Book Read Free

Healthy Scratch

Page 9

by Robyn M Ryan

  “We applied additional discounts that expired. That decreases your bottom line substantially.”

  Lauren nodded as she looked at the drive out price. “That’s a fair price, I think. Marty?”

  “Honey, I’m going to hire you next time I need to negotiate.” She heard the three men chuckle, and she glanced at Dave before nodding.

  “If I give you a down payment tonight, when can I pick up the car?”

  “You can take it tonight, but we’d like to give it a full detail. Anytime tomorrow is fine.”

  Lauren thought. The next day was game day. She should go in to the Suns communications office to shadow Payton. Maybe she could take time in the early afternoon? “I have a tight schedule tomorrow. Can I call once I know when I’ll have a couple hours free?”

  “Of course. Let’s get this paperwork signed and take your deposit. We’ll have the car ready at your convenience.”


  LATER, WHEN THEY’D returned to the Chadwick’s home, Lauren’s eyes continued to track Dave’s movements as his words echoed in her mind. Were they “more than just friends?” His sudden kiss in the dealership parking lot certainly caused the butterflies to scatter in an unfamiliar way. I would have agreed to anything at that minute. Does he honestly mean it? “More than just friends.” Or the usual result when we spend this much time together? Maybe he’s lonely in a new city? She thought of her sister, wishing Amanda would talk things through with her. She didn’t want to hear more of her negativity. Haven’t even told her I didn’t accept the European assignment. Don’t want to listen to the disappointment in her voice—or the disapproval when she learns I decided on the contract with the Suns.

  “You okay?” Caryn asked as she sat beside her on the pool deck.

  “Just tired. I officially hate buying cars.” She glanced at her friend. “Maybe we can squeeze in some girl time soon.”

  “Would love that—when the guys aren’t around?” Caryn kept her voice low.

  “Exactly.” Lauren’s eyes involuntarily settled on Dave once again, and this time he met her glance, the hint of a smile and wink producing an unexpected reaction, her heart skipping a beat.

  Caryn squeezed her hand. “Don’t question yourself. Let your heart guide you.”

  Her response was barely audible. “If only it were that simple.”


  Lauren heard a knock on her bedroom door later, just as she had completed her evening routine and was about to climb into bed. “Come in,” she called, expecting to see Caryn. Instead, the man responsible for the kaleidoscope of butterflies taking residence inside her body entered. “You could have just knocked on the bathroom door.” She hoped the lighthearted teasing tone sounded natural.

  He took a moment to appreciate her appearance—boxers and a camisole—then aimed the mischievous brown eyes toward her. “I was on my way to my room. Just taking a short cut.”

  “That so?” Lauren pushed herself onto the side of the bed. “I can’t say thank you enough for accompanying me through the hell of buying a car.”

  He shrugged it off as he moved closer to her. He motioned toward the bed. “May I?” When Lauren nodded, he sat beside her and reached for her hand. “Business first. I need your bank account info to transfer the cash into your account.”

  “Are you sure you want to…”

  “I’m sure, Lauren. It will take time for your bank to post it, so the sooner, the better. I hope you can pick up your race car tomorrow.”

  “Shouldn’t we have some sort of loan agreement?” When he shrugged a second time, Lauren continued, “I can get something off Legal Zoom and plug in the new car interest rate.”

  “Just use the special rate Ford’s offering, then set the length. Make sure it’s an easy payment. Five years…ten years, I don’t care.”

  “You have no idea where I’ll be in five years.”

  Dave skimmed his fingers against her cheek, then cupped her chin in his hand. “Hopefully with me.” His lips brushed against hers. “I’m tired of the friend zone, Ms. Gentry. We’re more than friends—I don’t want to waste any more time pretending otherwise.”

  Lauren fought against the rising wave of panic. “Define more than friends.”

  “We’re not casual pals who get together every so often…for, I guess, mutual pleasure. At least not for me. I know you’re wary of relationships, but I’m asking you to give us a chance to see what we have and where our relationship could go.”

  Lauren swiped at her eyes. “You want an exclusive relationship like a…”

  “Girlfriend,” he completed the sentence. “You and I as a couple—yes, an exclusive relationship. The thought of you taking that European job and working for that asshole made me realize I didn’t want to lose you. Not until I convinced you we’re more than just pals.”

  “You would have asked me not to take the job?”

  “No, but I would have made sure you knew how I feel about you before you left.”

  Lauren shut her eyes and took a deep breath. “You want more than friendship.”

  “Yes, what I feel for you goes so far beyond friendship, Lauren. I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t. I need to know if you feel the same?”

  Lauren nodded and then looked at him, blinking back tears. “It scares me,” she whispered. “I’m nothing like the women you date. I can’t compete with the women who surround you everywhere you go. I don’t fit into your world…I’m not like those beautiful women you attract…”

  Dave pressed his hand against her mouth. “Hey, where is this coming from? What makes you think you ‘don’t fit’ in my world? I’m not even sure I can define my world, so how can you think you don’t belong?”

  “I’d have never met you if Caryn and I weren’t friends. Our paths would never cross.” She avoided his eyes. “You’re a professional athlete—a very handsome, red-hot man who can take his pick of any number of beautiful, glamorous women. Like those exotic models you tend to get photographed with…” She forced herself to meet his eyes again. “I don’t even know when to keep my mouth shut.”

  He pulled her against him and closed his arms around her. “You’re beautiful, Lauren. You are the most open, honest person I know. I love that you have no filters and say what you think. You’re a loyal friend and an independent woman who takes on challenging assignments. You make me laugh, and I know you’re not going to just say something you think I want to hear. Exotic models?” He suppressed a laugh. “Most latch on for photo ops, and that gets very tiresome. I haven’t had a real date in months because I compare every woman I meet with you—and no one comes close.” He brushed her hair back over her shoulder. “Maybe I’m the one who should worry about fitting into your world?”

  Lauren shook her head as she pulled back. “You fit into my world perfectly. But what if we find out we don’t work long-term?”

  “What if we do?” Dave pressed his lips against her forehead. “Isn’t that worth the risk?”


  DAVE, JOHN PETERSON, and Steve Rogers stayed after practice to give Andrew more ice time. Dave had recognized the frustration in his friend’s expression.

  “Do you not notice the progress you’re making?” He chipped a puck toward Andrew, who squared the puck against his stick and torpedoed it into the net.

  “Progress? As in standing still and shooting or skating and not shooting? Do you see when I try to do both—lucky I don’t fall on my ass.”

  “You want to practice or just bitch about it?” Dave glanced over his shoulder. “You guys up for some two-on-two?” He turned back toward Andrew. “Or are you going to leave me out to dry two-on-one?”

  Andrew rolled his eyes, then corralled a nearby puck. “My ego’s not at risk. You sure you want to try this?” He didn’t wait for Dave’s reply and skated the puck to center ice.

  Dave followed him, biting back a laugh. He knew Peterson and Rogers would give Andrew plenty of space and not strip the puck. Well, not every time. Chad will call bullshit if
he thinks they’re holding back. The four took a few practice rushes up and down the ice.

  “What are we playing for, besides bragging rights?” Steve Rogers placed the puck on the center ice mark.

  “Dinner in LA?” Dave suggested. “You’re on for that trip, Chad, right?”

  “Far as I know.”

  “You’re so going to regret that, Martini. Remember, I played in LA. I know the most expensive restaurants,” Steve gloated.

  “Okay, name one,” Andrew challenged. “So, when we beat your asses, you can’t take us somewhere cheap.”

  “I’ll do you one better. Terri can pick the spot. Believe me, she knows where to spend the money.” Steve pointed at Chadwick. “I got you, Chad.”

  Dave saw Andrew’s smirk. “Good luck with that.” He grabbed the puck and pitched it aside to Dave, then pushed past Rogers as he headed toward the net. Dave deked past Peterson, then passed the puck as he skated toward the blue paint. Andrew caught the puck on the tape, threw an elbow as Rogers tried to check him, and then backhanded the puck to Dave, who slid it easily into the goal. He retrieved the puck and flipped it toward Peterson.

  “Want to double the bet? Dinner in LA and Vancouver?”


  Lauren watched the impromptu match rinkside. She’d just met with the video production crew to approve the following night’s game intro. Three weeks in, and she enjoyed every facet of the new assignment. The entire communications department worked as a team, and Lauren no longer felt out-of-sync. Even her personal life shimmered. Never expected Marty to say he wanted more than just friends with benefits…but I’m glad he pushed, and I jumped off that cliff. Her sister’s predictions and warnings lurked close enough to the surface to continue to plant doubts that she forced into the box in the back of her mind.

  After he closed on the house, Dave invited Lauren to work with an interior designer and pick furniture to get started. She and Terri Rogers flew up to St. Louis for a long weekend and prepared the two apartments for the move. Lauren tried to get input from Dave on the furniture to move or donate…no big surprise, he deferred to her judgment. By the end of the weekend, she and Terri had separated furniture and kitchenware into “move” or “donate”—with the “donate” items forming the larger share. Jim Andrews and his fiancé Melanie helped, promising to coordinate pick up with a local charitable organization and supervise the actual loading of the truck.

  They both continued to impose on the Chadwick’s hospitality—at least until the interior painting was complete and the privacy fence and security system installed. Unknown to Dave, Lauren had selected her bedroom on the opposite end of the house, and the interior designer suggested colors to enhance the bedroom furniture she planned to move.

  Even though he says, “move in,” I’m not assuming anything. We’ve been on-and-off too many times. He may hate living with me once the season’s over. We’ve never spent this much time together. So far, so good, but too soon to know if it’s permanent. Enjoy it while it lasts, Gentry.

  Dave caught her eye when they’d completed the two-on-two competition. “You have time for lunch?”

  “I’m through for today, so, yes. I’d like to show you some ideas for your master bedroom furniture.” She frowned as he started to roll his eyes. “C’mon, Martini, the least you can do is select the type mattress you want, then narrow the furniture choices.”

  Rogers slapped his shoulder as he passed. “Just do as she asks. Terri ordered a crappy mattress just to spite me, then I had to go through the hassle of returning it.”

  Lauren saw Dave narrow his eyes. “You spent a weekend with Terri. Should I worry?”

  She pretended innocence. “I don’t know. Should you? It won’t take over thirty minutes—promise.”

  His smile melted her heart. “I’ll meet you by the exit in about fifteen minutes.”


  As luck would decide, the day after the team left on the long West Coast trip, the new furniture for Dave’s house arrived, and the gate attendant called to tell Lauren of the delivery.

  “I wish I could help you.” Caryn rocked a fussy Jenna in her arms.

  “You can. After it’s unloaded and in the correct room, you can help figure out where everything should go. I’ll come back, and we’ll take these little angels for a walk. The decor needs their approval also. I want them to feel like it’s a second home.” Lauren stopped to plant a kiss on both babies’ heads. “See you soon, hopefully!”

  Just because she could, Lauren drove over to Dave’s home, took a selfie with the car and the house, and then sent it to Dave. He may not see it for several hours, but maybe he’d enjoy. And remember I’m back here. Especially with the puck bunnies always hanging around. The nagging subconscious voice continued to inject its pessimism into Lauren’s thoughts, but she shoved it aside. No time today. Too much to do.

  She met the delivery team and showed where each piece of furniture should go as they carried it into the house. After they left, Lauren walked through the home. Even with everything she’d bought for Dave, the house dwarfed the furniture.

  She scrolled through the photos of the furniture on route from St. Louis, and the heaviness in her chest lessened. She started a list of things to buy—Dishes and silverware, pots, pans, coffee maker, sheets for that huge bed…Maybe Amazon?

  Lauren took a deep breath to slow her heart-rate, perched on the edge of the leather chair, then sank back into the luxurious seat. She closed her eyes for a while. Quit making yourself crazy, Gentry. The house won’t be perfect in a week. Don’t obsess…concentrate on the master bedroom first…the most important room. I can make that as close to perfect as possible. Can’t upset someone’s game-day routines.

  Lauren yawned and curled her feet beneath her. Dave’s ringtone sounded just as she was about to doze. No way am I FaceTiming right now. She selected audio only. “Good news—your house looks great. Sorry, I’m sweaty, dusty, and need a shower. No video call now.”

  “Gentry, you looked great in that selfie you sent.”

  “That was before the furniture arrived.” She rested her head against the back of the chair. “Your ‘media area’ furniture’s so comfortable. I could sleep in this chair.”

  She heard his chuckle. “You can at least FaceTime me so I can see if I like how you’ve arranged it.”

  “Too late. The delivery guys left. You can rearrange anything you want when you’re back.” She bit back a yawn. “Any ETA on the moving van?”

  “Just that it’s on route. I hope that doesn’t arrive until we’re back in Tampa.”

  “Whatever. I can handle it if the movers come early. You still good with that list of where you want the security system placed?” Lauren glanced around the huge open area. “Lots of ways to access your castle, Mr. Martin. I have the company scheduled later this afternoon.”

  “You know I don’t expect or want you to do everything before I get back, squirt. Don’t overdo it.”

  Lauren felt warm inside at the concern in his voice. “I won’t—promise. I want the premises secured now that some furniture’s delivered. All this natural light’s wonderful, but if someone wants to snoop around…”

  “You don’t have to babysit the place, babe. That’s why we pay the fees for gate security and all those security cars. Anyway, I’ve got insurance, so don’t obsess.”

  “Who said anything about obsessing? Just keeping everything organized.” Lauren stood and walked toward the kitchen for a bottle of water. “You concentrate on staying undefeated on this trip, and continuing to score.”

  “You’ve watched the games? Late for you.”

  “Part of the job.” Lauren’s tone teased him. “Besides, I do enjoy watching you. I liked your interview between periods.”

  “And I can’t see you sweaty?”

  “On you—sweat’s very sexy. Me—not so much. You can check in later…after I’ve showered and changed.” Lauren brushed her hand through her hair. “I bought a new camisole the other day.”
  “Yeah? And you’ll wear it when I call back?”

  “Maybe. Depends on the time.” She loved flirting with him.

  “And bedtime is…?”

  “No idea.” Lauren could not contain the giggle that escaped.

  “I’ll call you before the game.” He paused a second. “We’re off to Vancouver afterward. Sure you don’t want to meet me there for the weekend?”

  “Positive.” Lauren’s stomach churned acid at the thought of going to Amanda’s house. She’d make sure their mother would be there so we could “bond.” No thanks. “If I could just see you, I’d say yes. I’m not in the mood to see my family right now.” Or ever, if Amanda keeps trying to push me into meeting that woman.

  Dave didn’t question her statement. “Maybe some other time…or some other city, then. Take a few shots of the house for me?”

  “Sure. Give me a few minutes.”

  “Maybe one selfie? On the master bed?” His suggestive tone sent shivers through her body. “Clothes optional.”

  “Don’t hold your breath on that, Marty. If I send that selfie, I’ll be fully clothed.”


  DAVE SLIPPED THE phone into his pocket, grabbed the room key, and headed for the lobby looking for a snack before the team lunch. He enjoyed the banter with the pint-sized woman who’d finally agreed to take their relationship in a new direction. He suspected Lauren had continued misgivings…She keeps saying that she doesn’t “fit” in my world. Where does she get that idea? Lauren doesn’t project insecurities—and she shouldn’t have any—so what causes that belief? He knew the answer could only come from Lauren, and with their relationship still growing, he wouldn’t push the issue. Now that she’d agreed to the concept of them as a couple, she’d see just how well they complemented each other.

  He greeted a group of teammates he spotted in the lobby cafe. Jason Hart indicated the empty chair beside him. “Killing time before lunch?”


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