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Page 19

by Danielle James

  “Thanks, Dad. She is amazing. She’s a firecracker but if I’m being honest, that’s one of the things I love about her. She’s never afraid to say what’s on her mind and she’s honest. After dealing with Kim that’s refreshing.”

  “Anything after Kim is refreshing, Cy. How’s the visitation going? Is she ever going to let you see Brianna?” He frowned.

  “Not unless I make some serious moves.”

  “Moves like court?” He asked.

  “Please tell me you’re actually taking her sneaky ass to court,” Mom said. I didn’t even know she was right behind me.

  “I’m petitioning the court for a paternity test before I do anything else,” I said.

  “Good. What finally got through that thick head of yours?” She asked with her hands anchored to her hips. I looked at Bellamy. She’d sat down in the chair beside me, watching quietly. I grabbed her hand in mine then kissed the back of it.

  “Actually, Bellamy got through to me.” I’m pretty sure that’s what fully won my mother over.

  “You got through to him? Well, feel free to call me Mom if you want as long as it doesn’t offend your mother,” she chuckled. She had no idea the blow she just dealt to Bellamy. I could see it written all over her chocolate face though.

  “Mom, um…Bellamy went through the system. She never got adopted.” I saw the heartbreak on my mother’s face when I told her.

  “Yeah, I haven’t seen my mother since I was seven.” Bellamy tried to force a smile but it fell flat and so did the beating in my chest.

  “I’m so sorry I spoke without knowing, Bellamy,” Mom said quietly.

  “It’s fine.” Bellamy stood to her feet and found her way to the porch.

  “Go get her son,” Mom frowned. I nodded and grabbed my coat on the way outside. When I saw Bellamy hugging herself tight on the porch, I draped my coat around her shoulders.

  “She didn’t mean anything by it. She didn’t know,” I explained.

  “I know. It’s not even that.” Bellamy looked up at the sky just as scattered snowflakes began to fall. A few of them rested on her thick lashes making her look like something out of a painting far too expensive for me to afford.

  “I didn’t think being around your parents would be this hard but it’s making me realize everything I missed out on. I was so alone when I was little, Cyrus. Even before my mother gave me up I was alone. I used to hide in closets while she fucked men for drug money. I used to call the ambulance when she overdosed then hide when they came so they wouldn’t take me away from her.

  I never knew what stability looked like so seeing it up close and personal…it burns. It burns so fucking bad,” she swallowed and I watched her delicate throat dip. “I’m sorry for falling apart.”

  “Don’t be sorry for falling apart. I told you, I can deal with your past just be committed to a new future. Hey, if it makes you feel any better, we can share my parents,” I laughed a little and Bellamy smiled but it was still sad. I had to change that.

  “It makes me feel a little better,” she admitted. She looked so beautiful with pure white snow swirling around her gorgeous deep brown face. I took a step closer and rubbed my nose against hers.

  “It’s Christmas, I need you to keep a smile on that beautiful face.”

  “What’s going to happen if I don’t?” She quizzed, a flicker of defiance in her eyes.

  “I’m going to have to spank you,” I said before leaning in to bite her lip.

  “If that’s the case, I’m gonna be pissed for the rest of the day.” She yelped when I slapped her ass but it was the smile on her face told me everything would be okay.


  “Why isn’t the day after Christmas a national holiday?” Bellamy whined when the alarm clock when off. I yanked the sheets off her warm body and watched her flail around and curse me out for a while before I started our shower.

  When she climbed in behind me, she was still fussing. “You know I hate being cold. It’s like zero degrees outside and you want to pull blankets off.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Princess. Did you freeze to death?” I backed her against the slick tiled wall and pinned her there by the throat.

  “You know that’s my weakness,” she whined when I applied more pressure. I loved watching the way her eyes fluttered shut as she tried to pace her breathing. I knew when I slipped my hand between her thighs that her pussy would be soaked. I was right.

  “If I fuck you nice and deep, will that make you stop pouting?” She nodded as much as she could with my hand around her throat. That was all I needed to see. I lifted her leg up and teased her tight cunt with the head of my dick until she was ready to swallow me whole. I watched my cock disappear between her lips then I leaned all the way in so I could fill her up.

  “Cyrus,” she cried out once I let her go long enough to breathe. “Oh, God!”

  I wasn’t even at Cross Point but I still found a way to make her call on the Lord.

  “Can I cum inside this sweet creamy pussy, Bellamy? You feel so goddamn good.” I drove my dick deeper and she gasped.

  “Yes! Cum deep inside me, Cyrus.” I choked her again and pounded against her until we both came undone in a mess of throbbing quakes. I sucked slowly on Bellamy’s full lips while my cock deflated inside of her. She still squeezed and gripped me even once I was soft.

  “You make me so damn crazy,” I said, shaking my head at the fact that I couldn’t seem to stop filling her up with my seed.

  “Well, you must make me crazy too because I keep letting it happen.” She washed my back and then I turned around to wash between her thighs. I watched my cum slip out of her, amazed as it mixed with the water and washed down the drain.

  One day I was going to get her pregnant. I knew it.

  The scary part was that I didn’t mind. It wouldn’t happen now but it would definitely happen.

  “Fucking around with you is going to make us late.” Bellamy fussed as she moved around the bedroom finding clothes to wear.

  “I thought fucking you in the shower was supposed to cut down on the fussing.”

  “It did. I’d be an even bigger bitch if you hadn’t fucked me.” She blew me a kiss and I flipped her off.

  Once we got to work and went our separate ways, my mind switched from thinking about Bellamy non-stop to thinking about Kim non-stop. The feelings they conjured were polar opposites.

  While I was taking a break on site, I sat in my car staring at the papers I needed to drop in the mailbox to petition Miami courts for a paternity test. Outside of my window was a bright blue USPS mailbox in the parking lot of a post office. All I had to do was walk over there and drop it in.

  After the heartache I’d been through, I needed to know if Bri was mine. If she were then establishing paternity would be the first step in getting rightful custody through the court system.

  So with a conflicted heart, I made my way across the street to drop the forms in the mailbox. The mail slot closed with a creak and a bang once I dropped the envelope in. It was done. Now I had to wait for a date to get tested.



  Crimson found five other girls willing to come forward and talk about what happened with Wilson. It only took her two weeks to coax them out of hiding. They each spoke to Cyrus one by one and their stories were all similar and all fucking gut wrenching.

  What he did to me was a drop in the bucket compared to what he did to those other girls.

  Some of them told Cyrus and me detailed accounts of how he forced them to have sex with him when they couldn’t pay tithes or how he’d get them to volunteer only to grab them and make them do whatever he felt like at the time. I wasn’t a praying woman but I prayed every damn night that Wilson would go the fuck to jail and get the same treatment. It was only fitting.

  “I’m gonna drop off these reports at the police station and cross my fingers that it’s enough to open an investigation into Wilson. You wanna come along?” Cyrus asked me once we were home and
settled in. I was curled up on the couch, scrolling through Instagram.

  “Of course,” I yawned. I was tired as hell but I’d ride anywhere with him. I’d especially go to the police station to see that those reports got turned in.

  In five minutes I had my coat and I was ready to go. As we walked to the car, all I could think about was seeing Wilson’s disgusting ass in cuffs.

  “You think this will all lead to him getting arrested? There are some awful things in those reports.” While Cyrus drove, I stared out of the window at the residual snow on the sidewalks crowding the space and making it harder for everyone to walk.

  “Honestly, I think he’ll get arrested but he’ll post bond,” Cyrus answered. “It’s the start of something though and I promised you and the rest of those girls that I’d try everything in my power to bring his ass down.”

  When we arrived at the police station, we pulled into the parking garage. Cyrus killed the engine and said, “Let’s go do this, Bellamy.” He exited the car then opened the door for me. Each step I took made me feel light and happy.

  I was doing something good. I was apart of something that would help women. Maybe I wasn’t fire and rage all the time. Maybe there was some good in there?

  Or maybe Cyrus is rubbing off on you because you know damn well you’re not inherently good.


  The voice was back.

  The back of my neck prickled and I slowed in my stride. Cyrus paused and looked at me. “What’s wrong? Are you overthinking things again, Bellamy?”

  “Maybe,” I shrugged.

  “Stop it. This is your fight more than it is mine. You’re the one with the courage. If it weren’t for you speaking up then none of the other girls would have. Cut it out. Now.” His voice was so authoritative that my heart skipped a beat and my lips curved into a warm smile.

  “Okay,” I sighed. He looked at me and shook his head then held open the door to the station so I could walk in. I knew he was checking out my ass. I could feel his eyes on me.

  Maybe one of the officers would let us borrow a pair of cuffs…

  “Hi, we’re here to file multiple police reports.” Like Cyrus’ voice was slathered in magic and gold, all the girls who stepped up to file reports came through the door. He told them to show up and they showed the fuck up.

  It took a little over an hour to file all the reports but it took no time for an arrest warrant to be issued. Things were moving along.

  I turned to Cyrus before we hopped in the car and grinned, “Can we go to Cross Point to see him get arrested?”

  “Let’s ride, sweetheart.” He grabbed a nice handful of my ass and I rushed over to the car as fast as my feet would allow.

  We arrived at Cross Point just as the sheriff car and a few deputies pulled up. I rushed over to them, not wanting to miss this moment for the world. “I can take you right to him,” I said happily. One of the officers smiled at me and opened the double doors. Such a gentleman.

  I lead the small pack of officers past the main church right to Wilson’s office where anyone could see his round body plain as day. He, ironically enough, was speaking to Joan. This time they were vertical though.

  “This is his office, officers. See what I did there?” I smiled and Cyrus yanked me off to the side.

  I watched with eager anticipation as the cops knocked and announced their presence. By then several other church members had come to be nosey. This time, I didn’t blame them. If I saw four cops walking through the church led by the Pastor who left and the devil incarnate, I’d rush to see what the fuck was going on too.

  Wilson opened his office door and smoothed out imaginary wrinkles on his shirt. We all knew he was too damn fat and his clothes were too damn tight to have a chance at being wrinkled but sometimes you had to fake it till you made it.

  “Wilson King, you are under arrest for the rape and sexual harassment of multiple victims.” The Miranda rights came tumbling out and I nearly broke out into a round of applause.

  Joan let out the most dramatic fucking cry I’d ever heard. My eyes rolled all by themselves at the sound of it. “You! You did this you damn demon!” She lunged at me and I had the sense to stand there and let her get a few licks in. Then my dramatics came out to play.

  I fell against Cyrus and he held me up even though he knew I was full of shit. Joan didn’t even scratch me but I was going to trump it up as much as I could. “Ma’am, are you alright?” The sheriff asked looking over me for injuries. The other cop restrained Joan as I held back my laughter.

  “I—I don’t know. She attacked me so fast.” I threw in a sniffle for good measure.

  “She’s the devil!” Joan shouted as she lunged against the officer’s arms trying to get to me.

  Yes, Joan, please dig yourself right into a hole.

  More and more people filled the halls of Cross Point to get a look at the drama unfolding. Murmurs flooded the background.

  “If you’d like to press charges, you can follow us back to the station and I’ll get you started.” The sheriff rubbed my shoulder and I nodded my head. The moment the officers dragged Wilson out kicking and screaming and using every ounce of muscle those four cops had, I winked at Joan and blew her a kiss.

  I was taking everyone down today. Fuck them all.


  “Wait, so you got your own grandmother locked up?” Pax couldn’t stop laughing when I gave him the blow-by-blow details. Crimson sat on the couch, quiet as a mouse.

  Wilson got processed and thrown in jail until he could post bail. To top it off, Joan got tossed in a holding cell for a few hours while I filled out a report and a restraining order. Crimson came back to the house with Cyrus and I and I made sure to personally invite Pax over just to mess with her.

  “Fuck her,” I grumbled. “I only met her a couple of months ago. She’s trash and maybe if she were a better mother then my mother wouldn’t have turned to drugs at such a young age.” My statement put a damper on the conversation but I meant what I said.

  “I hope they jack his bail up sky high,” Crimson huffed.

  “If he did anything to hurt you or Bellamy, I hope so too,” Pax said seriously.

  “I hope he ends up in jail for as long as possible. I also hope he has to take it up the ass every day. That would make me truly happy.” I smiled and curled up on the couch beside Crimson.

  “You’re twisted in the head, you know that, Bellamy?” She asked with a half laugh.

  “I know. You’re still my friend though,” I teased laying my head on her shoulder.

  “You accepting any more friends before the year is out, Crimson?” Pax asked after clearing his throat. My head popped up and I grinned like a little kid.

  “Pax, leave that girl alone,” Cyrus fussed from the kitchen.

  “Mind your business. You got your Halle Berry. I’m trying to get a Meagan Good out of this.”

  “Oh my god,” Crimson gushed, burying her face in my arm.

  “Save the oh my god’s for when he has your legs in the air,” I told her.

  “Bellamy!” Everyone shouted collectively and I shrugged.

  “What? I’m just saying we all see that’s where this is headed. I’m not mad. Get your man, Crimson.”

  “I’m sure Pax is just playing around.” She twirled a lock of long thick hair around her fingers until it annoyed me enough to slap her hand away.

  “Actually, I’m not.” He spoke up clear enough for all of us to hear. “Would you mind if I took you out and got to know you a little better?” He rested his elbows on his knees and leaned in as if hearing Crimson’s answer would make his entire world spin faster. I was impressed.

  “Um…uh,” she stammered. Even that was too fucking cute. I was ready for Pax to corrupt her so I could see what she looked like when she was being bad and feeling free. “Sure, I wouldn’t mind that. I don’t have a car though. I’m not a really fun date and…”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ll drive,” Pax said easily.

>   “Oh, well okay. Sure,” Crimson chirped. Her cheeks were three shades of red and her foot wiggled back and forth incessantly like it was trying to work its way out of her shoe.

  “That’s what’s up. Can I get your number so I can text you and let you know when to be ready?” Pax pulled out his phone and Crimson’s jaw dropped.

  “Now? I mean you want to go out soon?”

  “Yeah. Is your schedule clear New Year’s Eve?” I stood up and slipped into the kitchen with Cyrus. I had to see his reaction to our friends hooking up right in front of our faces.

  The moment I was close enough, he pulled me against his body and hovered his lips over my ear, making me forget why the fuck I came in there. “Who do you think she’s going to end up with?” He asked softly.

  “Huh?” I caught my breath and looked up at his pools of amber.

  “Dec or Pax?”

  “Oh, um…I honestly don’t know,” Declan is such a closed off dick that he won’t tell Crimson how he feels so Pax might win this one. He has no shame.”

  “None,” Cyrus laughed and my chest twisted. I was ready for everyone to go home. I wanted to be alone with him. I wanted to bottle him up and drink him straight with no chaser.

  I had to wait hours for that to happen. Pax and Crimson hung out with us for hours. I didn’t mind but I wasn’t mad when they left either.

  Once we were alone, I climbed on top of Cyrus and rode his dick like he’d been in prison for years and it was his first night out. I fucked him until my muscles locked up and I couldn’t move anymore because my body refused to withstand one more goddamn orgasm.

  My breathing was ragged and raw like I’d just finished fighting for my life. His dick pulsed inside of me after he came. He left bruises on my hips from the way he grabbed me. It was the sweetest pain. Afterward, we were spent in the best way.

  I’d rather be drained from making love than from being frustrated over a married man any day and Cyrus was the cure for all my frustrations. He chased them away like the valiant knight he was.

  I fell asleep sprawled out naked in front of the fireplace. My soul fell asleep somewhere else.


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