Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 1

by Richard Houck


  London 2018

  Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her.

  — G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy

  Who fears the wolf should never enter the forest.

  — Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gambler

  For Europe. The Promethean fire of mankind.

  For America. The last bastion of freedom.

  For my people. The most beloved possession I have.

  To my dad. I never would have started this project, nor finished, without your encouragement. For that I am truly grateful. This book is little more than a record of our conversations together from the time I was young.

  To my mom. Your determination and resolve have always been inspirational to me. A reminder of what can be achieved with little more than hope and steely-eyed grit. I never would have been able to spend my winters in Paris, taking those long walks alone at night, if it was not for you keeping the bike shop open. I’ll never forget that.

  First edition, Copyright © 2018 by Arktos Media Ltd.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means (whether electronic or mechanical), including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram |


  978-1-912079-31-5 (Paperback)

  978-1-912079-30-8 (Ebook)


  John Bruce Leonard


  Tor Westman


  Daniel Friberg

  About the Cover

  The image on the cover is an allusion to the classic cult film, They Live. The glasses serve as an allegory to this book, and the struggles of Nada, are akin to those seeing the truth.

  My goal was to write a book that serves as the glasses from They Live. A simple yet powerful tool to see Liberalism unmasked, for the pathological madness it is and to see the international Left without the facade.

  They Live was before my time. My parents introduced me to classic books, music, and films throughout my childhood. My dad suggested we watch They Live many years ago, when I was still quite young. From the first viewing, it became one of my all time favorite movies. Not too long ago, I was fortunate enough to see the film on the big screen. A local cinema was playing 80s cult and horror classics during the month of October for Halloween, it was truly an experience. For those few fleeting hours, it felt as if I were back in a better time. I felt a sort of hiraeth that evening, a grief, nostalgia, and homesickness for a time and place that I had never seen myself.

  In They Live, a hostile race of aliens has subtly enslaved humanity through control of the mass media and the banking system. Through control of the media, the hostile invaders were able to control the population by inducing a sort of semi-conscious state, turning humans into unthinking, unquestioning, unmotivated, zombie-like cattle. Those who wore the special sunglasses were able to see the veiled messages, and the aliens without their masks. What are seen as benign commercials, ads, and billboards to most people, with the glasses, now read as haunting instructions to the human race;

  Obey authority. Consume. No imagination. Submit. Conform. Watch TV. No independent thought. Stay asleep.

  When you put on the glasses, you can see for the first time, the nature of our reality. Our world is somewhat of a pseudo-reality, a simulacrum, mere shadows along the cave walls. Seeing past the thin facade and the true nature of Liberalism without its mask, is often a lonely journey.

  In the film there is a fight scene, one of the longest fight scenes in film history. The unnamed main character, referred only to as Nada in the final credits, played by the late Rowdy Roddy Piper, is trying to convince his friend, Frank, to put on the sunglasses. The fight scene is one of the longest in film for a reason, it serves to illuminate the struggle of trying to get others to see what you can see. At one point in the fight Nada yells to Frank, “I’m trying to save you and your family’s life!” Despite his good intentions, Nada was met with hostility and aggression. Just as many of us who speak the truth in this modern world are met with hostility and aggression, merely for wanting to show people the truth, and perhaps, save their lives. We are the only one’s trying to save civilization, and for that, we are hated.

  Those who can see, those wearing the glasses, are at first shocked, then horrified, saddened, and ultimately, furious. They feel alone, they wonder if they are going crazy, then begin wondering how many others out there can see, and start to wonder if they are the only ones left.

  Once the alien race and their willing human accomplices that are bought and sold, realize others see them for what they truly are, they have the police hunt them down. For it is far too dangerous to allow “ones who can see”, to walk among them. They live, while we are meant to stay asleep.

  If the film, those who wear the glasses too long, that is if you spend too long looking directly at the truth, began to feel ill. Wearing the glasses too long causes you to feel like “a knife turning in your head.” I felt the same way writing this book. And I know many others felt the same level of horror, sadness, and rage, upon realizing the truth as well. The truth is a heavy cross to bear. I don’t like what I see one bit. Not one bit.

  It’s far easier to take the glasses off, take the blue pill, and to go back to sleep. And that’s exactly what they want. And that’s exactly why I’ll never take the glasses off again.

  Put on the glasses, and welcome to the party, pal. The world needs a wake up call, it’s time to phone it in.

  I have come here to chew bubblegum and fight for Western Civilization.

  And I’m all out of bubblegum.

  Act I: Know Thy Enemy



  I never intended to write a book on politics. I am a simple man, from a small, beautiful town, that has been tucked away and forgotten. I spend the evenings riding my bicycle through the woods, and passing time with those for whom I care deeply.

  To be honest, I was never all that interested in politics. Certainly not interested enough to write a book about the subject.

  But something changed. Not within me, at least not at first. But in the world around me. The America that I knew and loved was slowly fading. I know every generation has similar sentiments. That things aren’t the way they used to be, in the “good old days.”

  The harsh reality is that the America my parents grew up in is not the one I am going to inherit. National debt is at an all time high, consumer debt is piling up, race relations are the worst they have been since the 1960s, if not before, with a particularly anti-white bent, and it seems the bi-partisan appetite for war has grown insatiable.

  When I first became aware of these changes, I began to pay much more attention to national news, world news, politics, and I looked through history for insight. I wanted to know how we got here, and who was behind the dumpster fire. What I began to see were cowardly Republicans, helpless conservatives, and mentally ill Liberals, hell-bent on destroying everything I held dear.

  I can’t recall when it happened exactly; I used to be very much a live-and-let-live type of man. I always thought people were entitled to their own political opinions, and I never really gave the matter much more thought than that. I really don’t recall the moment something changed within me. Maybe it was gradual, and then all at once. Much like how fall collapses into winter. First the leaves begin to change color, falling slowly, one by one, until the trees are bare. Letting go of all they held onto so tightly all summer long. Then one morning you wake up to snow covering the forest.

  Maybe mine was a similar path. When I bega
n researching this book, I came across many things that kept me awake at night. I found news reports that have been largely kept out of the mainstream media. Stories of murder, torture, molestation, and gang rapes being committed against my people by hostile invaders. I listened to first-hand accounts of people I know who have been personally affected by these crimes. With each revelation, I was slowly changing. I could feel it in my bones. And one morning, I woke up a grim man with a hard heart. It’s not what I set out to become, but it’s what I needed to become to tell this story.

  I remember a Clinical Psychology class I took. The professor was talking about personality disorders one day. She said that when there are no biochemical, substance, or environmental factors that explain irrational behavior, no logic to it, no way to reason with the person, it is likely he is suffering from some sort of mental illness.

  Take the psychopath who feels no remorse, no matter whom he hurts. Or the schizophrenic, who is convinced the mountain of cans and egg cartons in his shopping cart will power the rocket ship he built to go to another star system. You cannot explain their thinking with logic or reason or facts, because their thinking is not based in reality. Such people are simply insane. Simply mentally ill. Similarly, Liberals cannot be understood through logic and reason. But Liberalism itself can be understood as a pathological neurosis.

  I thought back to all the historical atrocities levied by the Left in the name of “progress.” I thought of their current obsession with open borders and their fanatical dedication to “equality.” Nothing explained why. Why would Germany, France, and Sweden continue to allow foreigners into their land when the native population is being victimized at such an alarming rate? Why would the Left be so determined to strip away basic American freedoms, such as free speech and the right to arms? How could anybody justify the slaughter of the unborn with such callous disregard for life? I was asking these questions on the assumption that Liberals were rational, logical, and concerned with some sort of morality. What I realized was that Liberals are not like the rest of us. They are sick. They are depraved. They are the largest population of mental patients in the world.

  This is a heavy charge to which I’ve laid claim. I am going to make my case, first by outlining and explaining the characteristics of the Liberal sickness, then by providing evidence of their characteristics in action, and hopefully before the end by showing that the only way to subscribe to the Left is by denouncing basic human rights, ignoring objective truths, and denying verifiable facts.

  This book opens with a brief history and overview of Liberalism. Part I includes my diagnostic theory, and the rationale for my claim that Liberalism is a diagnosable personality disorder, as modeled on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

  In Act II we disarm Liberal arguments and claims, while at the same time providing robust critiques and counter-arguments. Across nine primary topics, dozens of arguments from the Left are deconstructed via logic and data. Act II also illustrates the observable manifestations of Liberal sickness. Act III brings us full circle, back to where we started. Offering ways to get back on track, and find our way back home.

  Liberals are always and inherently fighting from uneven ground. There is a reason so many Liberals believe in postmodernism, relativism, moral nihilism, and a subjective reality of truth. They need to believe in ideologies that allow for flexibility when it comes to truth, facts, and reality; otherwise their entire house of cards collapses at the first level.

  The truth will always stand on two legs. Lies stand on but one.

  So if you would, take a walk with me on the wild side, into the heart of darkness, as we critically examine the sickness known as Liberalism.


  Liberalism: Diagnostic Criteria of a Mental Illness

  A. The condition is marked by at least two symptoms from Cluster I and two symptoms from Cluster II, with an additional symptom from either cluster.

  Cluster I

  1. Deceitfulness, indicated by repeated lying, grand exaggerations, or omission of contrary information, with the purpose of advancing their chosen narrative and discrediting others.

  2. Irritability or aggressiveness towards anybody that questions or opposes their views. Coupled with the inability to recognize their own hypocrisy, double standards, and doublethink.

  3. Inability to adjust views when presented with information contrary to their own beliefs.

  4. Frequent projection of their own traits onto others.

  5. Difficulty in dealing with a loss of control or power, or a strong desire for control and power.

  Cluster II

  6. Appeals to altered and redefined definitions of words, or relies on fictitious terms for argumentation.

  7. Consistent feelings of having been victimized or wronged, without any actual harm being done. Seen also to play the victim after attacking others.

  8. Intense sense of righteousness or moral superiority.

  9. The inability to recognize the negative outcomes of their own actions. Often places the blame on others.

  10. Intense guilt or self-hatred, often manifests as hatred towards one’s larger group identity.

  B. The condition must be persistent for more than 6 months.

  C. Its occurrence is marked by adult onset.

  D. The disturbance causes distress to the person or others in family, social, work, or educational areas of functioning.

  E. The sufferer insists the condition will continue to persist and will often refuse help.

  Symptoms in Cluster I deal primarily with the psychological traits and defensiveness of Liberals. Deception, cognitive rigidity, and neuroticism. We also see anti-social traits making their appearance, low levels of agreeableness, a desire for control, and projection.

  1. Deceitfulness, indicated by repeated lying, grand exaggerations, or omission of contrary information, with the purpose of advancing their chosen narrative and discrediting others.

  The very basis of Liberalism is to operate under the cover of lies. In their redefinition of words, their agenda-driven narratives in press coverage, and their total failure to acknowledge reasonable counter-arguments, Liberal deceit surrounds us. The hundreds of hoax hate crimes following the 2016 election showcase the Liberal propensity for deception. Only a mentally ill person would burn down his own church, vandalize his own house, and falsify police reports, all to defame his political opposition.

  Deception and Liberal lies have proliferated in every aspect of society. A research paper published in the American Journal of Political Science entitled, “Correlation Not Causation: The Relationship between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies,” “found” that Liberals exhibit more socially desirable traits, while conservatives are more likely to be authoritarian, hostile, manipulative, neurotic, and overall more psychotic. Three years following the paper’s original publication, a correction was issued after researchers in Denmark detected a mistake.1 The original researchers had “accidentally” reversed the scoring of their data: the findings actually revealed that conservatives are the ones who exhibit more socially desirable traits, while Liberals were more authoritarian, psychotic, hostile, manipulative, and neurotic. When contacted about the “mistake,” author of the study, Brad Verhulst, insisted the error was “quite minor” in nature.2

  What a beautiful twist of fate! What an incredibly complicated method of projection! Liberals, who claim the Right is a hateful group of liars, prove themselves time and time again to be the true enemies of honesty and integrity.

  2. Irritability or aggressiveness towards anybody that questions or opposes their views. Coupled with the inability to recognize their own hypocrisy, double standards, and doublethink.

  We’ve seen extreme violence from the Left for over a century. Everything from the killing fields of Khmer Rouge to the Antifa Berkeley riots in “protest” of conservative speakers. The principle is always the same. Liberals simply are not able to tolerate anybody that dares to question their dogmatic beli

  For years the Left has portrayed the Right as intolerant and closed-minded. Psychologist Mark Brandt began putting this portrayal to the test. What Brandt found was that in fact Liberals, every bit as much as conservatives, are discriminatory and intolerant of those with opposing views.3

  Liberal irritability and aggression arise from the extreme negative emotional and mental state caused by cognitive dissonance, exacerbated by a set of dogmatic beliefs unrelated to reality and an inability to recognize their own hypocrisy, double standards, and doublethink — all stemming from cognitive rigidity.

  3. Inability to adjust views when presented with information contrary to their own beliefs.

  While debating a Liberal friend on the ethics and practicality of an “assault rifle” ban, she made a very interesting comment. “Nothing you can say,” she said to me, “will make me change my mind.” It did not matter to her that more people are killed every year with baseball bats than with rifles. She wanted rifles to be banned. This line of thinking is incredibly pervasive in the Liberal mind. Cognitive rigidity, the inability to adjust one’s views to reality, is, at the very least, a sign of poor executive function.

  Liberals, when presented with data contrary to their beliefs, such as comparisons of crime statistics between races, or rates of welfare use among migrants, will often double down on their position. They will attack the data with superfluous claims, or attempt to discredit the author or the research. No matter how robust it is, it is never enough to satisfy them. They will claim the data is wrong, out-dated, or racist; they will say it does not have enough reviews or citations. Instead of accepting the reality of the information, they force their way down the same deluded path.

  4. Frequent projection of their own traits onto others.


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