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Thwarting Cheaters (Artemis University Book 5)

Page 3

by Erin R Flynn

“It won’t be today and it won’t be you that takes me down so I would be careful what stones you throw when you’re standing in a cracked fucking glass house and you don’t even know it.” I smiled evilly at him. “Now get the fuck off my property before I ask the hobgoblins who have sanctuary here to tell the fae dogs to eat you.”

  “They won’t always be around either,” he taunted.

  I snickered, writing the ruin for electricity on my arm for show and pushing my magic into it. I called down a huge lightning bolt right at his feet from the perfectly clear and sunny day. His reflexes were good and his whole party jumped back with several cries of shock.

  “Funny you think I need them. I was just going to let them because it’s their lunchtime.”

  That worked. Several of their friends or witnesses to what they thought would be walking over the Vogels went through the portal. Their guards gave me glances like they were thinking of the best ways to take me out.

  To which I smirked and made sure the challenge was in my eyes that I dared them to try.

  “Lock the portal,” I instructed Ray—Zack’s cousin—once they were gone.

  “Wait, we need to get back to the castle,” Colton reminded me.

  “In a few minutes. I don’t trust them,” I muttered, scrubbing the back of my neck as I turned to face the anger I knew was coming and deserved, especially when I saw Mrs. Vogel and all the ladies from inside had joined us as well.

  “Sometimes I just want to strangle you even as I want to put you in a bubble and protect you so you stop doing so much on your own,” Mrs. Vogel said with a sigh. “How could you do this without even telling us, Tamsin? You trapped our castle?”

  Zack moved in front of me protectively. “No, she laid those traps over the vast lands surrounding your mountains. Spies wouldn’t use the portals and get inside of the glamours. They would come from the outside and check their strength and security. She trapped them before they could and report how the crystals are working and anything else they could. She’s been killing herself to—”

  “Everyone doesn’t need to hear that part,” I grumbled. “Let’s get back to the party. I had a hunch and I was right.”

  “How much power do these things take to make?” Mr. Rothchild asked.

  I almost didn’t answer but then caved because he needed to really know even if I didn’t want everyone around us to hear the answer. “A lot. One takes as much as the boxes of crystals I’m doing for the dragon royals on the outings.”

  “So, three hundred tier seven crystals?” he checked, his tone holding a tone of awe. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “I wish,” I chuckled darkly. “And it takes that much energy from me. I don’t know if it takes that much power, but I haven’t had much training yet. I’ve not been taught to focus or potions or really much besides basic runes. So, for me it takes that much to make it come together. Someone powerful, with good training, and advanced knowledge might be able to pull it out of their ass for all I know.”

  “So why not ask Craftsman?” he asked.

  I swallowed down my real response that things were still a bit strained with us and shrugged. “He’s been busy. He answers to another master and his family who both want me. I didn’t tell the school either.” I shook my head when he opened his mouth again, glancing behind us. People didn’t need to know this.

  He nodded. “How do we unlock them or handle this?”

  “And how do we get them?” someone else asked.

  “You don’t,” I snickered. I shook my head when others argued. “I’m not sharing how to do it or making them for others. Not open for debate. I’m trusting them to Trigger Rothchild and that’s it. I know there are no traitors in the Rothchild and Vogel clans because Tanesha Jameston checks regularly. I’m not risking these getting in the hands of the elders, Underground, or anyone bad.”

  “She’s right,” Mr. Vogel declared when others tried to argue. “This is a gift, a massive blessing she gave to save our area and dragons. As we know other houses were taken out besides the royals when the coups happened. Everyone needs to stop demanding more of a teenager and instead ask how to help her!”

  I flinched, shocked to hear him raise his voice. He was definitely angry but after Mrs. Vogel gave me a quick glance, I knew it wasn’t directed at me, simply the situation and what else was going on.

  Fair enough.

  “Mel knows how to work them,” I told Mr. Rothchild. “I locked them with her essence in a way. Direct family can use them only then. The good thing is once I make them, if they’re used, they just need to be recharged with a crystal to be used again. She can explain it all and walk you through it. Zack has a map of them around the Vogel’s mountains. Change the locations if you need to, whatever.”

  I grunted as I was hugged suddenly. I blinked up when I was released, blinking up at Mrs. Rothchild.

  She smiled at me tenderly as she tucked my hair behind my ear. “You are such a wonder. Thank you for protecting our family and clan, Tamsin. Thank you for what you said and wanting to be one of us.” She kissed my forehead and I felt my face flush, not ready for someone to be that nice to me over helping. “What can we do to help you now that you’ve taken so much off our shoulders?”

  “I’m fine,” I lied.

  Several people snorted but it was Zack that answered. “I can give you a list if you’d like. We could use a lot of help on a lot of things—always. Tamsin and your daughter do not know how to stay idle or let anything go.”

  “I’m hungry,” I said instead of responding to that. I turned to head back inside but stopped by Lord Alfred. “I know my place. It’s whatever I say the fuck it is. Who the fuck do you think you are that you have any right to tell me what my place should be? You have no more right to tell me than I should tell you, you egotistical piece of shit.”

  “Watch yourself,” he seethed.

  “No, you watch yourself,” I snapped. “You’re no better than human traffickers who sell women like merchandise. No, you’re even lower as you did it to your own sister and for power. I would abso-fucking-lutely go to the mat on this so don’t think you can try to pressure me with the people you protect to help. I’m doing this for them too.”

  “How can you say that and lie that you’re intelligent?”

  Oh, he was just pushing it. I gave him a look like he was missing several knives of the set. “If you would be so underhanded with your sister—what would you do to any or all of them? You’re in power to protect them and you clearly won’t over your own interests. So no, I won’t help you stay in power. I will fight to get you out and I’ve shown my value. If you were smart, you’d scramble to save what you could.”

  He snorted. “This isn’t over.”

  “Yes, it is,” Mr. Vogel declared. “It is a capital crime to defraud the king and queen and that includes speaking on their behalf without their authorization. You know this, Alfred. You will be charged for your crimes and the matter investigated. Whether Lady Jean takes over is another matter given there is a discussion to be had if she wants her mating annulled—”

  “Yes!” she blurted and a bit too loudly, clearing her throat when we all focused on her. “Yes, please, I would, Your Majesty.”

  “You ungrateful bitch,” Lord Nicholas sneered. “You’re not divorcing me. You’ll take the spot and I will control both houses as your mate.”

  I didn’t even realize what I was doing until he went flying, wincing as I glanced down at my hands and understood I’d done a power clap. I shrugged. “He said shoving wasn’t assault after all.”

  “That might be pushing it, Tamsin,” Mrs. Rothchild drawled.

  “So is his bullshit.” I scrubbed the back of my neck. “I get cranky when I’m hungry and this was a lot to set up quietly.” I flinched when I glanced at Natalie and our friends. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to blow your opening. I hoped it would go smoothly but… It was just too good of a play for the bad guys to make a move.”

  “You’re right.
I’m disappointed I didn’t think of it,” Mr. Rothchild grumbled. “You’re sort of an evil genius strategist.”

  I chuckled darkly. “If you’ve been around enough evil, it sort of comes naturally to know how they think. Besides, they’re bullies. Bullies aren’t all that deep normally.”

  I was done with the conversation and I was really hungry after all the drama plus the worry and time plotting beforehand. I was glad when people dropped it and either followed back to the estate or headed to handle the spies that were caught. The men went back to the carriage house and everyone seemed happy that there was still fun to be had and the upper hand was gotten over Alec and Kim.

  Except I couldn’t recover my mood. Not until Natalie sat down next to me and offered me a plate of food while others were taking a break and eating in between dresses.

  “We’re not upset. We get it. We know there’s always more going on than you can tell us. We knew that when we signed up and we signed up to help with what we can. Stop making that face that you’re worried we’re going vote you off the island or kick you to the curb. We’re not. We adore you and think you’re badass.”

  I let out a whoosh of a breath. That was exactly what I’d been scared of without even realizing it. I thought I might have crossed the line I couldn’t go back over with them.

  I bumped her shoulder as I accepted the plate. “Thanks, Natalie.”

  “Always. We’ve always got your back. We might not be able to fight like you do, but we’re on your side just as you are the Vogels and Rothchilds. Witches are just as loyal and we are to you.”

  I couldn’t help but smile brightly after that. It was nice to know that not everyone hated me, wanted my power, or to bring me down because of jealousy. There were some genuinely nice people in this world and that was enough to keep fighting for.


  “Take a breather and celebrate the success you had today, Ms. Vale,” Professor White said later that night after all the guests were gone. Well, all the dragon guests. A bunch of the female teachers had come to help out and get some of their own dresses updated or check out the stock while they could on break.

  “I’m underage,” I muttered as I flipped the page of the book on runes I was reading. “I’m the garbage disposal cleaning up the leftovers. You guys drink all the booze and have fun.”

  “You’ve been studying all break, nonstop,” Natalie worried. “Is this your high school studies? I thought you got a good jump on that and most was on hold until summer.”

  “No, she’s loading up her arsenal for the Power Playoffs,” Mel grumbled. “It’s such fucking bullshit they ganged up on her and changed the rules this year.”

  “I agree,” Professor White admitted, shrugging when people shot her surprised looks. “No offense to you, Ms. Vale, but we’ve had other powerful freshman. This is a specific and pointed attack as you’ve ruffled feathers coming in as a powerful unknown and won’t declare your species. The fact people are taking advantage of you being an orphan and did this behind your back disgusts most of us.”

  “Thanks,” I grumbled, not wanting to get into it.

  Mostly because I’d blow my temper again like when I’d heard about it. Unfortunately, it was done even behind Headmaster Edelman’s back so most of the faculty were blindsided until the announcement was made by the fucking school board of the changes.

  Normally it was a first round of random selection paired up matches. We battled another freshman with runes to show who was stronger or could do something cooler, use the runes better and knock the other person out. From there it was supposed to be like a King of the Mountain game where anyone left could challenge to outdo the one who did the coolest rune.

  It was a bit like illusionist showdowns or magicians trying to surpass each other. If they beat you, you’re out and they’re the one to beat and take on the remaining challengers. Sort of like a battle royal but with more rules, like keeping control of the runes and whatnot.

  Normally. That was normally how it went for decades and decades.

  However, the school board this year got together behind everyone’s back and decided that given certain circumstances had changed at the school, it was better to change a few things and level the playing field. In other words, they were going to try and handicap me. Me, the unknown who was still dealing with catching up and the campus doc was worried my power was stunted given my mistreatment growing up.

  Hysterical right?

  “Fucking, Van Thann,” I bitched, digging my nails into the skin of my arm as I tried to reign in my temper.

  He had been the ring leader behind the whole thing. The other parents had done it to put me in my place, set me up to fail, or give their freshmen children I would compete with a better chance. But not him. No, his objective was clear.

  He wanted to know what I could do. He wasn’t even trying to hide it with the rule changes. The fact the other parents didn’t understand made me write them all off as morons. They thought he was part of their ploy to make me fail. Idiots. He wanted to see how far he could push me and get the information, the knowledge about me he felt he deserved.

  Plus, he thought he would out me. I hadn’t shared that tidbit with others yet but he was to the point if he couldn’t control me, he wanted to out me because he thought I would have to ask him for help and protection then. He didn’t like my alliance and bonds with the dragons and he didn’t know the half of it. He wanted me more vulnerable and he thought this would be the right ploy.

  If he pushed me much more, I was going to kill the man.

  I thought that was a viable option at the moment.

  But he didn’t know that I’d been working hard well before winter break on an array of runes and tricks to shut up all the elites. They’d had all their lives and family secrets and tutors to practice for this. I wasn’t taking any chances so they could pull all the tricks they wanted, change all the rules they wanted. I’d be ready.

  After the normal first round, now we were going to have a second round of power assessment to determine who would be the “King of the Mountain” the others would challenge. Clearly that was set up to be me. The one who won would face off each challenger like normal, however they weren’t allowed to use the same rune, spell, or magic twice. Each challenger had to be something new or they lost.

  So not only did I need to know hundreds of different runes or magic to go against so many challengers, I had to use enough power to top whatever each of them could do to win as each challenger was its own round. It wasn’t them being able to top what I did last anymore. Each person was a clean slate for me.

  Yeah, so saying it was handicapping me was an understatement really if I was honest.

  Needless to say, my relationship with Lucca was slightly strained after I found out what his father had done right before the break and I couldn’t just beat Mr. Van Thann to death. It was the usual suspects and their parents who had done it, rallying behind his plot. I thought Mel was going to strangle someone and Craftsman had said it was stupid to bother competing when it was clearly a trap.

  Which didn’t help our strained relationship as the way he phrased it was a bit like I was stupid to play right into their hands when it was a trap. And to me, it would prove they were right—that I couldn’t cut it in the supe world if I couldn’t take their bullshit and challenges as they came and would simply quit because they stacked the deck.

  If I failed, so fucking what? I wouldn’t lose sleep over that. I knew they cheated. I knew I was too new. But to just throw up my hands and not even try?

  I would have thought he had more faith in me than that. Apparently not.

  “I don’t understand Von Thann’s fixation with you,” Campbell muttered, bringing me back to the present. “I mean, I do the others, even myself, as you’re undeclared and your lineage must be fascinating.”

  I shrugged. “He knows what I am but he can’t control me. He was immediately miffed I had an inheritance I could claim and I wasn’t chum in the water as a
n orphan scholarship student. I had Claudia to protect me who was under Geiger who likes me and hobgoblins who I stepped in for—which I didn’t know. Von Thann wants answers I won’t give and wants me vulnerable and this is the way he thinks he’ll get that.”

  I winced internally when I saw Mel’s head snap in my direction, knowing she’d be asking about that more later. Dammit. I hadn’t meant to saw that much and draw attention to that. If she knew Von Thann was really trying to out me as fairy, she would kill him.

  And she wouldn’t be the only one.

  “What does Craftsman have to say?” Professor Pillay asked as she sat down.

  “Craftsman,” Campbell sighed, blowing a raspberry.

  As much as I was glad for the topic change, I was tired of my lover always being on her mind and months of her chasing him that I had to put up with. Especially when I would otherwise like the woman. When I looked up and saw her eyes were glassy and her cheeks were flushed, I realized she’d had more than one glass of Katrina Calloway’s fair orange sangria.

  “It’s good, right?” Katrina teased as she sat down as well.

  “It really is,” Campbell agreed.

  “Now what were you saying about the lovely Julian Craftsman?” she pushed.

  “I shouldn’t with the students around.”

  “No offense, Campbell, but you’re not subtle,” Mel said with a chuckle before taking a swig from her own glass. “And they keep their mouths shut. We’re all adults here. These aren’t the normal little snots and bitch elites. The group here won’t say a word.”

  Campbell hesitated for a moment but then sighed again. “That man is oblivious.” She seemed relieved when several of us snorted. “Right? But I don’t understand it. He’s completely in love with this woman he’s dating.”

  “He said that?” Katrina asked, knowing full well it was me.

  “Yes, he made that clear before break,” Campbell said sadly. “I don’t understand. What does she have that I don’t?”

  I snorted, clearing my throat when everyone looked at me in shock. “Nothing. There’s nothing you’re missing. It’s not what you’re lacking. You shouldn’t ever think of it like that.”


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