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by Madden-Mills, Ilsa

  We sealed our union with a barely-appropriate-for-the-setting kiss. And just like that, we were married again, and everything was right with the world.

  Afterward, we mingled with our guests and sipped wine. Zoe’s smile was radiant. I couldn’t stop looking at her. Touching her. Kissing her. I wanted to worship and devour every inch of her.

  We stood near the bar and Zoe put her wine glass down. I brushed her hair out of the way and leaned in to kiss her neck, just below her ear.

  “Mm, Roland, you better knock that off,” she said.

  I kissed her again, pressing my lips to her soft skin and tasting her with my tongue. “Or what?”

  “Or we’re going to make a scene.”

  “I think we should make a scene.” I wasn’t about to stop kissing her. “You’re my wife again.”

  She laughed, a soft sound that made her throat vibrate against my mouth. “We could go. But we haven’t had cake.”

  “Do you want cake?” I asked, speaking low into her ear. “Or do you want my cock?”

  “I want both,” she said. “Can’t I have your cock, and eat my cake too?”


  “Groom’s dressing room.”

  I took her hand and pulled her out the door. She giggled softly as we ducked into the groom’s dressing room and shut the door.

  “The blinds are open,” I said as I unfastened my belt. My dick was already hard, aching to be inside her.

  “No one’s out there,” she said. “But we need to be fast.”

  “Leave the dress on.”

  I grabbed her hips and bent her over the table, then hiked her dress up. All that stood between me and the perfection of her hot pussy was a tiny black G-string. Hooking my finger beneath the fabric, I moved it to the side.

  She looked at me over her shoulder. “Am I wet enough for you?”

  “I better make sure.”

  I crouched down, grabbed two handfuls of her delicious ass, and buried my face in her pussy. She moaned while I licked her up and down.

  When she was good and wet, I stood and finished pulling my dick out of my pants.

  She looked back at me again. “You better fuck me good, Miles.”

  I smacked her ass cheek and she gasped.

  “Did you just spank your wife?”

  “Fuck yes, I did.” I spanked her again, because I loved the sound she made when I did. Then I grabbed my cock around the base and lined it up with her opening.

  Groaning at the exquisiteness of her body, I slid inside her. She arched her back and pushed her ass against me. She wanted me to fuck her good, so I took hold of her hips and gave her everything she wanted.

  I slammed into her a few times as she gripped the edge of the table. Behind me, I heard someone open the door, but I didn’t give a fuck. There was a quiet expression of surprise, then the door clicked shut again. I probably should have locked it, but I didn’t care about that either.

  And I certainly didn’t stop fucking my wife.

  I gave it to her hard and fast, thrusting into her. She consumed me. I loved this woman with everything I had. She was strong, and brave, and beautiful, and I adored every inch of her.

  I pulled out and spun her around, then helped her up onto the edge of the table. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I slid inside her again.

  With her taste on my tongue, I kissed her deeply. She clung to me, and I held her tight while she moaned soft sounds of bliss into my mouth. I reached between us to stroke her clit and felt her come apart. Her head tilted back and she breathed my name, her pussy clenching tight around me.

  One more thrust and I was done. My body went rigid as the tension in my groin unleashed. I came into her hard, my cock throbbing inside her.

  She collapsed against me and I wrapped my arms around her. Held her and stroked her hair.

  “Fuck, I love you so much,” I said.

  Her voice was breathy and low. “I love you, too.”

  After breathing against each other for a long moment, I pulled out and helped her clean up. We fixed our clothes, and she smoothed down her hair. Her cheeks were flushed, but there wasn’t much we could do about that. And she looked sexy as fuck.

  “Did someone almost come in?” she asked.

  “I think so.”

  She shook her head and gave a slight shrug. “Oh well. We’re married, so fuck ’em.”

  I grabbed her, pulling her against me, and kissed her hard. “I fucking love you, Zoe Miles.”

  She laughed and nibbled on my bottom lip. “God, it feels good to hear you call me that again.”

  “Good. Because you’re mine. And you always will be.”

  And that was the truth. Zoe was mine. She belonged to me, just like I belonged to her. She had all of me—every breath and beat of my heart. I loved her with everything I had to give. I’d spent too much time chasing the wrong things, never finding happiness. Now I had it, and I was going to do everything in my power to make her as happy as she made me.


  * * *

  Want more Roland and Zoe? Download a FREE bonus epilogue for a peek into their happily ever after.

  The Miles Family continues with Brynn and Chase in Forbidden Miles. Binge read the rest of the complete Miles Family series here:

  Read on for a sneak peek of Forbidden Miles

  About the Author

  Claire Kingsley is an Amazon Top 5 bestselling author of sexy, heartfelt contemporary romance and romantic comedies. She writes books with sassy, quirky heroines, swoony heroes who love their women hard, panty-melting sexytimes, romantic happily ever afters, and lots of big feels.

  She can’t imagine life without coffee, her Kindle, or the sexy heroes who inhabit her imagination. She’s living out her own happily ever after with her husband and three kids in the Pacific Northwest.

  For book news, sneak peeks, the popular Ask Cooper Miles advice column and more, sign up for Claire’s newsletter:

  Forbidden Miles Sneak Peek

  Chapter One


  I was so screwed.

  Shelly was all the way across the parking lot, but any second she’d look up and see me. I pulled my baseball cap down—like that was going to matter. She knew what my truck looked like.

  The heat blasted against my legs and I had the window rolled down to let in the cool October air. It was late afternoon, but the temperature had already dropped. Fall was like that in Echo Creek, the town I lived in on the east side of the Cascade Mountains. The change of seasons stole its way into the air, turning hot summer days into cold fall nights without warning.

  My stomach growled, and I checked my rear-view mirror again. How long could a girl stand outside her car before she finally got in? Wasn’t she cold? I’d worked through lunch and I was fucking hungry. If this went on much longer, I’d have to suck it up and walk by her.

  I wished I didn’t feel the need to hide from her like a dumbass. But I’d screwed this up pretty badly and I was determined to stay out of Shelly’s web of crazy.

  Was I an asshole for calling her crazy? No, I assure you, I was not.

  The cab of my truck was getting too hot, so I turned down the heat. Another car pulled into a spot and a couple of guys got out. Went inside Ray’s Diner. Lucky bastards. Shelly was still standing outside her car, and even though she was busy texting, I wasn’t fooled. She had a Chase-radar that would zero in on me the second I tried to walk by. It had been a long fucking day and the last thing I wanted was to deal with a Shelly episode. I just wanted some dinner.

  I’d had a thing with Shelly earlier this year. She’d seemed like a nice enough girl. Pretty. Blond hair, blue eyes. We’d hooked up a few times, but I’d broken things off pretty quickly. I usually did. Relationships were complicated, and I liked my life the way it was. Simple.

  I made a good living as a heavy machi
nery mechanic. Lived with my best friend, Cooper. Coop was never going to settle down, and I probably wouldn’t either. We worked hard, played hard. It was a good fucking life and I had no interest in changing anything.

  Shelly? She’d wanted to change everything.

  It was my fault for breaking the rules. Shelly had started texting me again after I’d broken up with her, and Coop had warned me. Crazy girls are fun sometimes, but you don’t date them. Ever. It’s rule number one.

  And Shelly had turned out to be the queen of crazy.

  What had started with a few texts had quickly become me dating her. It had felt like whiplash; I wasn’t even sure how it had happened. One day I was answering her text, and next thing I knew, she was asking me to clear space in my closet for her shit.

  She’d wanted me to text her before I left for work in the morning and call her on my way home at night. If I didn’t let her know where I was and what I was doing, she’d flip out. I’d gone out for a few beers with Cooper one night and she’d accused me of cheating on her. The next day, she’d started talking about me meeting her parents, like she hadn’t gone all psycho on me the night before.

  And meet her fucking parents? Hell no.

  My tolerance for her kind of drama was very low, so I’d put an end to it. And she hadn’t taken it well. The angry phone calls and texts were one thing—not entirely unexpected. But I’d caught her driving by my apartment twice, and she’d tried to corner me at work. That was getting into psycho stalker territory. I wasn’t much for confrontation, but I’d had to tell her, in no uncertain terms, that she needed to back off.

  So far, she had. It had been a few weeks since I’d heard from her. But the last thing I needed was to run into her in a parking lot and have her try to suck me into her vortex of insanity again.

  So here I sat, my empty stomach gnawing at me, watching her in my rear-view mirror, hoping to god she was going to get in her car and leave.

  This was why I kept things simple. Casual. No strings.

  Finally, she put her phone away and got in her car. My stomach rumbled again, as if to express its displeasure over the delay. I waited until her car disappeared from sight, then went into Ray’s.

  Ray’s Diner had been here for as long as I could remember. And Jo, the fifties-something waitress, had probably worked here since it had opened. She had bleached hair with gray roots and a warm smile that deepened the wrinkles around her eyes. Cooper flirted with her, hardcore—of course, Cooper flirted with anyone who had a vagina—but she’d always felt like more of a mom-type to me.

  “Hi there, cutie,” Jo said with a smile when I walked in. “Just you, or is your twin joining you?”

  Jo knew Cooper and I weren’t related, let alone twins. But a lot of people assumed we were brothers. I had mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, we did look alike. We were both tall, kept in shape. Dark hair. Cooper had blue eyes, whereas mine were gray. But I could see why people thought there was a resemblance. The fact that we were together more often than not, and had been since we were five, added to the brothers thing.

  “Nope, just me,” I said.

  On the other hand, how many times had I wished I really was Coop’s brother? That I was a Miles? I felt like an idiot for admitting it, even to myself, but it was the truth. I’d grown up wishing I was one of them. Sometimes the twins remark was a gut-punch reminder that I wasn’t.

  Jo seated me at a booth near the door. I glanced at the menu, more out of habit than anything.

  “You need a second, or do you want the usual?” Jo asked.

  “The usual.” I handed the menu back to her. My usual was a cranberry walnut salad with grilled chicken. Cooper loved to give me shit about what I ate, but I figured I needed to balance out all the beer. He could eat anything and stay toned, but he also never stopped moving. He probably burned a few thousand calories a day just fidgeting.

  Jo brought me some water and I flipped through shit on my phone while I waited for my dinner. The diner was quiet. Just a few other tables were full. I had a view all the way to the back of the restaurant and I noticed a couple sitting in a booth tucked around near the restrooms. They were both on one side of the bench seat, snuggled up close. No food on their table—just drinks. But what caught my eye was the fact that they were totally making out back there.

  Not that I was judging. Hell, I’d made out with girls in that back booth plenty of times. It was a good place for it. Hidden enough that you probably wouldn’t get in trouble, as long as you quit when Jo or one of the other waitresses walked by. But out in the open enough to make it fun.

  The guy was leaning over the girl, so I couldn’t see much. Not that I was staring. But it was hard not to glance up a few times. That dude was definitely getting a blowjob later. Kinda wished I was getting a blowjob later, but I was still pretty gun-shy after Shelly. Wasn’t up for jumping into something with a girl right now—no matter how casual I kept it.

  Jo brought two plates to their table. I couldn’t see the couple, but I assumed they’d quit the make-out session to get their dinner. My phone buzzed in my hand.

  Cooper: Where u at?

  Me: Ray’s

  Cooper: Done for the day?

  Me: Yeah, u?

  Cooper: Yep. Mom fed me. Leftovers?

  Me: Always yes.

  Cooper: Cool bro. See u at home.

  Dinner at Ray’s or not, I never said no to leftovers from Mrs. Miles. Cooper’s mom was an amazing cook.

  Jo brought my salad, but before I could start eating, the couple at the back table caught my eye again. They were no longer sucking face—they were eating—but now I was staring. My fork hung over my plate, dangling from limp fingers. I didn’t know the guy, but the girl? That was Brynn Miles.

  Brynn was Cooper’s younger sister—the baby of the family. She was almost six years younger than me and Cooper; I’d known her since she was born. She’d recently turned twenty-one, and she’d been off at college for the last couple of years. In fact, I’d thought she was still going to college, so I had no idea what she was doing here.

  Of course, I didn’t pay much attention to Brynn, so for all I knew, she was moving back. Or here for the weekend. Except, what day was it? It was a Tuesday, so shouldn’t she have been in class? Or going to class tomorrow? Who the fuck was that guy she was with?

  And why the hell did I care?

  Brynn wasn’t just the baby. She was Cooper’s baby. Weird as it sounded, it was how he saw it. She had three older brothers, but Cooper was the alpha-brother when it came to Brynn. He’d made it his personal mission in life to take care of her. If I thought about it—which I didn’t—Brynn probably didn’t appreciate Cooper’s interference in her life as much as Coop thought she should.

  But that was the thing, I didn’t think about it. I didn’t think about Brynn. She was around, I knew she existed. But it was like there’d always been this barrier around her that I couldn’t see through. Brynn was so forbidden, I’d subconsciously ignored her.

  When we were kids, she’d just been an annoying little girl. As she grew up, it was like she’d faded from my vision. Like she was translucent—insubstantial. I didn’t let myself see her because deep down, I knew she was the one girl on the planet I could never, ever touch. I’d instinctively created a shield around her that I couldn’t penetrate—couldn’t see through. Even the temptation of her wasn’t worth the risk.

  But looking at her now, with some dude in the back of Ray’s Diner, that shield shattered to pieces.


  Forbidden Miles is available now!

  Always Only You

  Chloe Liese


  Get ready for an emotional ride filled with laughter, longing, and a sweet slow-burn in this sports romance about love’s power not in spite of difference, but because of it.


  The moment I met her, I knew Frankie Zeferino was someone worth waiting for. Deadpan
delivery, secret heart of gold, and a rare one-dimpled smile that makes my knees weak, Frankie has been forbidden since the day she and I became coworkers, meaning waiting has been the name of my game—besides, hockey, that is.

  I’m a player on the team, she’s on staff, and as long as we work together, dating is off-limits. But patience has always been my virtue. Frankie won’t be here forever—she’s headed for bigger, better things. I just hope that when she leaves the team and I tell her how I feel, she won’t want to leave me behind, too.


  I’ve had a problem at work since the day Ren Bergman joined the team: a six foot three hunk of happy with a sunshine smile. I’m a grumbly grump and his ridiculously good nature drives me nuts, but even I can’t entirely ignore that hot tamale of a ginger with icy eyes, the perfect playoff beard, and a body built for sin that he’s annoyingly modest about.

  Before I got wise, I would have tripped over myself to get a guy like Ren, but with my diagnosis, I’ve learned what I am to most people in my life—a problem, not a person. Now, opening my heart to anyone, no matter how sweet, is the last thing I’m prepared to do.

  Always Only You is an opposites-attract, forbidden love sports romance about a nerdy, late-blooming hockey star, and his tough cookie coworker who keeps both her soft side and her autism diagnosis* to herself. Complete with a meddling secretary, tantric yoga torture, and a scorching slow burn, this standalone is the second in a series of novels about a Swedish-American family of five brothers, two sisters, and their wild adventures as they each find happily ever after.

  *This is an #OwnVoices story for its portrayal of autism by an autistic author.



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