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Primal Possession: A dark Omegaverse Romance (Alphas of Sandor Book 1)

Page 4

by Tabitha Black

  “Please, little darling, don’t cry.” He felt her begin to shudder and then the first sob escaped her throat. It was a gut-wrenching sound and it went straight through him.

  Arius did the only thing he could think of.

  He began to purr.

  Chapter Four

  Saskia was livid with herself for allowing her emotions to surface but she’d simply been unable to hold her tears back any longer.

  It was all too much.

  Losing the battle against her hormones, against her base desires, and giving in to the sensations Arius’s scent had caused in her body had been bad enough. But now, for him to lie on top of her—still inside her—and tell her that she’d wanted it…

  It was beyond belief.

  Surprisingly, the physical pain had been bearable. She was under no illusion that, had she not gone into heat the moment she’d first scented him, their coupling would have been agonizing. Despite his bizarre attempts to at least give the impression of consideration for her well being, the man was incredibly well endowed, and the knot had not helped matters. In fact, it had taken her completely by surprise. She’d been so lost in the throes of desire that she’d forgotten what happened when an Alpha man was close to climax.

  Her mother had educated her thoroughly on all aspects of sex—the physical processes behind estrus, the rut, knotting, slick, scent glands and so on—but no amount of reading could ever have prepared her for the experience.

  Nor had she been able to form a coherent thought with him surrounding her, overpowering her, driving her to heights of pleasure she’d never imagined.

  But now, with his weight still pinning her to the bed, his knot softening too slowly in her raw, aching core, and her slick growing sticky on her thighs, the reality and gravity of her situation were beginning to sink in.

  And so it was that the tears she’d been battling ever since her capture began to leak over her temples and soak her hair.

  But it wasn’t sorrow that made great, hiccupy sobs burst from her chest.

  It was anger. Impotent, helpless rage at the situation she had been born into. The society. The hierarchy. The fucking biology.

  All conspiring to ensure she was doomed to a lifetime of being nothing more than a pampered brood mare.

  A low, rumbling sound eventually reached her ears, slowly increasing in volume until it drowned out her sobs. Unlike the deep, guttural, toe-curling vibrations his growling had induced, this was softer, rising and falling rhythmically in dual tones, almost like breathing.

  Arius was purring for her.

  A deep warmth settled over her like a blanket on a cold day; Saskia felt as if her every cell was humming in tune with him. Glancing up, she was startled by the soft, almost glazed expression in his usually steely eyes as his massive chest rumbled with the comforting, soothing sound.

  She was as unable to fight it as she was any other of her biological instincts when it came to this enigmatic Alpha.

  As if they had a life of their own, her legs rose to wrap around his waist and her hands found his shoulders. The salt dried on her cheeks and her eyes fluttered closed as she gave herself up to the reassuring purr.

  He moved, then, easing himself slowly out from between her legs and stretching out beside her before pulling her into his arms and holding her close.

  Her sex felt strangely empty and hollow, almost as if she were mourning the loss of his cock. His skin, so much more textured than her own, was hot and reassuring against her body.

  Wrapped in a warm cocoon of protection, his incessant crooning thrumming through her veins, Saskia closed her eyes, his unique, musky scent still lingering in her nostrils.

  She awoke to find herself in an empty bed. At first, she wasn’t sure where she was but after a brief moment of confusion, it all came flooding back. Renewed tears of shame stung her eyes and her cheeks burned at the memory of how wantonly, how easily she had surrendered herself to Arius.

  For eleven years, Saskia had vowed not to become a statistic, not to become a mere incubator for providing desirable offspring. She was intelligent and spirited. She’d even harbored hopes of furthering her education somehow, living anonymously as a Beta and even finding a way to work. Unrealistic hopes, of course, but weren’t dreams there to be chased? And now, here she was in an Alpha’s bed, up on the Hill, sticky and sore from being used, far away from her family.

  Gods, what do I do now? They must be so worried about me!

  She peered around the huge room. It was minimalistic but somehow sumptuous at the same time; what little furnishings there were were obviously of superior quality, right down to the silky sheets she was tangled in. There was a huge empty fireplace on one side of the room and a plush armchair beside it, upholstered in faded green. A tall lamp gave off a warm, pleasant glow, a small door probably led to a closet of some kind, and long damask curtains hid what were presumably windows. A sumptuous, richly embroidered rug covered most of the bare floorboards, but other than that, there were no pictures on the walls, no ornaments on the shelves. Just an empty wine glass on the mantelpiece.

  She wondered what time it was.

  The door to the ensuite was closed but she couldn’t hear any sounds coming from within the bathroom. Had he really left her alone, or was he in one of the other rooms?

  Sitting up, she stifled a gasp as her aching thigh muscles and raw sex made themselves felt.

  It was incredibly unusual for an Alpha to leave his Omega’s side so soon after mating—especially their first mating. Then again, she reasoned, he wasn’t a typical Alpha. He was Arius Sandorus, heir to the throne. Surely a man with that much power would not have the time to sit around watching her, a lowly Omega, sleep?

  A tiny seed of hope taking root in her breast, she struggled out from the tangle of sheets and slid off the bed, leaning on it for balance as her sore legs wobbled in protest. The heady mixture of her scent mixed with Arius’s musk was still overpowering, and she longed for a quick shower to wash the dried, sticky evidence of their mating from between her thighs, but this might be her only chance to get away.

  Shivering now that her bare body was exposed to the cool air, she tiptoed to the bathroom door and listened again, trying to keep her breathing slow and even. Her clothes would still be in there.

  Be calm, she told herself sternly. You haven’t done anything wrong—yet. If he is in there, just tell him you needed to use the facilities. You wouldn’t even be lying.

  Lifting her chin, forcing her shoulders back, she turned the knob and opened the door. A quick scan confirmed her luck: the bathroom was empty.

  With lightning speed, Saskia used the toilet and washed her hands. Then she looked for the pile of clothes she’d discarded earlier.

  They were gone.

  Biting back a rising sense of panic, she glanced from corner to corner, hoping to find a hamper, a box, anything Arius might have put them in.


  It would have been far easier to slip out wearing a drab brown Beta coat but she reasoned anything would be better than nothing. On her way out, she spotted her salvation on a hook on the back of the door: a thick, velvet bathrobe in navy blue. She shrugged into it, biting her lip at the renewed wave of Arius’s scent, marveling at how soft the fabric was. While the robe probably only reached his knees, on her it almost touched the ground.

  Go. Now!

  Wishing she at least had a pair of shoes to protect her cold, bare feet, she slipped out of the bathroom, rushed through what looked like a casual sitting room, and hesitated in front of the door leading to the hallway. What if he’d posted a guard outside? Was that an unreasonable assumption? She’d entered so fast, and been so overwhelmed at the time that she’d barely registered any of her surroundings but she was pretty sure she’d seen servants flitting about.

  One bridge at a time…

  With a deep breath, she turned the knob and pulled.

  The absolute last thing Arius had wanted to do was leave his new mate’s side. S
he’d looked so peaceful and vulnerable in the warm glow of the lamplight; her features softened in sleep and her long, dark waves spilling out over the pillows. Her skin felt like satin and his heart constricted at the thought that, even now, his heir might be taking root in her womb.

  And even if not, they had all the time in the world to make that happen.

  As he’d hoped, his purring had settled her until she’d fallen into a deep sleep, curled up in his arms, where she belonged. He was amazed at how right it all felt, and the flicker of doubt he’d experienced earlier was no longer there. She was his now. Soon, he would claim her in a public ceremony and then he could go about dealing with Deimos once and for all.

  The tentative rap on the door had been so quiet at first, he wasn’t sure he’d heard right. But after a moment, another one sounded, a little louder this time.

  His lips twisting into a snarl, Arius had gently untangled himself from Saskia, careful not to disturb her, and yanked the door open to reveal a wide-eyed, panicked Tavos.

  “Somebody had better have died, otherwise I’ll have your head!” he snapped in a harsh whisper.

  Tavos took an involuntary step back in the face of Arius’s wrath. “I-I’m so s-sorry, Sire,” he stammered. “I wouldn’t ever disturb you if it wasn’t absolutely urgent.”

  Arius knew Tavos well enough to know he was telling the truth. “Fine,” he said, stepping out of the room and tugging the door closed behind him so as not to wake the sleeping Omega in his bed. “Tell me, and make it quick!”

  “It’s your uncle.”

  “It’s always my fucking uncle. What’s he done now?”

  “He heard the servants whispering that you had found your Omega and he went on a rampage. He’s s-sent troops into Sandor Town to raid all the houses.”

  “Raid them for what?”

  “He’s somehow convinced that there must be several Omegas who never report to the Facility when they turn eighteen. He believes his potential mate might be hiding in one of the houses, masquerading as a Beta. So the troops are under orders to round up all the women between eighteen and thirty-five and have them assemble in the square. Any male caught trying to hide or defend a woman will be shot.”

  Arius blinked, trying to absorb the information. “He’s already sent the troops?”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Just after three in the morning, Sire.”

  “Where is Cerus?”

  “In bed, Sire.”

  His mind racing, Arius tried to decide what to do. Deimos was already universally loathed by the public. A sudden raid like this might be the nail in the coffin for his authority and provide Arius with the perfect opportunity to seize power. On the other hand, there were already rumors that Arius was cut from the same cloth. If the people decided to revolt en masse, they could overthrow not only Deimos, but the entire ruling class.

  Nor did Arius want to leave Saskia alone, which would be inevitable if he traveled down to Sandor to call off the troops.


  “Stay here,” he told Tavos. “If my mate asks where I am, tell her I will return very soon. She is not to leave my chambers. Be sure to supply anything she asks for—food, drink, clothing—but she is not to set foot outside this door. Understood?”

  “Of course, Sire. What are you going to do?”

  “What I always do,” Arius had responded bitterly. “Dig Deimos out of the shit before things go too far. But first, I had better dress. Please summon Cerus to meet me here in ten minutes.”

  That had been an hour ago. Now he was standing in Sandor Town, cursing his uncle, as well as the servants for being unable to be discreet. Instead of being in his warm bed with his naked mate beside him, he was standing in the chilly market square, waiting for the commanders to obey his orders and call off the troops. Several women had already been forced from their homes and now stood, shivering, in a huddled group off to one side. Their husbands, fathers and brothers were nowhere to be seen. Arius had heard one commander say that the menfolk were being detained in a warehouse nearby to ensure their cooperation. He didn’t yet know whether Deimos’s order of shooting any man who dared to resist had been carried out.

  A part of him didn’t want to know.

  “Please, be calm,” he said loudly, addressing the frightened females. Most of them had obviously been ejected from their beds; their hair wild and their eyes huge as they huddled in their dull brown coats. “I apologize sincerely for this disruption. You will all be able to return home shortly.”

  There was no reply. Arius wasn’t surprised. There had been a time when the ruling Sandor family had been loved by the general public, when society had been safe, prosperous and healthy. Unfortunately, that time had long since passed. Deimos wasn’t the first leader to have decided that it was better to be universally feared than loved.

  As for himself, Arius was still on the fence when it came to that statement. Fear undoubtedly inspired better obedience. But who didn’t want to be loved? Cerus, having been roused from his own bed, was standing beside him, his icy-blond hair gleaming white in the darkness, his lips pressed into a disapproving line.

  “Why is this happening, Sire?” a tremulous voice called out.

  “There has been a clerical error,” Arius lied smoothly. “A known fugitive was thought to have been hiding here but that has since turned out to be untrue.”

  There were hushed murmurs from the women. They probably didn’t believe a word.

  Arius couldn’t blame them.

  “Again, we do apologize. But please remember that it is our duty to keep you and your families safe. It is for your safety that this… occurred, and—”

  “If you were looking for a fugitive, why were the soldiers sniffing us and checking our arms?”

  Arius glared at the woman who had asked the question and, instead of cowering away, she lifted her chin.

  “We had reason to believe the fugitive was an Omega.”

  There was a snort of derision. “Won’t find any adult Omegas here. Your men should have ransacked the Facility instead.”

  Arius was only just able to stop himself from rolling his eyes. “What is your name?” he asked instead, impressed despite himself by the woman’s courage.


  “Well, Darla,” he was gratified by the way she took an involuntary step back at the way he said her name, “I would advise you to refrain from making any more unnecessary comments. How do you know the Facility was not also searched?”

  Biting her lip, the young woman shrank back and shook her head.

  Arius glared at the group. “Would anybody else care to forget their place and tell me what to do?”


  “Excellent.” Folding his arms, he took a deep breath and stared across the bleak town square, wishing the troops would hurry the fuck up and withdraw so he could go home.

  Back to Saskia.

  Chapter Five

  Saskia’s heart leapt into her throat when she felt the door open easily. It was unlocked! Tugging it back, she stuck her head out to check whether the coast was clear. A wiry man with a shock of remarkable red hair spun around to face her, his eyes wide.

  “Madam,” he croaked, then coughed. “What can I do for you?”

  Of course Arius would post a guard outside the door. Biting down the crushing wave of disappointment, trying desperately to think on her feet but coming up blank, she was saved by the growling of her stomach. “Sorry to bother you but I’m quite hungry,” she said sweetly, stepping out into the cool corridor and pulling the robe more tightly around herself. “Do you think you could get me some food?”

  “Of course, madam.”

  “And something to drink?”


  Saskia had never tasted wine. It was a beverage only available to the rich. “Sure. That would be lovely.” She watched him, waiting for him to leave.

  He remained rooted to the spot, his assessing blue eyes f
ixed on her. “Anything else, madam?” he asked at length.

  “No, that will be all.”

  Still the man made no move to leave. What was he waiting for?

  “So… will you be getting it from the kitchens, or…”

  “I’m under orders to remain here until his Highness returns.”

  That figures. “Forgive me if I sound rude, um…”

  “Tavos,” he supplied helpfully.

  “Tavos. Do you happen to know when that might be?”

  The man shook his head. “He did say it wouldn’t be long.”

  Saskia clenched her fists in frustration. “It’s just… I haven’t eaten in quite some time.” It was the truth. Her last meal had been a light lunch at home. Had it really been that same day? It felt like a week ago. “I’m not sure I can wait until Arius returns.” Good. Use his first name. Remind this guy that you’re technically in a position to give orders.

  “You will not have to wait,” Tavos said coolly. “I will call and pass a message to the cook as soon as you’ve returned to your room.” He glanced pointedly over her shoulder at the door.

  Saskia wanted to scream. It wasn’t even her room. “I also… do you happen to know what happened to my clothing?”

  “Sorry. Not my area of expertise,” Tavos said. He seemed to be growing bolder.

  “As you can see,” she gestured to Arius’s robe, which was swamping her, “I have nothing to wear. Would it be possible for you to organize something?”

  “I’ll see what I can do, madam.”

  Even though he was addressing her politely, there was an underlying note of resolve in his voice. She wondered how well he knew Arius. Was he just another lackey, or a favored guard? “Could you tell me where my mate is?” She had to force the words out but wanted again to emphasize her relationship with his employer.

  Tavos blinked. She seemed to have struck a nerve. “I’m afraid not, madam.”


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