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Queen of the Stars

Page 4

by Haley R Lawson

  I thanked her and we fell back asleep.

  Chapter 6


  Iwas woken up in the morning to serve breakfast. Sally was going to work with me, but Meredith insisted. Meredith watched everything I did and gave me pointers when I needed them. I finally felt comfortable doing my work. The day flew by because Meredith and I were having fun. We joked with each other and told each other stories from our past. I finally made a friend at work. We got to do Jaisy and Jenna’s room that day. They were playing together during lunch when normally they were sitting in labeled chairs. Meredith looked at their trays and panicked. I knew exactly whose tray went where. The girls thanked us for their lunches and went back to playing.

  The supervisor had come for a surprise visit. I had no idea who he was until he followed us and inspected our cart. Thankfully, we passed our inspection before Malerie’s room. She teased and taunted me every time I went in there. She spilled her lunch after insisting I hand it to her. I went and got a new one while Meredith finished our rounds.

  Sally wrote it down as a mistake and code violation on my employee sheet. There were a lot of notes on it. I just ignored her and took the new plate to Malerie’s room. I set it on her table this time and she said, “Can you feed me? I am tired from a long night with Charles.”

  I did as I was asked and she got it all over me, but I just went on with my day. Meredith sat with me at our lunch meeting. The supervisor was there so only nutrient bars were being eaten. Meredith shared half of hers since I hadn’t been to my bunk. When the supervisor finally left, she said, “You saved me in the twins’ room today. The supervisor would have flipped out if we presented the trays wrong. Also, thanks for handling the spilled lunch.”

  “No problem, did Conner… naked yoga guy… seem okay today?”

  “Yes, he was very tranquil and thanked me for his food. How did you know the twins apart?”

  “I used to work in their father’s office, but sometimes I’d get sent to watch them before their tutor came. They look the exact same, but their personalities are very different. Jaisy’s the quieter more sensitive twin, while Jenna’s the leader. Also, their favorite colors make it easier. Jaisy will always be wearing some pink and Jenna loves purple.”

  “You really observe and care. I’m sure our residents appreciate that. Thanks for sharing your tips with me.”

  “Thanks for listening. Since we are sharing job survival tips, what happens with our employee report sheets? I saw Sally marking mine earlier and was just curious.”

  “They take our hot water chips or other privileges according to how many marks we have. You know, she has probably been marking you for your unclean uniform and that it’s not actually a service staff one even though it’s the same save for the pockets on mine. She may have also marked you for not returning to your bunk. It’s completely unfair.”

  “It’s okay. I broke the rules. No grey areas. Hopefully, I can get a clean uniform for tonight. Are you ready to go clean the lunch mess?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be!”

  We got on with our day. Meredith came with me to deliver dinner. We prepared the cart for the woman on call and then Meredith took me to my bunk. It was a little bigger than my old bunk. I had a full fridge of nutrient bars and a new employee identification card. She then took me to the shower. The security officer took all of my hot water chips and an alarm went off when she put my dirty uniform in the collection slot. She arrested me in a towel and said, “Why do you have a uniform from another department?”

  “I was moved to this job on Sunday.”

  “It’s now Wednesday. Are you telling me you have not showered since Saturday? Something else is going on here. I am going to search your bunk.”

  She took me in my towel to my bunk where she found my old identification card. She called my new supervisor and ended the call with “I will bring her up to your office at once.”

  I asked if I could put clothes on, but she refused. She had me in the elevator and Charlie got on after a few floors. He kept looking over, but never said anything. Conner got on a few floors after him.

  Conner said, “Excuse me, but where are you taking her?”

  “To her supervisor. She is a service staff member and a rule breaker. Pay her no attention!”

  Conner nudged Charlie and said, “So, I met your new friend the other day. She’s very polite and friendly.”

  “Yes, she is, but I can’t keep saving her.”

  That hurt me more than the fact that I was naked in an elevator with two very attractive royals. We reached the floor of my supervisor’s office and I was marched in. There were a bunch of people in the conference room like office. They handcuffed me to a chair in the corner and finished a monthly meeting of supervisors. Charlie came in at the end for a status report. My former supervisor and new supervisor came over after the meeting.

  My new supervisor said, “I have video records of you on your new job. You seem to misunderstand your position as you have been very friendly with some of the royals. Your employee records from three days are horrendous. Your former employer tells me you have a habit of ruining your uniforms, but can you please explain why you haven’t showered since Saturday?”

  “When I was transferred to your department, I was never shown where my bunk or the showers were.”

  “And why were you in possession of two employee identification cards?”

  “My new one was in my bunk which I was only shown tonight. I was going to turn my old one in before work tomorrow. I apologize, sir.”

  “No hot water chips for the rest of the month. You are lucky we need someone for your job, or you would be going back to the workforce floor. Now, go cleanup and get to bed.”

  I was escorted back to the ice-cold showers and got cleaned up. Then, I went to bed, which thankfully they let me keep for the night.

  Chapter 7


  Iwas woken up by the lights at five and got to work at five-thirty. I was shunned by everyone except for Meredith, but Sally heard about the night before and put me with Helen, the strictest member of the cleaning staff. Not a word was spoken by either of us all day. The day dragged on, and by Helen’s standards, everything I did was so wrong that she wouldn’t let me do anything. At our staff meeting, they discussed the Royal Dinner the following night and our duties. I was in charge of cleaning the table afterwards and escorting the royals to their seats. Meredith explained I would have to pull their seats out for them and place their napkins in their lap, but I couldn’t actually touch them or make eye contact.

  Sally said, “Don’t get the wrong idea. I don’t trust you or feel you can do this, but it’s the easiest job and we can’t have you messing too much up. Besides, if you mess up, the supervisor will be forced to fire you!”

  Meredith told me to just ignore her. We finished lunch and I was back with Helen. When we finished for the day, Sally asked Helen how I did, and she reported that I was not very helpful. I just ignored her and followed the others to the showers. After my ice bath, I went to bed thinking about the fact that Charlie was under the impression he saved me even though the service staff job was harder and harsher than my old one. Not only that, but he acted as if I asked him to do it for me; like I was an inconvenience to him. I eventually fell asleep, even though it really hurt.

  Chapter 8


  Iwoke up with the light and got to work. The other women were all wearing a different uniform. Sally marked my report and said, “At lunch, you need to switch into this uniform. It’s the Friday dinner uniform. You will be working with me today and you are on call this evening.”

  I felt like it was a step to leave me on call or she wanted me to fail – one of the two. I delivered the lunches before Sally said a single word. She also did not help. She didn’t even say anything when Malerie slipped jewelry in her dishes to frame me. Thankfully I noticed. When she did speak, she told me to skip food and go change. The hall security officer too
k my bed away because I was there during the day. It didn’t matter since I wouldn’t be there that night. I was smart enough to grab the next day’s clean uniform since I would be on call that night and unable to return to my bunk for it in the morning. I got back to the supply room and there wasn’t any food left for me to eat for lunch.

  Sally and I got back to work. All of the royals had their best suits and dresses out, so I was very careful while cleaning up after lunch. After the lunch cleanup, we went to the dinner hall on the 99th floor and Sally let me watch them set up. I was positioned by the door just before the royals came for dinner. They all looked so stunning. I could tell Conner was very uncomfortable in his suit and he was seated alone between two large royal families. Malerie was seated with Charlie and next to Skyler. She made sure I noticed. She made me redo her napkin four times before Charlie told her to just leave it be.

  Once all of the royals were seated, dinner started, and I just stood there silently for two hours watching them eat course after course. During the after-dinner cleanup, Sally yelled at me for spilling a blue substance on the Princess’s chair. I never even touched a blue substance I could have spilled, but sure enough, there was a blue substance on the chair. We cleaned it and I went down to the supply room.

  The royals were all supposed to be at the after dinner social, but the phone was ringing when I got there. I answered and it was Skyler. She said, “This is Princess Sylvia. I spilled something on my dress and bed, and I need you to come clean it.”

  I told her I would be right up. I got there and she was in her bathroom crying. I cleaned her dress and changed her sheets. I knocked on her bathroom door and said, “Sky, it’s Rose. I’m on call tonight. Your bed and dress are clean. Are you okay?”

  “Um… yes… I’m fine. Thank you.”

  “Okay, I’m going back downstairs. Call me if you need anything.”

  She didn’t initially say anything, but right as I opened the door, she said “Wait… I … can you get my sister?”

  “I will try my best. I think she’s at the social. I’ll see if I can find her.”

  She thanked me. I went up to the garden. Luke and Wilson were serving drinks. I asked Luke if he had seen Ella. She was standing with her father, stepmother, the twins, Charlie, and Malerie. He told me he would point her my way. Some garden attendants came towards me, but Ella got to me first. I explained that her sister needed her. Ella went back and excused herself.

  We got in the elevator and I said, “I think your sister got her cycle. She’s very upset.”

  “I think she’s too young, but she better have a good reason for missing the social.”

  “Do you bleed blue?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “I cleaned a blue stain from her chair, the back of her dress, and her bed.”

  “Thank you for your help. I better take her some supplies from my room. She’s probably so scared and embarrassed. I’ve got it from here.”

  I went back downstairs and remanned the phones. The normal soiled sheet and diaper calls happened, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

  Chapter 9


  In the morning, Sally informed me that my job for the day consisted of being an attendant at the royal playground. Once a week, the royals hosted some lucky children of the ship on their playground. Charlie was there to supervise, and Skyler was leading the kids her age in some games. I was in charge of juice boxes, cookies, and diapers. It was nice to just watch the kids smile and have fun.

  I noticed Skyler had a blue stain on her pants, but I didn’t say anything. Then, she slipped, and her watch must’ve broken because she had very sparkly green spots. Some of the little boys pointed at her laughing. Charlie ended the playtime and put his watch on her. With bright red spots, he told me to escort her back to her room as he dealt with the children.

  Skyler was very upset and said, “Why didn’t you get my sister last night?”

  “I did. She went to get you supplies from her room.”

  Skyler got defensive and said, “What did you tell her? Did you tell her I ruined my dress?”

  “Your dress is fine. I told her I thought you might have started your cycle.”

  Charlie came up and his spots turned orange. He said, “Thank you for your help. Please return to your department.”

  I did as he said but went to check on Ella on my way. Her door was open. I went in and she was crouched over in pain by her bed. She said, “I don’t need any service today. I already sent you away.”

  “Ella, it’s Rose. Are you okay?”

  “Well, no not exactly. Um… I’m pregnant with Luke’s baby and I’m not going to be for much longer. Can you please go tell Charlie it’s time to deliver the package?”

  I went to Skyler’s room and Charlie ignored me because he was on the phone. He said, “Hey Ella, it’s Charlie. Sky needs you for a girl issue. Please call me!”

  He was still orange. I said, “I was just with Ella. She said she needs your help delivering a package.”

  “Okay, well tell her to come up here and we can all help each other.”

  His spots turned to red right after I spoke.

  “No, she, the package.”

  “Whatever this package is, I’m sure it can wait. My sister’s having a crisis.”

  “It can’t wait. She’s having a crisis as well. She has to deliver… Charlie she needs you and Luke.”

  It finally clicked in his mind and he took off. I had the supplies Ella had gathered before going into labor and helped Skyler. She said, “That must be an important package. Thank you for your help.”

  I told her she was welcome and headed back to Ella.

  Chapter 10

  The Royal Package

  Igot to Ella’s room and shut the door. I knew nothing about delivering a human baby, yet alone an alien one. I just got her damp wash cloths and held her hand. She seemed to kind of know what she was doing. Luke arrived just in time to deliver the baby. Charlie’s spots twinkled and he passed out. I tended to him while Luke and Ella bravely became parents. The baby was pink, but Ella and Luke said he was a boy. Charlie came to and saw the pink baby. He had tears in his eyes.

  Ella said, “Charlie, you’re an uncle now.”

  Charlie went and kissed the baby’s forehead. “El, I have a present for you, well for this little guy. I will run and get it. Are you three okay, here?”

  Luke said, “I think we’ll be just fine.”

  Charlie asked me to go with him to his room. I asked why the baby was pink if he was a boy.

  “It’s just his default color. His pattern will develop soon. I was pink too.”

  He was blue now though. Conner saw us in the hall and gave Charlie his watch without a second of hesitation. He ran back to his room, but I understood why he did not enjoy clothes. Charlie pulled a beautifully stitched baby blanket from a box under his bed. It was pearly white with the family’s crest on it. He handled it with great care. He was so happy, but he still wouldn’t really talk to me. I just followed silently. He asked to hold his nephew and wrapped him in the blanket. As soon as it touched him, it turned from white to sky blue.

  Ella started crying. “Is that? Charlie, are you sure?”

  “I’m more than sure. This little guy might not get to meet his Grandma, but he will know her warmth and love.”

  Luke patted him on the back and Charlie hugged him once he handed the baby back to his mother. I just stood there because I didn’t want to interrupt, but I also didn’t want to leave yet. Ella asked us to go find her Uncle Winston. Apparently, he worked in the human infirmary but was also a doctor on his planet. Malerie was in the elevator and asked Charlie where we were going and why I was with him.

  Charlie replied, “Sky got her girl thing and I am going for supplies, but I needed girl advice.”

  “Don’t you have another sister who can do it? I want to spend time with you.”

  “She’s sick. She partied too much at the social.”

; “Oh, well lucky for your sister, I will go with you… Like this girl knows anything anyway. The next floor is your headquarters. Buh bye.”

  Charlie didn’t say anything, so I just got off the elevator and went back to the supply room.

  Sally said, “Don’t tell me you messed up play time too!”

  “The prince ended it early because the princess hurt herself.”

  “Oh well, at least you didn’t do it.”

  The royal assembly alarm sounded. She looked at me with disappointment and anger. “But what did you do?”

  Chapter 11

  Royal Lines

  We all headed to the great courtyard which is where everyone on the entire ship went when the alarm was sounded. The King, Queen, twins, and Skyler were all on the balcony. There were screens everywhere broadcasting and speakers floating above us.

  The King stepped forward to address us. “Hello humble residents. As you know, my wife and I do not take kindly to treason or rule breaking. We were put in a very difficult and unprecedented situation today as my eldest daughter seemed to believe she is above our rules. She conceived a child out of wedlock with a member of the work force. This was a very hard decision as it would be with children involved, however, this child is not a royal and he will not grow up in my court! I am going to send one of my drones to pick his new parents. None of you may move, but if you catch his basket when the drone chooses you, you shall care for him as your own.”

  The king sent a drone with a basket over the balcony edge. I held my breath the entire time it circled in the air. The royal family had left the balcony as soon as the drone went over, but I heard Skyler screaming as they pulled her away. Eventually, the drone came lower and was weaving in and out of people until it hovered about five feet above a blind man. The drone released the basket and the man miraculously caught it. He just stood there in shock as everyone else dispersed. I guess Sally saw it on my face that I was about to break free of social status and rules and go save that baby because she grabbed my arm.


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