Book Read Free

Beach Reads Box Set

Page 205

by Madden-Mills, Ilsa

  “You got a little something, right here.” He wiped a drop of ketchup from the corner of my mouth, sucking it off his finger and waggling his brows. “Always so fucking good.”

  I laughed, shoving his shoulder playfully. “All right, dirty boy, what’s next on the agenda?”

  Helping me to my feet, he grinned. “I’ve got an idea, but I need to know if you’re ready to be a little wild.”

  “How wild?” I questioned, a sassy hand on my hip.

  He tossed our empty bottles and napkins in the trash.

  “Crazy, insane kind of wild.” His eyes turned serious. He grabbed my hips, guiding me toward a vacant alley and gently pushing my back against a brick wall. “Can you handle getting a little crazy with me?”

  I nodded, smiling up at him.

  He pressed a kiss to mouth. “Are you sure, Benny girl? Because I can’t have you chickening out last minute.”

  “Are you calling me out?”

  “Are you too scared to take the challenge?”

  I bit his bottom lip, my teeth tugging playfully. “I’ll take any challenge you throw my way.”

  “Is that so?”

  “You bet your tight ass it is.”

  “I’ve got fifteen dollars and a striptease that says you’ll chicken out.”

  “I’ll see your bet and raise you an orgasm.”

  His mouth met mine again, his tongue slipping past my lips. He kissed me passionately, sliding his hands into my hair and taking control. His lips coaxed a moan from my throat, only to leave me disappointed when he pulled away, smirking like the devil.

  “Game on, baby.” He grabbed my hand, leading me back onto the sidewalk. “Oh, and I want you wearing heels. Sexy fucking heels that’ll blow my mind.”

  I giggled, shaking my head. “You better prepare yourself because I’m demanding Channing Tatum-like dance moves. I’m talking pelvic thrusts and lots of grinding action.”

  We took the subway until Kline ushered us off at Midtown East. Ten minutes later, we were standing in front of ONE UN—a prestigious hotel in the business of catering to the rich and famous.

  “Are we schmoozing with diplomats tonight?”

  He chuckled. “No, but we’re definitely going to get a little wet.”

  I raised a curious brow as he led us through the lobby and to a bank of elevators hidden on the eastern side of the facility.

  The ride was quick, and once we reached our apparent destination, we hopped off and walked hand in hand past a reception desk. A twenty-something-year-old girl glanced up from her laptop, offering a simple, “Enjoy your workout,” and resumed typing. She didn’t question our motives, seemingly oblivious to the fact that we were basically breaking in to their facility.

  I started to get a little nervous as Kline led me through a locker room. He held open a glass door, ushering me toward an indoor pool. The water was enticing, lights still on and glowing beneath the clear water.

  “Uh?” I asked, glancing around.

  We were the only ones there, but a white sign with big red letters instructed us why.

  No one permitted in the pool area after nine o’clock.

  It was half past ten.

  The sign also stated, Members only pool. Police will be contacted in the event this rule is violated.

  Hefty warning for an indoor pool, right? Yeah, but remember, this hotel wasn’t just any hotel. It was adjacent to the United Nations Headquarters. When I’d joked about schmoozing with diplomats, I hadn’t been kidding.

  Kline took off his shoes and socks, setting them on a chair.

  “Uh, what are you doing?”

  “I’m getting ready to hop in the pool,” he responded, unbuckling his belt. “You’re joining me, right?”

  “Pretty sure I don’t have a bathing suit.” I glanced down at my attire—jeans, a cotton tank top, a light cotton sweater, and brown leather flats.

  “But I thought you said you wanted to be a little wild?” he asked, amusement in his voice.

  “Yeah, but…” I paused when he unzipped his jeans and slid them down his legs.

  “But…what?” He looked up, his eyes filled with a playful edge.

  “We’re not even supposed to be in here,” I whispered, even though no one outside of the pool could hear me. “And you want me to what? Go for a dip in my bra and panties?”

  He shrugged off his shirt. “You could always go without.”

  My jaw dropped. “You want me to skinny-dip? In a pool that we’re not even supposed to be in?”

  “Are you getting ready to chicken out?” Kline taunted. His gorgeous body was on full display, only boxers covering his muscular thighs.

  “No,” I retorted.

  He cocked a brow. “Are you sure? Because it kind of looks like you’re ready to jet.”

  I narrowed my eyes.

  “Get ready to strip, baby.” A grin covered his lips. “And don’t forget the heels.”

  His smug confidence had me changing my tune. I wasn’t usually the type of girl to break rules, but I also wasn’t the type of girl to back down from a bet.

  My stubborn side won the battle for supremacy.

  I kicked off my flats and moved toward the pool. My jeans, cardigan, and tank top were removed in quick fashion and discarded onto an empty chair. “Get ready to pay up.” I strode to the deep end, staring at his amused expression from across the water. I unclasped my bra and shimmied out of my panties, tossing them in his direction. With a sweet, devious little smile, I said, “Remember, I want lots of pelvic thrusting action,” and then dove into the pool.

  After savoring the warmth of the water, I broke the surface, resting my arms on the ledge, and grinned back at Kline. “Put your money where your mouth is, Brooks.”

  He laughed, sliding off his boxer briefs and turning around. He started humming a striptease beat, glancing at me over his shoulder and grinning playfully. Kline proceeded to pelvic thrust, his hands resting behind his head and his grin turning cocky with each punch forward, not an ounce of embarrassment on his face. He was visibly enjoying himself, loving the growing smile on my lips, and he was crazy adorable yet insanely hot at the same time. I watched his tight ass and muscular thighs flex with each circuit. He kept it up until my giggles turned loud and uncontrolled.

  He dove into the pool, slicing through the water in succinct maneuvers. He moved toward me, his hands finding my hips and signaling him that he had reached his target.

  When he broke the surface, his face hovered mere inches from mine. Water dripped from his eyelashes, down his cheeks, and clung to the very tips of his spiky wet hair. “Are you ready to shove twenty-dollar bills in my g-string?”

  “Eh, maybe one dollar bills?” I teased.

  “One-dollar bills?” he asked. “Baby, I recall a lot of pelvic action back there.”

  “Yeah, but…” I sighed “…I didn’t get the full-frontal experience.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “I’ll make note that you’re a fan of full frontal.”

  I smiled, my cheeks damn near bursting with amusement.

  He wrapped his arms around my waist, moving us in the water. It rippled into tiny waves around our bodies. “You know what you’re not a fan of?” he asked, brow quirking.

  “Small wieners?”

  His chest vibrated against my skin, laughter spilling from his lips. “Besides that. I’m well aware you’ve got an appetite for nothing smaller than a footlong.”

  I giggled, savoring his teasing smile. “Tell me, Brooks, what am I not a fan of?”

  “Emergency rooms.”

  I tilted my head to the side, perplexed.

  “You were really fucking adorable last night, slap-happy and high on Benny, but before you got to that point, I was worried.” His forehead touched mine. “I wanted to take you to St. Luke’s, but you’re pretty damn stubborn.”

  The look in his eyes warmed my stomach. I couldn’t imagine, didn’t want to imagine, the kind of shape I had been in last night. I could reca
ll bits and pieces here and there, but for the most part, it seemed like a hazy dream. It had been our first real date. We barely knew each other outside of work, yet Kline hadn’t hesitated to take care of me. He hadn’t freaked out or gotten embarrassed that his date looked ridiculous. Because, let’s face it, I’d looked insane. Like someone had given me botched plastic surgery kind of crazy.

  Last night, Kline hadn’t been focused on anything but making sure I was okay.

  And it was apparent, he really was worried.

  Those were not the actions of a man whose intentions were less than genuine.

  He was different from anyone I had ever met, in the best way. In the span of forty-eight hours, he had somehow gained a large part of my trust. I wasn’t skeptical or scrutinizing his every word; I was merely enjoying feeling safe and cherished in his presence.

  “My brother is an ER resident at St. Luke’s. He just so happened to be working a twenty-four-hour call shift last night,” I explained.

  “Oh,” he said, understanding in his voice. “Now it makes sense.”

  “Yeah,” I said, shrugging. “He’s my older brother. My only sibling. And even though my lips were about to consume my face, no way in hell was I going to give him that kind of ammunition.” If I thought Will still bringing up “Masturbation Camp” was bad, my arriving in his ER looking like a blowfish would have made that never-ending joke look easy.

  “Do you have any siblings?” I asked, curious to know more about him. The short amount of time we’d spent together outside of the office had me realizing every preconceived notion I’d had about Kline was dead wrong. Hell, his small, quaint apartment was evidence of that. It truly was not the kind of flashy, extravagant place I’d pictured him living in. Sure, it was nice, but it looked more like a place I would live in, not someone who had grossed nearly a billion dollars last year with just TapNext alone.

  He shook his head. “Only child.”

  “What are your parents like?”

  “My mom is a meddler, but she means well. She’s actually the reason Walter is at my apartment.”

  “Don’t you dare say anything bad about Walter,” I teased, pointing my finger at him.

  “You try living with that asshole for a few weeks and see how it goes.”

  “He is not an asshole. He’s a big, fluffy sweetheart,” I defended my feline friend, fighting the urge to grin.

  Kline scoffed. “Yeah, he is. He’s the world’s worst cat.”

  “Stop talking about my buddy Walter like that!”

  “I’ll be more than happy to gift him to you. I can have his shit packed up and ready to go tonight,” he challenged.

  “Tell me more about your parents.” I laughed, choosing to change the subject before I ended up with a new roommate.

  “My father is an old school Irish Catholic who loves beer and offers a constant supply of dad jokes. Even though they drive me crazy sometimes, Maureen and Bob are pretty wonderful.”

  There was a soft kindness in his voice that showed how much he adored his folks. “What about your parents?”

  “My dad is a sweetheart, but he’s a total ballbuster. He has to be to keep my crazy mother on her toes.”

  “Crazy mother?”

  “My mom is a sex therapist. She’s just about as quirky as it gets.”

  “Sex therapist?” he asked, smirking. “I did not expect that one.”

  “It’s not really a common profession.”

  “Wait…your mom’s last name is Cummings, right?”

  “Yes.” I nodded, already knowing where he was going with this. “Dr. Savannah Cummings is my mother, the sex therapist extraordinaire. As if it wasn’t hard enough growing up with Cummings as your last name.”

  “No wonder you’re so good at blow jobs,” he teased.

  I shoved him away, mouthing, Pervert.

  “Only for you.” He chuckled, pulling me close again. Our bare chests were pressed against each other. Water droplets slipped down my skin, and my nipples hardened instantly.

  “Do you even know how sexy you are?” His eyes met the curve of my breasts peeking above the waterline. Strong hands slid from my hips to my ribs until they moved around my back and caressed my ass. “Baby, you drive me fucking insane.”

  My heart tripped. He’d called me baby. Sure, he had said it before, but this time, it had just rolled off his tongue with such ease. It was a reflex, instinctive. I felt like we were really trying this, trying us.

  I brushed my lips against his. We weren’t kissing at first, just teasing, breathing the same air. I could smell the chlorine on his skin, the hint of sugar on his lips from the soda we’d shared earlier. I saw my reflection in his pupils, eyes wanton and needy.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.” He parted his lips, pressing his mouth to mine. “I’ll never get enough of these perfect cherry lips.” He opened his mouth, sucking on my top lip, my tongue.

  Heat pulsed in my lower belly, my heart racing in anticipation.

  Kline moved his mouth down my neck to my collarbone and across the curve of my breasts.

  I felt the shape of him against my hip, hard and prominent. I reached down to take him into my hand, but he was too quick, gripping my ass and lifting me out of the water and onto the edge of the pool.

  He spread my thighs, gazing up at me with wet lashes and hooded eyes. “How many fingers does my wild girl need?” His mouth met my hip, sucking with a force that reddened my sensitive skin.

  I had never been so turned on in my life. My body thrummed, blood thundering in my veins, getting off on the illicitness of our location.

  And I ached. God, I ached, desperate for more than just his hands. I wanted his mouth on me again.

  “Or does she need more? Does she need my lips and tongue to give her what she really wants?”

  My head fell back, and I gripped the edge of the pool to hold myself up.

  “Tell me. Tell me what you need.”

  “Your mouth,” I moaned, sliding my legs over his shoulders. “I need your mouth on me.”

  He licked a path down my belly. “Hold on tight, baby. This is going to be fast and you’re going to fucking explode.”

  He ate at my pussy until my body was strung tight with the need to come. I tried to hold out, tried to let the intensity build, but Kline’s mouth was too talented, too fucking good at seducing a climax out of me.

  In the distance, heavy footfalls moved toward us. Keys jingled against a hip. I didn’t know where or what or who or how those noises were occurring, my mind stuck somewhere between suck me harder and make me come.

  “Shit,” he mumbled, taking that delicious mouth away from where I needed him the most.

  “N-N-No,” I stuttered out my frustration, but it didn’t matter. Kline’s hands were wrapped around my waist, yanking me into the water.

  My head spun, shocked from the sudden change in position.

  “Shh,” he quieted me, nodding toward the entrance.

  My eyes grew wide in horror, realization setting in. The footsteps, the keys, they were coming from the other side of the door. The very doorknob that was being turned.

  Fuck. I was going to get arrested for not only breaking and entering, but for public indecency too. The police were going to be called while my body still throbbed between my legs.

  “I got you.” He held me tighter. “Hold your breath, baby. We’re going under,” he instructed, just before sliding us toward a darkened corner and submerging us under the water.

  I shut my eyes, held my breath, and prayed to God we wouldn’t be seen. Surely, I wasn’t going down like this, naked in a pool with my boss’s cock pressed against my belly.

  It really was a fantastic cock, but that was beside the point. Shit was about to hit the fan.

  Kline’s lips found mine and I felt his smile against my mouth.

  Devious bastard.

  Trailing his fingers down my belly, he found the spot where I was still slippery and hot. He didn’t waste an
y time, two fingers sliding inside of me while his thumb rubbed my clit.

  Seriously? How was he even thinking about getting me off at a time like this?

  But did I stop him? Nope. My heart pounded in my ears, the needy, orgasm-driven side of me too focused on what he was doing. I wrapped my legs around his hips like the true hussy I was. If we were going to be Bonnie and Clyde tonight, I sure as hell was going to enjoy the ride.

  A few seconds later, he floated us to the top, our heads peeking above the waterline, our lungs dragging in much-needed air. The coast was clear, the mystery person no longer in sight. The lights were off, the doors were shut, and Kline was still finger-fucking me, seemingly unfazed by our almost arrest.

  “Sweet, dirty, wild girl,” he whispered in my ear, picking up the pace. “Even when we’re thirty seconds away from getting arrested, you still let me slip my fingers inside your pussy. You like this, don’t you? You love being bad just for me.” He licked the water from the curve of my breasts.

  I moaned, my teeth finding his shoulder and biting down.

  “Yes, just like that. Christ, baby, when you catch fire, you motherfucking burn.”

  Hot damn, Kline Brooks was a certified, class-A, deserves-the-major-award dirty talker. His words served their purpose, pushing me straight over the edge and spurring my brilliant response.

  “Ho-ly fuck.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Monday night rugby practice was gearing up, but my mind was still on the weekend—laughter and sexiness and a Benadryl-fueled trip through an allergic reaction. The mixture of all three had me smiling to myself.

  Georgia Cummings was quickly becoming one of my favorite people. She made me feel high on life and like the world’s biggest idiot all at once.

  Curiosity about Rose’s weekend was the only thing that kept me from thinking about how close I’d come to never experiencing what I had for the last week. Because I wouldn’t have traded the last seven days for anything, even if it were to come to an abrupt end tonight. The memories would have been worth it.

  Take note, friends. Don’t close off any one section of your life from possibility. Fate gives us chances, but we’re the ones who have to take them.


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