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Rogue Warrior

Page 14

by Elin Wyn

  His finger returned to my wetness, plunging inside me, joined by another while his tongue circled my clit until white stars flashed in my vision.

  I drummed my fists on the sheet, the spiraling tension within threatening to knock me down until, with one final thrust of his tongue, I shattered, limbs helplessly shaking as the orgasm tore through me.

  He crawled up, kissing along my side, then paused at my sensitive nipples, still drawn into tight buds.

  “I love the way your skin tastes,” he murmured, then licked and nipped, alternating breasts until I thought I would come again simply from his attentions there.

  “Valtic,” I breathed, sure I couldn't take much more of this, surely he had to let me stop, think, catch my breath,

  But he had different plans.

  He shifted his weight until he straddled my legs, one hand resuming its place between my thighs. His kisses were no less demanding, his tongue now timed with the thrusts of his fingers. A second, then a third, now penetrated me, stretching me, driving into me, his thumb flicking back-and-forth against my clit, alternating with the heel of his massive hand grinding into my mound.

  He broke away from plundering my mouth to breathe in my ear. “Come now, darling, I want to hold you, feel everything that flows through your body.”

  And with that demand, I could refuse him nothing, bucking and screaming until I lay limp in his arms, his kisses gentle now, soothing me.

  “You're going to have to let me get my breath before we take care of you,” I gasped, curling into his warmth.

  His arms tightened around me as his body went rigid. “If you think I didn't enjoy that, you’re very mistaken.”

  I laughed. “I'm pretty sure you did.” I reached down to feel the hard length between his legs.

  If anything, it felt more colossal now. Harder. I stroked it through the fabric of his trousers. “But I know that's not all you’d enjoy.”

  “Lynna,” he growled through clenched teeth, “I can't. I might hurt you.”

  I leaned back so that I could stare into his beautiful eyes.

  “Don't be ridiculous. There's no one I trust more to never, ever hurt me.”

  He still held me like a fragile thing.


  I wiggled back, out of the safety of his arms, and lay on the bed, sprawled and wanton before him.

  “Well, if you're not going to put anything else here…”

  I raised my knees and then dragged one finger down my wet folds.

  Back and forth, his eyes watched every moment.

  I let one finger slip between my lips, idling driving back and forth. It didn't feel anything like he had.

  Nothing would feel like he had.

  His breathing grew hard, shaky.


  I slowly raised my hand, let it stroke my belly, leaving a shiny wet trail, and then returned to my show.

  “Are you sure you can't help me with this?” I put every ounce of need and desire I possessed into my voice, then slid my finger inside me again.

  He snapped.

  As he tore his pants off, I caught just a brief glimpse of his member before he grabbed me by the hips and flipped me over, one giant arm reaching around my waist to knead at my breast, the other taking the place of my hand.

  As he pinched my clit, I bucked against him, arching my back as he settled between my knees.

  With a sudden thrust, the broad tip of his cock breached me and I gasped.

  “Lynna.” His voice sounded desperate. “I can still stop.”

  I pushed my hips back against him. “Don't you dare.”

  I wasn't that surprised. I'd operated on Orrin for god’s sake, knew exactly what the anatomy of a male Shein would be like.

  But no one, nothing, had prepared me for the friction of every ridge as he slowly drove his massive cock into me, his fingers rubbing my mound, coaxing tiny waves of electric jolts that mounted and mixed with the pressure from his hand at my breast.

  And the secondary appendage. It really did move on its own, and as he seated himself fully inside of me, I was hit with an entirely new sensation as it prodded, filling my ass.

  I squeezed down on him in surprised response and he drove against me, his hand never moving from my clit, holding me in place as he thrust into me, his massive arms a cage around me that I never wanted to escape from again.

  “Lynna, my Lynna,” he chanted.

  I wanted to answer him, but the onslaught of sensations from every direction shattered against me, left me limp in his arms as wave after wave ran through me, spiraling until I was overwhelmed and undone.

  And still he drove on until, with a shuddering thrust, he held still, filling me, deep inside, for a long, long moment.

  My vision went starry and at that moment, nothing else existed but him and me.


  He spasmed deep inside me, his sturdy arms shuddering as he held me closer.

  Finally, we collapsed in a tangle of sweaty limbs.

  “Think you'll sleep now?” I finally managed.

  He pulled me on top of him, pillowing my head on his chest. “We’ll see. If not? I kind of like what happens.”

  Giggling, I patted his shoulder, and within moments was asleep.


  I woke up the next morning, groggy, confused, and excited. My nightmares had changed to now include Lynna, and that had scared me more. Lynna was next to me, her arm still wrapped around me as she lay on her stomach, her naked back exposed. I wanted to run my hand up and down that back, but I didn’t want to wake her. I carefully, oh so carefully, extricated myself from the bed and her arm, did my business, and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

  I was happy to have put on my shirt as I noticed I wasn’t the only one awake early. The main room, while sparsely populated by patrons, had enough people in it to have made me uncomfortable if I’d been shirtless. I nodded at the couple at the base of the stairs, gave the woman in the corner a light wave, and tried to smile politely to the family sitting next to the kitchen. They all returned my gestures with smiles or nods of their own.

  I wondered if this was what a ‘normal’ life would be like, saying hello to your neighbors and being amiable with them. I shrugged off my thoughts as I smelled breakfast.

  “Good morning, Mr. Flen.” I turned my thoughts away from the food and looked to the far side of the room. Besen was sitting there, a tablet in her hand a steaming mug in front of her. She waved at me with a genuine smile.

  I walked over. “Good morning to you as well, Ms. Besen.”

  “Did you sleep well?” she asked, expression knowing.

  I shrugged a bit with my left shoulder. “Not as well as I had hoped, but much better than usual.”

  She took a moment to process what I had said, then smiled, almost sadly. “I…am glad that you had a ‘better than usual’ night. Tell me, will you and the missus be joining us for breakfast,” she began as she looked around the room, her gaze settling a bit longer on the lone woman than the others, “or will you be dining in bed?” She put a little extra inflection on the last part of her sentence as she motioned for me to sit.

  So I sat, and hopefully made the right decision. “I believe I will be surprising my dear with breakfast in bed, if that’s alright with you, of course.” I kept my voice light and innocent but inclined in when Besen leaned forward.

  She whispered. “Good. That lady right there is one of my usual patrons, and she’s not a fan of people she doesn’t know, especially ones that look like they’re not from here, if you catch my meaning.”

  I nodded in understanding and whispered back. “I thank you for the information. When would be a good time to leave?”

  “Just before lunch. She likes to have a nap between breakfast and lunch before she heads about her day. I’ll knock on your door when she’s gone.”

  I stood up, nodded my thanks to her, and asked, “So, is breakfast self-serve or do we order?”

  “Why, my boy, did you
not see the fabulous buffet line over on the far wall?” she laughed as she sat back and began reading from her tablet again. I looked over, and as advertised, there was breakfast laid out on a long counter against the wall. I flashed Besen a thankful smile and made my way over.

  I first made Lynna a plate, then one for myself. I knew she liked what the women called ‘bacon and eggs,’ and having seen what they called bacon, I felt that I had made a good choice getting her several slices of Ventarian boar to go with the scrambled eggs. I took our plates, as well as two cups of coffee, up to our room, hoping to surprise Lynna.

  Instead, she surprised me. She was already awake and dressed and was just finishing making up the bed. “I was hoping you were getting food. I’m starving,” she said as she gave the pillows a final fluff.

  “You do know they have people to do that when we leave, right?” I remarked as I set the plates and cups down.

  “I know, I just always hated leaving a messed-up room if I stayed anywhere. Oh, is that…bacon?”

  I laughed at her enthusiasm, drawing a look of shock and amusement from Lynna. “What?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “Nothing. I’m just not used to hearing you laugh.”

  I stopped and apologized.

  “What? No, no, don’t apologize,” she said as she rushed over and put her hand on my arm. “I thought it was nice.”

  “You did?” I asked, still a bit embarrassed by my actions. I hadn’t laughed in a long time, it had always seemed wrong for me to do so.

  “Mm-hmm. It really was.” She looked up at me and I could see in her eyes that she was being genuine. I nodded and directed her to our breakfast, holding a chair out for her. “Ah, thank you, my kind sir.”

  “My pleasure,” I said as I took my seat. As we ate, she smiled at me, then her expression turned a little darker. “What is it?” I asked as I sipped from my coffee.

  “Would…would you tell me about your dreams, and your unit?” she asked slowly. I had told her last night that I usually dreamt of my dead comrades, of course she would be curious about them. I…didn’t want to tell her, not because I didn’t want her to know, but because I didn’t want to burden her with my guilt. However, seeing the concern in her eyes eased my mind enough to share.

  I cleared my throat, pushed my plate away, and sat back in my chair. “Uh, it was several years ago, when I was in the military. Before all of this. I…I was in charge of a small unit, twenty-seven members, and we were sometimes given the jobs that no one else wanted.” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “We had been ordered to clear out a small rebel attachment that, according to our intel, had decided to hole up in a small mountain village. According to the information we had, they were lightly armed and poorly situated.

  “We headed up. It was my decision to not take our heavy equipment. We were properly armored, but we didn’t take our big vehicles with the heavy armor. It…it was a mistake that cost us.”

  Lynna moved her chair next to mine and put her hands on my legs. “What happened?”

  “Our informant had either lied or been wrong when he said that the way up was clear. We were driving up one of the side roads to get to the village and…” I stopped. My voice had begun to shake, and my eyes welled up. I punched my leg several times, my emotions getting the better of me.

  “Hey, hey. Stop. I’m here,” Lynna said as she hugged me. “I’m here. It’s okay. You don’t have to finish.”

  I leaned my head onto hers and closed my eyes. A shuddering breath later, I picked my head up and gently pushed her away. “Yes, I do.” I kissed her on the forehead before starting again. “Our intel said the road was clear. Our first transport hit a mine, flipping it into the air before it came back down on its roof. A rebel came out from behind a small boulder and launched a rocket at the rear of the line, hitting two of our vehicles. I ordered us to fire back, but we never stood a chance. By the time our backup arrived, I was the only one left alive, and I should have died with them.”


  “Yes,” I said, holding her hands. “I had a gun pointed at my head. He pulled the trigger, but his weapon jammed, then our backup was there. All of my men were dead, and it was my fault.” I looked at her, oblivious to everything but the vision of the past.

  She reached up and wiped my tears away. “It wasn’t your fault. You went with the information you had. It wasn’t your fault.”

  “It was. I should have…”

  “There was nothing you could have done,” she said gently. “You weren’t the only one with that information. All of you had it. Your superiors had it, as well. You all trusted it. It wasn’t your fault.”

  I nodded, even though I didn’t believe her. In my mind, I should have done better. I should have tried harder to verify the information we had.

  “I…I might not understand what you went through, but I’ve seen my own hell, so I get how you feel,” she told me as she ducked down to look me in the eyes.

  At my arched eyebrow, she took her own shuddering breath.

  “You know about the Flosh drives, right?”

  I nodded. “Barbaric.” I had heard from the other men that the Terran women talked about this. I couldn’t understand how any government could put its soldiers, scientists, even their convicts, into such an unstable form of transportation.

  “As the doctor, it was my job to open the pods. On a good day, I’d get them out, get them oriented, make sure they drank a lot of water.”

  She shivered, and I ground my teeth.

  “On a bad day, I was the first to see what was left of them if they didn’t make it.” Unshed tears shone in her eyes.

  “The cryo-tubes, or whatever they were, on the bridge of The Terror, it just made me realize that there’s no escaping the past.” She raised her chin. “But we can get through it, right?”

  I pulled her to me, nestling her on my lap as I kissed her salt-stained cheeks. “Of course we can.” The scent of her, the warmth of her in my arms, cleared the darkness, until it was nothing more than a faint memory. “You make me want to get through anything.” And I would, for her.

  And then words weren’t enough, would never be enough.

  I kissed her again, sweetly, gently now.

  Her trust in me, her openness through my wildness of last night had broken open something in me.

  The wound was still there, might always be.

  But it was cleaned now. Maybe, someday, might even heal.

  And it was all due to the wonderful, generous woman in my arms.

  The tension flowed out of her as I rubbed her back in small circles, kissing and tasting down her neck to the delicate curve of her shoulder.

  “I think I'm still a little hungry,” I murmured.

  The flush of her skin did as much to tell me of her readiness as the change in her scent.

  I lifted her from my lap, carried her from the small table with three easy steps to the bed and when she lay before me, I wondered at my fortune.

  How could someone as broken as I deserve someone like her?

  Her lazy smile caught my attention. “See anything you want?” she teased.

  I snagged her ankle with my hand and lifted high, then gently kissed every bit of her skin, teasing her, holding her open, until I reached her sweet honey.

  I released hot breath upon her delicate folds and she shivered.

  Last night had been madness, but today I would take my time, worship her like the goddess she was.

  Wrapping my arms under her thighs, I pulled her towards me until her knees draped over my shoulders and I knelt at the side of the bed.

  I glanced up and she gazed down on me with a look of openness, of trust, and maybe even something else.

  I kept my eyes fixed on hers as I carefully swirled my tongue around the quivering nub at the top of her slit.

  Her head rolled back and I stopped.

  “Keep watching me,” I ordered.

  She reached down and laced her fingers with mine and slowl
y, deliberately, I lapped and sucked at her until her control crumbled and she flew apart.

  In one swift move, I stood, shucked my trousers, and buried myself to the hilt in her silken heat.

  Her eyes rolled back as the first orgasm rolled into the next, as I slowly, relentlessly, drove into her.

  Her soft moans filled the room every time I pulled out, joined by sharper cries each time I drove back in.

  Over and over.

  My own need built like a fire at the base of my spine, willing me to give over to it, to break and claim her again.

  This was for her. I wanted to watch her give in.

  Her frantic eyes found mine as her face grew slack.

  “Let go, Lynna,” I whispered as I drove into her again, my secondary cock writhing against her clit.

  I steadily pulled out, making sure she felt every ridge, and then pounded back into her.

  “I’ll always catch you.”

  With that, she shattered.

  “Valtic!” she screamed as she thrashed upon the bed, her tightness increasing, magnifying into a pleasure I’d never imagined.

  And with the sound of my name on her lips, my own control broke and I bucked into her, roaring my release.


  I reapplied my disguise, the silvery hue of a Shein woman now, and twisted my hair back into the bun.

  “Here, let me.”

  Valtic’s fingers were gentle through my hair, deftly forming the bun and tucking the pins into place.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” I met his eyes in the mirror, and he grinned.

  “Sisters. Lots of younger sisters.”

  So many secrets to learn about him. And I couldn’t wait.

  As we said our goodbyes to the innkeeper, I found myself marveling at the astounding changes in Valtic. He’d been through so much in his life. When I met him, he was prickly, bordering on rude. Now, he shook hands with the innkeeper and thanked her for a wonderful night. I kept my head down, the hood pulled down low to cover my changed skin.

  “Come in and say hello whenever you’re next in town,” the Besen said with genuine enthusiasm.


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