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Page 5

by P. T. Macias


  I see Michail drop to the ground injured, and Ralph laughs and kicks him. He's getting some bags from Michail's saddlebags.

  I bite my fist, trying to control my screams.

  "Oh my God, please help me take care of Michail," I yell, pacing around my room.

  I look out the window at Ralph and Nestor looking at Michail. Ralph leans down to grab the bags.

  I bet it's full of drugs.

  Are the Anarchy Kings the drug supplier to the Royal Mambas?


  Ralph and Nestor walk away, and Michail is lying on the ground. I need to get Michail inside before someone calls the police. I push my hair away from my face, chewing my lower lip as I pace like a crazy lady.

  Who can I call?

  Yeah, Kiko, he will help me. I grab my cell from my nightstand, moving my fingers over the screen. I wait for Kiko to answer, walking over to the window. I look at Michail with a heavy heart.

  "Kiko, I need your help! Please come over to my apartment," I say, gasping for breath, looking down at the huge man.

  "Okay, I'll be there,' Kiko says.

  Kiko was a doctor in the Marines; he told me lots of stories of the injuries he had to tend too.

  Kiko takes ten minutes to get here. He helps me move Bear to my bed. We take off his cut, and then Kiko works on him, extracting the two bullets, and stitching him up. He looks at me shaking his head.

  "I'm putting this IV in him with some antibiotics. Maybe it will work; if not, he will need to go to the hospital," Kiko says, nodding.

  "Okay," I say, looking at Bear. My heart aches and my stomach feels sick.

  "He can't be moved for a few days. Give him these pain killers, and let me know if anything looks bad," Kiko says, putting his gadgets away.

  "Okay, could you do me another favor," I ask Kiko, biting my lip.

  "Sure," Kiko says, nodding as he crosses his arms, looking at me.

  "These are the keys to his bike parked behind the apartment down the alley. Please drive the bike over and put it into the small garage," I say, handing him the keys.

  "Yeah, I'll do that. Anything for you, Letty," Kiko says, nodding.

  "Thanks," I say, looking at Bear.

  Kiko leaves for a few minutes and returns to hand me the keys.

  "Here you go," Kiko says, looking at me.

  "Thank you, Kiko, please don't tell anyone," I say, biting my lower lip.

  "Yeah, no worries. Call me if you need anything," Kiko says, grabbing his bag.

  "Okay, thanks again," I say, walking him to the door. He walks out, and I make sure to lock it. I put the bar across the door to stop Nestor from coming in.

  I'm so happy that I started using that bar to keep him out, but for how long?

  I need to clean up the blood, just in case he does get in. I hope not because it was Royal Mambas that shot Bear. I saw the entire shooting, and it pisses me off. Those asshats are fucking little pussies. I knew that they were stupid.



  The loud pounding resonates in my head, piercing the darkness around me. My eyelids feel so heavy, I try to open my eyes, but my eyelids feel so heavy, I close them.

  The pounding and yelling continue, bringing me out of the deep dark space I'm in.

  Is that my Baby girl yelling?

  "Get the fuck out of here, Nestor," Leticia yells.

  I open my eyes, looking around the room, furrowing my eyebrows.

  What the fuck!

  Where am I?

  "Open the fucking door," Nestor yells, kicking at it.

  "Fuck, no! Get away from here! I don't want you in my apartment," Leticia yells. She walks up the hallway, looks into her room.

  She smiles, walks over to me.

  "Michail, how are you feeling," Leticia says, sitting next to me on her bed.

  "I'm good, in a little pain, but I'll survive. I've survived worse before," I say, closing my eyelids halfway.

  "Okay, let me get you some pain killers," Leticia says, pushing off the bed.

  Leticia walks over to the small dresser picking up the bottle. She opens the bottle dropping a white pill into her palm, grabbing the water bottle. She walks over to help me drink the medicine, nodding.

  "You’ll feel better in a few,” Leticia says, smiling helps me sit up. I drink the pill, and then I scoot back, leaning against the wall looking at her.

  “Who in the hell is knocking at the door,” I ask, inhaling and exhaling.

  “That’s my stupid stepbrother Nestor, that I hate. I don’t want him staying here in my apartment, but he wouldn’t leave,” Leticia huffs, taking my hand.

  “Wow, why don’t you like him,” I ask, trying to stay awake. Sleep is taking over my mind, I feel so damn tired, but I fight it. I need to listen to my Baby girl.

  “Nestor is an asshat, and he’s in the Royal Mambas gang. He’s so stupid, and I hate his leader Ralph,” Leticia says, sniffling. She pushes off the bed wiping the tears.

  “Baby girl, tell me why,” I say, looking at her.

  “That asshat Ralph, he raped me! I was a virgin, and he drugged me. I hate him,” Leticia whispers, covering her face with her hands sobbing.

  “Motherfucker is dead,” I yell, a rush of burning anger races through my blood. I open my eyes, trying to move.

  “Don’t move, you’ll open your stitches,” Leticia says, running over to me. She places her small hands against my shoulders, pushing me back down onto the bed.

  I take her hand, pulling her close. I gaze into her troubled eyes and her pale complexion.

  “Baby girl, those motherfuckers will never touch you again. You’re mine; you’re moving in with me,” I growl, pulling her closer.

  Leticia seats next to me on the bed, resting her head on my good shoulder. I run my hand up and down her back, closing my eyes. I inhale deeply, smelling her fresh floral scent.

  She’s mine, and those motherfuckers are dead.

  “Michail, are you serious,” Leticia asks, breathlessly.

  “Yes, Baby girl. I’ll never lie to you. You’re mine, my old lady. Soon you’ll be my wife,” I say, hugging her closer to me.

  I kiss her temple, closing my eyes.

  “Baby girl, how long have I been here,” I ask, trying to ignore the pain in my stomach. I think that I should call the brothers.

  “It’s been about thirty-six hours, and I was so scared,” Leticia says, sobbing.

  “Shush, . . . Baby girl, it’s all good. Where’s my bike, my Glock, and cell phone,” I ask, sliding my fingers up and down her soft, smooth arm.

  “I had Kiko put your bike in my small garage, your Glock is below your pillow, and your cell is right next to you on the nightstand,” Leticia says,” trembling.

  “Thank you for saving my life,” I say, kissing her face as far as I can go.

  I need to get the brothers to come to get us. We can’t stay here because those bastards will return.

  I don’t want those motherfuckers to return to take my Baby girl.

  I’m too weak to protect her.

  It’s my last thought before the darkness takes me.



  I walk into the kitchen, chewing my lower lip. I pull out the pot, fill it up with water. Then I set it on the stove, turning on the flame to get the water boiling. I then take out the chicken and vegetables from the refrigerator to make Michail some chicken soup.

  He’s sleeping so the soup should be ready by the time that he wakes up. I know it will be good for him because my Mama always made me chicken soup when I was feeling sick.

  I chop up the chicken and vegetables, checking the water. A few minutes later, the water is boiling; I throw in the chicken and vegetables into the pot. I’m making Michail chicken soup, and I hope that he likes it because I’m making it with all of my heart.

  Michail is so amazing, and I love him. Yes, I do. I don’t know if it is too soon, but my heart, especially my soul, tells me that he
’s the one for me.

  Michail makes me feel special, beautiful, and safe. I’m looking forward to a future with him because I believe that he’s sincere when he says that I’m his and that we’re going to get married. Oh yeah, I’m his old lady, hmmm . . . it must be a biker thing.

  I look out the kitchen window at my garage, and around the alley. I walk over to look out the living room window to see if Nestor and Ralph are standing outside, and I’m so freaking glad that they’re not there. I need to keep an eye because I know that they will not give up.

  I’m happy that they don’t know that Michail is here or else Nestor would have said something. I’m sure they would have forced their way in to kill him.

  I walk back to the kitchen, gathering my hair into a ponytail, sighing deeply. I lean against the kitchen counter, watching the boiling water. I shake my head, rolling my eyes.

  I just can’t believe that they’re so stupid, those asshats.


  I take out my cell phone to text Ron at the Blue Night and Nelson at La Luna that I’m not going to be in because I’m not feeling well.

  Leticia: Hi, Ron, I’m not feeling well, so I’m not going in.

  Ron: Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow if you feel better.

  Leticia: Nelson, I’m not feeling well; I’m not coming in.

  Nelson: I understand, and I hope you feel better.

  Yeah, a small little white lie.

  I grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator, taking off the cap. I take a drink of water, walking over to sit at the stool. I grab my cell, swiping my finger over the screen to look at my Facebook account.

  Yeah, I’m hoping to see Carol there. I miss her; she’s my only friend. I’m praying that I will see her again. But I don’t see anything that will lead me to her.


  I slide my cell into my jeans pocket, and I walk over to the stove to check on the soup. I pick up the spoon to stir it, nodding. I turn off the soup, smiling.

  Yeah, it looks good, but I’m not hungry. I’m too stressed about work, Michail getting shot, and the asshats pestering me.

  I walk down the hallway to check on Michail, opening the door, and I stand at the door, watching him sleep. The medication knocks him out, and I’m glad because that helps him rest to recoup.

  I walk out of my room, closing the door softly. I walk down the hall to the living room, grabbing the tv remote control. I turn on the tv. I am looking for something interesting to see pursing my lips.

  Yeah, I don’t see anything good. I should see an old classic movie.

  I look for a movie, falling onto the sofa, sliding my feet under me. I found the Bodyguard movie, so that’s what I started watching.

  Gawd, I’m so tired. I can’t keep my eyes open. I look at the movie, my eyes close. Then I open them, watch the tv, and then I close my eyes.

  “Oh my God,” I yell, looking at the door pop open.

  Nestor is holding a massive black metal cylinder looking at me.

  “I told you that the battering ram would work,” Ralph says, looking inside the living room.

  Ralph looks at me, smirking walks over to me.

  “Fuck, yes! Bitch you’re mine,” Ralph yells, pulling me off the sofa.

  “Let me go, you asshat! I hate you, Ralph,” I yell, crying.

  “Bitch, shut the fuck up! You’re coming with me, I’m tired of waiting for you,” Ralph says, pulling me close to him.

  “Let me go,” I yell, kicking his leg, pulling my arm.

  Ralph pulls my arm; I slam into his chest. He wraps his arms around me, hooting.

  “Bitch, you’re mine, so shut the fuck up! I can’t wait to fuck your sweet pussy,” Ralph yells, holding me tight.

  “Let me go you son of a bitch,” I yell, kicking, and hitting his chest.

  Ralph yells, throws me down on the sofa, leaning down close to my face. He backhand slapped me several times.

  “Stop,” I yell, throwing up my arms to protect my face.

  “Don’t hurt her,” Nestor says, looking at us.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Ralph says, pulling me, throwing me over his shoulder.

  “Let’s go, because you need to pay me. I didn’t do this for nothing,” Nestor says, walking away.

  “Fuck Nestor, you’ll get your money,” Ralph says, chuckling.



  What the fuck is going on?

  It’s Leticia!

  I slide my hand under the pillow and push myself up, grimacing.

  Fuck! It fucking hurts, but I don’t care. I need to help my Baby girl.

  I push up from the bed, holding my stomach with my left hand, and the Glock.

  I hear screams coming from the living room. I walk as fast as I can to the door. I pull it open, and I walk as fast as I can down the hall. The pain shoots through my side, I can feel the stitches open, and blood starts to flow down my front. I stop gasping, feeling my heart stop.


  “Leticia,” I yell, holding onto the wall.

  I drag myself down the hall, stopping to look into the living room, and it’s empty, I look at the damaged door. Next to the door on the floor is a battering ram that looks like it’s military-grade.

  That’s what they used to break in.

  “Motherfuckers,” I yell, stumbling to the door. I look outside, and I see a pickup pull out of the parking lot.

  “Leticia,” I yell, aiming my Glock at the truck, but I ‘m too slow.


  I’m too fucking weak.

  I was afraid of this.

  I need to call the brothers because I need to get Leticia.

  I clench my jaw; I take a step back, reaching the doorframe. I hold onto it, closing my eyes. I can feel the sweat roll down my face.

  I take a couple of steps to reach the recliner, looking at the door, trying to stay awake. I pull out my cell phone. I slide my fingers over the screen, looking for my brother's name. I call the first one that I see.

  I gasp for air, looking down at my stomach at the red blood staining my t-shirt.

  “Hey, Dexter,” I gasp, inhaling and exhaling.

  “Bear, where the fuck are you,” Dexter asks.

  “Get Slink to trace my cell. I’m injured. I need your brothers,” I say, breathing hard.

  “Fuck, on our way. Hold on,” Dexter yells.

  “Make it quick! I’m bleeding, bring Doc, and I need help to rescue my old lady! They took her,” I growled, closing my eyes.

  “Hold on, brother, don’t leave us,” Dexter growls.

  “Hurry,” I say, closing my eyes.



  Ralph throws me on the back seat of the pickup, wraps duct tape around my wrists and ankles, and slaps duct tape to my mouth.

  “Bitch, now you’re in my hands, and I’m not letting you go. I told you then, and I’m telling you now that you’re my whore,” Ralph says, chuckling.

  Nestor gets into the driver's seat, looking at me through the rearview mirror. I glared at him, the hatred in my eyes.

  Ralph grabs my breasts and bites my nipple sliding his hand up my leg grabbing my pussy.

  “Fuck yes, I can’t wait,’ Ralph groans, rubbing his hand over my pussy.

  I feel the bile rise to my throat; my eyes tear up. I raise my legs, trying to move away from Ralph.

  “Let’s go,” Nestor yells, turning on the truck.

  I’m just glad that they didn’t hear Michail call out for me.

  Ralph jumps into the passenger seat, slamming the door close, turning on the stereo, pushing the buttons. The hard rock music blares through the speakers, the bass sending a vibration through the seat.

  I close my eyes because I don’t want to look at these asshats. Where in the hell are they taking me to, and is Ralph serious? He wants to keep me as his whore.


  That’s all I need at the end of everything I did to stay away from him. I end up at his me

  Tears run down my face, I inhale through my nose, feeling like I’m going to suffocate. My heart is pounding so hard in my chest, and I can hardly breathe.

  “Are we taking her to the warehouse,” Nestor asks, glancing at Ralph.

  “Yeah,” Ralph yells, tapping his hands on the dashboard, bopping his head.

  “Right, what about the crew? Will they be there, can you trust them not saying anything to anyone,” Nestor asks, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

  “Those bastards will not know because I have them working their ass selling the baggies,” Ralph says, yelling.

  “Right, what about the Anarchy Kings? I know that they know that something happened to their brother. What if they come searching for him and tie it all to us. They’re not ones that sit back and let us fuck them,” Nestor says, grasping the steering wheel.

  “Fuck, why are you so negative! Don’t be such a pussy! Those sons of a bitch will not tie it to us because we can say that the fucker didn’t show. They will think that he took off with the drugs,” Ralph says, nodding.

  “Right,” Nestor says, rolling his eyes.

  I can see that he doesn’t believe everything that Ralph says. So why in the hell is he part of his stupid gang? He’s really stupid! More than I thought.

  A few minutes later, Nestor pulls into a parking lot, driving down to the end of a building. He stops and turns off the truck.

  A few minutes later, they throw me into an empty cold dark room. I land on the concrete, and of course, I don’t bounce.

  It fucking hurts.


  “Make yourself at home Bitch! I’ll be here later to get me some of your sweet pussy. Did I tell you that I loved how tight your pussy is? I loved fucking you because there hasn’t been any other pussy as good as yours,” Ralph says, walking over to me. He pulls at my t-shirt and tears off my bra. He grabs my breast with his huge hand, squeezing my nipple.

  “Oh yeah, I’m going to love having you in my bed every night,” Ralph growls. He leans down to suck my nipple and bites hard.


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