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Page 26

by C. J. Petit

  Sara was pleasantly surprised when a chill ran down her back.

  “I’ll meet you at the livery in an hour, sweetheart,” she whispered.

  Gus smiled at her. “Don’t forget to change your shoes.”

  She laughed. “I think you need to change yours, too.”

  Gus looked down and saw that she was right.

  “Let’s go, Ralph,” Gus said as he stuffed Ralph into his jacket.

  He gave his fiancée a quick kiss and hustled down the stairs. He climbed on Belle and set her south at a quick trot. He made it to the ranch in twenty minutes, grateful that it was closer than Kinnick. He rode directly across to Emma’s house and stepped down on the porch. He knocked on the door and went inside. He saw Marge and plopped Ralph down next to her.

  Emma walked in from the kitchen.

  “Gus, welcome back.”

  “Gotta go, Emma. Need to be in Chadwick in an hour.”

  “What’s the emergency?” she asked to his back.

  “Getting married!” he shouted as he ran out the door.

  Emma stood in disbelief as she heard the door close, then heard Gus run off the porch and climb onto Belle. She watched as he raced across the pastures.

  “Getting married?”

  Gus ran into the house and up the stairs. He changed into more dignified clothes and some new boots. He strapped on his gun belt. No repeat performance this time. Sara was going to be his wife until he died.

  He jogged back down the stairs and apologized to Belle when he got back on board. She didn’t complain as they headed for Chadwick. Rings! He needed to buy rings. He mustn’t forget.

  He arrived at the livery and saw his bride waiting outside with a huge smile on her face. She mounted before he stopped.

  “You’re all dressed up,” she commented.

  “I’m getting married. Didn’t want to embarrass the bride.”

  She laughed as they started trotting.

  They reached Hendrick in forty minutes. It was 2:45 in the afternoon.

  “Sara, before we go to the courthouse, we need to stop one more place.”

  “All right. Business?” she asked.

  “Of a sort.”

  Because of the courthouse, there was a small jewelry shop across the street. They didn’t have much else, but they did have a good selection of wedding band sets.

  As soon as she saw it, Sara knew what sort of business it was.

  “You’re as thoughtful as ever, Gus.” She beamed.

  “You deserve all my thoughts, Sara.”

  They went inside, and it only took a few minutes to find a nice set of rings. Gus paid for the rings. Twenty-two dollars. Not much of an expense for what they meant.

  They walked across the street, leaving the two handsome horses right next to the jewelry store and the adjoining sheriff’s office.

  Fifteen minutes later, they were standing before Judge Hamilton, who remembered Gus from the other marriage and subsequent trial. He was happy that Gus had found such a lovely, innocent bride so quickly.

  The ceremony went smoothly, and this time, rings were exchanged. Gus kissed his new wife and held her close, like he never wanted to let her go. He had that in mind. But he let go, and they went out to the clerk’s office and filled out the forms. Gus slid the completed marriage certificate into his pocket and shook hands all around before he and Sara left the courthouse. No impassioned kiss outside the courthouse this time. Gus scanned the area and held Sara close as they descended the steps to the street.

  “Sara, we missed lunch, so why don’t we let Solomon and Belle get something to eat while we have something at the café?”

  “I am a bit hungry. Let’s do that.”

  Gus had Sara on his arm as they led the horses to the livery. Gus arranged to have them unsaddled, brushed, fed, and watered. He told the liveryman they’d be back in an hour and paid him a dollar.

  They walked back to the café, and they ordered steaks and baked potatoes.

  “This was unexpected,” Sara said, looking at the wedding band on her finger.

  “An understatement, Mrs. Matthews. But for a change, it was a very pleasant surprise.”

  She smiled at the form of address and at Gus. “Very.”

  They ate their lunch, stealing smiling glances at each other in between bites.

  Gus paid for the meal and left an enormous tip. The waitress had no idea why, but smiled in acceptance.

  Gus had his new wife on his arm and had passed the jewelry store when Sara had her first encounter. A short man dressed in a suit saw her and smiled. “Hello, Susie,” was all he said. But Gus knew. He saw Sara blanch. He held her tighter as they both ignored the man.

  “It’s all right, Sara,” he whispered.

  She nodded, but he could tell that she was upset.

  They boarded their well-fed horses and headed out of Hendrick.

  “Sara, that’s going to happen. It doesn’t matter to me. I didn’t slug him or even say anything. He just said hello. It doesn’t matter what he was thinking.”

  “But he’s seen me naked. Probably more than you have.”

  “Well, we can correct that. But it’s something that I know you have to work through, Sara. Just remember that I’ll always be here to talk to and to give you all the love you need. Probably more. I’ll probably become one of those fawning nuisance husbands. You know, the kind that follow their wives around the house. ‘Can I help you, dear?’ ‘Would you like me to fluff up your bustle, sweetheart?’”

  Sara laughed. “Thank you, Gus. You’ll be able to fluff my bustle anytime.”

  “You wear a bustle to hide that perfect behind of yours, and I’ll revolt.”

  She laughed again. “Don’t worry, I don’t own anything with a bustle. My bustle that needs fluffing is what I’m sitting on now.”

  “Your bustle is your horse?”

  She really began laughing. Gus was happy for her. His life was now all about Sara. Nothing and no one else mattered.

  They reached Chadwick in the early evening. The sun was gone. Gus and Sara went to her room, and Gus picked up her one bag. She was leaving all her low-cut dresses behind. Gus looked at her.

  “Can you take at least one?” he pleaded.

  Sara laughed again and pulled two out and put them over her arm.

  They went down the steps, and Gus waved at Sam. Sara had told him of her plans before she left. Sam was happy for her.

  They mounted their horses and set off for the house. They rode to the barn and put up their horses. Gus took down his saddle and said to Sara, “Sara, I want to show you this.”

  She watched as he flipped open the hidden pocket and pulled out a wad of cash and papers. He pulled out the papers and about $300 and slid the rest back inside. Then he carried her bag, and she held her two dresses over her arm as they went to the house. Henry saw them and trotted up.

  “Gus, Emma told me you were getting married. Can I guess this is Mrs. Matthews?” Henry would have been shocked if he had heard any other name than Sara.

  “It is. Sara, this is Henry Owens. Henry, this is my wife, Sara.”

  Henry took off his hat and said, “I’m right glad to meet you, Sara. Gus may be an ornery cuss, but I guess he’ll do right by ya.”

  “I’m sure he will, Henry. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Gus, we’ll be moving another two hundred head out in the morning. Then we’ll just have one more bunch of the Slash M cattle to move, then the Star A lot, and we’ll be done.”

  “Sounds good. Anything else going on?”

  “Not much. Good bunch of boys, Gus. Carroll seems to have an attitude, though. He’s good at what he does, and he knows it. Thinks he should be getting top-hand pay.”

  “If he keeps causing a problem, pay him off.”

  “Will do.”

  “How’s Emma?”

  “Emma’s really special, Gus. Um, Gus, if things work out with Emma. Would I be able to move into the ranch house?”

s a house, Henry. It’s made for people to live in. Sara’s parents used to live there. Did you know that?”

  “Heck, no. Well, I just wanted to get your say-so.”

  “You’re the foreman, Henry. When I’m not here, you have the say-so.”

  “Thanks, Gus.”

  “We’re going inside, Henry.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Sorry, Gus. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He waved and trotted off.

  Sara looked at him. “He’s known Emma for how long?”

  “About a day.”

  She laughed. “And I thought we were fast.”

  They went inside, and Gus locked the door. He turned on some lamps.

  “Gus, this is a beautiful house.”

  “It just got a whole lot prettier, Sara. Come here, I need to show you something.”

  Gus led her to the office. He walked over to the books and pulled down the façade and opened the safe.

  “I’ve got to get a better safe. This doesn’t even have a lock. Anyway, if you look inside, you’ll see a bunch of cash, over twenty-five hundred dollars. The deeds to the ranch, the saloons, and this.” He pulled out the sack and walked to the desk.

  “Hold out your hand.”

  She did, and he poured out the contents.

  “Gus, these are diamonds, emeralds, and rubies and one enormous pearl.”

  “I have no idea what to do with them. I thought you might be able to use them.”

  She held them up to the lamp. She was astounded to find them in her hand.

  “Gus, let’s put them back. I’d hate to drop them.”

  Gus smiled, and she poured them back into his hand, and he put them into the pouch before putting the new papers on top of the others. He closed the vault and noticed that there was a keyhole on the side of the handle, not the front. There was a lock. It just hadn’t been used.

  “Sara, see if there’s a key in the top drawer.”

  She opened the drawer and found a small key under the ledger and brought it to him. He tried it, and the safe was now locked. He felt better.

  “I’m going to put this key in a better place. Let’s go upstairs and I’ll show you the important places.”

  “Like the bedroom?”

  “Could be.” He grinned.

  Sara latched her arm around Gus’s, and she took her dresses while he took her bag up the stairs. He had turned out the lamp in the office, so the stairs were dark. But Gus found his way to their bedroom and lit a lamp. He put the key in the nightstand drawer, dropped Sara’s bag near a dresser, and she just dropped her dresses on the floor. He removed her Stetson and then tossed his on a chair.

  “Sara, when I make love to you now, you’ll know how deeply I love you. You are my life, Sara.”

  And so, he showed her. His large hands ran up her sides to her neck, and he let his fingers run through her long, silky hair. He began kissing her.

  She kissed him back when he was kissing her lips, but that was just part of the time. He kissed her neck, and as he unbuttoned her blouse, he started kissing her everywhere. She just closed her eyes and allowed him to love her. No one but Gus had ever loved her. She had been told numerous times, but she knew those were just expressions of lust. But this. This was love. Gus unbuttoned her riding skirt and let it drop to the ground at her feet. His fingers slipped all over her naked skin. Sara began to get agitated.

  Gus could feel it. He leaned over and easily scooped her up and laid her on the bed. He pulled off her boots and tossed them aside. She watched as he undressed. He admired her as he did. He tried not to rush in order to give her more pleasure. It did. He knew he had to do everything slower, to let Sara get even more excited, more aroused. He had his shirt off and kicked off his boots. Then he took off his pants and his new underpants. Sara was doing exactly as he hoped. She wanted him. It was evident. Gus wanted her more, but he had to keep to his plan. Nothing sudden for a while. He needed this to be lovemaking, not rutting.

  He sat on the bed and swung his legs over. He pulled her arms above her head. “Close your eyes, Sara, so I can make you feel like the most desirable woman on earth, which is how I see you.”

  She closed her eyes again, despite her needs, which were growing by the second. She felt his hands and lips on her inner thighs and then across her stomach, raising goosebumps and shivers as he progressed. He finally reached her breasts, and she was rewarded by even more intense desires. He lingered there, as she knew he would. But then he continued to her neck, and finally her lips again. She pulled her arms down and pulled him hungrily to her, kissing him hard and deep. She knew he couldn’t hold back any longer. She knew he couldn’t. But he did. He pulled back and rolled her to her stomach and began again. This time at her neck. He slid her hair to the side, an act that caused her to shudder all by itself when his fingers traced across her back. But then the kisses! Her skin was electric with his kissing and touching as he slowly worked his way down her back. Her toes were curling back and forth and her fingers were doing the same as Gus insisted on driving her mad. She was squirming rapidly as he kissed her buttocks and slid his fingers on her inner thighs. She couldn’t stand it any longer. She rolled onto her back and grabbed him. He fell on her and kissed her passionately. Then all restrictions were lifted as they attacked each other. Love had given way to ravenous lust. Sara had forgotten the first night with Gus, but it all came back to her now. She wanted him. She needed him. Only him. This was the man she wanted. The complete man. The man who loved her as much as she loved him. She began to cry as he finally took her. She found herself uttering demands and subdued screams as they continued writhing across the bed.

  Gus wondered how could he hold back.

  Sara wanted him not to, but she wanted him to keep going at the same time. Her eyes were fluttering, and Gus at last finished as they both reacted. It was almost too much. Sara didn’t think she could have stood another second.

  Gus knew he couldn’t have lasted another moment.

  They just lay together for a few minutes.

  Finally, Gus rolled off to the side, turning Sara with him so he could face her.

  “We’re going to get chilly in a few minutes, Sara. Did you want to get under the blankets?”

  “I think that might be a good idea. I’m already feeling it.”

  Gus stood up and pulled back the blanket, watching as his new bride slid under the covers. He joined her.

  “Gus, can we always be this happy?”

  “There may be times when we’ll run into problems, Sara. But you and I will always have each other. Sara, now that we’re married and the ranch is in good condition, I think we can take a trip.”

  “To Kansas City?” she asked quietly.

  “To Kansas City. Every letter I get from your parents is mostly about you. They miss you terribly, Sara. They both love you so much. I know that Eli’s arthritis is taking its toll on his heart. What I’d like to do is write them a letter telling them of our visit. It would be an incredible treat for them and would make them both happier than you could imagine, knowing that we found each other and that I love you as much as they do.”

  “I love them both, too, Gus. I think it’s a wonderful idea. When do we leave?”

  “I’ll write the letter tomorrow. It’ll take about four or five days to get there. If we leave in a week, we’ll arrive after the letter. The train will take just about fourteen hours. So, we leave a week from tonight, all right?”

  “Thank you for everything, Gus. You’ve given me back my life.”

  “You’ve given me a life worth living, Sara.”

  There would be no second time tonight. There wasn’t even a dinner. Gus turned out the light, and they snuggled deep under the blankets. They fell asleep, still embracing.

  That all changed when they awakened. They stayed in bed for two more hours before Gus finally got dressed while Sara watched.

  “This could be habit-forming, Sara.” He grinned at her.

  “I hope so. I’m already hooked.”

  He was pulling on his boots when Sara slid out from under the blankets to dress. Gus watched.

  “You are beautiful, my wife.”

  “Thank you, husband. What will we do today?”


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