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Queen of the Stars

Page 11

by Haley R Lawson

  Jackson laughed. “They don’t care about you. They care about your product. Leave the freezer open too long or turn the temp up or something.”

  “I don’t want to ruin the food. We only have so much. I will figure it out. Maybe I will spill water in there or something. Thanks for helping me… again.”

  Once Tommy was warmed up all the way, we discharged him. I was expecting another royal assembly or at least for Alex to call us to his office, but there was nothing. Jackson and I went to visit Tucker once our day was over. He was awake and eating some food. He thanked us for saving him. We sat and talked to him for a few hours. He was in really good spirits for everything he’d been through. He was telling jokes and everything. Jackson seemed so relieved and happy to have his friend. We headed back to our bunks just before lights out. I was so tired I fell asleep without any thinking.

  Chapter 26

  Royal Pass

  Iwoke up early and headed to medical storage. I couldn’t fall back asleep. I got our bag ready for the day and organized all the shelves. Jackson arrived when it was actually time to be at work. We had a quick nutrient bar and headed to our assigned clinic. There was still a good amount of boiler room injuries, but the severity definitely decreased. A man came running in saying there was an emergency in the eatery kitchens. Jackson and I knew it was most likely Tommy. We took blankets and ran up as fast as we could.

  Tommy was frozen to the floor with what looked like an ice-skating pond around him. He was thankfully still conscious and said, “I didn’t exactly think this through, but I think he’s finally going to fire me, if I don’t freeze to death.”

  I said, “Tommy, we’ve got you. What happened?”

  “I spilled the water and tripped on my shoelace. I think I hit my head and passed out. They locked me in and now I am stuck to the floor.”

  “Well, we are coming.”

  I made it about halfway to him by sliding like I was skating, but then I hit a really slippery spot and was on my butt before I knew it. Jackson laid a blanket down and was walking across it but moved too fast and also slipped.

  The supervisor came in and said, “You guys have about ten minutes before I have to close this door again. Can you hurry it up? My men need to get in there and get the lunch supplies.”

  Jackson made his way to Tommy. He cut his clothes off and took his shoes off of him. He used one of the blankets as a kind of sled to get across the ice. I just slid my way back to the door. We took Tommy with us but left the blanket we used as a bridge. The supervisor finally fired him. We got Tommy back to the clinic and got him warmed up and rehydrated. He was thankful, but embarrassed.

  Jackson said, “Well most people who get fired get sent here anyway so we will see. If not, I will figure out a way.” Tommy thanked him and we went back to our other patients. We used our lunch break to go visit Tucker. He was being released. The royal assembly alarm sounded as we were wheeling him to his bunk, so we took him with us to the assembly.

  Alex seemed to be doing really well after some rest. He took the microphone and said, “I apologize for the lockdown yesterday. My men and I were dealing with a dangerous situation in the medical clinics. We got it straightened out though. As promised, I am selecting five new royals. If I call your name, a royal assistant will escort you to join me.”

  Jackson said, “Do you think he’ll pick you?... or me?”

  “He won’t pick me.”

  Tucker said, “Way to be positive.”

  I laughed and Sally, who just happened to be nearby, shushed me. Three of the new royals were women and two were men, but I didn’t know any of them. Charlie and Alex kept their word, or so I thought until I found a beautiful dress on my bunk at the end of the day that said, “You can be a doctor person and a royal. You can be anything. Sky and Ella miss you. We need you. Please come. There’s a royal pass in the dress bag. Hope to see you! XOXO Charlie and Alex. P.S. Ella wrote this and will do hair and make-up. Love Charlie.”

  I noticed Jackson had a suit on his bed. He said, “My fairy god mother wants me to come to royal dinner. I’ll go if you do.”

  I agreed and we made our way to Ella’s room. She introduced herself to Jackson and dressed me, Jackson, Luke, and baby Peter for dinner. I was so nervous, but Luke gave me a pep-talk. “You look stunning. You saved the whole royal family and if it doesn’t go well, you never have to see any of them again.”

  I laughed and we headed upstairs. Conner was so happy when we went to his room to surprise him. I was really confused when Malerie came out of her room with Charlie. She saw us and said, “We aren’t allowed to invite charity even to dinner, even if they are really attractive. Who are you?”

  Jackson said, “Charity apparently, also the guy who saved Prince Alexander, but charity works fine.”

  She rolled her eyes and pulled Charlie along with her. Sky and Theo were hanging out and caught up with us just in time for us to get Alex. He was surprised to see me and Jackson, which confused and surprised me.

  Ella said, “So I took things into my own hands, is that really so bad?”

  Luke just shook his head and laughed. Alex said, “I don’t think so, but I wanted her here. So, Rose, are you staying?”

  “I’m already here and dressed up. If I don’t go now, I will never get the courage again.”

  “Awesome, I am so proud of you! You are going to love this.”

  I wasn’t too sure about loving it, but I at least had Jackson and Conner with me.

  We got to the dinner hall and the new service staff member was seating us. She looked so incredibly nervous. I was announced as ‘Miss Rose, the Royal Advisor to the People’. Sally watched me very closely. It was as if she thought I tricked her service staff into seating me. Jackson was announced as ‘Dr. Jackson, the Royal Medical Advisor’. When the new service staff seated him, she spilled water all over his lap. She froze.

  I said, “Take a deep breath. She’s staring at me, not you. I was where you are last week. If I could do it, so can you.”

  She smiled, fixed Jackson’s napkin, and went on her way. He looked at me and said, “I have a title… I’m a royal.”

  I smiled. “Yes, you are. Is that cold?”

  “Not as bad as this morning’s ice skating.”

  Sally approached Alex and pointed to Jackson and me. She had motioned for security, but Alex called them off.

  Jackson and I were seated with Conner and the new royals. Alex’s family was attending the dinner as well. I noticed there weren’t any place cards at our end of the table. It was because we were all new and they hadn’t had time to make them yet. Dinner was served and I just followed Conner’s lead, as did the other new royals. I think he was seated by us for that purpose. The food was delicious, but the new royals and I were full after the first course.

  One of the girls said, “I can’t eat this much, but I really don’t want it to go to waste.”

  I said, “Don’t worry about it. I was on the service staff. It won’t go to waste.”

  I remembered to save room for desert and was enjoying the most delicious chocolate cake I’ve ever eaten when I saw Jackson making a face at me.

  He said, “How on earth are you still eating?”

  I laughed. “We’re not on earth.”

  Conner thought it was funny and added “She knew what the deserts were like. You need to save room next week man. That’s what I come for… and because I’m required, but mostly the desert.”

  Jackson tried a bite of his cake. He looked so frustrated and conflicted.

  I said, “Don’t make yourself sick, there is a social in the garden with dancing after.”

  “There’s a garden… on a spaceship?”

  Conner said, “It’s like another planet. It’s so beautiful. You are all going to love it.”

  After dinner was excused, we followed Conner to the social like little ducklings. Alexander sent Theo to get Conner, Jackson, and I so we could meet his father. We left the small flock of black sheep… ne
w royals… in the corner of the dance floor. They looked as if they were afraid to breathe, which is funny, because I wasn’t. Conner held my hand until we reached the royal family.

  Alex’s mother hugged me and said, “Honey, this is the girl I was telling you about. This is Rose.”

  Alex’s father seemed less impressed and said, “Hello, Rose. It is nice to meet you. My son tells me you kept refusing a royal seat. Why is that?”

  I tried coming up with a good answer and froze. Conner jumped in and said, “Sir, I am such a huge fan. I am Conner. It’s so nice to meet you.”

  Alex’s father just moved on from me. I felt so stupid. Jackson’s introduction went much better. We stepped away a bit and Alex’s father said, “Alex, you told me she was full of ideas. How would you possibly know that if she doesn’t speak?”

  “She’s just nervous.”

  “She saved your life and I make her nervous?”

  “You can be quite intimidating, and you are the king. Until last week, she wasn’t even allowed to look at a royal. Just give her time.”

  After defending me to his father, Alex came over to me and asked if I was okay. I replied, “That, that right there is why… I’m sorry. I feel so stupid right now.”

  “You are not stupid. That happens all the time. I talked you up too much. It’s my fault.”

  “He doesn’t like me. I mean he didn’t like me before that happened, but now he really doesn’t like me.”

  “He’s… he doesn’t like many people. Just take a break and try again later.”

  I agreed and went back to the flock of new royals. Malerie kept coming over and teasing all of the boys, well except for Jackson, who had to repeatedly turn her down. Conner took each of the girls onto the dance floor and danced with us so we would feel more relaxed. While we were dancing, I said, “I’m glad you didn’t get sent back to space. Thanks for saving the day and for this.”

  “No problem, no one else dances with me anyway.” He paused. “That came out wrong, I think. I meant… it’s no problem. I like spending time with you.”

  The song ended and he tried to start the next with me, but I said, “They need you more than I do.”

  The girls were still huddling in the corner. Jackson had to keep turning Malerie down, but thankfully he distracted her long enough that Charlie and I were able to share a dance. She stole him back when she realized. I don’t think many people missed my dance with Alex though. He’s such an amazing dance partner. My heart was in trouble because in that moment, I realized I was falling for four amazing men.

  Dancing with Alex just felt so natural and easy, until he waltzed me right over to his dad. He kept his arm behind me as I said, “Excuse me your highness, I am sorry about before. I never spoke to a king before and was afraid I would say the wrong thing. That is the reason I refused a royal seat. I was afraid I could never learn all of the traditions and would just embarrass myself and let Prince Alexander down. I realize now, I was letting him down by not trying. Your son is an amazing leader. Thank you for letting him take control of the ship.”

  “Thank you for coming back over here. I imagine Alex has told you, but we don’t really like the whole normal royal thing. I am very glad he got to meet you and am incredibly thankful for all you have done to make his job easier. I look forward to seeing the ship continue to improve. Thank you again.”

  “Sir, it was my honor.”

  We shook hands and Alex returned me to the flock of new royals. Some of the quieter royals came and asked the new guys to dance with them. Jackson turned down Malerie for the tenth time and asked me to dance with him. She was already furious with me, but I think that did me in. She stormed off. I danced with Jackson and he was almost a better dancer than Alex.

  He noticed me watching Malerie dancing with Charlie and said, “You deserve better than that and everyone seems to know that except for Charles.”

  “I told you, it’s complicated.”

  “Not really though, it’s about images. I’m not pushing anything. I was just making an observation. Don’t let them ruin your night.”

  Jackson was right. Charlie kept going back to Malerie and I kept getting forced to watch. Alex is more royal than him and he had no problem dancing me over to his father. I left Jackson on the floor and went to find a drink. Sally was serving. She handed me a water and said, “I don’t know what you did to those boys, what you are blackmailing them with, but I will find out. You…”

  Conner came over and realized we were having a discussion or at least that I was getting yelled at. He said, “Sorry to interrupt. I’ll just go and drink this way over there.” I laughed as he quickly retreated.

  I said, “Sally, I was offered a position at court after saving Prince Alexander. I refused because I thought I wouldn’t fit in and that I could make more of a difference on the service staff. Then, my true calling with medical staff happened and I again saved Prince Alexander. Princess Ella mislead me into believing an invitation was extended by him to tonight’s dinner, when in reality it was her. I am in no way going to be one of the royals you have to service. I am just here at the request of my friends.”

  “Sure… friends…”

  I noticed Jackson was dancing with Jaisy and Jenna. He did a song with each of them. He made a really good royal.

  “Sally, what happened between now and when I was leaving, and you begged me to stay?”

  “I don’t know. What did happen? You are dancing with princes and dressed all fancy. That isn’t you. That isn’t like you. I guess you sold out for expensive clothes and wasteful dinners. Gold diggers always do.”

  I didn’t know what to say back so I just went to the pond to cool down and think. Charlie approached me while I was sitting on the wooden bench looking at the stars. He sat down with me and I said, “So much has changed in two weeks, but those stars never do. That constellation right there is my favorite. It shines very bright, but from the background.”

  He smiled. “You mean that little one right there?”

  “Yeah, but don’t go flying us there or anything. I just like it.”

  He laughed. “The middle star is the sun for my home planet. I’m going back one day. Not today, but one day.”

  I smiled. “So, I’m a royal now.”

  “Did you want a royal suite?”

  “That’d make getting to work kind of hard.”

  He laughed. “Okay, whatever you say.”

  “Charlie, can I see your eyes?” He silently stared at me, so I had to clarify, “Without the special contacts?”

  He took his contacts out and his eyes were even bluer. They were the same as mine, but they shined like a liquid. He turned his watch off and he was blue. Blue is his love color.

  “If you are telling me you love me. I won’t accept it without words.”

  Malerie came over and spilled her drink on me. She said, “Charlie, is she making you sad? You were blue.”

  Charlie got off the bench and I expected him to go with her. He said, “Malerie, you need to stop this. You are embarrassing yourself. You aren’t this girl. I know you aren’t. There is a guy out there who is going to love you, for you. I am just simply not that guy. Please just be yourself.”

  “But Charlie, we were promised, and you are purple.”

  “Purple is my wisdom color. It differs by person, but I appreciate you asking Sky. You should move on.”

  She stormed over to the flock of the new royals and kissed one.

  “I feel bad for that one!” I laughed and he continued, “Rose, I love you! Would it be okay if I kiss you?”

  As I kissed him, I heard Ella say, “My plan worked! Yes! Finally!”

  We stayed there looking at the stars until midnight when the rest of our group found us. Jackson asked Ella if we could keep our fancy clothes in her room. She agreed. Jackson kissed a royal named Heidi right as we left. I was very happy he found someone, but I was worried that she didn’t know he was a doctor. When I asked him, he told me they told each oth
er their whole stories. That was something Charlie and I hadn’t done yet.

  I got changed in Ella’s room and Jackson and I walked back to our bunk. He said, “I’m sorry about what I said about Charlie. It was none of my business. Are we still good?”

  “Of course, we are. I’m sorry I left you. I got overwhelmed. You were right about Charlie. It was all about images. I saw you with the twins, you make an amazing royal.”

  “So, do you. What was happening with that woman serving drinks?”

  “She called me a sell out and a gold digger. I worked for her for a week. She’s kind of the reason I was fired. I saved Conner from a panic attack and she caught me talking to and hugging him after we had a conversation about how that was not allowed. She went crazy with my reports after that. She’s just frustrated. It’s funny, her opinion was exactly what I was afraid of. I let her get to me and that’s why I disappeared.”

  “She couldn’t be more wrong about you. She will figure that out in time. Are you and Charlie okay? I saw you with him at the end of the night.”

  “He finally told Malerie to be herself and move on. He made it up to me. We are more than good.”

  “That’s good. I’m glad he finally realized how special you are.”

  A security member approached us, but our royal pass got us through. We encountered every guard on the ship between the banquet hall and our bunk, but our royal pass got us past all of them. I went right to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  Chapter 27

  Alien Taxonomy

  Iwas woken up by Jackson after the light came on and most of our coworkers left. Five hours of sleep was not enough for me to face this day bravely. Jackson was feeling it too but was better at hiding it. We got dressed and headed to the supply room. I got our bag ready and he got our paperwork. We were assigned to the clinic closest to the boiler room, so it was about to be a long day. Jackson actually sent me back to the supply room for more burn cream after our first hour.

  When I returned to the supply room, Tommy was in there straightening the shelves and doing inventory. It was clear other clinics were running low on supplies because I had to climb up on a shelf to find the stuff. There were only a few jars left, so I took about a third of them. I picked up and organized everything I had to move in order to find what I needed. Tommy looked like he was in way over his head. I wanted to help him, but Jackson needed me more. I told Tommy good luck and headed towards the door, but the man behind the desk heard me and said, “Thomas go with this doctor. Those numbers don’t ever add up anyway.”


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