Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 2

by Richard Houck

  Liberals never tire of claiming that the Right is violent, racist, and hateful. Yet the vast majority of riots and assaults originate with Liberals. Most of the people beaten during protests have been beaten by Liberals. Their violent disdain for anybody with opposing views highlights exactly how hateful they truly are. But they do not see this in themselves; they prefer to project their own behaviors and traits onto their opponents, and they seldom miss an opportunity to do so.

  While the Liberal advocates rights for one group, they have no scruples in trampling on the rights of another. They hold a double standard for nearly every position they take, freely employing doublethink to reduce the resulting cognitive dissonance.

  Look in any Liberal group or subgroup, and you’ll find it is fraught with contradiction, hypocrisy, and incessant double standards. This is true in all realms of Liberalism: the Left is entirely devoid of moral principles, and lacks the ability to cut its ideals to fit reality. Instead, every issue is warped, twisted, and mangled, to fit nicely into their dogmatic Procrustean bed.

  And this is precisely what they accuse their opponents of doing.

  5. Difficulty in dealing with a loss of power or control, or a strong desire for more power and control.

  Behind nearly every Liberal issue is the desire for control. Liberals want to control our money via taxes; they want more control and regulations over firearms and our healthcare; they want to control our education through government-mandated curricula (Common Core); they want to control what information we have access to, what we can say, think, and do.

  When Liberals lose power, they threaten to kill the president, they fund re-counts, they threaten to kill Electors if they do not switch their vote. They riot, they destroy buildings, they spend all their time frantically vying for impeachments. In short, they become totally unhinged. They recently lost in a fair election. Yet they have been entirely unable to cope with the defeat. Sure signs of a maniacal illness. People with narcissistic personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and authoritarian personalities, all typically struggle with the loss of control. Just as those with the mental illness of Liberalism.

  Symptoms in Cluster II of Liberalism deal primarily with the loss of contact to reality. Irrational guilt, feeling victimized, and psychosis, are readily apparent in Cluster II.

  6. Appeals to altered and redefined definitions of words, or relies on fictitious terms for argumentation.

  Similar to Orwellian “Newspeak,” Liberals are constantly redefining words to mean something different, or creating new words to advance their narrative.


  Cultural appropriation


  Politically correct

  Social justice

  Systemic racism

  The patriarchy

  Toxic masculinity

  Toxic whiteness

  Wage gap

  White privilege

  The list is endless. All are words created by the Left in an effort to demonize one group, while portraying the other as the victim.

  Similarly, the Left never ceases to redefine words that already exist. Racism is no longer defined by the Left to describe different treatment of people irrationally based on race. Racism is now defined as a power and privilege that only whites can possess, which makes whites the only group that can be racist. Liberals reframe and redefine nearly all issues in this way. Abortion is now referred to as “women’s rights,” a child is now referred to as a “fetus,” and the act of infanticide is now called a “choice.”

  The Left redefines words every few years or so to fit their current political agenda. But that is not how language functions; only in the warped mind of a Liberal does this incessant manipulation of language and definitions pass as legitimate.

  7. Consistent feelings of having been victimized or wronged, without any actual harm being done. Seen also to play the victim after attacking others.

  We see this manifested in events like the Women’s March in D.C on January 21st, 2017. Hundreds of thousands of Liberals marching for their endangered “rights.” I checked: there are exactly zero rights that men have, and women do not. There have been exactly zero rights taken away from women — or anybody else, for that matter. Yet there they were in D.C., playing the victim.

  This victim mentality is yet another trait that appears to correlate highly with Liberalism. Persistent feelings of victimization arise partly from the Liberal narrative itself and form a crucial element of their ploy to gain support.

  White privilege theory tells all non-whites they are being constantly victimized by systemic racism, whether they realize it or not. Feminist theory tells women they are victims of the patriarchy, which subjects them to lower wages and unfair treatment. Liberals espouse these theories for several reasons. First, it enables them to blame a despised out-group (white men). Second, Liberals are able to garner support from their willing proles by promising to protect them from the evils of white supremacy and patriarchal oppression.

  All of these theories are derived from the Frankfurt School teachings of Critical Theory, often referred to as Cultural Marxism. Where classical Marxism posited that the working class was being unfairly oppressed by the capitalist class, Cultural Marxism employs the same oppressor-oppressed paradigm, but frames it in terms of race, sexuality, and gender. Instead of telling the workers they are being held down by the capitalists, Cultural Marxism or Critical Theory simply switched from an idea of socioeconomic class warfare, towards one of race, sexuality, and gender, telling non-whites and women they are being oppressed by straight white men.

  Confirmation bias and availability heuristics play important roles in Liberals seeing racism and sexism in everything, everywhere. People tend to find what they’re looking for.

  If you are always told that you are the victim, told that everybody is racist and out to get you, you will start to attribute everything to racism. The more that society and the media blame everything on racism and sexism, the more racism and sexism become your go-to explanation for everybody else’s behavior. People then start to make attribution errors by assuming that everything done by certain people is due to racist or sexist motivations.

  When non-whites or women feel they have been wronged, they will assume it must originate in racism or sexism. We saw this in the way Liberals blamed sexism for two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton’s failure to make it to the White House. Despite the fact that she was one of the largest corporate shills and most corrupt candidates we have ever seen, Liberals still think it was sexism that defeated her. Not a rap sheet of scandals a mile long: it was the fact that she was belonged to the wrong sex.

  When people are frequently told they are victims, they start to develop a confirmation bias to that idea. The bias assures them that nothing they do is the problem, that they are nothing but helpless cogs in a machine designed to oppress them. And all that is left for them to do at that point is to “rage against the machine.”

  Liberals always cry out in pain as they strike you.

  8. Intense sense of righteousness or moral superiority.

  The self-righteous superiority complex arises when people believe they possess greater moral virtue than others. Liberals see other views as ignorant, ill-informed, and inferior. The self-righteous person becomes highly intolerant toward those who do not share his views. Virtually all Liberals have the impression that they consistently take the moral high ground.

  Liberals declare their superiority without ever having demonstrated a single successful policy. Liberals demand that everybody else capitulate to their will without ever feeling the need to prove that they are justified or deserving of such adulation. They turn every issue into a moral issue — while having precisely zero moral standards themselves.

  9. The inability to recognize the negative outcomes of their own actions. Often places the blame on others.

  Liberal projection is caused in part by their i
nability to claim blame or responsibility for actions or policies. Liberals never take responsibility for their failures. Falsifiable Liberal theories such as white privilege and the wage gap provide perfect examples of their constant attempt to find scapegoats to blame their failures on.

  When once-great cities become stricken with crime, poverty, and hopelessness thanks to local Liberal governments and demographic changes, Liberals refuse to change their policies or take the blame for these ills. When inner-city schools are organized to provide terrible educations, they never look to themselves, the creators of those policies, as the root cause.

  When Liberal immigration policies lead to a rise in crime and terrorism, they continue on as if nothing were the matter. Then they blame all these phenomena on “intolerance.” Their solution to Muslim terrorism is therefore to invite more Muslims into the country. The Left appears to be entirely devoid of any ability for self-reflection and critical evaluation.

  If Liberals had even a shred of human decency, even the dimmest ability for self-reflection, they would be embarrassed to publicly admit their own Liberalism. If society were not so decadent and warped, openly admitting one’s support of mass migration, infanticide, forced taxation, censorship, and feminism, would be met with hostile derision, not accepted and lauded.

  10. Intense guilt or self-hatred, often manifests as hatred towards one’s larger group identity.

  Commonly known as “white guilt” and ethnomasochism. These arise from the cognitive dissonance that comes from a white person believing in the theory of white privilege. Liberals struggle to reconcile these opposing views, one which says all whites are inherently benefiting from this all-powerful white privilege and therefore inherently morally corrupt, the other which says that these same whites are good people for believing these things. The result is a warped hatred of one’s self and one’s group identity. To escape from this conundrum, many Liberals want to see the demise of what they call “white supremacy” so that they no longer have to feel the perceived burden of being “privileged.”

  Ideally, they would move to another country where they would be in the minority. But that’s a discussion for another day.

  Further Field Observations

  Self-deception plays a prominent role in several mental-health conditions. Self-deception is seen in borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and histrionic personality disorder. Nearly all Liberal narratives require the believer to reconcile the difference between factual reality and the Liberal view by lying to themselves about the nature of reality.

  Political Correctness causes yet more anxiety, depression, and mental dysfunction. To be out of touch with reality is the foundation of mental illness. The suggestion that race is a social construct, that there are more than two genders, or that biological sex has zero influence on behavior, for example, takes one down a path that leads away from reality. The purpose of these blatant affronts to reality is deceive those who believe them, and to humiliate anyone who does not voluntarily remain silent. To accept beliefs that one knows are obvious lies, is nothing other than admiring the Emperor’s New Clothes.

  Promoting white privilege while ignoring the relationship between single parenthood rates, IQ, and race on the one hand, to life outcomes in terms of education, crime, and earning potential on the other, leads the believer away from reality. Believing in systemic racism and the oppression of non-whites by whites, while ignoring the fact that blacks victimize whites at a rate twenty-seven times higher than whites victimize blacks, promotes a disconnection from reality.

  Preaching that guns are the cause of violence, when we see from the data that some groups of people are simply more prone to violence than others, leads one away from objective truth and reality.

  Espousing the politically correct slogan that “Islam is a religion of peace” while blasphemy, apostasy, adultery, and homosexuality, are all punishable by death in Muslim nations, is an affront to reality. Since September of 2001, there have been over 28,000 Islamic terror attacks worldwide;4 that is nearly five terrorist attacks every day. And they are the peaceful ones.

  Hearing that “diversity is our greatest strength” over and over leads the believer further away from reality and deeper into mental illness. In reality, diversity has been empirically shown to cause nothing but lower trust, lower social capital, lower happiness, and a lower quality of life.

  The Liberal mind is caught between reality and its own dogma. A cognitive Scylla and Charybdis.

  It appears that most Liberals process information using peripheral route elaboration, meaning they go with what “feels right” emotionally, instead of critically evaluating all information and opposing views. Evaluation based upon emotion leads one to be more easily persuaded and manipulated. This is why we so often see former Liberals turning to the Right, yet seldom see the contrary. The further you dive into each political issue, the more you realize that the facts are consistently on the side of the Right and rarely, if ever, on that of the Left. Liberalism is a form of emotional and cognitive immaturity, a sort of prolonged arrested development. The truth is hard. It is brutal, it is ugly, it is unforgiving. Learning the truth, knowing the truth, and speaking the truth, are all difficult propositions. It is much easier to believe comforting lies — and this in my opinion is the primary appeal of Liberalism for so many.

  Perhaps Liberalism, rather than being an immature ideology, is really a form of submission. A sort of egalitarian plague, infecting the soft minds of the weak and the docile. It is a world view for those lacking in moral strength, spiritual toughness, and wild hearts. Liberalism as a political project is not designed to tackle the harsh realities we are facing today, and its purveyors are even less equipped to do so.

  People do not arrive at the ideology of Liberalism via research, truth, and critical thinking. They arrive at Liberalism through lies, dogmatic indoctrination, and the brainwashing brought by endless propaganda. The truth is with us. And it always will be.

  The mental illness colloquially known as Liberalism indicates one of two things about its host. Either the person in question is consistently so out of touch with reality that he has developed a vast web of lies which he must continually tell himself in order to reconcile his cognitive dissonance. Or he is so cognitively rigid he is unwilling to change his views in light of new information, a state aggravated by a heavy confirmation bias and a strong dose of self-deception. I’m not sure if the loss of touch with reality comes first, and self-deception is the method by which Liberals ease the negative state caused by their cognitive dissonance, or if the extreme cognitive dissonance from holding views that are not grounded in reality leads to heightened levels of psychosis and a loss of touch with reality.

  In a way, this is the old chicken or egg conundrum. And for now, I do not think it particularly matters. The end result is that the violence we see from the Left, the cognitive rigidity, the guilt, the projections, the righteousness, and the lies — all of it is a result of the Liberal’s fundamental removal from reality.

  One way or another, Liberalism is a mental illness.


  Liberalism in Theory & Practice

  Liberalism With the Mask Off

  Modern Liberalism is based on lies.

  Through this book I frequently use the terms “Right-wing,” “Left-wing,” “Liberal,” and “conservative.” As these terms have all taken on a variety of meanings and definitions, it is important they be defined both in their historical context, and in their modern usage.

  The terms “liberal” and “conservative” have meant many different things in different times and places. These two terms are incredibly context-dependent: a Liberal in the United States in 2017 is a different animal than a liberal in Europe in 2017, and radically different from a liberal during the Age of Enlightenment.

  Conservative is a word that has also undergone many iterations. What it meant to be a conservative during the French Revolution is equivalent to what we
would have called a Loyalist or Tory in the American Revolution.

  Conservatism in Europe once meant conserving the order of monarchies. From the earliest usages in the United States, meanwhile, conservatism has meant conserving the Republic, the Constitution; it is founded on individual liberties on the one hand, and on pragmatism on the other. Although the Right-wing and Left-wing distinction can carry across nations as well, Liberal and conservative mean two wildly different things to an American and to a European or an Australian.

  What we call conservatism in America today is closer to the Classical Liberal views which arose in the Age of Enlightenment, and to our own during the American Revolution. It includes belief in small governments, economic freedom, minimal taxation, and expansive civil liberties. Conservatives are fighting to conserve these values and our people, which are the founding values and founding stock of our nation, even as the Left is entirely hell-bent on destroying them.

  What is now referred to as Classical Liberalism has its origins in the Age of Enlightenment. The “Classical” was added to the term “Liberalism” to distinguish it from Social Liberalism, which is nothing but Marxism with a 21st-century name. Social Liberalism is what we know as modern Liberalism, in which evils like political correctness and social justice abound.

  Classical Liberalism is the idea that we are free to be, say, and do what we want, so long as our actions do not interfere with the freedoms or rights of others, or damage society at large. That nobody should have the right or power to rule over us. That government should be small, and should exist only to serve the people. That markets should be mostly free to provide goods and services, regulated when necessary to protect the citizens or environment. According to Classical Liberalism, every transaction should be voluntary.

  The idea of progressivism, like many modern values related to Classical Liberalism, rose to popularity in the Age of Enlightenment. The idea of progressivism was simple: it amounted to the view that we can improve the human condition. The Age of Enlightenment, or Age of Reason, was in many ways merely a return to the classical ideals known in ancient Greece and Rome. The reemergence of such ideas as constitutional governments, the separation of church and state, human progress, civil liberty, as well as the revolt against the Divine Right of Kings, all came en vogue once more during the Enlightenment.


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