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And when you gone...

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by AnonYMous

  And when

  you gone…

  The beginning... Friendship... loves...

  By AnonYMous

  Copyright © 2014 AnonYMous

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  As rain pouring on her in the dark night, standing on the roof top… she get wet by drowning in the pond of her memories.....

  “I pretend all my life that I was nice

  Trying to hide the dark of my life

  Now how can I tell?

  I don’t want you to see...”

  She down her head, tears drops from her eyes run down her cheeks...

  “I changed my self

  But fails to change the fate

  It takes you away

  And bring that dark once again...”




  The bell rings in the Rose hill high school when the period of Psychology over in junior high class.

  She shouts in proud attitude “Finally it’s over... I was going to!”

  “Well done Ms. Stone first in class again” said Mr. Crane psychology teacher.

  “It becoming… like a habit to top in your class Mr. Crane,” she said as walking out of class. Everyone have long face as they walk out of the class after the quiz test and she was the only one who was smiling.

  Her brown hair ties behind as high ponytail, her blue eyes were shining, she is wearing light blue trousers and white full sleeves top, which is rolled, and pink sweater ,which is rolled with sleeves and blue sneakers. Her name is Katherine stone.

  “Gosh Kate...How do you learn everything...? I never really understand this subject and it gives me headache” said Alice Jane Brooke, blonde hairs and blue eyes, cute face cut.

  Her hairs fall on her shoulder. She was wearing yellow glitter tops and blue jeans with white and black sneaker, her bag on her back.

  They were standing in hallway in front of Kate’s locker, the school time was almost over and there are so many students in hallway.

  It was so much noise around as some student is putting their stuff in their lockers and some laughing in jokes. The hallway was surrounded with cackles and gossips.

  Kate and Alice was friend since Alice moved in town 4 years ago so she knows Kate never lose in anything. “Well… I love everything I it becomes so easy for me Alice” Kate said as putting her books in locker.

  Alice know Kate’s personality, she surprise to see that Kate handle everything so accurately.

  Kate always plan her schedule before doing anything, she was very confident and bold girl. Alice never see her doing something leisure, she found Kate different from other girls and she was different from girls of her age.

  “I only like biology… and soon I will be in NYU and … then Dr. Alice Brooke famous forensic scientist and every murder case depends on me and… and every hot agent knows me… calls me… Al…” Alice said then stops waving her hand in air in dramatic way.

  “Kate” suddenly someone calls her name from her back and Kate froze. She turn her head slightly left, at Alice, who was also surprised, she wide open her eyes looking at that person and then Kate turn around slowly.

  “Hey Kate…I’m Tyler...Tyler Flaws” said Tyler James Flaws. His dark black curly hair with decent hair cut falling on his left side covering his forehead, green shiny eyes, tall and attractive personality make him eligible for the title of most handsome guy of this school.

  He was wearing white button-shirt sleeve rolled to his knees and collar lower button was open, blue jeans and sneakers.

  The whole hallway was quite every eye was on Kate and Tyler; it was surprising for everyone that Tyler Flaws talking to Kate Stone.

  They never talk to each other before, even they are in same class and live in a same block but they never talk to each other.

  Kate was shocked too but she controls herself. It’s not that she see him first time, she know about him so much and she is surprised that they are in same grade and he live in her block for three years and he never talk to her before but why today.

  “We are in same class… economics… and I take second place in last test” said Tyler trying to make sure she knows him.

  Kate knows him of course he’s one of the most popular guys in the school.

  “Yes I know you... I was also in economics class today, so what do you want” said Kate without showing her excitement.

  “Uh… yeah… I was thinking....Hmm know the prom’s coming next week so… would you like to go prom with me,” said Tyler with his charming smile with cute deep dimple which makes him more adorable and Kate’s heart stops as always when she sees Tyler smile.

  Kate sense that everyone in hall staring at her, from her right corner class she see Tracy staring at her with eagerness because she like Tyler a lot even Alice freeze her eyes on her, she take a breath then said

  “I can’t…” Tyler was surprise, his eyes wide open looking at her, also everyone standing around them looking at her. He ask with all of his expectation, he know how he look… how many girls curve for his company and he never thought Kate would say that to him.

  “I mean I can’t tell you right now. I have to check my friend first, see if he have someone… he’s going with someone or not...then I’ll tell you” Tyler down his head like he’s thinking. Kate notices his expression change from happy to angry.

  Everyone starts whispering about them “she said what!!”... “Tyler just gets no”... “She said Tyler Flaws to wait” … “Kate turn down Tyler”. Even Tyler can hear them, Kate also feels embarrassment but she shows like she did not hear them and she don’t care.

  “OK... great I’ll wait for your call” Tyler said with smile and leaves putting his hands in his jeans pocket.

  “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT KATHERINE STONE?” Shout Alice as everyone gets back to their work.

  “What” Kate said as locking her locker “I have to check my friend first then I’ll tell you? What was that” Alice acted like Kate.

  “You should look Tracy she was so upset, she’s head over heel for Tyler … And you are so lucky that he asked you and you say that on his face… It was so rude miss” Alice said.

  Kate laugh “I’m sorry, Alice but I really need to see if Jake have someone to go are going with who’s left for him and it’s not my fault. He didn’t text me, he asked infront of everyone so I have to say what’s true”.

  “Ok… and now it’s my fault… Jake never notices me and Stephen he ask me twice, if I say no to him then I’ll be going to prom alone. Why you don’t ask Tracy I think no one asks her still” Alice suggests.

  “I can’t …you know Jake have different mind… he won’t ask her… I know and even if I pressurize him and he does it, what makes you think Tracy will say yes… as you say, she’s head over heels for Tyler” Kate said.

  “Yeah you are right…and he wants to take MISS CHEER LEADER… like she said yes,” Alice said making duck face.

  “I know ... but you know Jake kind a like her…but don’t take on your heart Alice… he will be only yours … sooner or later he will realizes it”

  Kate explained as they walking towards the scho
ol court. Alice says goodbye and leave, but Kate continues to walk toward court, where Jake was again getting into trouble.

  She was thinking about Tyler’s expression “why he’s looking at me like this... Was it too much... Maybe I should just say yes...but if Jake doesn’t have someone to go then... But why he look at me like that. Maybe Jake was right he really don’t like him but...” she stops as she reached court. Then she looks at her best friend.

  His eyes match his hair, his golden-brown hair fall on his forehead. Making him cute, sweet smile and in his nature, he’s a very nice and soft person. His name is JAKE DREW; he was wearing jeans, blue collar shirt under black cardigan and one sleeve was rolled and was loose and white and black stripes trainers.

  Kate and Jake was best friend since they were 11 year-old, they also live across each other.

  As she saw him she thought “but... He is my best friend... My only friend, how can Tyler dislike him? He will never leave me... Even if he knows reali...” She distracted as she saw Jesse pulling Jake’s collar.

  “Listen Jesse, it’s not my fault man!!How can you say it was me I was with my friend Paul last night really” Jake says as one of the school bullies Jesse Gordon, black hairs and eyes, he was older than Jake but they were in same grade.

  He grab Jake because someone make a humiliating video of him and pass it too, Ryan who is captain of basketball team and Jesse want to be captain.

  “I know it’s was you Drew… no one dare to do this to me” Jesse shouts.

  “Really man trust me… a person who don’t know how brutal… how cruel you are… could do this… not me…I know you… I’m innocent” Jake said with smile, he tightens his grip of Jake’s collar then said “I’m letting you go this time but if I find it’s your hand behind all of this then”

  “Then I’ll be dead… I know Jesse” Jake said quickly.

  “Good” Jesse said and smiles then leave his collar as Jake get some air. Jesse left, Jake stables his cardigan, as he gets out from a big problem.

  “JAKE” Kate shouted his name, Jake was shock because he promises to Kate that he will never get in fight.

  Kate moved towards Jake’s car and Jake runs and calls her name “Ki…Ki wait”.

  Jake was the only one who calls Kate with this name he saw it on a necklace, which Kate told him, was her grandmother’s. But, only Kate knows the truth about it.

  “You did that again! You get in fight again Jake, you again sneak in someone house ...I thought we are clear on that page; we do not get in bad company and bad habits! AREN’T WE? Said Kate then she sit in car. She was loud and very upset over Jake.

  She hates Jake’s involvement in bad company and his adventuring spirit. “I’m sorry Ki…please forgive me” Jake apologizing to her and sit in the car.

  It was Chevrolet Jake’s brother car, Jake get it on his 16th birthday by his dad last year. Max Jake’s older brother left for college in New York.

  “How do you know that it was me...?” Jake asked shockingly, he was the one who made the video then send it to Ryan in anonymity. “I know you so better Jake and I told you, that you will get in some serious trouble someday because of… this stupidity.

  “C’mon Ki… I tell you the reason why I am doing it, and I thought you agree. I only do this, to make them fight with each other… I don’t fight. You know boys like Jesse and Ryan, they think they are so cool making fun of other kids and bully them. So I find a way to torture them by finding their secret and humiliated them in public then put it on other so they fight each other and those who get bully by them feel good and make me feel good to and beside I don’t like fighting either …I very cool minded guy…girls like cool guys…” Jake explained very softly while driving.

  “Oh…Yeah… Mr. Helper, so sharp mind guy, protector of innocent...future spy, I know your father is cool minded…your brother also…and so as you… and we are having this conversation like…50th times” Kate said taking a deep breath.

  “Thank you miss see it runs in family…and you still don’t understand” Jake said smiling. Kate feels Jake happy today. She was also so excited to tell Jake about Tyler.

  After little while they both shout at same time “guess who ask me for the prom…what!! Who”

  “You tell me first” Kate asked stubbornly.

  “OK…well I was waiting for you in court I mean before Jesse try to kill me and all… Sophie came to me and ask me if I can go with her” Jake stop but his face was shining.

  Kate was shocked, her mouth was half open because it was SOPHIE CARTER head cheer leader, the sexiest girl in school.

  She thought “how that could be possible”. “So what did you say?” Kate asked with low tune.

  “Dah! Of course yes!” Jake said with excitement “and ...” Jake stop saying then Kate asked “and?”

  “She kissed me…I mean we both kiss” Jake said with blushing smile.

  “Oh! Ki I can’t wait for the prom night” Kate never seen Jake so happy. What happen to him was also so extraordinary. They enter in their house block road.

  “And who asked you?” Jake asked as they reached Kate home. Jake usually has his lunch with Kate at her house.

  “Tyler Flaws…but I told him that first I see if my friend is going with someone then I’ll tell you” Kate said as they enter in kitchen.

  Jake feels selfish and embarrassed then said after a moment, “Sorry Ki, I should ask you first but I was so…”

  “I know…I know. However, I am happy for you! And well I won again… another point for Katherine stone” Kate interrupt him and showed very proud.

  She like it when she set a good example for Jake and Jake realize it.

  “And you know I was first in Mr. Crane’s class test again. He thinks I can become a great psychologist,” Kate said and gives juice too Jake.

  “You will Ki” Jake said as looking at her.

  “Yeah ...but I want to be a heart surgeon like Dr. Drew he’s my ideal.” Kate said with excitement.

  “You micro wave the food; it’s in the fridge… I’ll get fresh first” Kate said and run upstairs in her room, without noticing Jake was in deep thinking.

  He remembers the first time he met Tyler 2 years ago, when Tyler with his father came for dinner at Jake’s house. “Jake you are late again for dinner” Jake’s dad Dr. Drew said as he enters in dining room.

  “Sorry dad I was dropping Kate at Alice’s… and then she stop me too, I tell you Alice is cra…” Jake stops as he saw Tyler he was pulling out his chair to sit, he has to surprise to see him because he heard about him a lot in school and never thought he saw him in his house. “She’s crazy for you Jake… and you know it” Max said smiling, sitting right next to his mother.

  “You are Tyler Flaws… right” Jake asked excitedly, everyone on table was surprised on his reaction. But Dr. Drew cover for him “great… you seem to know him very well Jake… he’s Dan’s son… he just move here from Washington” he said firmly, eating his dinner.

  “Wow… that means were friends too” Jake said smiling. Tyler who looks bother from Jake’s reaction finally said in rough tune “no we are not…” Max notices roughness in his voice and look at his father but Jake didn’t.

  “Well then we can become friends… I also have a best friend…you may know her too… Kate Stone?” Jake said in proud and expects Tyler to react because he knows that everyone in school knows Kate. Tyler looks at Jake but didn’t say a word.

  “Oh… yeah, it is a very big thing… Kate never get close to anyone but Jake, you should meet her” Max said looking at Tyler. Tyler smile at him then said “is that an advice…”

  Max cackles and said “I don’t think so you need mine…”

  “No I don’t… so you moving to New York… dad told me” “yeah… I got in Cambridge University; I’ll be leaving in couple of week”.

  Tyler and Max talk very normally, then his dad and Jake’s mom discuss about his new store, just open in town and Dr.
Drew takes part in conversation, everyone was talking but Jake.

  He feels outcast, but he didn’t show as he get busy in his cell phone. Jake’s little sister feels it too as she looks at him… he feels Tyler cold behavior that day but never understand why. He never talks to Tyler after that day, until now he knows his cold behavior reason.

  Kate came downstairs in kitchen and find Jake thinking then shout “Jake I told you to microwave the food… not to stand here as statue”

  “Now I know why he doesn’t like me,” Jake said, like he didn’t listen to Kate.

  “What…who?” Kate asked.

  “Tyler …we are together in sociology … and I try to be friends with him but he doesn’t want that… Even though our fathers are so close and he came for dinner at our house couple of times but still he never talk to me straight… now I know the reason” Jake said looking at her with one eyebrow raise and Kate smile.


  Next day Kate prepare for school. She was wearing blue-yellow top and blue jeans because blue is her favorite color she wear it when she’s happy.

  As she was leaving she saw her in mirror. She takes off her clippers and lay down her hair. She gets distract by Jake’s car horn. She ran downstairs. She said Maria goodbye and close the door.

  She sits in car and shocked. Then look at Jake, who knew the reason of Kate’s reaction but he act like he don’t know it and ask “what?”

  “You know ... I don’t like heavy perfumes or smells and it look like you took a bath in it” Kate said waving her hand in front of her face to get some air.

  Jake starts the car and said “C’mon Ki... I just use a little”

  “Little ... I can feel it in my mouth ... Wait a minute, it’s not yours its Max’” Kate said and looks at Jake and raise eye brow rise.

  “Well so what?” Jake asks he get nervous.

  “OMG!! So you use it because of Sophie” Kate said and burst in laugh. Jake gets annoyed and said “stop it Ki... It’s not that funny”

  “Oh... I’m sorry Jake but what make you think if you use heavy fragrance she get more attracted to you and kiss you ... You know” Kate said smiling.

  “I know OK... And I did this for same reason you lay down your hair... guess someone notice” Jake said and smile at her.

  She get blush then says “excuse me ... I did not do this, so I can impress Tyler, I just can’t find my clippers”

  “Oh really ... Funny I never mention TO IMPRESS TYLER” Jake said and look at her. Kate who was holding herself laughs.


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