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Liberalism Unmasked

Page 4

by Richard Houck

  I once viewed my own political philosophy as somewhat out of place in the modern world, as it did not fit in well with any contemporary ideology. Only later would I realize that my views place me in a long line of those who came before me. These views surfaced in the West again during the Enlightenment, and have been held by many great men.

  While looking at lists of “Liberal” accomplishments, I notice they take credit for the majority of things the Republicans have fought for. They cannot simply decide now that defending nature and animal conservation was their idea. Those were the ideals of Classical Liberalism, which has no relation to Modern Liberalism as we know it today.

  The Democratic regime claims to be the party of the people, yet the Democratic party has done nothing for the people, except see to it that the middle class has been all but eviscerated through open borders, crippling taxation, and globalist trade policies that smother US workers. The American Left has taken credit for all the work accomplished by the very people who opposed them. They have lied to entire generations, manipulating them into believing that theirs is the party of the common man.

  I should not be surprised that the Democratic party has made such an effort to erase history. Every communist regime has done precisely the same. From Lenin to Mao, the Left has censored speech, rewritten the past, manipulated the media. Anything deemed politically incorrect, anybody that might threaten the narrative, is silenced.

  Same old game, different players. The Left must censor history and outlaw the truth, for these things have always been their downfall.

  My hope is that through my work and the work of others like me, the Liberal empire of lies will be dismantled, brick by brick.

  For nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed, and nothing is secret that will not be made known.

  — Matthew 10:26

  What is Liberalism?

  The heart of Liberalism is nothing more than an insatiable desire for control. Liberals want to control our healthcare, our education, what we can say, the news we watch; they want to control our money, our guns, and, ultimately, our freedom.

  Liberalism is anti-gun, anti-family, anti-free speech, anti-Constitution, and anti-free thinking. It supports degeneracy in all forms, globalism in the form of mass migration, heavy taxation to fund socialist efforts; it is pro-war, pro-Sharia, and pro-violence. Liberals oppose all efforts to preserve individual liberty. Liberals favor all ways to exert more control over the population.

  Why have we seen so much outrage and violence since the 2016 election? Because Liberals in America have lost the one thing they care about most. Power.

  Liberalism is communism. And every time communist have taken control, they have slaughtered the people who opposed them.

  Every communist regime through history has done the same things upon seizing power. They have killed the free thinkers who oppose them. They have severed ties to history, religion, and culture. They have erased and rewritten history. They have torn down old monuments, and erected new ones in their likeness. They have renamed entire cities and streets to accommodate their view of the past. We see this same pattern playing out everywhere Liberalism takes hold. Modern Liberals are the same in nearly every respect to their communist forebears.

  Liberals have the same values as the old Loyalists to the king. They want the State to have the utmost authority, the power to rule over everyone with impunity. In the same sense that Loyalists did not mind being subservient to the king, Liberals do not mind being subjects of the State.

  The moral philosophy of Liberalism is one of collective consequentialism. Liberals believe in totalitarian collectivism, in which everybody in a society is forced to sacrifice his individual liberties for some “greater good.” Generally this means taking away rights and resources from one group and keeping these for themselves.

  And moral goodness is simply defined as what is “good” — for Liberals. It matters not how much property and liberty it deprives people of, how many atrocities they are subjected to. So long as the action aims at furthering the Liberal agenda, the action was justified, “good,” and “progressive.”

  The Liberal State augments its power in many ways. One is by destroying families. After the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the new regime immediately instituted fast, no-fault divorces, and rampant abortions.7 When the family unit is destroyed, the State assumes the empty space. Higher rates of single mothers, more children from broken homes, and more unemployed men increase the number of dependents relying on the State. We see the same degeneracy coming from the modern Feminism that Liberals feverishly push on young men and women. Encouragement of promiscuity, abortion, and meaningless jobs over family, are all means to undermine the family unit, which is perhaps one of the greatest antidotes to State power.

  The State gains power by disarming its citizens. Before the Great Purge, before the Great Leap Forward, before the Killing Fields, before the Holodomor, governments first had to ensure citizens were not well armed, either though strict gun control, confiscations, or scarcity. Liberals today pushing for more and more firearm restrictions are employing a one-hundred-year-old Left-wing tactic to seize more power.

  Creating social chaos is another common stratagem for gaining power. Through perpetuating lies and presenting a false view of reality, the Left incites hatred for other groups among citizens, primarily by demonizing whites. Increasing the “diversity” in an area is another method to destroy social capital and trust. We also see this in the way Feminists seek to pit women against men through the lies of the wage gap and the glass ceiling.

  Endless wars are another tool of social chaos. The constant threat of war and terrorism is a way to keep a population docile and controlled. The terrorism threat is so high in Europe that people are afraid to leave their homes, and many simply no longer do.

  Passing laws to limit free speech is another hallmark Liberal agenda which seeks to limit the power of their subjects. Such limitations on open discussion creates another pretext for jailing dissidents.

  Liberals are interested in one thing: total control through mob rule. From the early days of the Bolshevik Party to American Democrats in 2017, there has never been an exception. Liberals advocate for mob rule under the guise of democracy, using terms like “Democratic Socialism” and “progressive Democrat” so conceal their motives. Allow me then to to reveal these: “Democratic Socialism” simply means promising the majority of people in a nation the resources of the minority, so that the majority votes to steal from the minority, convincing itself that the theft was justified because it was done “democratically.” And modern “democracy” is no different.

  The mob rule mentality of Liberals is captured perfectly in their obsession with the popular vote from the 2016 election. They cannot get over the fact that America still has the remnants of a system that protects the few from the many. They are outraged that despite their efforts to import well over fifty million new Democrat voters (and their children) through mass migration, enough people still rejected their demagoguery to hold them at bay a while longer.

  The United States was designed as a Constitutional Republic and not a direct democracy for very specific reasons. The rights of the individual are endowed by the Constitution. The Republic was meant to consist of those voted into office by the people, those entrusted to uphold the liberties granted by the Constitution.

  Liberals are constantly promoting “democracy,” which is simply a system in which the minority of people in a society are forced to comply with the wishes or whims of the majority. We were never supposed to have a system in which the 51 percent could vote to levy taxes on the remaining 49 percent, or in which the simple majority could elect a number of Liberals sufficient to limit our liberties. The closer we move towards a direct democracy, the further we move from a Constitutional Republic.

  A Constitutional Republic ensures that the collective and the many could not rule over the individual and the few. Democracy always devolves into mob rule, so soon as the 5
1 percent realize they can vote to eat the remaining 49 percent. The purpose of our Constitution and Bill of Rights was to place certain ideas — the right to life, liberty, property, the right to bear arms, free expression — out of reach of elected officials, and beyond the reach of the 51 percent. No election can touch these rights.

  Democracy has very little if anything at all to do with freedom. It is only a polite version of mob rule and collectivism, in which individual rights and property may be stripped away for the “common good.”

  Hans-Hermann Hoppe has written that “Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.”8

  Liberals are of the opinion that we must obey them, or else they will have the State violate our rights to property and liberty. The Left is of the opinion that even if Liberals rally enough support, and vote for a system in which we must obey them, they are some how morally legitimated in forcing everyone else to concede, even if it means the erosion of our rights or the confiscation of our property.

  Two infamous quotes from Hillary Clinton, are perfect examples;

  “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”9

  “We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.”10

  These quotes sound very much like they were taken from a page of Orwell’s 1984:

  “It had long been realized that the only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism.”

  Really, this all makes perfect sense. Right-leaning political thought emphasizes the importance of the individual and the family unit. The Left is a hive of groupthink and collectivism. In a way, it is more of a cult that wants Big Brother to take care of everything.

  Groupthink is the ordinary modus operandi for the Left. There is little critical thought from the Left; if there were, they wouldn’t be Liberal. They are all willing followers; they seek to de-individualize their members, and instill the proper, politically correct, hive-minded values. Exactly like a cult.

  I noticed during the last couple of years that Liberals are using their children more and more to advance their agenda. We saw this in commercials sponsored by a Liberal political action committee, in which children were featured yelling “Fuck you, you racist fucks!”11 During the Women’s March in D.C., children were photographed holding signs filled with political propaganda. The continued exploitation of children as seen from the Left is a very bizarre and disturbing trend.

  What is Neoconservatism?

  Neoconservatives are nothing more than Liberals masquerading as Republicans. This is a clever way to infiltrate the Republican party under the guise of conservatism. Irving Kristol, a Jewish journalist who is considered “the godfather of neoconservatism” started the movement that would later become the predominant “conservative” ideology in American politics.12 There is very little, if anything, the purveyors of this brand of “conservatism” are interested in conserving. Neoconservatism is marked by incredibly hawkish foreign policy and intervention, coupled with a merchant theory of economics, in which GDP is seen as the highest economic good.

  George Bush Sr. pushing for the New World Order was not conservative. Bush Jr. and his cabal of advisers spending trillions and costing thousands upon thousands of the lives of our own soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of innocent lives of Middle Easterners, was not conservative.

  The Neo-Con-Artists that advocated for the Iraq War on entirely false premises are not conservatives. As with the founding of neoconservativism, the majority of those pushing for the Iraq War were Jewish.13 There is nothing conservative or Right-wing about endless interventionalism.14 Nor is the fact that the neocon camp largely backed Hillary Clinton, a sign of any sort of Right-wing ideology.15

  “Republicans” like Lindsey Graham, John McCain & Co. who want amnesty for illegal immigrants are not conservative.16 17 Granting amnesty to eleven million people (a low estimate) who are in the US illegally would cost the US tax payers over six trillion dollars. These illegal immigrants will be a net burden to Americans for their entire lives.18 All these “Republicans” are doing is demonstrating that they are really crypto-Liberals who support our replacement. All of these politicians have had a high number of neocon advisors.

  John Kasich, Republican Governor of Ohio, welcoming countless Somalis into the state, Somalis who are overwhelmingly on welfare that we must pay for, is not conservative.19 20

  In an interview, Paul Ryan proclaimed he would not support restrictions on Muslim migration. He said that limiting Muslims is un-American, and not who we are.21 There is nothing conservative about unfettered migration of a people that openly admits murder as a justifiable penalty for those who insult their religion.

  It is important to understand that many people within the GOP and Republican party have no semblance of conservative or Right-leaning views. They remind me of the 1984 character, Emmanuel Goldstein: they are nothing but controlled opposition, who exist to give the illusion that there is some choice other than voting for open-border, collectivist, Liberal lunatics. Or perhaps they are willing gatekeepers serving a similar function.

  The people we elected to stop the regressive policies of the Democratic machine have betrayed us for their thirty pieces of silver. Most neocons are no better than the most ardent Liberal, and many are worse. In the last twenty years in America, the political spectrum has moved so far to the Left that Bill Clinton’s presidency makes most modern “conservatives” look like members of the Bolshevik inner circle.

  Prominent neocons such as John Podhoretz, Bill Kristol, David Frum, Ben Shapiro, Jennifer Rubin, and Jonah Goldberg, are all opponents of any semblance of an America First policy. They favor mass migration, foreign wars, foreign aid, and seem to wholly embrace the fact that White Europeans are becoming a minority in our own homelands, all while they support incredibly strict immigration policies for their own homeland of Israel.

  When I speak of conservatism throughout this book, I refer to the more classic sense, a people with an actual desire to conserve something other than a few dollars in their wallet. I speak of those of us who wish to conserve and secure our cultures, our identities, our natural world, and above all else, our people.

  In American politics, we do not really have a true Right-wing political party, and it has been this way for the better part of a century, perhaps longer. We really have one party with two factions, a far Left-wing party based on the cultural Marxist teachings of the Frankfurt School that is concerned with social issues and mass migration. And another Left-wing party, the neoconservatives, who are concerned with foreign intervention and the economy, who are also supportive of mass migration and population replacement. Neither are nationalists in nature, nor do they concern themselves with such trifles as whether or not their policies are good for Americans.

  Neoconservatives are nothing more than Trotskyite Leftists, equally deserving of the ice-pick.

  Western Tradition

  American values, the Western tradition, and Right-wing political views are at heart quite similar. The idea of a free and self-governing people dates back to the Romans and Ancient Greeks. These values were once again ignited during the European Age of Reason.

  The idea of small governments that serve the people is a cornerstone of the American value system. With it comes the necessity of the freedom to keep and bear arms. Arms are paramount to the maintenance of liberty.

  American, Western, and Right-wing views embrace the individual and family unit. We believe in the freedom to say, do, and be whatever one would like in one’s pursuit of happiness, so long as others and our shared cultures are not damaged. These values should instill a sense of national pride in one’s homeland, one’s people, and one’s heritage. These things should be protected and revered.

  At the core of conservatism is the pragmatic desire to ensure these values are maintained through the generations.

Values bestow liberty to each and every individual in a society. Liberal values are collectivist in nature and aim to place group welfare over that of the individual. Although the Right is concerned with the well-being of their people, the route to achieve a strong society is vastly different. These two sets of values cannot coexist in one nation. Fundamentally, Western, American, and Right-wing values are diametrically opposed to the collectivist nature of Liberal and Left-wing values. Most political quarrels between the Left and Right stem from a failure to understand that these are not simply two different political ideologies. They are different cultures entirely.

  How can two groups coexist when one is supporting mass migration, censorship, gun restrictions, “hate speech” laws, open borders, and higher taxation? The very truths the Right holds as self-evident, are the very things the Left wishes to destroy.

  It all ultimately comes down to something exceedingly simple: the difference between the ideal Liberal state of collectivism versus the essence of American and Western identity, self-reliance and self-determination.

  Some of us still believe in the heroic nature of the individual struggling against all odds. It is a deeply rooted Western tradition for one man to go forth alone, to struggle, and overcome. Although it remains true that no man is an island, we still hold a truly remarkable regard for the triumph of will.

  The Left will never understand this. They come from a different culture entirely. When the children of men still looked longingly into the heavens in envy of the free and soaring birds, it was two humble sons of Ohio who would teach the world to fly. Collectivism is not what enabled two of Ohio’s finest to soar above the world; it was self-determination, an iron will, and their own fearless struggle.

  Collectivism did not make Tesla the master of electricity. Nor did collectivism ever write a single novel, symphony, or treatise. All of these things were accomplished by societies that had granted prolific freedoms, allowing its citizens to go forth into the darkness and conquer the night.


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