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Liberalism Unmasked

Page 9

by Richard Houck

  As with the term “Nazi,” the Left has now redefined “fascism” to cover anyone who opposes the open-border tyranny of globalism. It is used as a political smear. Simply a tool to demonize, dehumanize, and un-person political adversaries, so the truculent Left may justify its violence.

  During the 2017 Presidential Inauguration, political author, advocate, and speaker Richard Spencer was attacked while giving an interview. Following the assault, social media as well as mainstream news outlets began debating the morality of whether or not it was acceptable to “punch a Nazi.” Even the New York Times ran a piece asking, “Is it O.K. to punch a Nazi?”67 Mother Jones published another entitled “The Long History of Nazi Punching.”68

  The overwhelming reaction by the Left was yes, it is indeed not only reasonable, but morally righteous and even obligatory, to attack a random person for having different political views.

  During the interview in which Spencer was attacked, he had just finished explaining to a protester that he was not a neo-Nazi, nor a Klan member. This, it was subsequently argued, was mere covering for his actual beliefs. But in truth, anybody that wishes to defend the sovereignty of Western nations, anyone who shows even a shred of nationalism, an iota of pride in his heritage, is now called a white-supremacist, a fascist, a Nazi, no matter what he really thinks about these positions.

  Following Donald Trump’s Inauguration, the Forward, published an article entitled, “Pulling No Punches In Fight Against ‘Alt-Right’ And Neo-Nazis.” Discussed in the piece was the rise of the “Anti-Fascists,” who are ready to use violence to suppress anybody they label a Nazi. A black-clad man was depicted stomping the face of another man supine on the ground. The man on the ground was wearing a shirt with a Celtic cross. A text around the image read, “Good Night White Pride.”69

  These groups advocating violence in the streets are of course never labeled as hate organizations by the ADL or SPLC. Richard Spencer, however, is listed by their organizations as a white supremacist. This despite the fact that he has never attacked anyone, nor advocated violence against anyone; to the Left, he is clearly the real threat to society. For while Richard Spencer does not pose an imminent threat, his ideas menace the Left’s regime. His ideas, like so many of our ideas, are starting to make too much sense. They are becoming almost self-evidently true to too many people.

  Let us be clear. People defending themselves from violent, hostile anti-white, Liberal aggression is not a manifestation of “white supremacy”: it is simple self-preservation. Our enemies recognize that we are in a war: every other group can be Pro-black, Pro-Jewish, Pro-Muslim, Pro-Latino Pro-Gay, Pro-whatever, and be proud of their heritage and culture. But white Pride, and Christianity, clearly, need to be stomped out of existence.

  The Antifa is ready to do the stomping, the national and international press is ready to cover for them, and the organizations which proclaim themselves in favor of the First Amendment are ready to fund and defend the entire charade. Those of us who see clearly know what has happened: the essence of the First Amendment is dead; they have killed it.

  “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.”

  —1984, George Orwell


  I watched as so-called Anti-Fascists rioted and burned the Berkeley campus in objection to the unacceptable prospect of journalist Milo Yiannopoulos giving a speech.70 If you’re unfamiliar with Milo, he is a gay, Jewish journalist from England, with a bit of character. He’s anti-Islam, anti-abortion, and pro-Trump. The “tolerant and progressive” Liberal students were so outraged at his opinions that they physically attacked other students who were merely going to watch his speech. They held signs reading “This is war,” “Kill Trump,” and “Kill Fascists.” The behavior we have seen all across the country by the violent Left, attacking conservatives, rioting, silencing dissident opinions, is actual, definitional authoritarianism. It is the very thing these “Antifa” are claiming to fight. We have really reached the point that a gay, Jewish, journalist from England is branded a Nazi and silenced accordingly.

  During the riot coverage on the news I did not see police doing anything to halt the violence. It appeared they were ordered to stand down. Liberals are allowed to riot and attack their political opposition with total impunity while law enforcement, universities, and the media simply watch on. Nobody is holding them accountable. In fact, this kind of activity is actually being encouraged all over social media and in speeches given by other Leftists, reporters, celebrities (read: court jesters) at award ceremonies and protests.

  This is nothing but the American Left showing its true colors now that power has been taken from it. I have said that they want us suffering, demeaned, and dead; that is no understatement. During an interview, Tim Kaine, once vice-president hopeful, urged his listeners to take the fight to the streets, saying that this is the time to “act.”71 While accepting an award at the Screen Actors Guild, actor David Harbour received a standing ovation after encouraging viewers to go out and punch people in the face — for their political views, of course.72

  CNN referred to Milo as an “extremist” while reporting on the incident, but did not deign to comment in such terms on the violent rioters throwing bottles and attacking the students that wanted to see his speech. Ironically enough, Milo speaks quite a bit about the censorship of Right-wing thoughts, and had come to Berkeley to speak about this subject exactly. The only people who were injured in that riot were the students trying to see a damn speech. All the while, CNN has the audacity to refer to the “fake news” of independent journalists. The Left is nothing less than deranged.

  Imagine if a group of Trump supporters violently rioted and forced the shutdown of a Left-wing speaker — which by the way, is a fair description of nearly every professor or speaker on college campuses. Imagine if a group of Trump supporters walked around cities in masks, starting fires, beating up Hillary supporters. Do you think CNN would have the same take on the event? Doubtful.

  We have here yet another example of how the Left effectively silences heretics, those who dare attack the Liberal machine. This is neither the first nor the last time a Right-wing event is shut down by the Left. A Free Speech Rally in Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park turned violent as Antifa arrived to protest the radical Right-wing view that there should be free speech.73 Evidently, free speech is not a value that the Left shares with us.

  The Antifa, taking its inspiration from the Bolsheviks and German Communist Party (KPD), has staged protests and riots at numerous colleges in order to stop speeches from taking place. Free speech advocate Dave Rubin, was forced to cancel a talk at University of Southern California due to security concerns.74 Ann Coulter had to cancel a speech for the same reason.75 It would be tedious to recount all the examples that have occurred in the past year alone.

  When violent mobs are not adequate for silencing those guilty of Thought Crimes, the Leftist faction at the Southern Poverty Law Center gladly steps in. The SPLC, which has declared itself the de facto Thought Police, labels any group or person it disagrees with politically a “hate group.” Thus, the SPLC declared for instance that the non-profit research organization, Center for Immigration Studies, warrants a place on their “Hatewatch” list, alongside the likes of the KKK, the Skinheads, and the Black Panthers.76 The SPLC answers to no one; it does not bother to explain why the violent Antifa group does not make the “hate list,” while a data-collecting non-profit organization does. The SPLC claims to be a neutral, non-partisan entity — yet it is quite clear it does not engage in any sort of objective neutrality, nor holds even a single objective standard.

  Despite the fact that the Antifa group has physically assaulted Trump supporters at the 2017 Presidential Inauguration, the SPLC refuses to comment. Despite the fact that 230 Antifa members were arrested for felony rioting.77 Despite the fact that they smash windows of businesses, set fires in the street, employ mob violence from Berkeley to D.C., t
he SPLC will not so much as mention their violence. Let alone grant them a coveted spot on its “Hatewatch” list.

  The “hate list” is little more than a blacklist and defamation tactic, setting the innocent alongside the guilty and thus arbitrarily forcing guilt by association.

  Limiting speech limits your thoughts. The ideas you cannot speak soon become the ideas you do not think. If you believe even for a second that censorship and hate speech laws are really about protecting somebody’s feelings, understand — this is about protecting the narrative, this is nothing but a concerted effort to police thoughts. The Left fears that those who speak out against their lies might begin to awaken others to the false narrative of Liberalism. Free speech is deeply dangerous to the Left, which is precisely why we have seen an all out war on freedom of expression across the Western world.

  Laws, policies, and actions that restrict speech are always instituted by the Left. Never the Right. For the Liberal narrative cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas or on the battlefield of facts in a fair fight. How could they? So far as facts go, they come unarmed. Silencing dissident views is for that reason a cornerstone of Leftist policy. Those who speak with honesty and integrity never fear what their opponent might say, for nothing is as powerful as the truth. The Left cannot defeat this. It will never be able to hide the truth, no matter how much it censors, bans, and lies. There will dawn a day when the truth the Left has fought so hard to bury will rise from the ash heap of history to triumph again.

  Those of us who still have the courage of our beliefs will never tire and never despair. We will speak the truth when it costs us friends. We will speak the truth when it is unpopular. We will speak the truth when it becomes illegal. We will speak the truth when it is seen an as act of heresy. We will speak the truth even when our voices shake.

  And sooner or later, our speaking of the truth will be the downfall of the international Left.

  The Truth is No Longer Good Think

  One fine autumn day, about a week before the 2016 election, a pro-life group set up a series of posters showing an unborn child’s development. The posters depicted the size of the child in the womb compared to other objects for reference. There were photos of when the heart beats for the first time, photographs of facial development, of when babies start to yawn, of when they start to smile. As you walked through the display the tone changed. Suddenly there were photos of the abortion process. The suction method, the extraction method. In the latter, the child has its limbs severed, its tiny head decapitated, crushed, and forceps shoved into its spine to severe its little brain stem. And finally, posters that show actual photos of the aftermath of the murder.

  Soon after the display was set up, a group of Liberal degenerates gathered round with signs to protest the right of the pro-life group to express their beliefs and show the truth of abortion procedures. They held signs reading “my body my choice,” “get your religion out of my uterus,” and “reproductive rights matter.” These green-, blue-, and purple-haired mental patients stood at the ends of the walkway where the posters were set in order stop people from walking through the display and seeing the photos. They claimed they were there to keep people from feeling “unsafe” and to protest this act of “hate speech.”

  I had some time before my next class, so I was standing near one of the posters having a nice conversation with one of the people from the pro-life organization when I was accosted by a rabid Liberal woman (?) who was already screaming at me. Amidst her babble, I made out that I was creating an “unsafe environment” by being there and “normalizing” this act of “hate speech” and “aggression” against women. I was, she informed me, creating an unsafe environment for women on campus that have had abortions, and that I am inhibiting a woman’s right to choose.

  Being the sporting chap I am, I engaged her. I responded that women who have had abortions did have a choice — the choice to not get pregnant — and that they do not deserve a “safe space” to hide from their act of infanticide. That sent her into a wild tirade about my espousing of “hate speech.” And suddenly I understood why Liberals are so hell-bent on censorship.

  They know that if more people knew how soon this so-called “fetus” begins to look and act just like them, a tiny human, fewer and fewer voters would approve of the act of infanticide. They know that if people knew what “dilation” and “evacuation” procedures actually look like, fewer and fewer would vote for the wretched Democrats who support these barbarities.

  The New York Times article, “When is Speech Violence?” sought to make the same claim as the rabid Liberal I encountered. They argued that because certain speech can cause stress, which can be seen as a form of harm, then stressful “hate speech” is consequently a form of violence:

  If words can cause stress, and if prolonged stress can cause physical harm, then it seems that speech — at least certain types of speech — can be a form of violence.

  By all means, we should have open conversations and vigorous debate about controversial or offensive topics. But we must also halt speech that bullies and torments. From the perspective of our brain cells, the latter is literally a form of violence.78

  The argument of the Janus-masked Left goes like this;

  1. People have the right not to feel unsafe or have their feelings hurt.

  2. Some speech hurts feelings and makes people feel unsafe.

  3. Therefore, you do not have the right to speech that make others feel unsafe or hurts their feelings.

  But their first premise is deeply flawed. People do not have any intrinsic right to have their sentiments spared. This effete attempt to put the subjective value of feelings over that of the right to express one’s ideas freely is a Pandora’s box. Once we create laws based on the utterly subjective “feelings” of some Liberal goblin, everything becomes fair game, anything can be silenced, and the real right to freedom of speech, clearly identified by our Constitution, diminishes to the point of vanishing. Claiming your feelings are more important than another person’s freedom of expression is the true violation of human rights.

  Merely because I had looked at photos and engaged in conversation with one of the advocates for the human rights of unborn children, I was guilty of creating an “unsafe environment” for my fellow students. I did not speak to these students, I did not put up the photos, I did not provoke anyone in any way. I was simply an observer. Which was enough to make me an enemy of the Left — and thus, presumably, a Nazi, and fair target for Leftist violence.

  Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.

  — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  In truth, the First Amendment is designed precisely to protect “hate speech.” No one needs protection for run-of-the-mill, garden variety comments; it would be nonsense to make an amendment to the Constitution protecting a person’s right to say something that everyone under the sun agrees with. It is only “hate speech” that needs protection from persecution.

  Perhaps I feel this problem more sharply than others. I am, after all, a regular proponent of “hate speech.” Some people golf. Some people play cards, or collect things. I like to make offensive and provocative statements. Most people, especially Liberals, are eternally worried about offending anybody, even by mistake. I, however, find great joy in the propagation of facts and thoughts which most find uncomfortable. I believe it to be one of the finer things in life. I don’t even know how many forums, chat rooms, social media platforms, and comment sections I have been banned from for having the wrong views and opinions. For posting facts that discredit the narrative, for not appropriately participating in the Two Minutes of Hate, and for being the first to stop clapping.

  So perhaps this is why, of all the perverse meanderings of Liberalism, I find the assault on free speech to be of the foulest. We owe it to our First and Second Amendments if laws limiting our speech have not yet been passed in the US. Because the Left has already lost the ar
gument. Our ideas, and the evidence we can adduce in their favor, are so much stronger that the only option the Left has now is censorship — turning dissenters into pariahs, against whom violence is not only acceptable but even encouraged.

  We are the only ones being silenced because we are the only ones left with the courage to speak truth to power. The First Amendment exists to protect the likes of us, and the Left knows it. Every single time a Leftists regime has taken hold of country, one of the first things they do is silence those who speak against them. One way, or the other. From the Gulags to the Killing Fields, those who refuse to fall in line are dealt with severely. If the day ever comes to the United States when people are thrown in prison for “hate speech,” as they are all over Europe, then people like myself will have only a few options left: do hard time in the Gulag, wind up dead in a snowy forest — or pick up a rifle.

  Manifestations of the Liberal Illness: Freedom of Speech

  During the 2017 White House Correspondence Dinner, member after member of the lying press stood up and accused Donald Trump of stifling freedom of press, of not understanding the First Amendment. Liberal after Liberal accused President Trump — with no supporting evidence — of doing precisely what the Left does on a constant basis.

  This is a classic example of projection. The lying Liberal media, the same people who support “hate speech” laws and “fake news” censorship, are accusing the Right of their own attitude. The Left fails to see its own hypocrisy and the double standard in its actions and statements. You cannot say you support freedom of expression while advocating for hate speech laws.

  Once again, the Left hides its contradictions by appealing to altered and redefined words. Claiming there is a difference between “free speech” and “hate speech” is the most egregious example. Feelings of victimization are again common here. The Left feels that if they hear things that upset them, they have moral grounds to shut that person down, one way or the other. Their feelings of victimization simultaneously enhance their feelings of moral superiority. We see this in the way they claim to be the arbiters of who can say what.


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