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Page 22

by C. J. Petit

  “Then I guess mine will be Prince,” added Emma.

  “That was fast. I do have a confession to make, though. Since I offered you the job, I added a new task to the list of duties.”

  Emma laughed. “As if it would be a hardship.”

  “No, this isn’t a job for you so much as it is for Ethyl.” He turned to Ethyl. “Are you afraid of some hard work, Ethyl?”

  “No, sir. I help with everything.”

  “Good. Then this shouldn’t be too bad. It could be messy, though.”

  “Not as messy as some things, I bet.”

  They rolled happily onto the access road a few minutes later.

  “Why, that house looks new, Gus,” Emma commented.

  “No, I just did a lot of repair work on it. Still needs some. Say, Ethyl, can you see your new job up ahead?”

  Ethyl leaned forward and squinted. “No. I can’t see anything.”

  “You will. Or you may hear it first.”

  When they got within fifty yards, Ethyl shouted, “Puppies!”

  Gus smiled. “I already named them. The boy puppy is Ralph and the girl puppy is Marge. They’re Basset puppies, and just about the cutest things I’ve ever seen. Now, I plan on having Ralph as my friend, I think you can make Marge your friend. But I don’t think they should ever be apart. Do you?”

  “No, sir. They are really cute. Can I go and pick them up?”

  “Sure, but watch out. They’ll want to lick your face off.”

  She laughed as the wagon came to a stop, then quickly hopped down and ran to the two tiny dogs.

  “I’m going to bring the wagon around back and start unloading. I’ll leave the crate with your things in the kitchen. You can put them into your bedrooms when you’re ready.”

  Emma hesitated to ask, but she felt she had to. “Where will you be sleeping?”

  “In the big house over on the other side of the ranch. If you ever need anything, just ride over on Prince and ask. You can always stop one of the boys, too. There will be six hands on the ranch plus the cook. If anyone ever gives you or Ethyl a problem, you let me know, and they’ll be out on their ear.”

  Emma relaxed. She still didn’t understand why Gus was doing all this. “Thank you, Gus.”

  Emma got down from the wagon, and Gus drove it to the back. He unloaded all the food and the big crate of supplies. Then he drove the wagon to the barn, emptied the saddles and hung the tack. He unhitched the horses and brushed them down before returning them to their stalls. He added a bunch of hay to the stalls as they drank from the trough.

  He went around back and fed the chickens before returning to the barn and saddling Belle.

  Inside the house, Emma was more than pleased with the kitchen and the amount of food. She felt like she could make anything. Gus knocked before walking into the kitchen.

  “Why did you knock, Gus? It’s your house.”

  “Just to let you know I’m coming, Emma. I’m heading over to the other house now. Do either of you need anything else?”

  “No, I can’t think of anything. What can I do for you, Gus?”

  “An apple pie is always welcome, Emma.” He grinned as he left.

  An apple pie. Hardly a fair trade, she thought. She couldn’t wait to go through her dresses and other clothes. Then she’d take a nice bath. Her other house didn’t have a bathtub. She’d had to take shower baths outside, when she could.

  Gus arrived at the big house and headed toward the barn. He unsaddled Belle and looked at the other horses. The big chestnut gelding and Cleo he knew. But the other horses he didn’t. None struck him as being noticeably good. He did find a buggy, though. When he moved the buggy, he caught sight of a light bay in the middle stall pawing the floor. Guess who pulls the buggy.

  He wandered around back and saw the water tower and a windmill to keep it full. His first impression when he saw the ranch a month ago had been that it was a well-run outfit, which was now confirmed.

  He meandered over to the bunkhouse. He was surprised to see that there wasn’t a heat stove. He’d have to take care of that. There were eight bunks, so there was room for two more with Hank in the foreman’s quarters.

  Gus headed for the kitchen and found the cook making lunch for everyone.

  “You joining us, Gus?” he asked.

  “If you don’t mind.”

  For some reason, that elicited laughter from the cowhands.

  It was a good lunch.

  “Fred, do you serve much chicken?”

  “Not much. Mainly beef and some pork.”

  “We do have a bunch of chickens, you know.”

  “We do?”

  “Yup. Chickens and eggs over at the other place. The chickens are behind the barn. By the way, boys, I’ve installed Mrs. Powers and her twelve-year-old daughter in the Star A house so they can take care of it. I’d appreciate it if you could make sure that they’re protected. She knows all there is to know about chickens.”

  “We’ll make sure they’re safe, boss,” said Hank.

  “Hank, have you moved into the foreman’s quarters?”

  “Not yet. Do I have to?”

  “Your choice. Just wondering.”

  “I’d just as soon stay put.”

  “Remember that after you hire two more hands, they need to understand that you’re the boss. Don’t act like they’re your pals. When you tell them to do something, they’d better hop to it.”

  “No problem.”


  After lunch, Gus went out and hitched up the buggy to the bay. He saddled Belle and set off, driving the buggy with Belle right behind.

  Over at the Star A ranch house, Emma and Ethyl had discovered the toiletries. Ethyl took out the hairbrush and began running it through her hair.

  “Mama, I’ve never had this many dresses. And they’re all so nice. And I love Princess. Can you show me how to ride?”

  “I can. I may need Gus to show us how to saddle them, though.”

  “Why is he so nice, Mama?”

  “I have no idea. But I know I’m going to bake him an apple pie later.”

  Gus arrived with the buggy a few minutes later. He needed a bit more room in the barn. He figured that if anyone needed tools, it wouldn’t be Emma or Ethyl, so he tossed all the tools into the wagon along with all the other wood, wire, and other supplies. He shoved the wagon back against the wall to make room for the buggy, unhitched the buggy horse and put him into a stall. He backed the buggy in and closed the barn doors. It was a close fit.

  He headed for the kitchen and knocked on the door before waiting ten seconds and then going inside.


  Emma came trotting out.

  “Oh, hello, Gus. I didn’t expect to see you back so soon.”

  “Sorry, I get to where I see something that needs to be done, and I do it. I just brought a buggy over so you can take Ethyl to school. The little bay in the stall is the one that pulls it. I just wanted to let you know it was there. Anything else you need help with?”

  “Just showing us how to saddle the horses.”

  “I can do that whenever you want.”

  “We’re caught up. Can you show us now?”

  “Certainly. I’ll be out in the barn.”

  “We’ll be right out.”

  Ethyl was playing with the puppies, but when her mother told her that they were going to saddle their horses, she forgot about the two wrestling puppies and trotted into the kitchen.

  Gus already had the two saddles and tack set by the time they arrived.

  They both noticed Belle standing there watching.

  “She’s a magnificent horse, Gus,” commented Emma.

  “She’s my best friend, Emma. We get along.”

  Gus spent a few minutes explaining the different straps and pieces. Then he saddled Princess slowly and reviewed every step and trick.

  After Princess was saddled, Gus let Emma saddle Prince. After half an hour, they were both saddled.

p; “Can we go for a ride now?” asked Ethyl.

  “Not in those dresses you aren’t. If you both want to change into your riding outfits, I’ll wait out here.”

  They both turned and jogged back to the house. Five minutes later, they both returned with Stetsons on their heads. Gus smiled.

  “You two cowpokes ready to ride?”

  “Yes, sir!” was Ethyl’s enthusiastic reply.

  “Okay. Watch me.”

  After Gus was in the saddle, they both climbed aboard. Ethyl was ecstatic. She was sitting on her own horse.

  Emma may have ridden before, but it had been a long time, and none of the horses had been as tall as Prince. She felt excited herself.

  Gus had them trotting and turning in short order. Both were laughing and thoroughly enjoying themselves. Gus had them follow him to the creek, and he showed them the pool.

  “Now, I had been taking my baths in the pool before, but not anymore. The pool is there for your use if you want to try it. It’s too cold now anyway. By the way, Emma, I’ve already instructed the hands that you and Ethyl are here and it’s part of their job to protect you.”

  “Thank you, Gus. That was very thoughtful.”

  “Not a problem. Let’s head back, and I’ll show you how to take care of them after they’ve been ridden.”

  He showed them that and mentioned that half an apple works wonders to let a horse know you’re its friend.

  “So, you’re both all set. These are your horses and your saddles. Whenever you want to go somewhere, saddle up and go. There’s also the buggy. I’m heading back now. You take care.”

  Gus waved, and Belle set off at a trot to the big house.

  Emma and Ethyl returned to the house. Emma started baking.


  The next few days went quickly. Ethyl went back to school. She was accompanied by a very gruff-looking Gus, who made a point of escorting her into class with Emma. Ethyl waved as they left. She made friends quickly.

  Hank hired two new hands whom Gus interviewed. Both seemed solid. They began to move cattle in two-hundred-animal lots.


  Five days afterward, Gus decided on a name for the new spread. It would be the Double A. He wrote to Rachel and Eli and told them it was for the two Aronsons. He needed to go to Hendrick to register the brand, so he thought he’d pay a visit to Sara. It had only been a week and a half, but a lot had happened.

  He saddled the chestnut gelding and trail hitched him to Belle. He left later than usual because he didn’t want to get to Chadwick too early. He arrived at eleven o’clock and had lunch. Then he walked across the street to the OK Saloon. His saloon, he suddenly remembered.

  He walked inside and was surprised to see Sara sitting at a table. As soon as he stepped in, she turned and lit up.

  “Gus, you’re back!”

  “I did say that I’d stop by, Sara. Can I talk with you awhile?”

  “Well, I hope so. Did you want to talk here or upstairs?”

  “Whichever you prefer, Sara.”

  “Let’s go upstairs.”

  She took him by the arm, and they walked up the stairs. There was something different about Sara that he couldn’t figure out. When she went into her room, it hit him. She wasn’t wearing rouge, and her lipstick wasn’t as prominent.

  She closed the door and sat on the bed.

  “How have you been, Gus? You were pretty bad before.”

  “I’m a lot better, Sara. I made some discoveries at the big house that kind of shook me up, but I’m fine now.”

  “Can you tell me, or would you rather not?”

  “You’re the only one that I could tell, Sara. I was going through the big house. I found some things I want to ask you about, but what threw me off was when I found Libby’s diary. When the subject of Ernie Blanchard first came up, the foreman that murdered her and was hung, she told me that he had tried to grab her and she had to fight him off and how she had asked Joe Miles to keep him away from her. But in her diary, she seemed to enjoy having him in her bed. She only stopped because she found him in bed with Mary Miles.”

  “He was doing both of them at the same time?” Sara asked with eyebrows raised.

  “She had been sharing her bed with him up to two months before we met. And then, when we did spend time together, she said she hadn’t been with another man in over eight years. I guess it was my own fault for being such a sap.”

  “No, Gus. It was her fault for lying. I don’t know why she did. Would it have mattered to you if she had told you?”

  “Not a bit.”

  “Did she ever tell you that she loved you?”

  “I thought of that when I was holding her body in the streets. I told myself that I had only gotten to tell her once that I loved her. That’s when I realized that she had never told me. After reading her diary, I think the highest level I ever reached was ‘interesting.’ Taught me a lot, though.”

  “What do you think it taught you?”

  “I really am just what others see me as, nothing more. I may own a ranch now and wear jackets and have a lot of money, but it’s not me.”

  “Gus, do you want to know what I see?”

  “Sara, if it’s all right with you. I’d rather not put you in that position. I’m just being honest with myself.”

  “No, you’re not even close. I’m hearing all these stories about you. I even heard about Mrs. Powers. Some smart aleck suggested that you were installing her as your mistress. But I know you better than that. I know why you helped her and her daughter. It’s because you feel somewhat responsible for what happened because that little monster who followed you did what he did.”

  Gus looked up and smiled, “You’re the only one who saw it, Sara. You should see how happy Ethyl is. She has a beautiful little horse she can ride when she wants. She goes to school and has a lot of friends, and she has my two puppies to play with. She’s a normal girl now, Sara. How can you put a price on that?”

  “Many people do, Gus.”

  Gus sighed, “Anyway, I wanted to ask you. Do you know who owns the OK Saloon?”

  “I have no idea. I’ve never met him. Why?”

  “Now you have. I own it. The deed was in a safe in the office.”

  Sara didn’t know how to react to this piece of news.

  “You’re the owner of a saloon?”

  “Two saloons, as it so happens. Now, don’t get insulted. If I make you feel bad, just slap me in the face, but please don’t get mad. Sara, do you want them?”


  “Do you want to own both saloons?”

  “No, Gus. I really don’t. I’m not insulted, and I’m not mad. It’s good to know that you own this place, though.”

  “I only asked to see if it would make your life a bit easier.”

  “It’s too easy as it is, Gus.”

  “Let’s forget about the subject, then. I have another question for you.”

  “All right.”

  “A few weeks ago, for no reason whatsoever, I bought this horse. He was as pretty a horse as I’ve seen since I bought Belle two years ago. He’s a deep-chestnut brown with black mane and tail and four white stockings and a white star on his forehead. His lines are perfect. I just didn’t want anyone else to ride him. He’s out front now. Did you want to see him?”

  “I’d love to, Gus. Let’s go.”

  She locked her arm through his, and they walked down the stairs to the doors and saw Belle with the gelding next to her.

  Sara walked slowly out of the bar and up to the gelding and stroked his neck.

  “Why, Gus, he’s incredible. Look at his lines. Those boots just are perfect! He’s the most handsome horse I’ve ever seen. No wonder you had to buy him.”

  “He’s yours, Sara. You’re the only one I know that I’d allow to ride him.”

  She whipped around. “You’re giving him to me, Gus?”

  “Unless you don’t want him, Sara.”

  She walked back to the horse and
stroked his nose. “I’ve never had my own horse before, Gus. Now, I’ll be able to go wherever and whenever I want to go.”

  “Do you have a riding outfit?”

  “No, I don’t. Do you have enough time to come with me to the store? I’m not exactly welcome there.”


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