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Page 15

by C. J. Petit

  “I did?” He turned to the house. “Did I do those things to you, Libby?”

  Libby stepped out onto the porch holding the Winchester with the butt on her hip.

  “Not that I can remember, Gus.”

  “Now, Libby, when I found you dumped in that gully, how did you get there?”

  “My bastard husband hit me in the head with his gun barrel and dumped me there.”

  Gus looked at Joe. “Joe, you are one lyin’ son of a bitch. You told all these fellers that I raped and killed Libby just so they’d come here and burn out the Aronsons ’cause you don’t cotton to Jewish folk. Now, boys, I don’t blame you a’tall. He’s your boss, and he fed you a bunch of hogwash. But you, Joe, I have a real problem with you. I won’t kill you tonight, but if I see your face on Star A land again, I will. Now, boys, why don’t you show your boss the way home?”

  Even in the dying firelight, Gus could see the fury on Joe Miles’s face. This was going to be a problem. And it would be soon.

  Miles was the first to wheel his horse around. He was quickly followed by the others. Hank Anderson gave him a tip of the hat as he turned. Gus nodded.

  When they had all gone, Gus walked across the yard and picked up the five torches, just in case they decided to come back.

  He took the torches and tossed them behind the bunkhouse. He walked back to the front of the house and saw Libby standing there, Winchester on her hip and smile on her lips. Now, that was Gus’s idea of a woman. And she was that.

  “Let’s go have some coffee, Libby,” Gus said as he put his arm around her waist. She put her arm around his waist, and they walked inside.


  When the riders made it back to the Slash M, the hands all rode to the corral and stripped their animals. They carried their saddles to the bunkhouse and went inside.

  Joe was absolutely furious. He stepped up to the house and opened the door. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, he heard muffled yelping and banging from upstairs. He slowly walked up the staircase and heard it coming from Mary’s room. He knew what it was. He unhooked the hammer loop from his Colt and swung the door open. He found the missing hand, Bill Cook, naked, atop his equally naked and loudly moaning daughter in her bed at the far end of the room. They didn’t even stop with the sound of his entrance, they were so intent on finishing.

  “You turncoat bastard!” he yelled as he pulled his Colt.

  The shout did get Cook’s attention, but his daughter was still in the throes of passion and kept arching her back and moving her hips. Cook saw Joe’s revolver coming up and pulled back, disappointing Mary, who suddenly was aware of the problem.

  Joe pulled the trigger to kill Bill Cook, but Mary suddenly sat up and turned to see her father standing there. The bullet ripped through her slim neck and penetrated Bill Cook’s lower abdomen before lodging in his pelvis. Mary was dead instantly. Bill Cook fell to the floor, screaming in agony.

  Joe Miles moved into a different realm of consciousness. It was almost a dream to him as he stepped over to his daughter, lying on the bed. He had killed her. She was grotesque with the large chunk taken out of her neck. Joe felt like he was floating as he reached for his naked, bleeding daughter and pulled her up to him. Her eyes were still staring at him in disbelief. His beloved daughter looking into his soul, asking him why he had done this terrible thing.

  Bill Cook continued to scream. He knew he was going to die and wanted it over quickly. The pain was beyond endurance. He looked over at his murderer. “Kill me, Joe! Shoot me in the head! Get it over with!”

  Joe Miles turned his head slowly toward the sound and looked at the pleading Bill Cook and laughed.

  Not some pleasant chuckle, or even a belly laugh, it was a sinister, evil laugh.

  Then he said quietly, “Kill you? I’m going to make you die, Cook. But it’s gonna be slow.”

  He laid Mary back on the bed, stood, and began kicking Bill Cook. Then he placed his thick-heeled boot on Bill Cook’s bleeding abdomen and stood up.

  The piercing scream filled the house and easily carried to the bunkhouse. The hands had all heard the shot first, then the initial screams, but nothing to match his one. The all looked at each other.

  “What’ll we do, Hank? There’s somethin’ goin’ on in there.”, asked Joe.

  “I reckon that was Bill Cook. We all knew he was diddlin’ Mary. I guess Joe found him.”

  “You don’t think he’d hurt Mary, do ya?”

  “Nah. He’d kill every one of us ’fore he’d even give her a spankin’. Somethin’ he shoulda done a long time ago.”

  “This place is giving me the creeps. I don’t think I wanna stay.”

  “Same here. I think he’s gonna fire us anyway after tonight.”

  “How are you boys on money?”

  None had less than ten dollars, but none had more than thirty. Payday had been four days earlier.

  “Jobs are hard to get these days, but I’m all for movin’ on.”

  “Let’s get. I’m gonna saddle Breeze and ride out.”

  It was unanimous. They’d head up to Chadwick. They all took their saddles again and walked out of the bunkhouse with their saddlebags over their shoulders and headed for the corral.


  Bill Cook finally died. His death mask was indicative of the incredible pain inflicted on him by Joe Miles. Joe was sitting on Mary’s bed. Who had caused this? Who was at fault? He first wanted to blame Libby. She had turned on him. But she was only the last person to do it. The cause was that pair of Jews. They had driven him to this. His life had been good before they arrived. He would go and see the reverend. He’d help solve this problem once and for all.

  Joe heard a bunch of hooves passing the house. It didn’t even register. He just lay down and fell asleep on Mary’s bed, her body just inches away.


  In their hotel room, Eli and Rachel were lying in bed.

  “I think we did the right thing, Eli,” Rachel said as she curled up close to her husband.

  “Yes, I’m sure we did. We’ll tell Gus tomorrow. I hope he’s all right.”


  Gus and Libby were eating dinner. Libby had insisted on cooking. She told Gus that that’s pretty much all she had done since arriving at the Slash M ranch. Mary wouldn’t listen to her, no matter what she tried.

  “This is really good, Libby. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Gus.”

  “Gus, I never did ask, but why are you doing so much? I know that the Aronsons don’t pay much. It can’t be for the money.”

  Gus laughed. “Truth is, Libby, at the rate I was goin’, I’d be broke in another two weeks. When I got here, I had over three hundred dollars. Now, I’m down to less than half that.”

  “So why stay?”

  “They’re good folks, Libby. The kinda folks you want for parents or neighbors. They’re considerate and kind. I knew they needed help with the ranch, so I stayed. Then I found out about their other problems, so I thought I’d do all I could do to help.”

  “You’re a good man, Gus.”

  “Thank you, Libby. You are a hell of a woman. When I saw you standin’ there with that Winchester on your hip, I thought you were the ideal woman. You’re strong, smart, beautiful, and just about the best-shaped woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “Why, Gus, that’s about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  “Meant every word, Libby.”

  “It’s been a long time since anyone has paid me any compliments.”

  “Well, you sure deserve ’em.”

  “So, Gus, what are the sleeping arrangements?”

  “I sleep out in the bunkhouse. You can sleep in the room that I put you in after I found you.”

  “Why do you sleep out there? There are two empty bedrooms in here.”

  “Just a habit. I’m just a hired hand, Libby. They asked me enough times to sleep in the house, but I feel like I’d be in the way. You know?”

  “If I asked you to sleep in the house, would you?”

  Gus didn’t have to think about his answer.


  Libby looked down at the table. “Gus, this is very hard for me. I don’t know how to go about it. I’ve been alone now for eight years, ever since my husband died. I hate being alone. Joe told me when I started that if I wanted to sleep with some of the hands, it would be okay, but to make sure it didn’t start any trouble. I thought about it, too. There were times, Gus, that I almost gave in. But I felt like if I did, he’d win. It didn’t make any sense. I felt like I would have been some sort of prize to his ranch hands. So, I stayed in my room. Then you came to visit. You were what I wanted. A real man. Not the boys that Joe hired. I had already made the decision not to do what he wanted and try to seduce you, so I wore a very formal dress. After I met you, I wished I hadn’t. I was wishing then that we had met in some other time or place. When you were leaving and said, ‘different circumstances,’ I knew what you meant. You meant that if I weren’t there, you’d want me. Is that right?”

  “Yes, Libby.”

  She looked up at Gus. “Are these different circumstances, Gus?”

  “Yes, they are, Libby.”

  “Don’t let me be alone for another night, Gus. Please?”

  “No, Libby. I won’t.”

  He reached over and took her hand. He pulled her to her feet, and she stepped up against him. He pulled her closer and leaned ever so slightly forward and kissed her. She pulled his head closer and deepened the kiss.

  Then they walked together to the bedroom. The lamps were still lit, the door was still open, and neither cared.

  Gus began unbuttoning her blouse as she unbuttoned his shirt. Their eyes were locked together as their hands worked. When the buttons were done, she took off his shirt, and he removed her blouse. Both were tossed aside.

  “You are incredible, Libby,” Gus said as he admired her.

  Libby was enthralled by his masculinity. She had been right; he was all man.

  Libby took off her riding skirt and boots while Gus kicked off his boots and then his pants. All that remained was Libby’s camisole. She started to pull it off, but Gus stopped her.

  “Leave it on for a little while, Libby.”

  “All right. You take it off when you’re ready.”

  Gus turned her so that he was pressed against her back. She could feel him and found herself already excited more than she could recall being. Gus slid his hands softly across her camisole, sliding the thin fabric across her skin. That thin layer seemed to accentuate the touch as the cloth moved over her. He began kissing the back of her neck as his hands slid across the front of her body. She felt chills as he touched her and spasms of pleasure when he kissed her neck. All she could do was feel his strong thighs behind her, so she did that as he felt all of her.

  Gus hadn’t minimized what he had meant. She was so wonderfully formed. So full. He wanted her so much that it was torture to postpone, but he did. He was completely immersed in Libby. He finally slipped her camisole over her head. Libby felt the sudden coolness, and her skin erupted in goose pimples. She felt his manhood against her naked back and wanted him to turn her around, but then she didn’t as he began to explore her without the protection of the thin layer of cotton.

  Gus found so much to explore. Libby was perfect in every detail. At last, he turned her back around to face him. She immediately kissed him as she let her hands find him. Gus pulled her close, feeling the soft fullness of her breasts against his chest.

  They mutually decided to find the bed and were soon engaged in frenzied touching and feeling. Libby was already in ecstasy. It had never been like this. No man had ever paid so much attention to her needs. Gus was more than just paying attention to them, he was focused on her desires. She began asking him to touch or kiss her in places that aroused her more. Gus was more than willing. She was out of control and didn’t care. They were kissing hard as the frenetic pace increased. Libby kept thinking that she couldn’t live another moment without being taken. She had been thinking that for what seemed like hours.

  Gus wasn’t sure he could hang on.

  Libby began to demand that he finish this now. She begged him to end this. She needed him. He needed her just as badly. When Gus finally took her, she began a new series of pleading. Crying for him not to stop. He didn’t. Libby was writhing like a captured rattler. Gus wasn’t fighting. They were moving as one as they continued longer than Libby thought possible. When she had reached her pinnacle of pleasure, she thought she was done, but they weren’t. Gus continued, and Libby was in a level of ecstasy that she could never have dreamed of. She thought she was as high as she could go, but kept going. Finally, the explosion that marked the climactic end of their coupling was met with cries of pleasure from both. Gus and Libby stayed together while they continued to kiss passionately.

  At last, Gus rolled to the side and pulled Libby close to him. She slid even closer and had her left knee across his lower abdomen and her left arm and breast on his chest. Gus had his left arm across her back, and his hand caressed her smooth behind.

  “Libby, that was amazing. You really are a perfect woman.”

  “If that’s what it takes to keep you around, then I’ll be that.”

  “What will happen now, Libby? You’re still married to Joe.”

  “I know. I’ve been thinking about that. We never consummated the marriage. I should get it annulled.”

  “Libby, I will never let you go now. It’s not just because of what we just did. It’s just that I find you to be so perfect. I can’t tell you I love you yet. It’s too soon. But will you understand that?”

  “I know. It came on so suddenly. But I feel so comfortable around you. I’ll wait if you will.”

  “Good. It’s still early. Did you want to sleep or do something else?”

  “Can you do something else again so soon?”

  Gus began kissing her and took his right hand and felt her softness. She didn’t have to ask again.


  At the Slash M, all was quiet, even though it was only eight o’clock. The hands were all gone. Joe was still sleeping, with the two bodies nearby.

  Chapter 8

  Gus and Libby were the first to awaken, which was surprising as they had both been thoroughly exhausted when they finally fell asleep. Gus woke up first and had an issue. Libby was draped over him, and while he appreciated the view, he had other urgent needs that needed addressing.

  He slowly picked up her arm, which was still across his chest, and laid it on her side. Then he straightened out her knee. He pulled his left arm from underneath her head. She seemed so angelic, with her eyes closed and her long brown hair splashed everywhere, that he wanted to kiss her, but now was not the time. He was free, but he had to get over the top of her. He somehow managed the gymnastic feat and stood beside Libby, admiring that marvelous form. He pulled the blanket over her and pulled on his pants quickly before tiptoeing outside. He never made it to the privy. The relief flowed over him as he answered nature’s call, which was more of a demand, really.

  He padded back into the house and started the cookstove. He filled a coffee pot with water and quietly walked back to the bedroom. He was met with Libby’s bright-blue eyes.

  “Good morning, Libby.”

  “And a wonderful morning to you, Gus. I’ve gotta go. Are you going to let me dress in privacy?”

  “Not unless you ask me to.”

  “Never mind.”

  She hopped out of the bed and, smiling at Gus, dropped the camisole over her head, and the show was mostly over.

  “Enjoy that, did you?”

  “You bet. Still am.”

  She laughed. “I’ll be right back.”

  Libby ran. Gus was intrigued by the actions of those wonderfully female parts in motion under the camisole.

  He put on his shirt and boots. Then he walked out to the kitchen and put coffee into the pot. Libby returned a few minute
s later. She acted like she was going to the bedroom, but she turned instead and latched on to Gus. He reciprocated.

  “That camisole is gonna get me goin’ again, Libby. You’d better get dressed before I get carried away.”

  “Are you always this ready to go?”

  “It’s you, Libby.”

  She smiled. “Well, that’s nice to hear,” she said as she walked into the bedroom to dress.

  Gus had coffee ready when she came out. He poured cups for each of them. Libby took hers and sipped it as she began to make breakfast.


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