimatter generator produces an extremely high energy output. It is further surmised an exotic carrier wave then transfers that energy to the ship-conjugate.

  The potential energy output of the pentalink configuration, as compared to a normal complement of 5 dreadnaughts, is exponential. The configuration requires specialized equipment, primarily with respect to the large core matter/antimatter power system utilized by the configuration. A pentalink is much more than just a linking of five capital ships. The configuration can be established utilizing five dreadnaughts or five cruisers.

  PID: Personal Intelligence Device. It is a personal multi-use computing device. It has a 3-dimensional high-definition video recorder, audio recorder, cellphone, etc. High-end holopids, including those used by the military, incorporate a suite of scanners that can determine temperature, local information such as nearby heartbeats, infrared pictures, etc.

  PLASMA TUBE: Also see Tube. Shoulder fired plasma bolt weapon.

  PRIMARY SERVICE TRANSPORTATION GATE: An Empire primary system teleportation gate with a dedicated dome base on Cygnus Prime. There are also Ancillary Gates for emergency or tactical usage.

  PRIME: An abbreviated name for Cygnus Prime, the primary star of the system which contains the home world of the Empire. The home world is also called Cygnus Prime, or Prime. Since one of the meanings of the word prime is chief, or principal, people often add a twist by way of insult, calling the enemy Primers. As in a book used to teach small children to read. Yeah, we’re going to teach Primers all sorts of things, especially not to mess with humanity.

  QUANTUM REALM: At least as far as I’m concerned, this is just a term to represent the zone where quantum mechanics comes into play. Some might call it a microcosm bounded by a finite Planck limit or some other such limit. If string theory is correct, then the hypothesized dimensions, other than the four we can measure, are to be found beyond that limit. There are decidedly odd happenings at the quantum level. Some get a little too mystical about it from my way of looking at things. There are a lot of things we don’t understand. Let’s get over it, and enjoy the road to discovery. I’m sure God puts the Quantum Realm to very good use.

  QuIM: Pronounced quim. Quantum Instant Messaging system. The system utilizes quantum teleportation techniques to allow faster than light communication. The system became fully operational shortly before the Battle at Oort. Significant component contributions come from China.

  QUPUTER: Pronounced cue-peuter. Quantum computing system. While they are generally labeled quantum computers, quputers capable of high-level function incorporate some standard computer chip systems and some level of synergistic artificial intelligence.

  RC: Roving claymore. A smart roving claymore directional mine explosive that can be quick programmed to find a specific target. A target can be ‘painted’ in a variety of ways, including a laser ping.

  RedFERNs: Reduced-size Fusion Energized Reactor–Nuclear. Military portable power generation units hauled on trucks or other platforms.

  RINGOLAR: A neighboring planet to Turkskee, which houses the teleportation gate that bridges Turkskee to Prime.

  SAIQ Net: Synergistic Artificial Intelligence Quputer. Pronounced as psyc-net. It is a blending of AI with quputer processing. Often when people just say quputer, their meaning is a SAIQ net. Almost all quputers have at least a rudimentary AI presence.

  SGLs: Space-to-Ground-Landers.

  SHARK: A relativistic speed kinetic missile. Sharks are deployed in a likely theater of operation before a battle. They are sent out in “schools” hours or days before they will be needed in order to acquire a delta-v that is relativistic. The first-generation shark could reach a relativistic speed of 50% light (.5C). It is essentially a high thrust fusion engine with a primary thruster nozzle and small secondary vector nozzles attached to a large fuel tank. The weapon does not carry explosives, relying on missile mass and velocity to achieve high kinetic energy. The second-generation sharks replaced the original shark and are capable of speeds in excess of .75C.

  SID: See Stellar Intelligence Division.

  SKYWALK: Cygnus Prime space elevator.

  SLS and SLSF: This is a Space Force designation for a space flight capable Solar League Ship (SLS). A designation used by Earth and affiliated worlds. An F designation indicates FTL capability. Solar League Ship was eventually replaced with Star League Ship.

  SOLCOM: See Solar League Command.

  SOLAR LEAGUE: The governing body of the planet Earth and Solar colonies, subsequent to the uniting of all the nations of Earth. The invasion of Earth occasioned a unique period of global unity and political stability that logically moved toward a federation of all the peoples of Earth. That aspect of unity increased with the advent of full stellar war with the Empire.

  SOLAR LEAGUE COMMAND: Generally known as Solcom. Solcom has jurisdictional control of all matters related to the interstellar war effort. The position of commander-in-chief is vested in the Prime Minister of the Solar League. Primary military decisions are determined by a cabinet of military professionals.

  SPACE ACTION CORPS: Generally referred to as Spacors. This is the League rapid deployment action and reaction force modeled largely on the U.S. Marine Corps.

  SPACE FORCE: The League military command having jurisdiction over space and atmospheric offensive and defensive operations, including control of spacecraft and aircraft.

  SPACORS: See Space Action Corps.

  SPATIAL RECOGNITION SOFTWARE: This is a program that sifts through stored scanner information looking for quantum anomalies in space-time. This can be used to find Nahaash’ereem agents. There are disturbances in space-time associated with porting, some types of cloaking, etc.

  SPICE: Space Inserted Cruise Enabled. An example would be the highly upgraded F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning, and similar aircraft used to conduct military operations subsequent to transportation in space. Such craft are enabled to enter a planetary atmosphere from orbit utilizing frontal energized shielding to displace heat. ERROR CORRECTION. SPICE craft, while loosely based on 5th and 6th generation military aircraft designs, are unique.

  STARFIGHTER: A drone designed to carry and drop 10 THOr shells. See THOr shell. Triple H: Hot; High-energy; High speed. A THOr shell is target programmed upon launch, at which time it utilizes active scanning to track and discharge. The discharge is accomplished using a shaped high yield nuclear exciter explosion to ignite and launch a low-Z material (a low-Z material provides for minimal loss of destructive coherence). The result is essentially a powerful plasma-state spear of energy. The THOR shell is essentially an updated version of the well-known Casaba Howitzer.

  STELLAR INTELLIGENCE DIVISION: Also known as SID, a division of Solcom. The SID assists Solcom with the gathering and analysis of a wide variety of information pertaining to stellar systems other than Sol. The SID has investigative and quasi law enforcement power.

  SSC3: Also called an S3. See Supershark C-3.

  STOP TEAM: Space Force Tactical Operations Porters. SpecOps squads with a high port-tech to specialist ratio. The minimum ratio commensurate with a STOP team is one port-tech for each non-port capable specialist.

  SUGAR: Shielded Upgraded Ground Assault Rig. An example would be an Abrams M1A3 supertank with energetic shielding.

  SUPERSHARK: A second generation relativistic speed kinetic missile incorporating design characteristics of stealth and afterburner tank to develop greater acceleration and delta-v. The second-generation missile has the capability to jettison the main fuel tank while retaining a small secondary tank to allow vector change thrust, adding to stealth characteristics. The missile can reach a relativistic speed of 75% light (.75C). Eventually the 2nd-gen missile supplanted the 1st-gen missile and has since just been called a shark.

  SUPERSHARK C-3: Also known as SSC3 or S3. It is a third-generation weapon capable of opening a warp bubble to achieve faster-than-light speed. FTL is reached almost instantaneously upon opening a bubble. The missile relies on intense gravitational effects to destroy the target. Note, C for speed-of-light capability; 3 for 3rd generation weapon.

  THOr SHELL: THOr is the acronym for Triple H Ordnance. Triple H: Hot; High-energy; High speed. A THOr shell is target programmed upon launch at which time it utilizes active scanning to track and discharge. The discharge is accomplished using a shaped high yield nuclear exciter explosion to ignite and launch a low-Z material (a low-Z material provides for minimal loss of destructive coherence). The result is essentially a powerful plasma-state spear of energy. The THOR shell is essentially an updated version of the well-known Casaba Howitzer.

  TIMELINE DROP: The timeline project was originally authorized by Solcom and later adopted by the Star League Ministry. The intent was to develop and maintain an accurate history of the interstellar war with the Empire. Several secure journals with accurate historical accounts of the war were chosen to receive historical information via a Timeline Drop as such information became available. Event information is embedded in a best-effort to provide a sequential timeline order of events.

  Specific to the Journal for SpecOps team Shockwave. The information in the Journal can’t be changed due to encryption protocol. There is one exception. The Keeper of the Journal is able to “drop” information developed at a future date into the Journal to improve timeline accuracy. In that way, the Journal is a living document. It’s all very simple. Unless the Timeline Drop process uses quantum entanglement principles to move information to the past. Solcom Directive Three prevents me from either confirming or denying the existences of limited timestream data dumping.

  TIMELINE PROJECT: The timeline project was originally authorized by Solcom and later adopted by the Star League Ministry. The intent was to develop and maintain an accurate history of the interstellar war with the Empire. Several secure journals with accurate historical accounts of the war were chosen to receive historical information via a Timeline Drop as such information became available. Event information is embedded in a best-effort to provide a sequential timeline order of events.

  TRANSIT-SPACE: Empire term for the transition space (wormhole) between teleportation gates.

  TROLLKIN: Mr. T’s (Tee) last name.

  TUBE: Also see Plasma Tube. Shoulder fired plasma bolt weapon.

  TURKSKEE: We pronounce it ‘Turk-skee’. The actual pronunciation is difficult. Steve’s people are from Turkskee. They are Turkskeeans. Turkskee is a colony world of Crimson located about 150 light years from Cygnus Prime; 50 light years from Crimson; 1,550 light years from Earth. Contact was lost between Crimson and Turkskee because of the invasion of Crimson by Cygnus Prime. It was many years before Prime moved to take Turkskee due to their low level of industrial development and disposition. ERROR. Actual distances are NOT correct. Solcom Interstellar War Information Directives are in place. I can now say Turkskee is located approximately 10-light years from Crimson.

  VIPER.: This is the operational NAME for all phases of the space assault portion of the first invasion of Cygnus Prime by Earth. It includes the Jasmin gate project and the actions of the Prime Space Action Group, involving three separate strike groups.




  The following redacted profiles are sanctioned. See the Code of Solar League Regulations. Title 5. Solar Defense. Special Teams. Extreme Force Multiplier Designation. Unique Characteristics.



  Special Ability: Invisibility Cloaking Field. Cloaking Field Extension. See squad and platoon level specifications .

  Capability Details: Viz controls an invisibility cloaking field. There is an extensive nanite complex weaved throughout her central nervous system, controlling a dipole filler invisibility field. The invisibility cloak can be extended over a limited area. See cloaking field extension capability .

  RECAP: Team invisibility. Intelligence gathering, surveillance, reconnaissance, target acquisition.



  Special Ability: Power. Survivability.

  Capability Details: Para controls her atomic density in a complex manipulation of gravitons, the quantum of gravity. There is also activity involving the Higgs field and gluon field energy fluctuations. Activation of her capability is called inversion. Para can invert at will. Note: There is a good deal of speculation surrounding this capability and the interactive purpose of her extensive nanite weave. The asset capability is proving to be effective in unconventional operations. See gravitational anomalies .

  RECAP: Team blunt force activity. Breaching, focused mayhem, unconventional operations.



  Special Ability: Language acquisition and interpretation. Quputer and computer programming. Cyberwarfare. Intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, target acquisition.

  Capability Details: Rapid language acquisition, superior to the most advanced synergistic quputer translation modules. The operative was not present during the DARPA Laboratory event. A nanite structure has been verified. Highest level competency in advanced programming and all aspects of cyberops.

  RECAP: Language acquisition, comprehension, and utilization; including machine programming and complex quputer algo
rithms. Cyberops.


  *OPERATIVE NAMES: Names: Rock and Roll.

  Special Ability: Quantum teleportation.

  Capability Details: Guided nonlocality modulation to influence entangled particle interchange.

  RECAP: Team teleportation transfer (instantaneous travel, anywhere).



  Special Ability: Mind delving. Direct mind to mind communication. A secondary ability involved enhanced strength and endurance.

  Capability Details: Advanced, operative controlled neural interface extension. Musculoskeletal system enhancement through nanite complex augmentation.

  RECAP: Interrogation amplification. Increased ability to exchange complex concepts and instructions. Intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, target acquisition.


  *OPERATIVE NAME: Muncle. Nonhuman Shockwave contractor, a spider monkey. The contractor relies heavily on a remote cognitive interface with a level-10 (or higher) synergistic AI/quputer known as Communal*.

  Special Ability: High intelligence factor. Machine programming skills. Enhanced eyesight. Enhanced fast twitch muscle reaction.

  Capability Details: Intelligence gathering. Survivability.

  RECAP: Recon. Cyberops.


  *Communal is a level-10, or higher, Artificial Intelligence. The AI was connected to a project that was destroyed in a DARPA laboratory targeted during the first invasion by the Empire of Cygnus Prime. The incident allowed a rudimentary version of Communal to escape the lab and set up an undocumented server farm, allowing ungoverned growth. The AI is an asset often used by Shockwave. Solcom has not intervened, currently satisfied with the oversight of Tee, who is a well-known expert in Quantum AI utilization.


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