Book Read Free

Queen of the Stars

Page 16

by Haley R Lawson

  “Is he going to be okay?”

  “They won’t let me see him. I’ll stay here though. You go.”

  He did as I asked. I went and visited Tucker. He was being held until they could get him an assistant. I tried to just remain strong and not tell him what happened.

  “No offense or anything, but I was kind of hoping my friend would be here when I woke up. What happened to you? You look like a mess.”

  I did look like a mess. My hair was all over the place and I was covered in dirt from the floor and blood from my friends. “Jackson’s in the ICU. A security guard attacked me and my friend. He tried to protect us, but he was outnumbered. They won’t let me see him.”

  “Are you hurt?”

  “I don’t know… I’m numb. Not like medically numb, but like I don’t know.”

  “You are probably in a little bit of shock. What can I do to help?”

  “I need to talk to Prince Alexander, but those men that attacked us stole my identification card and royal pass.”

  “Doesn’t the prince have open office hours?”

  “You are a genius.”

  “Okay, but I don’t think they will let you into that building looking like that.”

  I realized he was right and went to the restroom to clean up and change into a fresh uniform. I told Tucker I would be back. He told me he’d be there. I ran to the royal office building and approached security.

  The man said, “You should be at work now. Why are you here?”

  “I am here to speak to Prince Alexander. He has open office hours during this time correct?” He asked for my identification, but I said, “I don’t have it. I lost it last evening while working night shift in the hospital.”

  “I can’t let you in without an identification card and besides the prince is going to call an assembly any second now.”

  “Please sir. It is extremely important.”

  Some men walked past me with Conner. He was also pretty beaten up. The man told me to step back and talked to the other security guards. One of them recognized me and took me to Alex’s office with Conner. It was not the way I expected to get there, but at least I did. Alex came into the conference room where they had put us.

  The lead man said, “Sir, there is an alien problem on this ship you need to take care of. My men and I are sick of having to round them up and lockdown the hospital. This girl is hypnotized to follow this one.”

  Alex said, “Was this creature violent with you?”

  “No, but he tried to break a dangerous psychiatric patient out of the hospital.”

  I said, “Sir, the patient was released by a doctor. The men wouldn’t let him leave. They locked me to a door and beat the sedated patient to his death.”

  Conner froze in anger and heartbreak. The man said, “See she’s hypnotized to follow him. My man would do no such thing.”

  Alex said, “Than why are there bruises from handcuffs on her wrists. Was the patient released? Don’t bother lying to me because I can find the records.”

  “He was sir, but by a night shift doctor.”

  “Was the patient violent?”

  “We didn’t give him a chance to be. Wait, why do you have a watch like his?”

  “Sir, we are on a spaceship. You never really thought about where the ship came from or rather, that maybe the people who built it didn’t look like you and have names like John, Alex, Conner, and Bob? We are on a piece of metal floating in the sky. Unless we land on earth, you are an alien just like me. In fact, your race is probably the most violent on the ship. I never had a problem with this man’s kind. I have a watch because I don’t look like you and needed it for my protection. That’s what my father said when he had the stupid things built. I didn’t believe him until today. Just because someone looks different than you, does not mean they are evil or going to destroy you. Surely your parents taught you that. There is no alien outbreak on the ship because we are all aliens. I really want to arrest you, but this is my fault. I was a coward and I let people get hurt. No more. You will go back to protecting the hospital from real threats. By that I mean every person in that place no matter the color or shape of their skin. Go.”

  Conner stood up and was screaming in his language and trying to run after the guy, but I kept getting in his way. He pushed me down and ran after him. Alex was stronger and stopped him. Conner started beating Alex up. I got between them and Alex said, “Let him do it. I can take it. It’s my fault.”

  I said, “Conner, Atri’s not dead. He’s going to be okay. Winston is treating him. He’s okay.” Conner punched Alex one last time and walked away.

  I helped him up and he said, “I deserved that. I let his brother’s killer go or at least thought I did. We have to get to the assembly. Where’s Jackson?”

  “I can’t go like this. You need to ice that, and Jackson is in the ICU. The men beat him too.”

  Heidi was walking down the hall to head to the assembly and said, “Is he going to be okay?”

  I said, “They wouldn’t let me see him. I’m sorry.”

  She just walked back towards the hospital. Alex rounded up all of his advisors. Conner obviously wasn’t coming either. Alex set the alarm off and he led us onto the royal family balcony with Sky, Theo, his parents, Ella, Luke, and the baby. There were so many people all looking up at us. Just before he was presented with the microphone, Alex looked at his dad and said, “Dad I have to do this. I am sorry. Too many people are being hurt over nonsense.”

  “Alex, what are you doing?”

  “I’m going to turn the watch off at some point during this speech. Take the others back to the royal quadrant. They don’t need to be here right now. I’m not putting you all in any more danger. Get the royals from downstairs.”

  Luke sent Ella with the baby and grabbed my hand. The other royal advisors went with Alex’s dad. Alex said, “Rose, go. I’m not making the scheduled announcement.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Luke said, “Me neither. I finally have a chance to take a stand. I’m not about to stand down. Don’t try to make me.”

  “Protect her if things don’t go well.”

  “I’ve got her.”

  Alex was brought the microphone. We moved to either side of him, he took a deep breath and said, “Hello fellow space travelers. I say that again to remind you that we are all on a spaceship and away from our home planets. That’s right, I said planets. In total, there are residents from one hundred different planets aboard this ship. You may be thinking, yeah but Prince Alex, he’s definitely from earth so we are superior. I’m not from earth. I don’t normally sound or look like you. My father designed technology to make us fit in because he thought it would keep us safer. I am saddened by the fact that he was right. I was going to announce my advisors today, but one of them was beaten by security when his technology failed and a second was beaten trying to protect him and my friend here. They are from different planets, but he stepped in to protect another person. That’s what we all are. We are people. it doesn’t matter what color or shape our skin is. It doesn’t matter if our name is Alex or Adexsfren. That’s my name by the way.

  “I was going to hold a contest to come up with a name for our ship, but I’ve decided we should call her Unity because we are united by the fact that we are all aliens. We are all away from our homes and trying to do the best we can. I am going to show you what I really look like in a moment, but first, I want you all to know I truly do value each of you and I am doing my best to do right by you.”

  He turned his watch off and took his contacts out. Luke did the same. Some members of the audience followed along. The royals had come back to the balcony below and they too revealed themselves.

  Alex continued, “I want all of you to take some time today and find out if your family is aboard the ship. Family is so important! Thank you all for your attention. Um… Would it make your lives easier if I returned my human appearance?”

  There was just a loud roar of noise
. He said, “If you want me to become a human again please scream now.” It was silent except for a baby from the royal floor. I never heard so large a room so quiet before! Alex said, “Thank you. Enjoy your day. As always, my office is still open until lights out to take your concerns.”

  We left the balcony and Alex’s family hugged him. Theo asked Sky if she was okay with someone who looked like him. She told him she didn’t really care about that. Alex hugged me and said, “Let’s go see Jackson and Conner’s brother. Why didn’t you come find me when all of this was happening?”

  “I sent Jackson to, but he came back without you. We need an air adjuster and a language translator for Conner’s brother. Conner needs one too, but… I will be right back.”

  “Rose where are you going? Jackson and Atri need us.”

  “So does Conner. You go get the two devices and I will go find Conner.”

  He agreed. I ran to the elevator. I still did not have a royal pass, but it didn’t matter until I reached the garden. The garden attendant tried to kick me out, but a different one said, “She was just with the prince for the assembly. I’m sure she’s fine. Move out of her way.”

  I went over to the pond and found Conner staring at the stars through the sky light. I sat down with him and turned his watch off. He said, “I heard it. I just… I didn’t want to scare anyone.”

  “Your brother needs you. He’s probably very worried about you.”

  “Alex probably hates me. I’m just going to stay here until I get arrested.”

  “Alex said he deserved it. He sent your brothers would be killer loose. He did it because he blames himself.”

  “I know. It’s not his fault though.”

  “I know that, but I don’t think Alex does. Will you come with me?”

  “Of course. Always.”

  We went to the hospital quadrant. He turned his watch back on before walking past some of the cleaning women. I didn’t see Sally with them. We got to the hospital and I realized we forgot Alex, so we went back for him. He was in his office looking for the devices we needed. Conner walked in and said, “Alex I’m sorry about attacking you. This isn’t all your fault. It’s just politics. I understand why you let that guard go. I hope we can work things out. Is it okay to call you Alex or did you want to be called Adex… how did you say that?”

  “So, if you heard, why do you still look like Conner?”

  “I’m self-conscious about some scarring. I like this look better for now, unless you want me to drop it.”

  “Nope, it’s okay. You can call me Adex or Alex or ‘hey you’. I really don’t mind. Same for you Rose. I’m having trouble finding the devices we need. You worked in here for a while. Do you have any idea where they would be?”

  “There was a locked closet down the hall. They always said it was just old computers, but I bet they’re in there.”

  He handed me a key ring with at least one hundred keys on it and said, “You wouldn’t happen to know which of these opens it would you?”

  Conner said, “I have a better idea. Can I borrow a paper clip?”

  Alex gave him one and we headed to the door. Conner got it open. He gave me my very own pair of glasses and he took a whole kit for his brother. I said, “Wait a minute, how are you speaking English?”

  Conner said, “I was putting it back in wrong. I figured it out during the assembly.”

  “Oh, okay. Well your brother is probably very scared, so we better go to him.”

  Alex, Conner, and I went to Atri’s room. Winston was working on removing the necklace. Alex still had the keys and said, “There’s a pin like one on here. Would that work?”

  Winston inserted the pin like key into a small hole on the back and it unlocked. He slowly pulled it off of his neck and from the hole through which the air exchanging piece was inserted into Atri’s neck. He patched up the hole. Conner kept his brother calm. He finally turned his watch back off. Conner put his brother’s translation earpieces in and showed him how to put the air exchanger and translator pieces in. Alex introduced himself once they were in.

  Atri said, “It’s an honor to meet you. I watched your assembly. I couldn’t hear it, but it was clear what you were saying. Thank you.”

  “It is my honor to meet you and invite you to my royal court. I am so sorry for what the old leader of this ship did to you. It will never happen again.”

  Atri said Conner’s real name and asked if he was a royal. Conner said, “I am. I am the royal press advisor.”

  “What happened to medicine?”

  “Humans freak me out.” He was looking at me.

  “Mind your manners. What is your name?”

  I laughed and said, “I think he was joking. I am Rose. It’s nice to formally meet you.”

  Conner said, “They require past medical training. Besides reading, I don’t have any. I wanted to make a difference and the press would allow me to do that.”

  Atri said, “Rose, are you a royal?”

  “I am. I am Royal Advisor to the People. I know it sounds the same as Conner… Ka… your brother’s title, but we kind of work together, I guess. I’m new to this.”

  He laughed. “Prince Alex, I would love to join your royal court, but there is another man you need to invite. He helped Rose save my life.”

  Alex said, “Jackson saved my life a few days ago. He is the advisor of medical affairs.”

  “Is he okay?”

  I said, “He’s being cared for somewhere else in the hospital. We are going to see him now.”

  Atri said, “Tell him I said thank you. May I hug you?”

  “I don’t want you standing up. You need to rest, but yes you may.” I went and hugged him.

  Conner said, “Atri, I’m going to go with them for a few minutes, but I will be back shortly.”

  “Take your time. I’m okay, thanks to all of you. Sir, the doctor, what’s your name?”

  He shook his hand and said, “I’m Winston. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m really glad you are okay.”

  Alex handed Winston a piece of paper, a royal pass, and said, “Winston, you are welcome at court anytime. I think you would prefer to stay a doctor, but if not, you may choose something else. Congratulations on the baby by the way. That paper says you were with me all day. Give it to your boss so you do not get into trouble.” Winston thanked him and headed back to work.

  On our way to Jackson, I said “So, do I get one of those Prince’s notes too?”

  “Of course, you do. I have added your title and my royal seal to your identification card. You are welcome any time now, with or without an identification card. I left it on my desk, but I will get it for you after we visit Jackson.”

  “I need to get someone first.”

  He seemed confused but went with it. I got Tucker from his room. He was dischargeable. He just had nowhere to go. I said, “Alex, is there still a royal apartment with my name on it?”

  “I thought it would make getting to work difficult.”

  “It will, but I’m not going to be the one living there full time. This is Tucker. He can’t be discharged because he lost his leg and now broke his hand. He’s medically ready to go home, but he just can’t do steps or be alone.”

  “Tucker it is nice to meet you. I’m sorry about your leg. Was the injury because of my poor decisions?”

  Tucker said, “Sir, it was a result of my poor decisions. I made a mistake. I was working extra because of your orders, but the injury isn’t your fault. You need to cut yourself some slack. I saw your assembly. It’s nice to have a leader like you.”

  “It means a lot to hear you say that. I am doing my best, but sometimes I feel like I’m just making more of a mess.”

  “Absolutely not, you’ve been saving lives and making a real difference.”

  I pushed Tucker to the ICU. The nurse had no choice but to let us in since Alex was with us. Jackson hadn’t woken up yet. Tucker read his chart and said, “He has some broken ribs, lots of bruising, and a collapse
d lung but he’s going to be okay.”

  I said, “I have to go get someone else. I will be back in a few minutes.”

  Alex said, “You don’t have a pass. Where are you going?”

  “To get Heidi.”

  “She’s out there in the waiting area. Get her after he wakes up.”

  I went out and sat with her. She had her watch off. She said, “He hasn’t seen me without it. He’s probably going to be freaked out, but I figured I should at least be here.”

  “I’m so sorry. It’s my fault this happened. I keep trying to save everybody, but I also keep forgetting I’m not exactly strong or intimidating. Jackson keeps saving me and the people I was saving. He likes you and he’s not the type to ditch people because of how they look.”

  “There’s a big difference in not caring about looks and not caring about this.”

  “I don’t know. We’ll see.”

  “Did they let you see him? Is he okay?”

  “Alex got us in. He’s stable and his doctor friend says he will be very sore but okay.”

  “I should go.”

  “He’s not awake yet.”

  “No, I meant back to my room. You need to stop being nice to me. Do you remember the little boy who wets his bed every night? You were on the service staff, right?”

  “Yes, I was and of course I remember him.”

  “That’s my son. Jackson doesn’t know about him. I left out the part of my story where I had a baby. I wasn’t a royal for very long on that planet and I barely know what I’m doing here. I told Jackson about my husband but left out the part about my son. It’s not that I don’t love him, I just don’t know how to do it. I can’t bring Jackson into my mess.”

  “Give him a chance. I think he’ll love your little boy. Anyway, he really likes you and you came all the way over here.”

  Conner came out and said, “Jackson’s awake and asking about you. I told him you were out here with Heidi. You two can come back together.”

  Heidi said, “You go first. I will come back in a few minutes.”

  “Okay, but don’t go running away on me.”


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