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Cleo's Rage (Devil's Riot MC Book 4)

Page 13

by E. C. Land

  “Then let’s get home,” he says.

  Smiling, I go to make my next appointment.



  My mind is still reeling even days later after Cleo and I found out she’s pregnant. As much as I’m fuckin’ thrilled to be a dad and watch my woman grow round with my child, I’m nervous as hell with all the shit still up in the air trying to find whoever it is stalking Cleo on top of this silent war. Thankfully, it’s been at a standstill with the Dragons Fire MC, though I don’t know how long that will last.

  The Alcazar Cartel responded, thanking us for informing them of the matter between Dragons Fire and the Diaz Cartel. The leader of the Alcazar Cartel personally came up here and met not only Twister but Stoney and Hammer as well. According to Twister, he’d come personally to show no ill will against us. And that if it comes to a war with the Diaz Cartel and Dragons Fire MC, they would not put us in the middle. It doesn’t mean we will be kept from the war; we all know those fuckers are aiming for our territory along with the docks.

  Grigory, our contact for the Russians, has even stepped in stating if those fuckers want a fuckin’ war, he has no problem pulling his blades back out. Fuckin’ crazy as shit when he’d come to the clubhouse. I thought my mouth would have fallen to the ground eyeing his bike. I’d met him several times down at the dock where we’d meet up to accept the shipment. When he first took over for the other guy, I found it weird he showed up at each shipment delivery. “No one fucks with the shipment on my watch,” he’d told Thorn and I that first time. Now, I’m used to seeing the man anytime we go to the docks, however, this was the first time he’d come to the clubhouse to let us know he had no problem backing us if need be.

  The charity event Izzy has been planning for months is coming up soon and we’ve all been helping get shit set up. Cleo is a nervous wreck about singing on stage. I know at first I’d been against it but didn’t say no, though, I’d change my mind the moment I heard her on stage singing a song that I’ve never heard before. My heart clenched at the lyrics. The best part, she’d kept her eyes on me from the moment I walked in.

  We still haven’t told anyone about the baby. She wants to be out of the first trimester before, as she puts it, she spills the beans. I don’t blame her for wanting to keep this to ourselves. We might not have known about her being pregnant with Reagan but knowing we lost our first child makes it where we merely want to savior the news. At least for a few more weeks. Cleo’s been researching everything under the sun regarding what she can do and what not. Nervous about being sure to not lose our baby. I’m pretty sure until our baby is born, she’s gonna freak at every little thing.

  My phone ringing draws my attention back to the present. I put the wrench I’m using down to grab my phone. Glancing at the screen my brows furrow, UNKNOWN.

  “Yeah,” I ask answering the phone curious as to who would call me from an unknown number. Especially after I had Gadget work his magic and set it up where any unknown numbers should be blocked completely from mine and Cleo’s phone.

  Heavy breathing fills the line right before they disconnect. Fucking weird as shit, I think to myself. Soon as I put my phone down, it rings again. What the fuck?

  Picking it back up, I answer the call, “What the fuck do you want?” I growl, not wanting to play these phone games.

  The same heavy breathing fills the line.

  “Look, motherfucker, I don’t know who the fuck you are but I ain’t got time for this bullshit.” Growling, I move toward the open bay of the garage. My gut is telling me this is Cleo’s stalker and I damn sure don’t need her hearing this shit if she wanders out of the office.

  The heavy breathing turns into a distorted laugh. “You think you can protect her from me. There’s nowhere that bitch can hide. Since she won’t leave, I have no choice but to kill her. She took everything from me, everything that I wanted and now it’s time for her to pay what’s due. You will not be able to keep her from me,” the voice on the other end of the line proclaims.


  Taking the phone from my ear, I shoot Gadget a text to see if he can track the call. Placing the phone in my pocket, I head back inside making my way to the office. Without setting my eyes on Cleo to make sure she’s okay, I won’t be able to get shit done.

  Soon as I walk into the office, Cleo looks up from the computer and gives me a smile. “You know the baby is the size of a raspberry right now,” she says, placing her hand on her belly. And just like that, she has me smiling. Fury still burns through me knowing the threat coming toward us, however, her simple statement brings a smile to my face.

  “Is that right?” I ask her, moving around the desk. Kneeling next to her, I turn the chair she’s sitting in. Lifting her shirt, I place a kiss to her belly. “Hey, my little peanut, your daddy loves you,” I murmur where our baby grows. I can’t fuckin’ wait to see her stomach round.

  “Did you need me to do anything?” Cleo asks running a hand through my hair. Closing my eyes, I soak in her tenderness.

  “Naw, babe, I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay in here,” I say giving her a reassuring smile.

  “Oh, okay. Can we head home soon? I want to get dinner started,” she asks.

  “Fine with me, I’m done for the day. Let’s head out,” I tell her, holding my hand out to help her up. She might not be showing yet but the need to help her do anything, even stand, overpowers everything else.

  “Great, I’m ready to get into comfy clothes too,” she mumbles as she takes my hand.

  “Lavender, you know you can wear whatever the fuck you want here?” I say gently.

  “I know but I don’t want to seem unprofessional when I speak to a customer.” I get where she’s coming from. She wants to do right by her job here at the garage but none of us would give a damn if she came to work in sweats and a hoodie. Long as the work got done.

  Making sure the office is locked for the day, I shout over to Hades, letting him know we’re heading out. At his nod, I guide Cleo out to the truck.

  At the feel of my phone going off, I pull it out to find Gadget responded to my text. Opening it up while I round the front of the truck, I’m pissed to find out the number he traced was a burner. I fucking should’ve realized this, damnit.

  I don’t bother texting him back. Instead, I shove my phone in my pocket. Nothing can be done about this tonight. I’ll text Twister when we get home as well as make sure the prospects are guarding the house tonight.

  I’ll be damned if this asshole gets anywhere near my woman.



  Since finding out about the baby, I have been doing my research, needing to be sure I don’t do anything to hurt our baby. At the garage earlier when Rage walked it the office, I knew he was pissed. The way he’s demeanor changed, I knew something was wrong. Anger rolled off of him, and I figured it was time to go.

  I can’t say going home was a good idea. I’d been ready to get back into comfy clothes all day. This morning when I woke up, this nausea hit me full force. Granted, I didn’t puke but the feeling stayed with me throughout the day. I know I’d told Rage I’d needed to get dinner started, however, all I want to do is take a nap. I’m exhausted.

  Looking into the refrigerator, I’m trying to decide between stuffed pork chops or chicken and rice. Neither really sounds appetizing right now but we both need to eat. The feel of Rage wrapping his arms around me causes me to jump. I didn’t hear him come up behind me.

  “What’s for dinner, baby?” Rage murmurs against my ear.

  “I’m debating,” I tell him.

  “Debating? You never fucking debate on what to fix, babe.” Chuckling, he moves me out of the way. I stare daggers into his back as he reaches inside, pulling out the chicken. “How about I throw these on the grill?” he suggests. God, I love this man.

  “Sounds good to me. I’ll make a salad and baked potatoes to go with them,” I tell him moving back to the refrigerator to pull everything
out to make the salad.

  “Works for me, Lavender.” Kissing me, he turns to head outside.

  I don’t know what happened at the garage, but he doesn’t seem to be allowing it to affect him now. Maybe after dinner, I can get him to open up and let me know what’s going on. I hadn’t received any more messages from whoever it was sending them, not since the flowers were sent here to the house. Maybe whoever decided to stop. It might merely be wishful thinking, still, a girl can only hope. Right?

  “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” I quietly ask Rage while the two of us snuggle in the bed. After dinner, he’d helped me clean up the kitchen then brought me up to the room where we explored every inch of each other’s bodies.

  “I don’t know if I wanna tell you this shit, babe,” he sighs running a hand along my back.

  “What don’t you wanna tell me?” My voice firm as I ask him. If it’s something to do with me, I have the right to know. I refuse to be left in the dark.

  Sighing, Rage moves to sit up, putting his back against the headboard. Pulling the sheet around me, I sit up to face him. “I’m only gonna tell you this since I know if I don’t, you’ll be pissed. That being said, remember, I will protect you no matter what. You understand?” At my nod, he tells me about the calls he received at the garaged. I begin to shake as panic starts to set in. I jump off the bed, running for the bathroom and making it to the toilet right when everything I’d had for dinner comes up. Oh, fuck! Who is doing this to me? Why? What do they mean I took everything from them? Question after question circulates in my head that I wish I had the answers to.

  “I got you, baby,” Rage says softly while pulling my hair back from my face. “I swear, Lavender, this sick fuck isn’t gonna get to you or our baby. I can promise you that. I’ll put a bullet through their skull first,” his voice is firm but gentle as he tries to calm me down.

  “I believe you, Travis, I do,” I murmur ,sitting up. Rage pulls me into his embrace, giving me the support, I need.

  “I love you,” he whispers, placing a kiss on the top of my head. “Let’s get you cleaned up and to bed.” He stands, pulling me with him. At the sink, he lets me go long enough to brush my teeth and clean my face. Ugh, puking.

  Once we’re back in bed, we lay with my back flush against his chest, his arm wrapped around me lying protectively on my stomach. “We’re gonna get through this,” he says right before I fall asleep.

  “Baby, I need you to wake up.” Rage’s voice breaks through the deep sleep I’ve been in. Grumbling, I roll over going back to sleep. “Lave, come on, you gotta get up. I need to get to the clubhouse. You can go back to sleep there.”

  “What time is it?” I ask sleepily.

  “It’s four-thirty, come on, we gotta get moving,” he says, handing me some clothes.

  Sitting up, I grab the first piece. “There better be a damn good reason for me to get up this earlier, especially when I can’t have coffee,” I mutter, sitting up to put my clothes on.

  “You can go back to bed in our room there,” he states, handing over my shoes once I’m dressed. I’m not even out of bed by the time Rage grabs my hand, pulling me with him through the house.

  “Are you gonna tell me why we're heading to the clubhouse?” I grumble, getting in the truck.

  “Emergency church, babe, can’t say anything else right now,” he says, starting the truck and pulling out of the driveway.

  “Fine, you better be getting me some donuts later for this,” I mumble starting out the windshield, seeing nothing but darkness ahead of me.

  By the time we get to the clubhouse house, a wave of nausea hits me and I barely get the door open before I’m puking right there in the lot. Damnit, this sucks. I hate this part. Other than last night, Rage didn’t know I’d been dealing with nausea over the past couple of days. From what I’d read online, morning sickness usually started around eight weeks.

  “You okay, baby?” he asks standing next to the truck. I’d still been sitting, hovering my head out the door.

  “Yeah, I’m okay, just a spell,” I say sitting back up to unbuckle my seat belt.

  Sliding out of the truck, I avoid the spot on the ground where the contents from my stomach landed.

  I glance up at Rage, his eyebrows furrowed.

  “I’m okay, I swear, it’s morning sickness,” I assure him.

  “This the first time?” he asks.

  “No,” I whisper embarrassed.

  “Gotta tell me this stuff, Lave, I wanna be there for you. Got me?” he grumbles, pulling me against him. At my nod, he moves us toward the door. “Let me get you settled in the room then I gotta get to church.”

  “Okay,” I say more than happy to lay back down. I could use a few more hours of sleep.

  Once in the room, Rage makes sure I’m good before leaving. The moment my head hits the pillow, I fall right back to sleep. Not wanting to spare a thought to what emergency church is for right now. I know I will later though.



  When my phone rang this morning, I didn’t answer it the first time. Then it rang again and I knew it was important. No one in their right fucking mind would call me at this time of morning. I didn’t want to wake Cleo up; she’d been sleeping peacefully.

  Once I have her settled in our room, I make my way back into the main room to grab a cup of coffee. I’m gonna need it. I find several of my brothers doing the same thing. No one speaks as they pour themselves a cup. I spot Izzy behind the bar grabbing more cups for everyone.

  “Sweetheart, go back to bed. These fuckers can get their own coffee mugs,” Twister says, moving closer to her and placing a hand protectively on her belly. I can’t help smiling even at this ungodly hour at the two of them. Both of them deserve to be happy.

  “Well, I’d still be asleep right now if this child weren’t kicking me every two seconds,” Izzy states, turning her head to look at her ol’ man. Watching the two of them is hilarious as fuck. I couldn’t ask for a better ol’ lady for our Prez. She might have been through hell but she’s one strong ass woman.

  “Izzy, you should listen to your ol’ man,” I say gaining a huff from her. I smile as I lean over the top of the bar grabbing one of the mugs behind her. I have my own mug I use when staying here at the clubhouse. It even has my name on it, so no one fucks with it.

  Pouring my coffee, I down half of it quickly, needing the brew to get in my system. Topping my cup off, I head toward the room we hold church in with the rest of my brothers. Twister comes in a moment later with a grim look on his face.

  “Sorry to have to call you all in at this fucking hour. Shit’s escalated early this morning brothers,” Twister says the moment he takes his seat. “Got a call from Javier, head of the Alcazar Cartel. He reported someone attempted to take him out last night. We can only assume it was either the Diaz Cartel or the Dragons Fire MC. They’ve finally made the first move,” he finishes slamming his fist down on the table.

  “Did whoever do this leave a message behind?” Thorn asks.

  “No, Javier said someone shot out the windshield of his car along with his tires,” Twister’s response has me sitting up straight. My gut tightens. I can take a guess at who it could’ve been. When Miguel went underground with only a hand full of his men left, one of them being Marco, his right-hand man and deadly with a sniper rifle. No way would the Dragons Fire MC have enough reach to get to Javier.

  “What should we do?” Hades speaks up. “We have a run we’re leaving for later today. Do we still go or hold off?”

  “If we hold off, it puts us behind,” Horse states and I know he’s right.

  “We continue with the run, everything’s set up, nonetheless, so we take caution.” My voice is stern as I speak up. I handle all the navigations of making sure we take the roads most secure. I know without a doubt we take the right ones, we can pick up the shipment and get back here safely.

  “And what if we get ambushed while at the docks?” Burner asks.

  “We’ll take more men with us, leaving only a handful behind to watch the women,” Twister announces. Usually, he and Horse stay behind, letting Thorn and I handle the shipments. If he’s coming, I’m guessing he’s got the same feeling I do— somethings up.

  “I’ll stay behind, Prez,” Gadget speaks up without hesitation.

  “Alright, then we’ll head out in about two hours then. That gives us time to bring the rest of the women here and the kids,” Twister says.

  “I have something I need to tell y’all before we head out. Yesterday at the garage, I got a phone call from Cleo’s stalker. I called Gadget right after, however, we weren’t able to track the number. The voice was distorted to the point I couldn’t tell if it belonged to a man or woman.” Taking a breath, I go on to tell them the exact words the person said. Repeating the words angers me as if I just heard them.

  “I’ll be sure to keep her inside the clubhouse,” Gadget says.

  “Thanks, brother, I don’t want anything happenin’ to her or our baby,” I say without thought to the last words. Fuck, I didn’t mean to tell them about the baby, but I know without a doubt, they won’t run their mouths.

  “You tellin’ us Cleo’s pregnant?” Twister says, grinning.

  “Yeah, she is. We found out a few days ago,” I grin proudly. I don’t need to tell them the struggles we thought we were facing.

  “What the hells goin’ on with this club?” Hades laughs. “I’m gonna have to stay away from the women here or keep them from drinkin’ the water.”

  “Congrats, man,” Thorn says, slapping my back, beginning the rounds or cheers as each of the brothers has something to say.


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