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The Epic of Gesar of Ling

Page 37

by Robin Kornman

  Now listen, divine son.

  The peace of the sandalwood forest has been destroyed by fire.

  The colorful leopards are unable to roam their homeland.

  Since you the youthful wild wolf are of the same clan as we carnivores of the plains,

  We thought we could ask to make the rich grassy meadow our home.

  The land of White Ling has been buried under snow.

  Due to famine, none of the animals and beasts can survive.

  Boy Joru of the lineage of the Bumpa clan,

  We thought to ask you to loan us the land of the Ma Valley.

  I, Gyatsha, came here as the one with the upper hand,

  Thinking that the land of Ma was a place where the animals could freely roam:

  The cuckoo bird is an eater of grapes,

  And although it seems to be attached to the joyful land of Mön,

  It has no choice but to carry them to the shelter of the juniper trees,

  Hoping to return to its own country before long.

  In the colorful land of Ling,

  First, in the highlands are the meadows where the nomads live,

  Second, in the midlands is the palace fortress of the Bumpas,

  Third, in the lowlands are the patterned farmlands.

  It’s not that we have no want or wish for those.

  First, in the highlands are the finest breeds of the farmers’ horses.

  Second, in the midlands are the nomads’ dri and dzo.

  Third, in the lowlands are the pleasant towns where flocks of sheep graze.

  Until [the snow melts], we thought that we could all come to the Ma Valley.

  The best would be if we could borrow the land for three years.

  At least, we would like to borrow this land for six months.

  So please, honorable Joru, do not send me, elder brother Gyatsha Zhalkar,

  And this group of the best and mighty warriors of White Ling

  Back empty-handed!

  If you’ve understood this song, it is sweet to your ears.

  If not, there is no way to explain it.

  Thus he sang, and instantly Joru ran to receive them. Taking Gyatsha’s horse by the bridle, he said, “Alas, brother Zhalkar and many warriors of White Ling, I failed to recognize you. Now, please, come here so that we can confer, but not only that, please don’t be disgusted with me. Since my mother and I have been living here at the crossroads of the paths traveled by robbers and thieves and inhabited by demons and tsen, people like you are always passing through here.” Saying that, he invited the chieftain and ministers to his tent, which looked small from the outside but was large and spacious within. Inside, there were chests of tea, gold, silver, and more, which gave a feeling of prosperous charm and warmth. All the mighty warriors were mesmerized. Then all of the guests were offered tea and a banquet of food and drink and, like the cakes of the divine, celestial delicacies possessing a hundred flavors. They repeated the stories of everything that had happened in great detail, after which Joru offered Gyatsha and each one of the principal warriors the best of white silk scarves, called Nyinmo Delek, and a gold coin, while he sang this song of auspicious connection called the Long Haunting Melody That Invokes the Divine:

  The song begins with Ala Ala Ala.

  Thala leads the melody of the song.

  Today may the divine, the nyen, the spirit-lords of existence,

  And the great nāga Tsugna Rinchen

  Lead and inspire Joru’s song.

  May my intentions turn toward the dharma.

  Now then, listen, mighty warriors of White Ling.

  Especially you, Zhalkar of Bumpa!

  It is as the ancient proverb says:

  For the merchant who ventures afar—

  Unless he takes his own means into account,

  The enticements of the marketplace will be never-ending.

  The inhabitants of this island [marketplace] can weigh their own gold dust,

  But this has no bearing on the merchant’s purchases.

  For the wild asses that take pleasure in grazing in the plains of the deserted valley—

  Unless they sense when they are full,

  The enticement of the grasses of the plains and mountains will never be exhausted.

  The grass on the rocky crags may grow straighter than an arrow,

  But this has no bearing on the wild asses’ grazing.

  Although the chieftains of White Ling are bent on scrutinizing everything,

  Unless they see the truth with their own minds,

  Then there will be no end to the confused dream-like appearances.

  A starving beggar may dream of finding food,

  But when examined, that dream will bring him greater despair.

  Not only that, there are even more examples:

  A lama explaining the dharma with attachment and aversion

  Is the first sign that the purpose of beings will not be fulfilled.

  A chieftain freeing a prisoner with good connections

  Is the first sign of falling short of integrity.

  The tigers in their prime choosing the smaller army of enemies

  Is the first sign that victory will not be won.

  A bride who separates brothers

  Is the first sign of a lack of good judgment.

  When the humble are forced from their land by the mighty,

  It is the first sign of losing one’s own government.

  Last year it was Joru who was the demonic force;

  This year it is the snow that is the evil spirit—

  The demon forces of White Ling are never exhausted.

  Don’t just leave the snow, get rid of it—

  Just like you did me.

  The six tribes of Ling should stay behind.

  Oops, I shouldn’t have said that, just kidding!

  In the great lion’s belly, the land of Ma,

  The heads of the grasses are blooming with flowers,

  The sheathes of the blades are laden with dew,

  And the roots are rich with sap.

  Forget about animals; it even satisfies humans.

  It is the path of the heroes’ reward,

  The place where all beautiful women promenade,

  And the place where racehorses run at leisure.

  The land of Ling is a golden white parasol,

  The valley of Ma is the silken fringe encircling.

  The country of Ling is a silver mandala,

  And the Ma Valley is the surrounding circle of iron mountains.

  Don’t stay in White Ling; prepare to come.

  If you stay in Ma for a lifetime, that will be okay.

  You can stay for three years; it is up to you.

  There is no need to pay for the use of the land and its grass.

  I do this to honor the elder and younger brothers of White Ling in general,

  And especially out of respect for Chief Gyatsha.

  Not only that, at the lower treasure gate of Sheldrag,

  There is a treasure trove of sevenfold jewels,

  As well as the palace built by the travelers of China called Sengtrug Tagtse—

  All of which will be presented as a welcoming celebration for White Ling.

  I, Joru, have no need for any of this.

  The one you entrust as your leader should be

  Endowed with uplifted windhorse and authentic presence.

  Don’t stay in Ling any longer.

  Inhabitants of the six provinces, prepare now to come here.

  If you understood this, it is like a songbird.

  If you didn’t understand, there is no melody for these words.

  Brothers, bear this in mind.

  Thus he sang, and they all replied, “Yes, sir! So be it!” Then the warriors came hastily to Ling. The people of the six provinces of Ling gathered to discuss the possibility of the exodus to the Ma Valley; Chipön made the final decision to go. Now, at this time each of the warriors had a fort in the upper an
d lower regions, and each day someone was delegated to oversee the farm fields and the fortresses. The nomadic tribes associated with each of the Thirty Warriors began their journey and chose the most convenient route to the Ma Valley, with plans to meet at Ma Dil-yag Tagthang Tramo [Colorful Tiger Plains and Hills of Ma] exactly on the tenth day of December. Like rain clouds in the summertime, all the people of Ling began their exodus through the lands that were both near and far from the Ma Valley, such as Ga, Tra-khog, Omgo, Nyi, and others. Then, on the tenth day of December, all the fathers, uncles, brothers, cousins, and others met precisely as planned at Ma Dil-yag Tagthang Tramo. They began to wonder, “Just how will Joru would divvy up this land?” All those who were in accord with Joru felt joyful; those who were his enemies sat there feeling depressed. Trothung thought about how it was said that some time ago Joru had killed the hunters of Tag-rong and was then exiled to the Ma Valley, but that finally, some fifteen days later, the hunters had returned to their own homes, and it became apparent that not only had Joru had not eaten them, but he was innocent. Even though he was a bit apprehensive and ashamed, Trothung thought it would be best to flatter Joru. He invited Joru to his place and gave him the third summer’s milk of a dri, a platter of deliciously sweet cakes, and the fatty meat of the white prosperity sheep.

  Then Trothung said, “Dearest nephew, may all your wishes be fulfilled, and please, do whatever you can to give me the most excellent portion of land.”

  Joru replied, “It is no problem for me to give you just what you want—a piece of land that is unlike any other. There is no need to worry.”

  Then in the midst of the great gathering of all the people of Upper, Middle and Lower Ling, King Joru donned his hat Gopo Chogzhu [Antelope Hat] as the gateway to the auspicious connection, while he sang the song of the division of the lands of Ma, called Quelling the Great Gathering through Splendor:

  The song begins with Ala Ala Ala.

  Thala leads the melody of the song.

  Guru Padma Uḍḍiyāṇa,

  Auntie Nammen Karmo

  Surrounded by one hundred thousand motherly ḍākinīs,

  Today come here to befriend me.

  I am the one known as King Joru.

  Outwardly, I am a beggar boy lonely vagrant.

  Inwardly, I am the pillar that supports the dralas.

  Secretly, I am the embodiment of all the victorious ones.

  Residents of the six provinces, listen to my song.

  In this valley of Ma, the great snow lion’s belly,

  The west reaches to the land of India,

  The east reaches to the land of China,

  The north directly connects to Achen Hor,

  While in the south the land connects to Ati Rong.

  Here, the Ma River winds in three loops.

  The first loop is the portion of land called Ling.

  The remaining two are called the inhospitable plains of the land of Hor.

  In the highlands of Ma, Tselha-ser Khamdo [Conjunction of the Divine Golden Peak],

  The sky looks like the eight spokes of a wheel

  And the land is beautifully arranged like an eight-petaled lotus.

  In between, the great mountains appear like the eight auspicious symbols.

  Of all lands, it is by far the finest.

  It is a land for the most revered leader.

  This portion of the land is to be given to Nyibum Daryag [Excellent Banner of One Hundred Thousand Suns]

  Of the Elder Lineage of the eight Serpa brothers

  Together with the Go’jo and Achag tribes.

  From Upper Ma to the thirteen mountains of Tselha72

  Take your seat, like the sun embracing the golden mountains.

  The sunny side of the valley of Ma is like a lotus naturally blooming;

  A land where great bucks frolic in play

  And where the brown wild yaks butt their horns.

  Because the grass is so abundant, the baby yaks get lost in it.

  Because the trees are so dense, the deer hide there.

  This is the land where the great ones should reside.

  This portion of the land is to be given to Anu Paseng [Courageous Youthful Lion]

  Of the Middle Lineage of the six provinces of Ombu

  Together with the three tribes, Ga, Dru, and Den.

  From Middle Ma to the place where the nine high mountains unite,

  Take your seat, like beautiful flowers in a meadow.

  The land of Madro Lu-gu’i Khelkhung

  Is a place where the winds pay taxes by scattering the grass

  And the river pays its tax by carrying logs downstream.

  The background of mountains is like a drawn curtain

  And the Ma River resembles a water offering.

  This is the land where a chieftain of great power should reside.

  This portion of land is to be given to Uncle Chipön Gyalpo

  And his son Yutag.

  On the great shady side of Ma, in the wealth valley of Dragdo [Lower Crag],

  There is a fence of one hundred and eight stupas

  And a thousand and two shrines with a hundred thousand tsatsas.

  This is the land where the subterranean nāginīs constantly bow down.

  It is also the land where the animals of the humans and nāgas mingle,

  And a land where a sovereign leader should reside.

  This portion of land should go to the great father King Senglön

  And to Zhal-lu of Bumpa.

  In the six upper regions of Ma called Darlung Chugmo [Wealthy Silk Valley]

  The plains resemble a perfectly arranged mandala,

  The herbs and flowers resemble the mounds arranged upon it,

  And the streams and rivers look like knotted silk scarves.

  This is the land where a leader of great family lineage should reside.

  This portion of land goes to Rinchen Darlu [Precious Silk Scarf]

  Of the Lesser Lineage of the four districts of Muchang

  Together with the tribes of Kyalo and Tshazhang.

  From Lower Ma up to Lu-gu,

  Take your seat, like arrows placed perfectly in aquiver.

  In Sidpa Khölmo Rogdzong [Black Bellow Fortress of Existence],

  The snow falls throughout the summer just as in winter,

  And the autumn and spring are but a driving blizzard.

  If a human cries out, a demoness will answer.

  If a dog cries out, then the wail of the fox is the answer.

  Until a mare reaches nine years of age,

  In this land, it cannot give birth to its foal.

  Until a young dri meets a stud for nine seasons,

  In this land, her calf will not be born.

  Until the white prosperity sheep reaches three years of age,

  In this land, her lamb cannot be born.

  The narrow passageways are roads as thin as throats,

  While the plains are expansive like lotus flowers in bloom.

  This is a land where a mighty man should abide.

  This portion of land will be given to Uncle Trothung.

  In great Upper Ma, on the highest striated peakb

  Stallion caribou reign over the three highest mountains.

  Musk deer take the middle white crags to be their fortress.

  The lower region of the king of rivers is teeming with undulating fish.

  Even if there is no booty in the morning, it will be there by night.

  During the three months of summer, the mountain peaks are cool and refreshing;

  In the three months of winter, the hearts of the valleys still hold this warmth.

  This is the land where a warrior should reside.

  This will be the portion of land of Nya-tsha Aten [Stable Nephew Fish].

  Alpine willows thrive on the great black crests of Ma’s mountain ridges,

  The land where the tigers show their six smiles,

  And the summer and winter residence of the great tri

  This is the land where the unruly warriors should reside.

  This portion of land is given to Tag-rong Zigphen.

  In the valley of Jang in Ma where nine turquoise manes are braided,

  Each mountain has eighteen secluded valleys;

  Each plain is an eighteen-day journey.

  The men gaze over and over at this very sight.

  This is the land where the mighty warriors should reside.

  This portion is given to Sengtag Adom [Lion Tiger Youthful Bear].

  In Nyima Lebchen Phorog [Crow Great Sun Flats],

  The three months of spring come early

  And the three months of winter are not so very cold.

  In the early morning the sun envelops the homes;

  At sunset the day turns instantly into night.

  The only minor drawback is the presence of enemies;

  If a man is lacks a brave heart, this is not the place for him.

  This portion of land is for Chölu Darphen.

  In Ma, on Churi Lhathang Tramo [Rippling Divine Colorful Plain],

  The white husks of grain are like flocks of driven sheep;

  There the sorrel mules scatter like herds of wild yaks.

  It is a playful land where the flowers seem to dance.

  This place, where the bees sing their little songs,

  Is a land where a wise man should reside.

  This portion of land is for Tshazhang Denma Jangtra.

  Between the lower mountains of Ma at Padma Khyung

  Dzong [Padma Garuḍa Fortress]

  And a mountain that looks like a poisonous snake slithering downward,

  Is the rocky crag resembling the mouth of a red Yama.

  This is the passageway of the eight classes of māras and tsen.

  This is a place for black magicians who are unwanted by the enemies.

  It is a land where a powerful man should reside.

  This portion of land is for Gadei Bernag.

  At the uppermost red hill in Ma, Tashi Tsel [Auspicious Vermillion Hill],

  Is the center of this land endowed with prosperity.

  It is a land where the white-ridged dri who calve each year roam,


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