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His Lady Brat (Rakes of Mayfair Book 6)

Page 7

by Melinda Barron

  “Is that what your worried about, that I can’t afford you? Well, I can, Belinda. I will pay the bills. But from now on, you are limited to five thousand pounds a month.”

  “What? I cannot live on so little.”

  “You can and you will. I know this house is paid for, so you have no expense there. I will pay your food, coal and other household bills separately. The five thousand is for clothing, furniture and other things. You will stick to that amount.”

  Jonathan crossed the room and lay down on the bed. He bounced on it a bit and then pushed himself into a sitting position, propped against the headboard with his feet crossed at the ankles and his hands hooked behind his head.

  “Very good choice, my dear. How much is this going to cost me?”

  “Quite a bit, since you’ll never use it in the manner to which you obviously want to.” She trained her eyes to his crotch.

  Her anger rose when Jonathan laughed. He continued to laugh, then took a deep breath.

  “Five thousand, Belinda, and not a pound more. Do you understand me?”

  “And if I go over, you’ll spank me again?” She put her hands on her hips.

  “There are other ways to punish you.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Five thousand, Belinda.”

  “We’ll see,” she said with a laugh.

  “Yes, we will,” he responded. Then he put his hand on his crotch. Her eyes drifted down, and he couldn’t help but feel power over her.

  “You know the other evening you never did tell me about your first experiences with cock.” He moved his hand, as if he were planning on taking out his prick.

  “I told you, there will be no physical contact between us,” she said.

  “I haven’t asked you to touch me,” he said. “I just want information about your previous lovers. Tell me about your first one.”

  “Never,” she said. “But I will tell you about Taylor. He was wonderful.”

  “He was old,” Jonathan said. “Tell me, when you fucked did you come?”

  “You’re so vulgar,” she said.

  “I’m going to take that as a no.”

  He stretched out on the bed and Belinda looked away. “You need to leave.”

  Once again his hand went to his crotch, and he could swear her eyes widened in need.

  “I won’t ask again,” she said.

  “No, you won’t,” he replied. “Since I paid for this bed I think I’ll stay right here.”

  “You haven’t paid for it yet,” she responded.

  “Neither have you.” He popped the top button on his trousers, and her screech made him laugh.

  “Is that a wail of desire?” he asked.

  “It’s a yell to tell you to get the devil out!”

  “You know what’s under here,” he said. “When I leave, I’m going to go home and play with it. Make it hard, stroke it, feel the tightness in my sac. You’ll be thinking about that while I do it. You’ll wish I’d stayed so you could take it in your mouth, in your quim.”

  “You wish those things to be true, but I can assure you they are not,” she said. The look on his face said he could hear the way her voice shook, hear that she was not telling the truth. She desperately wanted to touch him. It had been far too long, and she enjoyed sex immensely. Something told her he would be the perfect lover. She could tell from the outline of his cock that he was long, that he would fill her totally and send her over the edge, something very few men had been able to do.

  “Please leave,” she said.

  “You know you want me, and I know you want me,” he said. “Will you be thinking about me? You say no, but I know you will. You want my cock? You want to fuck? You want to come?”

  Without waiting for an answer he stood. “The play starts at eight tonight. Be ready at seven. And we’re having dinner after at the Buxtons’ house. Wear one of your new dresses.”

  “How long do you intend to keep me prisoner?”

  “Prisoners don’t get new furniture. And I intend to keep you close to me until I think you’ve been cured of being a brat. Then I will set you free, since you seem so certain that you are a prisoner.”

  He swatted her behind as he walked by. Belinda saw it coming and tried to move away from it and failed.

  “See you tonight, Lady Brat.”

  She screamed after he’d shut the door. She knew that some members of society had given her that nickname, and she hated it. Her eyes narrowed. If he wanted a brat, he would get one.


  The maid entered and curtsied.

  “Lay out my newest dress for tonight.”

  Merry’s eyes bulged out. “But, madam, when his lordship left he specifically told me no red.”

  “I don’t care what he said. You are my employee and will do as I say, or you will be gone. Make sure the dress is ready after my nap. Take it and go.”

  When Merry was gone, Belinda lay down on her new bed in the same spot Jonathan had laid. It was still warm from his body. She’d been good all week, and it had gotten her nowhere. It was time for the old Belinda to return. Perhaps if she was bratty enough he would release her and she could leave town. They would all be happy then. And she could try and start a new life.

  Jonathan checked his pocket watch. It was almost thirty minutes past the hour. If Belinda didn’t come down quickly they would barely make the opening curtain. Not that he cared. He’d seen the play before, and was only attending because it was expected of him.

  Sometimes he got sick of doing things that were expected. It would be nice to be able to enjoy himself with his friends and not have to make public appearances.

  A noise on the stairs caught his attention. He looked up from his seat and fought back a smile. She really was beautiful, even in red. This dress, though, was provocatively cut, and was not meant for the place where they were going.

  “I’m ready.”

  “For what?”

  “The theater, of course.”

  He nodded and grinned.

  “Very well. Let’s be off before we’re any later.”

  When he was at the doorway, Belinda put her hand on his arm.

  “How do you like my new dress?”

  “It’s exquisite, although it’s more suited to other pursuits.” He surveyed the low cut dress and tight bodice.

  “If you don’t like it, I will change.”

  “Nonsense, we don’t have the time. Besides, everyone’ll notice you. Wasn’t that your intent? Or were you thinking that you would wear something I wouldn’t approve of and I would cancel our outing, or go without you?”

  Jonathan fought back a laugh as she stiffened. He’d known that was what she had in mind.

  “Sorry, luv, but I really want to see the play. And I don’t want to be any later.”

  He took her hand and led her toward the door. He helped her into the carriage and took a deep breath. He knew she was up to something, he just wished he knew what it was, and if it was going to come tonight, or if she was teasing him and making him wait, as he had done to her this afternoon.

  Chapter 6

  Belinda fought to keep her composure. They’d barely made it to the theater in time for the curtain rising, but there were people in the lobby, and they were staring and pointing. She tried to tell herself she didn’t care, but truthfully she did.

  They’d taken their seats in Buxton’s box and Jonathan’s friends had greeted her warmly. The men looked amused at her dress and the ladies had looked a little shocked. It wasn’t meant for the theater, Belinda knew, but Jonathan had not given her time to change.

  She had hoped he’d cancel their appearance but once again he’d surprised her with his actions.

  Now that intermission was here, he and his male friends were standing in a group, their heads together, and Belinda was standing with their ladies. She felt uncomfortable, especially since Clarissa was with them.

  The memory of being over Jonathan’s knee, with Clarissa and Andrew watching,
still flamed up every time she saw the duchess. The memory made her blush furiously. Not a one of them had mentioned the dress, and she was glad for it.

  Several other ladies that Belinda recognized joined them, and the conversation turned to the play.

  They broke into smaller groups, all clustered around each other and Belinda was surprised when Clarissa pulled her aside.

  “We haven’t really had a chance to talk,” the duchess whispered.

  “I am fine, thank you, your Grace.” Belinda started to turn, but stopped when Clarissa put her hand on her arm.

  “Please, I would like to put everything in the past. I hope you know that.”

  “It is over, as far as I’m concerned. I was sincere in my apologies.”

  “I understand. I would like…” Clarissa stopped talking when two others ladies joined their conversation.

  “Lady Strauss,” said Lady Wince. “Your dress is unique.”

  “Why thank you. Jonathan selected it, although I don’t know why, seeing as how he’s impotent. Perhaps he hopes it will help with the problem.”

  The circle of ladies, including several ladies standing around them, grew quiet.

  “I, um…” Lady Wince stammered.

  “Oh yes, he’s not lifted a finger toward me, which is rare. I can only guess that he can’t perform as a man should and hopes that the dress will rouse that which has lain dormant for the last few weeks. Who knows, perhaps it’s lain asleep for longer than that.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and took a drink of her lemonade. The looks she received showed that she’d hit home. Her words would reach Jonathan’s ears before the end of the play. Perhaps then, when he’d learned that she’d questioned his manhood, he’d allow her to be freed from this ridiculous arrangement.

  She glanced at Clarissa, who stared at her as if she’d just spouted treason. Belinda looked away so fast her head spun. She gasped for air and put her hand on her chest.

  “Are you all right, Lady Strauss?” Lady Wince asked.

  “Just feeling a little woozy,” she said. “Either that or I’m just lamenting the fact that my protector is less than a man. It’s such a shame really. He is far too young to have this sort of problem. One can only wonder what he will be like later in life.”

  Clarissa took her arm and said, “We should get back to our box, Lady Strauss. I’m sure the men are waiting for us.”

  “Of course, your Grace,” Clarissa said. “We wouldn’t want to keep them waiting.”

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” Clarissa said when they were away from the ladies. “More importantly, why did you do that?”

  Belinda wanted to tell her it was the truth, but she kept her mouth closed. Telling Clarissa the true reason would not be good, either.

  “We want to hurry,” she said instead. “We want to get there before the second act begins.”

  Over on the other side of the room, Jonathan watched the ladies with interest. It seemed as if Belinda was behaving herself. She was laughing and smiling. When the group suddenly went quiet he felt his blood run cold. What had she said? He knew it had to have been her, because the other ladies were staring at her with shocked faces.

  He watched Lady Monroe break away from the group and hurry toward her husband, where she whispered in his ear. Her husband burst into laughter and pulled her close for a half hug. When it broke, the man purposely strode toward Jonathan.

  “Did you and your lady have a fight, Barton?”

  “Excuse me?”

  Around him, the members of the Club stopped and listened.

  “She’s angry with you. She’s questioning your prowess between her legs. Seems she just told the group around her that you’re impotent. Not that I believe it, of course. You need to bring your brat to heel before she ruins your reputation, and your chances for a good match.”

  He laughed as he walked off, and Jonathan felt his blood boil. Never once had anyone ever questioned his manhood. For Belinda to suggest that he was impotent was more than an insult. It was a disgrace that could harm him for some time to come.

  “I told you to take her to your bed,” Buxton said with a laugh. “A lady like that needs to be tumbled often. She’s just letting you know that.”

  “Hmm, I don’t think so,” Ellington said. “I think she’s trying to push you away. Perhaps you’ve done all you can and should let her go.”

  “No,” Jonathan replied. “I will not. If I do that, then people will think her words are true. If you’ll excuse me, I need to leave for a bit. Please keep an eye on her, Ellington. I will return before the end of the play.”

  Ellington nodded and Jonathan moved to walk off.

  “What are you going to do?” Andrew stopped him.

  “I’m going to teach her another lesson, but not tonight. I have to set it up first.”

  He went downstairs and borrowed pen and paper from the theater manager. He wrote several notes, and then went outside to find a messenger. Once he was assured the notes would be delivered to his butler, he straightened his coat and went back inside.

  When he took his place beside Belinda she frowned at him. He narrowed his eyes and was rewarded with a look of uncertainty from the lady.

  “Where have you been?”

  “Why do you care?”

  “I just…”

  “Hush, and watch the play.”


  “I said, hush.” His voice was low with barely controlled anger.

  She closed her mouth and turned her eyes toward the stage. Jonathan looked down at her hands, clasped in her lap. Then, he looked back at her face. He could tell she was nervous, that she knew she’d pushed things just a little too far.

  Now, she would have to suffer the consequences, and he would have to fight to keep people from believing the rumor she’d started was true. He just hoped that he could do it quickly.

  Belinda stretched her arms above her head and smiled. It had worked. Jonathan had been so furious with her last night that he’d barely spoken to her in the carriage on the way home. He’d seen her to her door and then turned on his heels quickly.

  She laughed out loud. She’d shown him who was the boss in their relationship. He might be able to spank her, but he couldn’t stop her from living her own life. Now that she’d branded him impotent he had no choice but to drop her from his life.

  She was sure he would be by today to sever their ties. She was sure that soon afterwards he would find himself a suitable bride, marry and make lots of babies. That would show society that he was a man, in the true sense of the word.

  Belinda knew he was a man, but saying otherwise had been to her good. She gathered her pillow close in a hug and laughed. She would sell the house as quickly as possible. Then, she would move. The more she thought about it, the more she thought Scotland was the place to go. There, she would be free of her reputation and she could find a proper husband.

  A loud noise from downstairs made her sit up. Jonathan’s voice drifted through her closed door seconds before it burst open.

  “Get up. You have one hour.”


  “We are leaving, you and I, for some time in the country. You have one hour to pack. If you waste that hour then you’ll go with nothing. It won’t matter to me if you spend the entire time we’re gone roaming my home naked.”

  “You cannot…” No, no, no! This wasn’t going as she’d planned.

  “One hour!” He looked as if he could curdle milk with one look. “Merry!”

  The maid appeared in the doorway.

  “Pack milady’s bags, quickly. And you.” He pointed at Belinda and she felt her heart stop. “Get dressed. If you think I’m joking about this just try me. You’ll find that I’m not impotent in all things.”

  “You cannot order my maid to do things!” But she was speaking to an empty spot. He had left the room as quickly as he’d entered. She ran out behind him, following him down the stairs.

  “You can’t do this to me! You
don’t own me!”

  “In the eyes of society, I do.” He stopped on the stairs. He turned to her and she took a few steps back. Perhaps she had misjudged things just a bit. If she could go back to last night she would change what had happened, try something different. But it was too late for that.

  “I’m sorry to inform you that the gossip sheets will spill the word this morning that Lord Barton is taking his mistress to the country for a little air. She is not feeling well, and needs to spend some time alone with her lover.”

  “I hate you! I hate you!” Belinda had no doubt that he’d do as he said and make her go naked.

  “So you’ve said,” he called out as he went down the remainder of the stairs. “You are using what little time you have screaming at me. If I have to carry you to the carriage naked it will make for entertaining reading in the gossip rags.”

  “Where are you taking me?” She yelled at his retreating back.

  “Less than an hour now!” Jonathan’s voice drifted back to her. Seconds later the front door slammed and Belinda slumped against the stairs. Dear heavens, what had she done?

  “Where are you taking me?” Belinda sat in a corner of the carriage, wringing her hands in her lap.

  “You would be wise not to speak to me until we arrive.”

  “Arrive where?”

  “Don’t push me, Belinda. I am so angry with you that there is no telling where your words will take us. Do I make myself clear?”

  “You cannot expect…”

  “Enough!” His harsh word filled the carriage and she flinched. “I will not tell you again.”

  He turned back to the window and studied the landscape as Belinda fumed.

  She’d had half a mind to disobey his order about packing, but she knew that he’d been telling the truth. If she hadn’t done it she would have left with nothing.

  He’d returned in exactly one hour. The packing wasn’t half done but he’d ordered the bags closed and loaded onto the carriage. Then he’d handed Belinda inside and sat opposite from her. He’d remained silent until their exchange just moments ago.


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