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Survivors Series (Book 2): Heroes Never Die

Page 28

by Voeller, Cody

  Settling on a course of action I sighed and closed my eyes. I didn’t really fall asleep, but it felt good to lay in the relative dark and just be at ease for a little while. I wasn’t able to rest for long, I felt Sarah shift next to me and drape her arm over me. I opened my eyes and kissed her on her forehead before closing my eyes again. It wasn’t a minute later before I felt her move again, this time, she kissed me. “Is this going to be a new way people wake me up cause it’s been happening a lot lately,” I smiled. She slapped me on the chest. “Ow! What was that for?”

  “Don’t you ever compare me to her.”

  “Who’s comparing. I never did that.”


  “Hey, don’t whatever me. I didn’t do anything. I’m the victim in all of this.”

  “Oh you poor baby,” she mocked.

  I turned over and pinned her to the bed. I bent down to kiss her, but she turned her face to stop me. I tried again, but she turned to stop me again. “Fine. Have it your way.” I kept her arms pinned above her head with one hand and began to tickle her. She started to squirm and scream, but I kept her pinned and continued to tickle her.

  “James….Stop,” she said breathlessly. I ignored her. “Please...Stop...I can’t breathe.” I relented but kept her pinned “You’re a jerk,” she said glaring at me.

  I grinned, “All I wanted was a kiss.”

  “Well good luck getting one now.”

  “Don’t be like that,” I said letting her go.

  “Nope, you lost your chance.”

  I laughed and lay on my back, “You never gave me one.”

  She climbed over me and started getting dressed for the day. I sat up and glanced at my watch, “You know, it’s still pretty early. You could come back to bed.”

  “What makes you think I want to be in bed with you,” she scoffed.

  I clasped my hands over my heart dramatically and said, “Oh you wound me.”

  “Ha, ha, ha,” she said dryly, “You’re so funny.”

  “I know, I’m hilarious.” She just shook her head and left the room, leaving me sitting on the bed. I sighed and got up, there was plenty to do that day, beginning with the most important, taking care or Jasmine. Getting dressed, I made several stops as I filled a backpack, including the armory, pantry and girl’s room, asking Christina to grab me a few things so I wouldn’t bother the girls. Finishing up I went over to the laundry room and drew my knife. I cut the rope and sheathed the knife and drawing my pistol. I held it loosely in my right hand I opened the door raising the gun to aim it at Jasmine’s head. Bear stood by and bared his teeth aggressively “You move I’ll shoot you. Do you understand?” She nodded. I put my gun away and pulled my knife again. I walked over slowly, watching for any threatening movements but she remained still. I grabbed her arms and cut her bonds. She rubbed her wrists but remained silent. I backed out of the room and grabbed some clothes and threw them at her. “What size shoe do you wear?”


  I looked at the three pairs of boots I had brought and tossed her a pair, “You’re in luck. Get dressed, when you’re done knock on the door twice.” I closed the door without another word and waited.

  “What are you doing?” Sarah asked as she came up next to me.

  “Taking care of the problem. Think you can do something for me?”


  “Get everyone together. Wake them if you have to.”

  “Ok, but what are you planning?”

  “You’ll see.”

  She frowned but nodded and left. I waited a few minutes until there was two soft knock on the door. Bear growled, but I calmed him and opened the door. She walked out and sat on the couch in the living room as I ordered. I took in her appearance as she sat on the couch. Her face was still crisscrossed with the scratch marks, and there was a solid hand print from Liz’s slap. Her hair was fixed, gathered in a ponytail, but her face still had some remnants of dried blood from her nose. “Let’s have a little talk shall we?” She only glared at me. “Why? Why try to kill me?”

  “Because you wrecked everything.”

  “Wrecked everything? Because I killed George?” her eyes widened, “Yeah, I know about George. I know that you spent quite a bit of time with him.”

  “You knew, and you still let me stay here? Why?”

  I shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe I thought you could redeem yourself, actually do some good. I guess I was wrong. What I want to know is why you seem so hell-bent on avenging that piece of shit?”

  She laughed bitterly, “I didn’t give a fuck about him. He was a piece of shit, and I’m glad he’s dead.”

  “So why try and kill me?”

  “Because it didn’t matter how much I hated him or hated what he made me do, he protected me. Kept me safe.”

  “So you were using him.”

  She grinned darkly, “We used each other really.”

  “Like you used Cory.” It wasn’t a question but a fact.

  She shook her head, “No, I didn’t have to do anything to get him to watch out for me. He did that all by himself.”

  “But when you got to Luke’s there were others who could have protected you freely.”

  “You don’t get it. Once George had a grip on me he wasn’t going to let go.”

  “So after I killed him you decided to kill me for wrecking your perfect little arrangement?”

  She laughed again, “It was far from perfect, and I hadn’t planned on killing you right away.”

  “So what changed your mind?”

  “Well, I had planned on gaining your protection. I mean I had been with murderers before, and that’s what I thought you were, a murderer. But then you turned out to be a good guy, noble even, and I wondered how you managed to kill George. I knew you were suspicious of me, even someone as trusting as you isn’t dumb enough to have blind faith. So I helped out around the house, got to know people and turned my sights on your brother when I couldn’t manipulate you. But then you stepped in again, right when I had things going my way again. You weren’t about to let your wittle bwother,” she said in a mocking baby tone, “get hurt by mean old me. So when everything was going to hell, I figured I’d go big and just take the opportunity to kill you. I knew you were probably going to send me away or more likely kill me so I thought I might as well take you with me.”

  “So you learned that I was a decent human being who was loyal to my friends and family and decided but then decided that I was the kind of person who would banish you or kill you for being slutty?”

  “Why wouldn’t I think that? I heard the stories, I know what you are capable of. You killed your best friend for fuck's sake. Who was I to you?”

  I shook my head, “I wouldn’t have sent you away, and I most certainly wouldn’t have killed you. I would have punished you, made sure everyone knew who you are and what you’ve done, but I would have let you stay here under watch.” She looked hopeful. “But now, you’re lucky I don’t put a bullet in you and call it a day.”

  “Go ahead,” she glared at me.


  “Why not?”

  “Because regardless of the stories you heard, each one of those people needed to die. Sam was dead as soon as he was bitten. Those gangbangers and traitors deserved to be punished for their crimes. And George, well George brought his death upon himself. Compared to them you’re just a stupid, selfish, little slut,” I finished darkly.


  “Shut up,” I said coldly. She glared at me and remained silent. The others gathered in the living room, their eyes flicking back and forth between the seated Jasmine and me standing over her. Once everyone had shown up, I spoke to the group, “By now you’re all aware of who Jasmine is and what she’s done. She’s tried to manipulate Michael and me like she has several others. She’s admitted to wanting to kill me and attempting to gain all of your trust by being friendly. Last night she tried to kill me but was obviously unsuccessful thanks to Liz. She’s
a danger to me and to all of you, and I won’t have her in this house anymore. I don’t want to kill her, I have the blood of dozens on my hands, and while their deaths were deserved, I have no wish to add more. So instead,” I bent down and picked up the pack, tossing it into Jasmine’s lap, “I’m sending her away, kicking her out. In that pack is a change of clothes, a jacket, a sweatshirt, a little food and water, and a buck knife.”

  “No gun? That’s a death sentence in itself,” she cried.

  I looked down on her, “You seem to have a…knack for survival. You’ll be fine. Now get out.”

  “Now?” she said incredulously.

  “Yeah, right fucking now.”

  She got up and walked out, everyone trailing behind her. When she got to the top of the driveway, she turned to say something but was cut off by a guttural growl from Bear. She turned and walked silently down the hill. I stood and watched as she made it to the bottom, looked left then right before deciding to go left towards town. “I think you should have killed her,” said Sarah who was standing next to me.

  “Yeah I think so too,” said Liz.

  “I hope this doesn’t come back to bite you,” said Sarah taking my hand.

  “Let’s just hope we never have to see Jasmine again,” I said squeezing Sarah’s hand.

  “We better not. If we do I swear I’ll do more than slap the bitch,” said Liz before walking inside.

  I tried but couldn’t hold back the laugh that burst from my lips. It was a deep laugh that came straight from my gut.

  “What’s so funny”? asked Sarah.

  “This whole fucking world,” I said waving my hand around.

  “Come on James, let’s go inside.”

  We walked towards the house to start the day, and I looked back to see Bear still standing at the top of the driveway like a sentinel. He was keeping us safe, and it brought a smile to my lips. “Come on boy, let’s go inside.” Bear looked at me, and with one final glance at the highway, he came running over to walk by my side.

  Chapter 23

  That next day I woke early to a peaceful house. It was nice to be able to have a full night’s sleep without being woken by a crazy chick who’s trying to destroy your life or a dog scratching at your door. Peace was something that was in short supply, and I was savoring it as much as I could. My left arm was pinned underneath Sarah, and I tried to get her off of it without waking her. I tried to roll her over slowly, but as soon as I started to move her, she opened her eyes and looked right at me. I smiled, “Morning.”

  “Morning,” she said smiling back and yawning. “What time is it?”

  “I don’t know, my arm seems to be pinned by something.”

  “Oh,” she said glancing down, “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine,” I said as she sat up and I was able to glance at my watch, “Seven-fifteen.”

  She groaned, “Why did you wake me up so early?”

  “I didn’t wake you,” I said in my defense.

  “I blame you,” she said smiling at me.

  I just shook my head and got up. After getting dressed and walking out to the kitchen, I found Michelle already up and brushing Bear and humming while he ate what looked like a bowl of canned chicken. “Good morning Michelle.”

  She looked up and stopped humming, “Morning James.”

  “Morning Bear,” I said scratching the dogs head. Bear didn’t acknowledge me, he just continued eating. “We’re going to have to get you some real dog food,” I said thinking out loud.

  “Can I come?” asked Michelle.

  I chuckled, “Sorry Michelle but it’s not safe.”

  “I never get to go anywhere,” she pouted.

  “You wouldn’t want to go out there anyway.”

  “Why not?” she said, resuming her brushing.

  “It’s dangerous,” I said trying to stay light.

  “Because of the Walkers?”

  I nodded, “Yeah, because of the Walkers.”

  “But I thought they were all gone.”

  “We think so, but it’s probably a better idea to stay here until we’re sure, ok?”

  “Ok,” she shrugged.

  “Good girl,” I said leaving her to her task and making myself some food. “Have you eaten yet?” I asked her.

  “Uh, uh,” she said shaking her head.

  “Do you want something?”

  “Uh, huh.”


  “I don’t know.”

  “How about some fruit?”

  “I want eggs.”

  “You know we don’t have any eggs.”

  “I know,” she said sadly.

  “How about some cereal.”


  “What kind would you like?”

  “Um… Cinnamon Toast Crunch.”

  “Good choice. That’s my favorite.”

  “Mine too,” she said humming louder.

  I got us both a bowl of cereal and poured a mixture of condensed milk and water over the contents. I could take the lack of showers. I could handle the Walkers and the murderers and the craziness, but I didn’t know if I could handle the condensed milk. But unless we found a cow somewhere, I would just have to deal with it. “Come on Michelle, breakfast is ready.” She set down the brush and climbed onto a barstool to sit at the counter. We ate in silence as others emerged from their rooms and joined us. Finishing breakfast I took our bowl and placed them in the sink. I sat down at the dining room table and looked over our maps and previous plans that were still spread out on the table. I began rolling up our maps and throwing away the scraps and scribbles that never evolved into anything.

  Sarah came up behind me and placed her hands on my shoulders, squeezing. I groaned a little, it felt good. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Just cleaning up a bit. We don’t really need this stuff out all the time.”

  “Oh, well what are we going to do today?”

  “Did you have something in mind?”

  “Nope, just wondering.”

  “Well, I was planning on running into town to grab some food for Bear.”

  She stopped the continuous pressure she had kept on my shoulders and let her arms drop to her sides, “James.”


  “Nothing,” she shook her head. “When were you planning on leaving?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, probably soon.”


  “You sure it’s ok?”

  “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?”

  “Because you don’t sound very happy about it.”

  “I’m not.”

  “It’ll be a quick trip, I promise.”

  “How long it takes isn’t what’s bothering me.”

  “I know. It’ll be fine.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “True, but you should know by now, I’m pretty hard to kill.”

  She smacked me softly in the back of the head, “So is a cockroach.”

  “Yeah but I’m better looking than a cockroach.”

  She laughed and held up a hand, her thumb and forefinger an inch apart, “Only a little.”

  “Ha, ha,” I said dryly before standing up and wrapping my arms around her. “Well for being just barely better looking than a cockroach I did a good job a nabbing a beautiful girl.”

  “And how’d you manage that?”

  “Just lucky I guess.”

  “Very, very lucky.” she grinned.

  “Well, then there you go. I’m lucky, so I’ll be fine today.”


  “Hey,” I said locking eyes with her and smiling, “trust me.”

  She gave me a small, sad smile, “I do,”

  “You sure?” She rested her forehead on my chest and nodded. “Good. Let’s get some chores done so I can leave.”


  We took care of the day to day chores, drawing water, making bread and washing dishes. It was close to ten when we finished, and I had geared up. “Alright guy
s,” I said addressing the group, “I’m headed to Safeway to load up on dog food for Bear, and I’ll grab anything useful that we might have missed last time.”

  “Shouldn’t someone be going with you?” asked Thomas.

  I shrugged my shoulders, “I’ll be fine. The Walkers have got to be almost liquid by now.” I said, completely ignoring the fact that Sarah had run into some Walkers a few days ago at the hardware store.


  “I’ll be fine,” I said opening the door. As soon as there was enough room for him to squeeze through Bear bolted out the door, only to wait by the garage door. “Bear. Inside,” I said pointing. Bear promptly ignored me. I sighed and walked out to where he sat waiting. “Bear, get inside.” After he refused to follow my command I went ahead and opened the door. He ran outside and straight for the grass to take care of business. I walked over to one of the trucks and opened the door, throwing my pack and bow inside. I turned to look at the garage door to see that several of the others had followed me out. Michelle was one of them.

  “Bear. Bear come here,” she said with all the authority a little girl could possess. After finishing Bear trotted towards Michelle but veered off towards me. “Bear. Come.”


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