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Colder Than Sin (Cold Justice - Crossfire: FBI Romantic Suspense Book 2)

Page 33

by Toni Anderson

  “I did everything I could to save your life, and this is the thanks I get?” Bitterness poured off Chris, and he lashed out. “You want me to give myself up? Confess all? Die in a fucking cell?”

  In her peripheral vision, Haley watched Chris’s finger tighten on the trigger.

  “Wait,” Nick said sharply. “There’s no point killing them. Let’s tie them up and get the hell out of here. The Feds know everything already. Quentin said Tricia Rooks was talking about what you did.”

  “He’s lying.” Chris’s grin was mirthless. “I dropped in to check on Rooksy before I drove down here. She was still deep-throating a tube of plastic.”

  Nick let out a deep breath and shook his head at Quentin. “You were fishing for information? You bastard.”

  Nick had the gall to look disappointed in his friend.

  Quentin’s lip curled. “Nothing in the rule book says I can’t lie.”

  She tried to remember Alex’s self-defense classes. If she whacked Chris in the balls…but Quentin wasn’t done trying to save her.

  “You guys aren’t going to get away with any of this. Not without my help,” Quentin told them quietly. “Let Haley go, and I’ll destroy the evidence, or make sure its inadmissible in a court of law. I’ll help you escape the country. The FBI will never find you.”

  Chris smiled grimly. “You can’t talk your way out of this, buddy. I love you like a brother, but I know you won’t destroy evidence or keep your mouth shut. Too many fucking morals. I tried to save you once, and look what it cost us? This time it’s us or you. I don’t intend for it to be us.”

  Quentin’s lips flattened before he asked, “Nick?”

  “Don’t worry.” Nick sounded miserable, but he wasn’t backing down. “We’ll make it quick.”

  Oh, god, no.

  “Let me talk to Haley alone for a minute.”

  “Sorry.” Chris shook his head. “Unlike Hurek, I know how resourceful you are, both of you.”

  Haley might have felt flattered if he wasn’t about to shoot her.

  “I’m really sorry I got you involved in this.” Quentin smiled softly at her. “Try to stand still so it doesn’t hurt.”

  What? Stand still? She swallowed the massive lump that wanted to choke her. “I love you.” The words burst out at last.

  Quentin’s eyes gleamed.

  “Aw, so sweet, although I doubt she means it. You aren’t rich enough for a bitch like this.” Chris raised his weapon. She tilted her chin to the side and held herself very still, not because Quentin had told her to, but however scared she might be, she didn’t intend to cower like a beaten dog. She clenched her fist, about to aim for Chris’s balls in a last-ditch effort to get away from the bastard.

  Windows shattered.

  Chris and Nick both crumpled to the ground.

  Haley sobbed.

  * * *

  “Stay right there until HRT is done, Haley. Stand still for another minute so no one makes a mistake.” It was a high-stakes situation. If anything happened to her, Quentin would die. He would lay down on the ground and die.

  He didn’t look at the bodies of his friends or the rivulets of blood that stained the gray vinyl floor. They’d betrayed him and everything they’d believed in, everything they’d fought so hard for when in uniform. He’d known Chris was dirty after looking at the ballistics evidence, but he hadn’t been sure about Nick. His throat hurt from suppressing the pain that came from that revelation. His fingernails cut into the palms of his hands as he held back on his desire to race to Haley and shield her with his body.

  The nightmare was finally over.

  Men in black tactical gear spilled through the door. He waited for a nod from Kurt Montana before he hurried to where another agent was making sure Haley was uninjured. Quentin avoided the blood spatter as much as he could.

  A knife twisted in his heart. These people had been his friends for so many years, and yet, they’d been prepared to end him and the woman he loved so that they could get away with their Machiavellian schemes.

  When he reached Haley, she sank into his arms, and he held on tight. Relief tore through him. He’d never needed anything as much as he’d needed Haley to come through this alive.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been more scared than when Chris walked in the door with that damn gun pointed at your head,” he said.

  She grasped his shirt. He’d known they were surrounded and that Chris and Nick were hammering the last nails in their coffins with every word they spoke. She’d thought they were about to die.

  He pulled a small recording device from his pocket, barely the size of a lighter. Haley’s eyes widened in surprise. He handed it off to an evidence tech already on the scene, although he was sure everything had been caught via his cell and with various parabolic mikes set up in the woods. The FBI had allowed no room for error. The team had come together with record speed once he’d presented his theory to the task force commander.

  “You were wearing a wire.” The skin between her brows crinkled.

  “I knew Chris shot those people in the bar, but I didn’t know exactly what else he was involved in. I needed to find out. I wasn’t sure about Nick. We decided the best way to get a confession was for me to confront them. FBI had this whole place surrounded.” He closed his eyes, thinking about Nick’s wife and kids. He had no clue how he would ever be able to face them. “We weren’t expecting you to show up.”

  “I was heading to D.C., and I wanted to make peace with Chris.” The pulse in her neck was visibly pounding, and her hand pressed against her throat in a protective gesture. “I knew he was important to you. I know how much this must have hurt you.”

  Quentin pressed his lips together, refusing to weep for the men he had loved, even though he wanted to. They’d betrayed him. They’d betrayed everyone.

  He wiped a few drops of blood from her cheek. Shit. She’d been so close to death. She started to shake in reaction, and he didn’t know if she’d be able to forgive him for getting her involved in this mess. He’d known the snipers were out there. Waiting for the opportunity to strike. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you the FBI was outside without warning Chris or Nick.” The names tasted bitter on his tongue. “If they’d known they were surrounded, they’d have shot us both and then blown their own brains out.” Chris would never have let Haley survive, nor Quentin once Chris realized he’d already told the FBI his suspicions.

  Haley clung to him, and he savored her warmth and the tight grip of her strong hands. She’d never been more precious to him.

  He led her outside, away from the thick, coppery smell of blood. He brushed the hair away from her face and leaned his forehead against hers. “I love you, Haley Cramer. I’m done taking things slow. Let’s move in together and see how we fit.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Are you serious?”

  “We’ll make it work.”

  Relief shone from her eyes. “I love you, Quentin. Can we please do normal, boring things from now on? Like paragliding or abseiling?”

  “I hate heights.”

  She reared back in mock horror. “I don’t know you at all.”

  He laughed and squeezed her against his chest. “Haley Cramer, I want us to spend years figuring out each other’s mysteries.”

  “Where would we live?” She bit her lip. She looked daunted. Once again, his timing was lousy.

  “You work in D.C. I work in Quantico. Let’s find a place in between. It’ll mean a commute for both of us but not a terrible one.” He touched her face, tipped her chin up with his thumb and stared down into her mystical blue eyes. “I’m not asking you to give up anything. I love you just the way you are, but I don’t want to waste time missing you when you could be in my bed every night. Or I could be in yours.”

  Quentin remembered where they were and all the things they still had to do before they could go home and sleep for a week. He took a reluctant step back, but Haley grabbed his arm before he could go too far.

e can stay at yours to start with. I can go up to D.C. a couple times a week. Alex has been talking about having a satellite office in Quantico anyway. We can see how it works out—”

  “It’s going to work out,” Quentin assured her, “because while I might not know what TV shows you like, or food you prefer, I know you are brave and adventurous, and I will do my damnedest to make sure I come home to you as often as I can. And,” he couldn’t stop touching her, “I know you’ll do the same for me. I love you, Haley.”

  “First time we’ve had a declaration of love at a takedown,” Montana said as he trudged past with an evidence bag. “I kind of like it.”

  “I do too,” Haley said softly.

  “So do I.” Quentin kissed her long and slow, despite the audience. “So do I.”


  One Month Later.

  Haley stood in the terminal with her arms wrapped so tight around Darby she wasn’t sure she was going to be able to let go. Finally, she made herself release the other woman who felt like a daughter or a sister to her.

  “Keep safe,” Haley said and then kicked herself. “Call me, anytime.”

  Quentin stood beside her, hand on her shoulder. He’d already said his goodbyes.

  Eban stood off to one side looking uncomfortable. He and Darby were giving each other the side eye. Haley hadn’t told Quentin about Darby propositioning the guy. It was pretty much the only secret she’d kept. She had no intention of getting Eban in trouble with his boss when Darby had been the one to initiate the kiss, and he’d been the one to end it.

  “You have your appointment with Dr. Bruce for next week,” Haley reminded the other woman.

  Darby nodded and grinned. “Yes, Mom.”

  Quentin’s fingers tightened on her shoulder. “Let me know if that supervisor of yours causes you any trouble.”

  Darby tucked in her chin. “Yes, Dad.”

  His lips twitched. “Go catch your flight, Madam. Enjoy first-class.”

  Her father had flown to Virginia. With the help of Quentin and the victims advocate, the visit had been cathartic rather than traumatic. They’d all been surprised when Darby hadn’t gone home with him, but she said she wasn’t ready. Haley worried she wasn’t ready now either, but she knew better than to smother.

  Darby grinned at them all. Her eyes darted to Eban.

  “Take care,” he said gruffly, finally breaking his silence.

  Her smile faltered, and she nodded. “You too.”

  Eban’s jaw flexed. He looked miserable. Awkwardness and tension bloomed between them. For once Quentin was oblivious, or pretending to be.

  Haley glanced around to make sure the press hadn’t arrived. They’d uncovered some of Darby’s story, although not the details. She’d made a short statement about being grateful for being rescued and requested privacy.

  “Okay. I’ll stop stalling. Here goes.” Darby swung her backpack onto her shoulder and, after a long wistful look at all three of them, headed through security.

  “I’ll see you back at the office.” Eban walked away, head down.

  “What’s up with him?” Quentin asked quizzically.

  “They were close,” Haley hedged. “It’s hard to let go. To watch her fly away to try to get on with her life again. We’re all going to miss her.”

  “I have agents watching out for her in Alaska if she needs them.” Quentin nodded, and they started walking back to his vehicle.

  He seemed preoccupied, but this was difficult for all of them. Since they’d found one another on that island, the three of them had bonded in a way few people could understand. The added guilt Quentin carried, erroneously, because his friends had been involved, that they’d betrayed him, and the fact he’d watched them die… It had taken time to process. Time for him to forgive himself even though he knew better.

  He’d tried talking to Nick Karlovac’s widow, but she’d refused to see him. She’d taken her kids and moved in with her parents. Their lives had been irrevocably damaged like so many others.

  “Any news on Hurek?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “Alex is still tracking the bitcoin.”

  “Talking of Alex. He told me someone sent Glenda Wenck copies of a bunch of police reports and NDAs signed by women her husband had slept with—some of whom claimed the sex was not consensual. She filed for divorce and plans to take him for hundreds of millions.”

  A small smile played around Quentin’s mouth. “I wonder who’d do something like that?”

  Haley’s eyes widened. “You didn’t.”

  Quentin just shrugged. “She’s about to be thrust into a scandal that will rock her world. Least I could do is make sure she knows the truth about her husband before they’re both arrested and go to trial. Maybe it’ll persuade her to turn state’s evidence against Wenck and the others.” He opened her car door and trapped her there for a kiss. “I have something for you.”

  She wiggled her brows suggestively. They’d spent a lot of time in bed together, healing. They’d also spent a lot of time figuring out who they each were when they weren’t running for their lives. Turned out they both liked long hikes and swimming in the ocean. He even had a sweet tooth the same way she did.

  He pulled out a jeweler’s box, too big for a ring, although her heart gave a little flutter.

  When she opened it, everything stopped. She closed her eyes and drew in the sweetest, deepest breath. Her grandmother’s antique silver watch. Haley slipped it over her wrist and examined it for any damage. It looked perfect.

  She looked up into his intense dark brown eyes. “How did you find it?”

  He kissed her. “Alex found it on the net, and I contacted a police officer I know in Australia. They did a sweep of the premises and found a whole bunch of stolen goods. They cut a deal that involves the fence staying out of prison if he gives up all his suppliers. We might catch Hurek this way.”

  Haley nodded, grateful beyond words. “Quentin?”


  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He lowered his lids, looking sexy and powerful. “Haley?”


  “I’m done taking things slow. I love you, Haley Cramer. Marry me.”

  Her mouth dropped open in surprise. “Are you serious?”

  “I know what I want. Who I want.” He squeezed her shoulders.

  She blinked and shook her head. “I love you, Quentin, you know I do. But are you sure?”

  He grinned. “I have never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  Her heart was pounding. She hadn’t expected this. Maybe she’d imagined or hoped, but she hadn’t been sure being this happy could last. This was all new to her, and old insecurities reared up. She bit her lip. “I’m not going to be the perfect little wife, Quentin.”

  “Where’s the fun in perfect?” He seemed to know exactly what she was thinking, and he cupped her face. “My love for Abbie was like a river, strong and steady and constant. My love for you is like an ocean with calm days in between crashing storms and rogue waves that come out of nowhere to obliterate everything in their path. I will always love Abbie, but she is my past, and I want you to be my future. Marry me?”

  She stared at this beautiful man and couldn’t utter a single word.

  He swallowed, appearing suddenly nervous. “Haley?”

  “You’re insane, but I love you.” She laughed, and it sounded close to a sob.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked cautiously.

  She flung her arms around him, squeezing hard and holding him close, fitting them together like a lock and a key. “Yes, yes, yes, yes.”

  “So that’s a yes,” Quentin teased in obvious relief.

  “Shut up.” She kissed him, and neither of them spoke for a considerable amount of time.

  Finally, she came up for air and pulled back to see his face.

  “What?” He hiked a brow.

  “I have all these jewels I never wear.” His brow rose farther still. “How
would you feel if we had the stones from my grandmother’s emerald engagement ring put into a simple setting of your choice for me to wear as our engagement ring?”

  One side of his mouth twitched, and he chuckled. “And save myself tens of thousands of dollars. Why would I do something crazy like that?”

  She touched his face. “Plenty of men would resent the suggestion.”

  “Yeah.” He took her hand. “Well, you’re not marrying me because I’m plenty of men. I know how much your grandmother meant to you.” Love shone brightly in his eyes. “I can’t keep up with you in the money stakes, Haley, but I can match you pound for pound in all the things that matter.”

  “I can’t believe how lucky I am.”

  He pulled her close, and she wrapped her arms around him, her rock, her anchor. “We already sent our kid off to college. Think she’ll come back for the wedding?”

  “She better.” He grinned. “I am so ready to request a transfer to Anchorage.”

  “She’s in Fairbanks,” Haley pointed out.

  “That’s the problem.”

  She slipped her hand up the warm fabric of his shirt until it rested against his heart. “You might be the best person I have ever known.”

  He kissed her fingertips. “Did it ever cross your mind that I might feel the same way about you?”

  “What?” She blinked up at him.

  “You heard.” He kissed her, and every little piece of her heart slotted perfectly into place, even as part of it flew far across the country.

  Thank you for reading Colder Than Sin. I hope you enjoyed Quentin and Haley’s epic journey to their HEA. Haley was mentioned in the very first book (A Cold Dark Place) and appears at the wedding in A Cold Dark Promise. Quentin first appears in Cold & Deadly (the first Crossfire book).

  “Sizzling, slow-burn romance, and jaw-dropping suspense! Toni Anderson is a true master of the genre, delivering tight plotting and a romance that left me breathless and panting for more!”

  ~NYT bestselling author Annika Martin.

  FBI Crisis Negotiator Dominic Sheridan is adept at dealing with high-stake situations under treacherous conditions. But nothing prepared him for the headstrong rookie agent, Ava Kanas, who seems hell-bent on destroying her fledgling career while in pursuit of justice.


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