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Dancing with the Mob: A Dark Mafia Romance Two-Book Collection

Page 40

by Suzanne Hart

  Claridge was careful to gauge my reaction to every word he said. He was recording the whole conversation in his mind.

  “The short end of a very long story, Michael, is that both you and your sister, Mia, are millionaires several times over. Not that Mia needs it though.” His straight smile had tightened as he’d said this, purely for my benefit. I hated having no money of my own, and Mia was already a billionaire; a few million was lunch money to her.

  Like a professional hunter, or embalmer, Claridge had gone on. He was never put off by the raw nerves he struck or the lack of reaction. He was playing a long game.

  “I took the liberty of reinvesting the capital with compounded interest after your mother died. I have total control over the sum, Michael. With your help, I am prepared to help you realize your own financial potential, separate from your family, from your sister.”

  It was like a dream come true. All I had to do was make that deal with the devil. Betray some people, lie to some more and walk away with enough cash for several lifetimes. Isn’t this how people did it? Didn’t everybody have to step on some toes at some point to get anywhere in this life? I was more than tempted. I had already caved to Claridge’s promises, my own greed, and the lust for money was overpowering, just as my weakness, my obsession for the party lifestyle consumed me. But so too did a compulsion, a greed toward obscene wealth. I was raised rich, saw money in action but had none of my own. This was my one chance to change all that.

  Claridge was too clever though. I knew, although not exactly how, that he was playing me off against Natalia, probably against my own family at some point. As I lay in the hotel, I felt my mind clear somewhat and I felt some confidence replacing the paranoia.

  I wanted to make my mother proud. I didn’t want to be a full-time criminal. I wanted to do things right. I vowed to move ahead with the plan, but to shift some of Claridge’s terms to suit myself better. I could tell him whatever he wanted to hear, but I needed to make sure that I wasn’t going to be endangering Mia or Natalia, the only two people I had any feelings for anymore.

  I would get proof from Claridge. I needed to see some real evidence of a trust fund, some real money. I wasn’t that stupid. I knew I had to watch my back, being sure to lay low and stay away from my family at all costs. I knew too, that my father was sick, he was sicker than he’d made out. I had to remember this and try to use it to my advantage somehow.

  Once I had proof, some sure knowledge that the money was mine and I could get it, there was no need to lie to Natalia. We could both free ourselves of the mob families with the money, plus whatever she had herself.

  My mind strayed again, happily to the thoughts of Natalia and I. Somewhere new, another country, Mexico perhaps. Maybe even Switzerland if we followed where the money was. Felix could have the best schooling, the best of everything. I could go into business, a legitimate business. It would be perfect. I would have to make sure I was one step ahead of myself and to double-check everything before acting. I couldn’t afford mistakes.

  I groaned out loud as I felt the plastic baggie shimmy between my fingers. I was already on another level, contemplating taking some more.

  I have to cut this shit out for starters. Jesus Mikey, you won’t get far tooting this junk!

  The bigger part of me wanted to flush it, to get rid of it, but I found myself inventing silly little reasons to hang onto it just for a while longer. I got up, washed myself in the brown-stained basin and strolled across the lot to the diner opposite the shady little hotel. It was an old gas station converted into a fifties-style diner. It was awful, but they had coffee and I had a stale sandwich.

  Catching a glimpse of myself in the mottled gray stains of the mirrored walls, I reminded myself how important it was to stay sober and to be careful. I knew myself well enough to trust myself the least. Before making another move, I decided to go back to my room after having a bite so I could call Natalia. I couldn’t tell her the whole plan yet, but I had to get back on side with her. I needed her for real now.



  I felt my heart go out to Mikey. I had judged him yet again, thinking he was capable of taking a life or of even lying to me to get his own way. I listened to his account of the chain of events that led up to him calling me, before we flew to L.A.

  I stayed quiet as Mikey let out all of his emotions, including fear and a not too surprising dose of paranoia. While talking with him, I wandered through the house, flicking on the cooling with the TV on mute as I went. I made sure all the doors and windows were locked, some of Mikey’s paranoia rubbing off on me.

  “Holy shit! Mikey, hang on a sec. Just hang on!” I put the phone down and hit the volume for the television, after stumbling to find the remote, then figuring out how to work it. It was a national news report.

  “…Repeating the top story of the hour, a gangland style slaying attempt in a Miami hospital is still under investigation by the FBI. Miraculously, a nurse who was wounded and thought dead in the attack has defied medical odds and survived, with a successful and life-saving operation being completed this afternoon. Authorities are yet to divulge any information on the assailants, but have committed extra resources to hunt down the attackers. The suspected target was a Mr. Nathan Bernardi, in hospital after being assaulted. Mr. Bernardi is suspected of being the target of an assassination attempt over his involvement in the ever-increasing criminal activity of the mafia in Miami…”

  I snatched the handset back to my ear, glued to the screen, hoping for some other sort of update on my brother. I didn’t really care for my family much, but it was only manners to make sure they were all alright.

  “Did you hear? Mikey?” I could hear a TV on down the other end, it sounded like Mikey was watching a similar story now.

  “So she’s alive.” I heard him exhale a shaking sigh of relief. “She’s alive at least.”

  “I knew you weren’t a killer,” I said, trying to sound helpful, but it came out wrong.

  “My father will know this too. He couldn’t think much less of me, I guess.” He groaned. It always made me angry to hear him speak low of himself, or as to how his father would see him.

  “I think it would be a good idea if you just came home now,” I reasoned, trying to change the subject without having to explain why.


  “Well, here. My house. The L.A. house… I guess this is home now, for both of us?” There was a pleading edge in my voice as well as a question. It was as if I was hard-wired to doubt everything good that ever happened to me.

  Mikey guffawed, which made me feel instantly better. I had actually said something right.

  “Sure! Home! I love the sound of that. I’ll get my shit together and head on back… it’s just…” He trailed off again.

  “What?” I asked, forgetting not to sound too desperate or clingy all of a sudden.

  “Ah, it’s nothing… but the car… I don’t feel right about driving it… the cops… the news said…”

  “Just come home, please,” I said firmly. “The car is registered to Aunt Pippa and she’s as clean as they come. I forgot to tell you or it didn’t occur to me, all this stuff is in her name, and with the banking I only just sorted that out for my own accounts. We’ll have plenty of money by the end of the week, ten days tops.”

  Jesus, Natalia, just tell him everything why don’t you! What happened to being careful?

  Hearing myself tell Mikey stuff I couldn’t say to anyone else was more than liberating, it turned me into a chatterbox. I suddenly felt compelled to tell him about everything, about Claridge even, but I stopped myself. It was torture, but I stopped myself.

  Just see how it goes, don’t rush things. You still have to figure out what to do about Claridge… and then there’s your father… Shit!

  “Just hurry home, okay!?” I hung up and threw myself backwards onto the couch, with the phone against my chest.

  I figured this was what love felt like, to be a chang
ed person just after speaking with your beloved on the phone. And it was like all my problems had disappeared, even though I knew full well that they hadn’t.

  I took a while to calm myself, and I had a shower then rang the hospital to see how Felix was going. They patched me through to his bedside and I could hear a small crowd of nurses, doctors and other patients spoiling him with all the attention he deserved. I embarrassed him by telling him how much I loved him and that I’d visit him later that evening.

  “It’s okay Mom, you don’t have to visit if you don’t want to. I understand if you have other stuff to do.” I felt winded, like he had hit me in the belly with the phone himself.

  I had to take a few breaths before I could answer. I felt hurt and angry with what he had just said. “Felix! Where did that come from? You know I wouldn’t skip visiting you, not for anything. I only left the hospital to take Aunt Pippa to the airport and to run some errands. Is everything alright? Why would you even say that?”

  I could hear other voices, some low speaking in the room with Felix. He laughed out loud, startling me.

  “Dr. Claridge said you had so much to do today is all, he wanted me to remind you that you’d better hurry up!”

  My heart stopped. I had to steady myself against the table. “Who’s Dr. Claridge, sweetie? We only speak to Dr. Harmer, remember?” I tried not to show the rising panic in my voice, I went to the bedroom closet while talking, to find the shoebox in back which had a gun in it.

  “It’s alright, Mom, Dr. Claridge said Dr. Harmer is on holidays now, he’s going to be looking after me. He said you two had a meeting and he filled you in, you don’t have to pretend, Mom. I have to go now, Dr. Claridge is here…”

  I heard the phone shifting, changing hands. My skin turned to ice when I heard Claridge’s voice on the other end of the line. It sounded muffled, but tinny from the connection, and he was speaking slowly and softly. I could tell he was smiling. I couldn’t help but think of him looking at my son as he spoke.

  “Ms. Diamond, how are you? No, no need to come in again today. Felix is fine. As we discussed, it’s important for you to arrange those other appointments and the paperwork, so we can continue such a successful treatment, remember? Yes, that’s right. Oh, I’d say you have a couple more days before I’ll need all of that…”

  “If you touch my son, I’ll fucking kill you, you son of a bitch! I’ll call the hospital, the cops! You’ll be in cuffs in two minutes!”

  Claridge sighed patiently. “Yes, well as I was saying, no real need for any of that. Felix is doing just fine and we’ll keep it that way if things move forward as we discussed. Alright Ms. Diamond, no no, you’re quite welcome. Goodbye!” He hung up. I felt myself dry heave, then I rushed to the bathroom. Nothing came up but a lump of fear and despair. The bliss I had felt talking to Mikey had been replaced with the same terror I had felt earlier.

  My situation was looking hopeless. I would have to do as Claridge asked. Trouble was, that I had no idea of how to even begin to get the information he wanted. I would have to start the ball rolling by getting in touch with my father, to let him believe I was coming home, or at least to convince him not to disown me just yet… somehow.

  Think, Natalia! Think!


  I had at least a day up my sleeve before Claridge would bother me again. It tore me up to think of him anywhere near Felix, but he had told me he would make sure I held my end of the bargain. A bargain I never wanted to make.

  Nathan was still in the hospital, I could get to him; see what he knew about what was happening in the family and with the Leone’s. He might even be my key to reaching my father indirectly.

  My brothers and I never really got on, or even tried to, but Nathan was the one who at least had some time for me. He had while we were growing up, anyway. I had no other options, no avenues to even consider. I resigned myself to flying back to Miami, to try and begin my task for Claridge, to see if my family would be of any use; if it was at all possible to try and stop him.

  I tried Mikey again, it went straight to messages. He was on another call. I reproached myself for being jealous again, not so soon, I had told myself, trying to lighten my spirits.

  “Mikey, me again. Hi. I’m sorry; I know I just spoke to you. I’m heading back to Miami for the night, something I need to tie off back there. Go to the house as planned, there’s a key on the car remote, that opens the door in the garage. Alarm’s off. I’ll see you in the morning… give me something good when I wake you up. Bye…”

  Probably best I hadn’t spoken to him in person, I had a lot of ground to cover and was noticing how prone I was to changing my mind. I wanted to write a list; something I always did to make sure I finished something. A list for this type of job was a stupid idea. It could be found, used as evidence, and a whole can of worms right there. I called a cab after booking a flight online. I had just enough time to get to the airport.

  I fought off tears again, to the airport and during the flight. Seeing Felix’s photo in the hall as I left the house made me feel all the guilt and worry all over again.

  Probably just what Claridge wants too, the bastard.

  I collected the car I had left in short to long term storage at the airport. Cabs had proved quicker. Messing around with cars and queues, getting to the damned thing. I planned to leave it somewhere permanent once I flew back. Driving from Miami to L.A. wasn’t an option.

  Maybe if I had two days and no sleep.

  I felt my anger rising again, I growled out loud as I sped out of the airport and toward the city. Everything was taking too long, in a plan that I didn’t even have. I knew I was winging it, but I had pretty much zero confidence in what I was actually doing. I thought of fish on the pier once they were hauled out of the sea. Flapping and gulping, drowning in air. That’s how it felt.

  The slow route, without tolls still got me to the hospital in less than a half hour. I noticed an increased police presence as I went up to the floor my brother was on. A very kind and nosey cleaner had pointed me in the right direction, for a small fee.

  A hundred bucks had better be worth it. What am I going to say when I get there? “Hi! I’m the secret sister of the mob guy who almost got whacked yesterday?”



  My fears were unfounded. I literally bumped into my other brother, Nicholas, as I came out of the elevator. He frowned instantly, realizing he wouldn’t be making a smooth getaway from the hospital after all. He had a serious look, an air of business about him as he took me firmly by the arm and led me into an empty room. He switched on the lights, closed and barred the door, then stood there facing me with folded arms. I could see the outline of his pistol through his jacket.

  How are they getting all these guns into a god-damned hospital?

  I was curious for my own reasons. I would love nothing more than to surprise Claridge in the hospital with a gun, or better yet; all my brothers with theirs.

  “We have a special arrangement with the local police on the case,” Nicholas said, reading my mind as I raised my eyes back up to his.

  “I’m happy to see you too, Nick. Miss me?” I tried to hide my annoyed smirk, but failed.

  “Cut the shit, Natalia. Papa is fucking furious, kicking all our asses because of what you’ve done. Whatever it is you’ve done, I might add! He won’t tell us shit, except that the Leone kid did this, and that you’re somehow tied up with him. Is this true?” His look was intense, and I didn’t have an answer prepared.

  “I just came to see Nathan, Nick. Okay? I don’t need the third degree from you or anybody else.” I was trying to sound nonchalant, but my eyes told a different story.

  “Oh no you don’t! You’re not going anywhere near Nathan, you’re coming back to the house with me, and Papa will deal with you directly.” He grabbed hold of me roughly, I thought for a split second he was fooling around, but feeling his fingers digging deeper into my arm, his hurting me told me he was for real.
  “Nicholas, stop it! What are you doing!? Let go of me!” A patrolman passed the door and, glancing in, gave a nod of satisfaction. Our eyes met and I was welcomed back home, to the family life by the same cold and dead eyes I saw in all the men’s faces.

  “D’ya need a hand there, Nick?” The broad Irish accent was thick with anticipation as he swung his chubby head through the swing door. He reddened slightly at the look I gave him, but that city cop knew who buttered his bread. Bernardi bread, too.

  “Naw, I have this one, thanks Joseph.” I felt myself go limp. I realized the stupidity of causing a scene. I knew exactly what would happen next, and it did.

  Within the hour I was sitting in front of my father’s desk. He was seated, his hands folded over his paunch as he sat in quiet contemplation. A calm, considerate eye scanned mine as he was carefully planning what he had to say, or announce what would happen to me. I had to push all thoughts of Felix out of my mind, lest I betray him with my emotions.

  Finally, he spoke, it was clear and calm. Like he had considered every possible angle and had chosen the path of least resistance. “Natalia. I want you to tell me it isn’t true, that you aren’t involved with the Leone boy. But, I know, deep in my heart that I must accept things as they are. I will deal with whatever the case may be. I just… I would like you to tell me the truth, please. I don’t need all the details, just tell me, is it true?” His eyes were so clear, like light through a single drop on a reed, right before the storm.

  I was looking down at my hands, folded upward in my lap. I had heard how calm he was, how much he needed me to be honest. I wanted to get up and go and hug him. Despite our differences, he was my father, I felt. It was one of those rare moments when everything else seemed to have canceled themselves out. I felt like a little girl again, like I had done wrong and just had to own up and it would make things better.


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