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Thwarting Cheaters (Artemis University Book 5)

Page 6

by Erin R Flynn

  Which was all I seemed to be lately so that was fun.

  He recovered from his surprise, clearing his throat and giving me an awkward pat on the shoulder. “You’re right. I apologize, Ms. Vale. You more than anyone deserves a break and something easy. It’s fine. As long as you draw the runes and circle, I know you’ve studied. Go take a break and some time for yourself. You do enough for the rest of us.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, glad at least people were acknowledging that. Fuck, if the guy who hated me the start of the school year could have such a change of heart then I was doing something right at least.

  “And I’m sorry about Von Thann. None of us knew that was his goal.”

  I shrugged as I went over and picked up my belongings. “What would happen if I told the people who knew about me that was his plan?”

  He winced when I glanced at him. “Melody Rothchild would kill him and mount his head on the quad as a warning not to try for you.”

  “Sounds about right. Have a good weekend, Professor.”

  “You as well,” he sighed, looking a bit older and just as tired as I felt as I pulled my magic down from the barrier.

  The end of March in Kansas was a surprisingly nice place to be for spring and while we’d had mostly mid-fifties days, the sun was shining brightly instead of the rain we’d been having. Perfect. That meant it was the perfect day to take a ride.

  I wasn’t shocked when Ray seemed to appear out of nowhere as I headed for the faculty parking lot where our bikes were parked. True to their promise, Zack and Ray were just as bad as I was, complete speed demons on motorcycles if they could get away with it. Marshall and Sean weren’t as bad but they had no problem keeping up with me if I needed to get something out.

  He tossed me something as we reached our bikes, smiling when I gave him a confused look. “It’s an energy gel. I know there was talk about you using them before but Mel shut it down because they all have caffeine and you can’t handle that. Zack and I found some that don’t have it and don’t taste like ass. Those also give hydration. See if you like them. If you do, they might help.”

  “Yeah, that would be a big help,” I muttered, glancing at the nutritional info on the back of the package. Sure enough it had sugars, electrolytes, and even some protein… But not caffeine which yeah, helped runners or athletes but not a fairy that acted like a crackhead squirrel if she had any. “Thanks.”

  I tore open the package and tried it. Smacking my lips, I shrugged. It wasn’t bad, certainly not something I’d ever crave but I was getting tired of all the protein bars and snacks of fillers I’d been having since the beginning of the school year. It did bring up the issue that it was time to seriously consider figuring out more options and rotating what I used for sure.

  Plus, it was a nice balm on my soul that even my guards cared enough about me to want to help me take better care of myself. I was straining under the pressure of everyone wanting more or wanting to control me. It was nice to be reminded others wanted to help and cared.

  We took off and flew along the windy road to the guard station, quickly signing out. I knew it annoyed the head of the guards and Alpha of the wolf pack who was in charge of protecting the school, Glen, when I didn’t put down a destination, but we were going for a drive. Besides, even I knew most people put down bullshit because it wasn’t the school’s business where they went.

  There was a difference between security and controlling. The guards or the headmaster might not be about that, but I knew without a doubt that the school board and certain people would absolutely have access to those logs and the ones from the portal passes to know where the students went. To them, knowledge was power and something to use against people.

  The world would be a better place if only they could use all that energy into something productive.

  I pushed all that out of my mind as I peeled out and left the school and the negativity behind me. I thought about what Ray gave me and options to look into. I rarely had water anymore, always opting for herbal tea and juice infusions for the calories and extras they gave. That or sports drinks. It was time to be smarter like that for everything.

  In some ways it seemed like another way to be caged like the power source people were using but I’d allowed it—fuck, volunteered for it so it was time to protect myself better. I wasn’t an idiot who abused herself so time to show it. I’d feel better too because I was hangry way too often with all I was doing and it would be nice to be less upset all the time.

  Granted, I was a ball of upset most days, I lived too harsh of a life not to be and I was before I came to Artemis but I could always do better. Wasn’t that the whole point of trying in life?

  We only went for half an hour and turned around, not even stopping at a gas station when it was just the two of us because of the risk. I was never cavalier with safety—no matter what people might think—and we were smart about having extra gas cans in my other vehicles that Mel, Craftsman, or the others filled up when they went off-campus.

  I let out a sigh when we reached the guard station, not wanting to go back but reminding myself that this wouldn’t be my life forever. I was almost done with my first year and then I would only have five left. If I kept focused and dedicated to learning as much as I could, the years would fly by as this one did.

  And if not, fuck it. I didn’t need a conduit to do magic like other supes did so they could suck my ass. But I wanted that knowledge and training from the best. Plus, I could do good here with the elites and their bullshit view of the world if I could find the energy to keep fighting.

  I glanced over at Ray as he gave a wave to Zack and the others. I’m not alone in the fight. It’s not just me and Mel anymore. I can do this. I have to do this. I gave a wave too and drove off to park my bike, ready to find more fuel options and get to studying before dinner.

  The moment I pulled into my spot and shut it down, I pulled out my phone and pulled up Amazon, finding that there was quite the rabbit hole with energy gels. There were also energy chews that seemed to be like gummies that were meant to do the same but also added options. I added several variety packs of both thinking I could give the ones with caffeine to Mel or someone else.

  I grunted as I crashed into something, having trouble keeping my footing until an arm shot out and caught me around the waist. I looked up and met deep emerald eyes I knew well.

  Intimately even.

  Even if I was hurt and angry at him, I couldn’t help but enjoy the view. Dr. Julian Craftsman was the epitome of “stylish Brit” and the best part was he didn’t know it, a complete genius book geek and savant. Unfortunately, that meant he also missed a lot and got too lost in his work, neglecting the rest of his life.

  Or the one he was involved with. It also meant he didn’t always notice all his admirers or handle the situations properly. And at six-two, with a strong, athletic build, sexy eyes, and dark blond hair that kept perfectly styled unless he’d been working too long and then it went with his scruff, he was every co-eds walking fantasy.

  So that was fun for me as his lover, especially when he didn’t handle his fans.

  “I heard you went for a ride,” he muttered, frowning when I pulled away. He didn’t want to let me go but I shoved his arm away. “You didn’t even bother paying attention in class today.”

  I bristled at his implication. “I prepared ahead. I’ve already memorized and performed the rest of the runes for the semester, Doc. I wasn’t blowing off your class.”

  His jaw ticked as his eyes flared with something dark. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Oh? You weren’t calling me stupid again?”

  “That’s it,” he growled, grabbing me around the waist and flipping me over his shoulder before I could even get out a yelp.

  I was so shocked I didn’t even think to react or deflect him. He was so reserved on campus, never remotely doing anything people could wag their tongues about, that never in a million years had I thought he’d pull such a caveman mo
ve in the damn faculty parking lot.

  “I’m actually grateful for that discretion charm when you’re being such a brat,” he grumbled as he carried me off.

  Oh, right, no one would see what we were doing with that.

  “Julian, put me down,” I demanded, finally recovering.


  I glanced up and saw Ray following. “Hey, a little help here?”

  “You can take him,” he chuckled.

  “Yeah, but I’d hurt him,” I defended.

  Ray shrugged. “So would I.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started typing on it. “Besides, I’m here to keep you safe, not get involved in lover spats.”

  “I thought you were on my side.”

  “I am. Craftsman’s an idiot. If you dump him, I’ll pound him and not let him near you. Until then, I’m staying out of it.”

  “Thanks, mate,” Craftsman drawled.

  Still, I felt better after hearing that.

  “I will get my revenge for this,” I warned Craftsman.

  “Oh, I’m sure of that, love, but I’m done with you ignoring me.”

  Was that what he thought was going on here? I was throwing a fit basically? I flipped on my telepathy and gave him the visual of kicking him in the nuts, smirking when he flinched for real. Good.

  We ended up in his lecture hall and he plopped me down on his desk, crossing his arms over his chest and staring me down when he probably saw in my aura, I was about to storm right back out of there. Instead, I copied the gesture—mocking him as much as I could in something so simple—and glared back.

  I was so into our staring match I didn’t realize at first a few other people were there until Headmaster Edelman cleared his throat.

  Craftsman sighed. “I never said you were stupid, duckie.”

  “Don’t call me that,” I snapped, knowing he used it in place of “love” when others were around. “Don’t try to charm me when you’re being a dick.”

  “Oh, this is going to be entertaining,” Professor White commented as she walked in with a few others of the faculty who knew about me. She smirked at me when I glanced at her. “Professor Richardson snitched on you. As charming as he might never be, he is a good soul and wants to keep you safe.”

  Craftsman frowned. “So do I, which is why I said going forward like nothing changed is stupid, not that you were. I didn’t say you were for doing it. I said the plan was.”

  “I don’t think I need to explain context to the professor who fucking teaches runes and lectures that intent makes the magic happen,” I snapped. “Your huffing, tone, and flat out dismissive attitude like I was being a child said lots without saying it to my face, Doc.”

  He flinched, dropping his arms and blinking at me. “That’s—” he tried to defend but I wasn’t nearly done.

  I jumped to my feet and shoved at his chest. “But you were being the idiot. All you were focused on was that one thing and my being humiliated there. So what if I lose? I might get hurt that day. So what? I mean so what? What about the rest? What about the bigger picture? What message will others take away if I throw the competition? You weren’t hearing me that there was more to this!”

  He grabbed my hands when I tried to shove him again. “Like what?”

  “Like Von Thann is setting her up,” Zack drawled.

  I yanked my hands away from Craftsman and locked the lecture hall, throwing up a barrier when I saw everyone was there, all the usual suspects which somehow now included Lucca. I narrowed my eyes at him for a moment but then focused back on Zack. “How did you know?”

  He snorted. “Because you wanted to kill him. You were pissed at the other parents and shitheads that plotted this but him you wanted to kill. There was something more to that all school meeting and his gloating announcement. You were so focused like when you’re listening to thoughts and then…”

  “Everything about you turned murderous,” Ray explained. “Not just furious but murderous. I thought you might leap up on stage and slit his throat your aggression shot up so fast.”

  “It was a thought,” I admitted.

  “Set you up how?” Craftsman demanded, glancing between us.

  “Yeah, I want to know that too because I thought I had a good grasp on what was going on,” Mel added, giving me a look like she might strangle me.

  I winced. “In my defense, I didn’t tell you because I thought you might kill him.”

  “I almost did,” Lucca drawled. He gave me a pitying look and answered for me. “Father decided if he can’t have Tamsin under his control as his pet fairy that he’s the gatekeeper for access to as the last one, including who breeds her, he’s going to out her. He thinks that will force her hand to beg for his protection. That’s his plan.

  “He used the other parents who want to get revenge for either humiliating their kids by her being better as an unknown mutt among elites or those she’s started trouble with according to them. He came up with a way that he thinks will back her into a corner and she’ll out herself as being a fairy. He can’t figure a way she’ll compete and not expose herself as she’s too stupid not to withdraw.”

  “It’s not being stupid,” I growled.

  “I know, I know,” Lucca concurred, holding up his hands in surrender. “His words, not mine. I agree.”

  “So do we,” Zack muttered, gesturing to himself and Ray.

  “I’m missing the bigger picture where it’s a good idea to take the risk even more so now that the goal is to out you as a fairy,” Craftsman admitted.

  I went to blast him but I saw the panic in his eyes and it quelled some of my upset. Part of me wanted to actually comfort him because even I could sense the fear coming from him that the supe world would find out I was the last fairy and in such a big way, live streamed no less.

  “Everyone is watching her right now,” Professor White surmised, tapping her fingers against her lips as her other hand cupped her elbow. “It’s the main reason no party who wants her has made a move—too many eyes on her. However, if she throws the competition, basically shows our world that she came out of the gate fast but fizzled out—”

  “She would lose interest with some parties,” Zack confirmed. “Others would follow thinking it was all overblown or spun rumors and move onto the next whatever. That would give any who know she’s the real deal the chance to make a move once less people are watching. So from a security standpoint, your idea she tank the competition is about the most dangerous thing for her. Idiot.”

  Craftsman had a very eloquent reaction to that. “Fuck.”

  Yeah, that sounded about right.

  “How did you leave things with your father? I never got to ask.” It was hard not to blush as I asked Lucca that given why I hadn’t checked before considering what we’d done when I’d seen him after that call. I’d been a bit embarrassed after and unable to talk to him but I really did need to know.

  “My mother’s sitting room is toast,” he admitted with a snicker. “I went straight for him and pounded him like I promised I would; saying if this outed you, I would challenge him for the sloth and take over. If he tries anything with you again, I would do the same. Unless passed on, that’s a death fight so it’s a serious threat and he finally believes I’m serious. Mother does.”

  A fly farting could have been heard in the room everyone went so quiet. Mel recovered first. “You would kill your father for Tams?”

  Lucca cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck as he stared at his feet. “No, that’s not—it’s not about her versus him. This is—if he’s so corrupt and power-hungry he would risk the last fairy, try to seriously breed her and control her for his own gain, force her to be—that can’t be allowed to happen. No one should be allowed to cage or control another like that.

  “And I made that clear to him that was the reason too. If he’s gone so far off the rails, he’s not my father anymore and completely feral in my eyes. The father I knew wasn’t always the most moral but neither were the elders and
to keep what we had, yes, sometimes you had to get your hands dirty. I understand crossing lines. This is world domination stuff and risking everything for his own gain.”

  “First, I’m impressed, but I still want to kill your father,” Mel admitted. “Second, what are the chances your mother now knows what Tams is?”

  “She already figured it out,” Lucca sighed. “And for the record, she’s on my side of this. I thought she was going to murder father when she found out about this as well. So even if my threat wasn’t enough, Mother does not make idle threats and said she would leave my father if he so much as looked at you funny again. He loves her with his complete soul. He won’t risk losing her. I hope this pulls him back.”

  “Hopefully but the damage might already be done,” Mel bitched.

  “Yes, it might be,” he agreed.

  “How do we handle this now?” Professor White asked when everyone went quiet.

  “We don’t,” I answered, firmly, shaking my head when several people objected. “Look, I say this with all due respect, because I respect you but my life isn’t a committee affair.” I glanced over to Professor Richardson and actually smiled. “Thank you for going to the others and telling them even when I didn’t. You were worried for me and—thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, but why won’t you let us help you then?”

  I shrugged. “Because that’s just as much cheating as what they did.” I pointed to the headmaster and several other deans. “They’re here plotting how to help one student. Tell me that’s not cheating if someone found out?”

  “Even I feel that’s a bit of a stretch,” Professor Collins grumbled.

  “Yes, but not wrong.” I held up a hand to hold him off. “And not needed. I ask when I need help. I do. I’ve already asked for him, simply not from any of you. There’s a reason for that.”

  “So we’re not complicit,” Professor White sighed. “Oh dear, you’re up to more than I thought at the party. Now I understand. This is about more than making it clear to Von Thann you’re not some pretty pushover if he’s willing to out you to get control of you. You know our entire world is watching and we’re against the wall after what was pulled to help the others. You’re going to make a move.”


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