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Back in the Game

Page 18

by Caz Finlay

  Jake had had enough. Grabbing Eddie by the throat he pushed him out of his office and into the hallway. ‘I’ll put a bullet in you before I ever give you a penny from this place, you lying piece of shit,’ he shouted as he pushed Eddie to the floor.

  Getting up and dusting himself off, Eddie stared at him. ‘Ask your ma about it,’ he said. ‘I want what I’m owed.’ Then he walked down the hallway and out of the club.

  Chapter 63

  Grace was surprised to see Jake burst into her office. She’d heard a bit of shouting outside, but that was par for the course at The Blue Rooms these days, and she’d been in the middle of sorting out the weekend’s banking.

  ‘That dickhead Eddie Redman has just been in here,’ Jake barked.

  ‘Has he? What did he want?’

  ‘Half of this place, apparently.’

  ‘What? Is he on glue?’

  ‘He fucking must be because he reckons he’s my brother.’

  ‘What the hell’s going on in here?’ Michael asked as he bounded into the room too. ‘Some little prick has just nearly knocked me over walking out of here, and now you two are at it.’

  Grace sighed. This was going to be hard enough without Michael getting in on the act too. How the hell had Eddie found out the truth? It must have been Sandra. She was the only other person who knew.

  ‘Is it true, Mum?’ Jake snapped.

  ‘Is what true?’ Michael asked.

  ‘Yes,’ Grace answered, ignoring Michael. ‘Your dad was Eddie’s dad.’

  ‘What?’ Jake screamed. ‘And you never thought to tell me this little nugget of information? That fucking ratbag thinks he can walk in here and take what’s mine and you never thought to warn me?’

  ‘It wasn’t my information to tell, Jake. There was a good reason not to tell you at first, and then, well, the time just never seemed right.’

  ‘Oh, fuck off,’ he spat and Grace couldn’t hide the shock on her face. He’d never spoken to her like that before. ‘You make out like you’re always protecting everyone else, Mum. But it’s only ever about you.’

  She rose from her chair and leaned towards him, her shaking hands planted on her desk for support. ‘What the hell do I gain from keeping your father’s secret offspring from you?’

  Michael laughed in the background. ‘Well, you do like keeping secrets, don’t you, Grace?’

  ‘Stay out of this, Michael.’

  ‘He’s right though, isn’t he?’ Jake went on. ‘Grace Sumner – queen of her own little empire. Only tells us what we need to know, eh, Michael? Always looking out for number one.’

  Michael nodded in agreement and Grace felt her cheeks burning with anger. How fucking dare they! After everything she’d ever done for the pair of them.

  She grabbed her handbag and stood up. ‘Well, you know what? Fuck the pair of you,’ she yelled. ‘You can all go to hell for all I care. I’ve had enough of the fucking lot of you.’

  Pushing past them as they stood with their mouths hanging open, she walked out of the door and out of the club.

  Grace’s whole body shook with anger. She expected nothing less from Michael. He was still hurting over his daughter, and he could be a bad-tempered sod at the best of times. But Jake? She had only ever done what she thought was best for him. She had given up her quiet, peaceful life in Harewood to come back to this shithole and help him out. And he accused her of only thinking about herself. The cheeky little bastard. She needed some distance from him. He was her son and they would work things out when they both calmed down, but she couldn’t be around him anymore. She wanted out of this life. She needed to speak to Ivan about some investments and she’d ask Marcus to look after the house until she could find some tenants. Then she was packing up and leaving. She’d be gone by the weekend.

  As she drove home, her fury started to give way to sadness. Where had she gone wrong? Why on earth had Sandra betrayed her like that? It was she who’d insisted on keeping Eddie a secret from Jake in the first place, and now she’d gone and landed Grace right in it. Well, that friendship was over. The least Sandra could have done was given her a heads-up. And now Eddie was sniffing around. He was going to end up causing trouble for Jake, Grace knew it. She shook her head. That was Jake’s problem now. She was well out of it.

  Chapter 64

  Grace smiled as she watched Belle playing with her toys on the floor of Marcus’s living room.

  ‘She’s adorable, isn’t she?’ Marcus said as he offered Grace a cup of coffee.

  ‘She is,’ said Grace. ‘Thanks.’ She took the cup.

  ‘I can’t believe you’re leaving in two days,’ Marcus said with a pout. ‘I’m going to miss you both so much. I don’t know what I’ll do without you, Grace.’

  ‘I know. I feel the same about you,’ Grace sighed. ‘It feels like you’re the only one I can talk to sometimes. You are the sanest person I know.’

  ‘Dear God, I feel for you then, love. Twenty-five years we’ve been friends, do you know that?’

  ‘I do. It still feels like yesterday when you rocked up to The Rose and Crown in your ripped jeans and your waistcoat.’

  ‘Well, your fashion sense wasn’t much better, if I recall,’ he returned good-naturedly.

  ‘God, it was all so simple then, wasn’t it?’ she sighed.

  ‘Good times. If only we could go back there.’

  ‘If only.’

  ‘I’ve never found a job I like as much as working at The Rose and Crown. I’ve never quite fitted in the same anywhere else.’

  ‘Me neither,’ Grace agreed. ‘We were a good team. The pub in my village is going on the market. The owners are emigrating to Canada. I thought about buying it, but it would be too much on my own.’

  ‘Oh my God,’ Marcus shouted.

  ‘What?’ Grace almost spilled her coffee. Belle looked at the pair of them in surprise before giggling and going back to her toys.

  ‘I could run it with you,’ he said, his eyes lighting up like a toddler’s on Christmas morning.

  ‘But you’d hate Harewood. It’s nothing like Liverpool.’

  ‘Maybe that’s what I need?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Grace said. ‘It’s a completely different way of life. It’s quiet and peaceful and—’

  ‘Sounds like just what I need.’

  ‘And what about James?’

  ‘Oh, we’re finishing anyway,’ Marcus sighed. ‘He’s obsessed with his dogs. And I just can’t compete with labradoodles. I think we could both do with a break from men, don’t you?’

  ‘Are you serious?’

  ‘About the break from men?’

  ‘About moving, you twonk!’

  ‘One hundred percent,’ he said. ‘Let me come with you, Grace. I promise to be a good house guest until I find a place of my own.’

  ‘You can stay as long as you like. The place is huge. But the pub comes with a flat if you want your own space.’

  ‘Sounds perfect.’ Marcus grinned. ‘Looks like I’d better get packing.’

  Grace smiled at him as she drank her coffee. She’d never even considered asking him to move with her. She thought he’d have rather cut off his own arm than move to the country. But it made perfect sense.

  Suddenly, she felt brighter than she had in weeks. The fact that both Jake and Michael were no longer speaking to her made the thought of leaving again so much easier. They had been the only people keeping her in Liverpool. Despite that, the thought of leaving them both again broke her heart, but she would do it because she had to. She would make it work in Harewood in spite of them. The next chapter of her life was going to be a good one. She could feel it.

  Chapter 65

  Eddie Redman climbed the stairs to the fourth floor in the run-down block of flats. He was breathless by the time he reached the top and made a mental note to get himself into better shape.

  He walked along the deserted hallway, stopping when he found flat number 418.

  Knocking on the door, he surveyed the
debris around him while he waited. Most of the flats seemed to be unoccupied and he thought to himself how fortunate that could be for the plan he had in mind.

  He was surprised when the front door was opened so quickly.

  ‘Who are you?’ The occupant glared at him, a cigarette dangling from the side of her mouth.

  ‘Eddie. I think we have a common enemy, Eve.’

  ‘What?’ She eyed him suspiciously.

  ‘Grace Conlon?’

  Eve raised her eyebrows. ‘That stuck-up bitch from the club?’

  ‘Yeah. And I come bearing gifts.’ Eddie held up a bottle of cheap vodka and a bag of weed.

  ‘Well, why didn’t you say so,’ she cackled as she took the bottle from him. ‘Come in then.’

  Eddie stepped into the hallway and followed Eve into her stale-smelling flat.

  ‘I’ll just get us a couple of glasses. Make yourself at home, lad,’ she shouted.

  Eddie did as he was told and settled himself into a well-worn armchair. Eve returned a moment later and handed him a glass of vodka. Sitting on the sofa, she studied him closely.

  ‘You remind me of someone,’ she finally said.

  ‘Oh? And who’s that then?’ Eddie asked.

  Eve shook her head. ‘Can’t place my finger on it. It’ll come to me.’ She took a swig of her vodka and smacked her lips. ‘So, what really brings you here then, lad?’

  ‘I’m here about good old-fashioned revenge, Eve. I have some very interesting information to share with you about how we can both get it, and make a fuckload of money in the process.’

  Eve laughed. Crossing her legs, she sat back in her seat. ‘Well, go on then, lad. I’m all ears.’


  It was dark when Eddie finally left Eve’s flat. When he’d told her who he was, and shared his idea for a plan to get revenge on Grace, she’d been more than keen to be involved. He’d told her it would take him at least a few weeks to set everything up. He couldn’t afford to mess anything up. Everything had to be planned and the timing had to be exactly right.

  Eddie realised he’d need some more help than just Eve. He needed a bit of muscle too – just in case. He knew just the right man for the job – a psycho he knew from his estate, Greg Barnes. Greg had always had a screw loose and most people gave him a wide berth. He tortured animals for fun and there had been rumours of sexual abuse allegations involving his younger step-siblings, before his stepmother left with his siblings in tow. Eddie smiled and lit himself a cigarette as he descended the stairs to the ground floor. Greg was the perfect man for the job.

  Chapter 66

  Bobby White looked at the seven men who stood before him: Liam McGuinness, Harry Bolger, Fat Danny, Alex Callaghan, Franny Hughes, Martin Mitchell and Reuben McBride.

  ‘Tomorrow is the day, boys.’ He grinned at them. ‘I have reliable information about where our targets will be tomorrow afternoon. And we’ll be waiting for them. They won’t see us coming. We’ll be in two cars. We’ll take one of them in each. They’re less dangerous apart. I’ll be in touch later this evening with further instructions. Until then, fuck off,’ he said, smiling at them all. They started to file out of the door.

  ‘Liam?’ Bobby called. ‘Hang on a minute, lad.’

  ‘All right, boss,’ he said.

  After the others had left the office, Bobby pulled out a bottle of scotch from the bottom drawer of his desk. ‘Fancy one?’ he asked.

  Liam nodded and Bobby poured them both a drink.

  ‘You feeling okay about tomorrow?’ Bobby asked him as he handed him the glass.

  ‘As long as everyone does what they’re supposed to, we’ll be golden.’

  ‘We need to keep an eye on Reuben and Mitchell. Make sure they don’t fucking lose their nerve.’

  ‘One of them in each car, I reckon. We’ll make sure they’re tooled up. I’ll give them a line of coke each beforehand – Dutch courage!’

  Bobby took a sip of his whisky. ‘And you’ve sorted out where we’ll be taking them, right? Somewhere quiet where we won’t be disturbed?’

  ‘Yeah. I checked the place out again this morning. It’s perfect. Some fella my uncle drinks with does nights for the security company that looks after it. He said we can use the place for as long as we need.’

  ‘And he can be trusted.’

  Liam shrugged. ‘Don’t know. But he doesn’t ask questions. He doesn’t know what it’s being used for and more importantly he doesn’t care. He’s just happy to make a few hundred quid for looking the other way. Besides, even if he does open his mouth, there’s no link to us.’

  ‘Good work.’ Bobby said. ‘But your uncle’s mate is a loose end that I want tying up. Grace Sumner is a clever woman, and I want no one to be able to tie us to this.’

  ‘Whatever you say, boss. I’ll sort it. About the job though. I think our best bet is to get it done quickly. Be in and out of the place before anyone has a chance to see us.’

  Bobby shook his head. ‘You just told me you had the perfect place and we could have it for as long as we need. So, why wouldn’t I use that to my advantage? You know quick and clean is not how I operate. The pair of them will suffer first. I want to listen to them plead for their lives, and then I want to hear them beg me to finish them off.’

  ‘But we’re not talking about a pair of amateurs here, boss.’ Liam frowned. ‘These two are serious fucking hard-cases. Given a chance, they’ll have the lot of us.’

  Bobby glared at him. ‘Well, let’s make sure we don’t give them a chance then, eh?’

  ‘Whatever you say, boss.’

  ‘Good. Now finish your drink and get lost. I’ll pick you up later and we can get the stuff we need from my lock-up.’

  Liam downed his whisky and walked out of his boss’s office and through the bar of the Gin Blossom.

  ‘Bye, Liam.’ Bobby’s wife, Leanne smiled at him as he approached. He brushed past her, his hands lingering on her waist as he did. ‘Bye, gorgeous,’ he whispered. ‘I’ll see you later.’

  Chapter 67

  Martin Mitchell’s hand trembled as held the phone to his ear.

  ‘You’ll be picked up from the corner of your road at two. Do not be late,’ Bobby White snapped. ‘Wear black. You’ll be given everything else you need in the car. Do not breathe a word about this to anyone. Understood?’

  ‘Yes,’ Martin said quietly.

  ‘What?’ Bobby shouted over the sound of traffic in the background.

  ‘I said yes,’ Martin replied.

  ‘Good. That’s what I thought,’ Bobby said before hanging up the phone.

  Martin’s stomach churned as he poured the water from the kettle into the mug. When Bobby had insisted he be in on the job, he knew it would be more than his life was worth to say no. A request from Bobby was something you didn’t refuse.

  But Martin was having a severe case of nerves. If he was honest, he was shitting his pants. It had all seemed so easy to give Bobby information to get back at the people who’d humiliated him, but the reality was proving harder to deal with. What Bobby was asking of him was beyond anything he’d imagined. He wasn’t sure he had the stomach, or the balls, for it. Martin was well aware that although he liked to present himself as a hard man and run in the same circles as the likes of Bobby White and Jake Conlon, he was actually a coward who preferred to stand on the sidelines and watch others do the dirty work.

  His mum had warned him about taking a job at The Blue Rooms and getting involved with Jake Conlon and the Carters, but Martin had thought he knew best. He was a Mitchell – no one would mess with him. How naïve he’d been to think that a name was enough to get him by.


  Bobby White climbed into the waiting Range Rover.

  ‘All done, boss?’ Liam McGuinness asked.

  Bobby nodded. ‘Martin will do exactly as he’s told. Have you spoken to Reuben?’

  ‘Yeah. He knows the score.’

  Bobby laughed. ‘Pair of dickheads. They haven’t got
a fucking clue.’

  Liam laughed too as he pulled away from the hard shoulder. A few seconds later he looked over at his boss. ‘Do you think people will really believe those two could pull off a job like this?’

  ‘We’ll make it look amateur enough. And we’ll tell the right people what they need to know to make sure those two are the names in the frame. Grace Sumner and the rest of the Carter clan will be too busy mourning the deaths of their beloved heroes to bother about concrete proof or wondering how that pair of useless tossers pulled it off. They’ll just want someone to pay.’

  ‘Whatever you say, boss.’

  Bobby stared out of the window as Liam drove him home. He wondered whether Leanne would be back from work yet. He’d been away in Scotland for a few days and although he’d seen her earlier at the bar, he’d missed her. He’d phoned her a few minutes ago but she hadn’t answered, which always made him suspicious. If he ever found her cheating on him, he would peel her skin from her body and use it as a rug. Then he would cut off the balls of the bastard she’d cheated on him with and feed him to his dogs.

  Chapter 68

  Karl Morgan’s office was hot and sticky. It was a small room at the back of a sunbed shop, with no windows and little ventilation, and Karl had two fan heaters blasting hot air. Despite the heat, everyone in the room appeared cool and calm. Karl was a well-known hard man. He’d inherited his business from his uncle, a giant Russian named Luka, who had instilled a level of fear surrounding Trident Securities that Karl was still dining out on. As far as Jake was concerned, Karl was a smarmy fat fucker. He called himself a respectable businessman, but in Jake’s opinion he was just a thug who had got lucky. He had simply been in the right place at the right time when his uncle got his head blown open with a sawn-off. Nevertheless, he had a reputation as someone you didn’t mess about with.

  Karl and his firm were Michael’s main competition; they’d been rivals since Michael had branched out into the security business, but things had escalated more recently since Michael had taken over security at the club. There had been a few tit-for-tat incidents between the two factions, which had escalated into some of Karl’s lads turning up at The Blue Rooms armed to the teeth with samurai swords and a couple of sawn-off shotguns. Despite that, they’d all had their arses handed to them and while Michael’s firm had ended up with a few scrapes, most of Karl’s crew had been put out of action on a permanent basis.


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