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Liberalism Unmasked

Page 20

by Richard Houck

  In the United Kingdom, the Judicial College published a new Equal Treatment Bench Book for judges, which proclaims that in order to achieve true “equality,” non-whites must be treated in an advantageous way.232 Despite constant anti-white graffiti seen across the UK reading, “evil white failures”, “bye bye whitey”, and “every [white] death a good one”; despite the widespread and covered-up sex trafficking of white children; despite non-whites being given lighter criminal sentences than whites for the same crimes — despite all this, the official UK policy is still to enact anti-white pogroms against the native population. There are few clearer signs than this that the West is under hostile occupation.233 234

  When four blacks kidnapped a white, special-needs teen, and tortured him for two days, the black Chicago Police Commander, Kevin Duffin, referred to the attack as “kids making stupid decisions.”235 CNN’s Don Lemon refuted the idea that the torture was motivated by evil, instead offering the pearl of wisdom that it was merely a result of “bad home training.”236

  Liberals speak of the “dangerous rhetoric” coming from the Right, and they regale us with horrific accounts of alleged abuses resulting from Donald Trump’s speeches. Yet they are eerily quiet when their constant barrage of anti-white propaganda and rhetoric ends up in violence against whites.

  The complete refusal of the Left-wing to label any attack on whites as even potentially racist makes it quite clear they not only feel that racially motivated attacks on whites are a non-issue, but even that they are perhaps justifiable and acceptable. The way Liberals treat violence directed towards whites or conservatives is a classic example of their eternal double-standard.

  Diversity has only ever meant one thing to Liberals: fewer white folk. Not diversity of thought. Not diversity of educational background. Fewer white people.

  It’s the same old word game the Left always plays, and will never cease to play. If we do not stop the Left, even the term “terrorist” will soon be redefined to mean anybody the Left deems to be racist, antisemitic, or xenophobic — meaning, naturally, white.

  Liberals maintain that only whites can be racist, explaining that only those with more “social power” can commit acts of racism. Is that why blacks victimize whites in violent crimes at a rate of twenty-seven times higher than whites victimizing blacks? Or why Hispanics victimize whites in violent crimes at a rate of eight times higher than whites victimize Hispanics? Or why, in European countries, the Muslim male population accounts for over 75 percent of rapes?237 If I didn’t know better, I would even suspect that the data shows whites to be the victims of racism in America, and that white victimization is being entirely ignored in favor of perpetuating the myth of white privilege. Fortunately, the Liberals are here to keep me from drawing such unsociable and unsound conclusions.

  Perhaps in the warped world of the Liberal mind, being forced to subsidize the world’s indigent, even while they brutalize your race, is indeed a privilege. Or maybe Liberalism is a pathological criminal madness.

  Everything is Racist — Including Maps

  During a Criminology class one Summer day, the class was discussing examples of systemic racism and white supremacy. The topic of world maps came up, and much of the class quickly began claiming that the typical map we are used to seeing in classrooms and in online direction websites is racist. It turns out that others have written about the same subject in articles such as “Your Map is Racist, Here’s How.”238 The map they call “racist” is known as the Mercator Projection. Its “racism” lies in the fact that on the Mercator world map there are size distortions among landmasses. South America and Africa are presented as being smaller than they are in reality, while Europe, the United States, and Greenland are presented as being larger. Liberals claim that this distortion is meant to minimize the importance of non-white nations.

  When early cartographers were trying to map the world, they struggled with the complex problem of accurately representing a three-dimensional object, the planet, on a two-dimensional plane, a paper map. Removing a dimension causes unavoidable distortions, either in the size of landmasses, in directionality, in parallel lines, or in distance. When Mercator was creating his now famous map, he decided that in the year 1569, the most important aspect of a map was that it can be used accurately for navigation; thus, he decided to adjust the size of land-mass sizes in order to preserve the reliable calculation of true distances and direction. If you use a map projection that is accurate with respect to land-mass size, it becomes difficult to properly chart a path for maritime navigation. The reason map websites show a Mercator Projection is not due to white supremacy: it’s because the purpose of a map is to get you from point A to point B.

  There is another map projection called the Gall-Peters Projection, which depicts land sizes in more accurate terms. It is not used for navigation.239 If Liberals want to use the Gall-Peters projection to accurately portray the size of everyone’s homeland, great! I’m all for it! But perhaps they could check their data before declaring everything a racist conspiracy theory.

  No, Really — Everything

  I read a lot of studies. It’s a bit of a hobby of mine. It is rather rare for me to read an article or study, and to be legitimately dumbfounded by the result or conclusion. However, coming across a study about premature birth rates among black American women truly left me without words. The study found that the infant mortality rate is three times higher for black women than for white women in America. These mortality rates are still higher than those of whites, even when accounting for age, education, and income. So what was the conclusion reached by the researchers as to the disparity? The stress of chronic racism.240 That’s right: the stress associated with being exposed to racism or to the perception of racism, allegedly causes premature births, which lead to higher infant mortality rates.

  They didn’t stop to wonder if there might be any connection between the high infant mortality rates of blacks living in Africa and those in America, on account of genetic similarities. They never looked at the fact that white women are nearly 50 percent less likely to be the victims of domestic violence than black women.241 They never stopped to examine the difference in coping styles, support structure, or spousal support. Black citizens have the highest rates of single motherhood in America. Is it not possible that the stress of being a single parent might be the culprit? Nope, let’s just blame racism and the evil white man. Japan and South Korea have some of the lowest rates of infant mortality in the world; I suppose a Liberal researcher would attribute this to a lack of racism, not any potential cultural, racial, or biological difference. More disturbing of a potential explanation are the rates of infant homicide among races. Blacks kill their own infants at a rate of over twice that of the national average.242

  Professor of Equality and Diversity, Kevin Hylton, wrote an article titled “The unbearable whiteness of cycling.”243 He posits the theory that blacks do not ride bicycles as much as they should because of white privilege and racism. Hylton believes that whites create barriers that do not allow non-whites to participate in cycling. An idea conceived in good Liberal tradition. Maybe Hylton should survey black communities and white communities. He might just find that certain demographics prefer certain sports over others.

  Imagine the uproar, had a white or Asian professor written a piece titled “The unbearable blackness of basketball.” Imagine a white or Asian person claiming that more whites and Asians would enjoy basketball if it were just less black.

  The Center for Disease Control conducted a sleep study, which New York Magazine covered in an article titled, “Nobody Sleeps Better Than White People, Says Study.” The article is filed under the “privilege” category of the site.244 The CDC study found that 66.8 percent of whites get at least seven hours of sleep per night, which is more sleep than any other racial group. Black people and multiracial people were getting the least sleep, with around 53 percent of those surveyed getting seven hours of sleep per night.

  So what wa
s the conclusion drawn from the different patterns of sleep behavior? That non-white groups are kept awake at night by racism and concern at racism. Meanwhile, whites, not burdened by racism, can sleep much more soundly through the night. While the Left is determined to find racism under every stone, I decided to look at some alternative factors. After not much research, I found a report from a research organization, Nielsen, that reported black citizens watching 37 percent more TV than other demographics.245 Perhaps, some groups stay up later watching TV, while other groups turn in earlier. But such a hypothesis is of course blasphemous to the Liberal religion of ubiquitous rabid racism.

  When crimes happened on our around my university campus, students would receive emails notifying us of the crime, with a description of the suspect. After noticing a certain trend, many of my Liberal peers complained about the racist “profiling” that was taking place in the emails, noting the description of the suspect was nearly always black. They claimed that this creates a negative stereotype — namely, that blacks commit most of the robberies targeting students.

  I then started to notice that the race of the suspect was no longer being included in the email descriptions. His height, weight, clothing, facial hair, hair style, were all included — but not race. Apparently, accurately describing a criminal, and thus protecting potential victims, is racist.

  Babies — Yes, Even Babies — Are Racists

  Even Babies Discriminate —Newsweek246

  Your Baby Is a Racist — and Why You Can Live With That —Time247

  Your baby is a little bit racist, science says —New York Post248

  Do babies show bias? Researchers seek the roots of racism —CBC News249

  According to recent studies, your little one is likely to be a bundle of joy, and also a hateful, bigoted, sexist, racist, xenophobic, little fascist. Just like his parents. I am, of course, joking. But the Liberals are not.

  Newsweek, Time, CBC, and The New York Post all have run stories about university “research” that found, shockingly, that babies seem to prefer looking at and paying attention to people of their own race. Babies also were found to associate positive music with their own race. The New York Post wrote, “It’s not clear why the infants made these associations.” While Newsweek states that “It’s horrifying to imagine kids being proud to be white.”

  Since Liberals are clearly at a loss to explain how in their first year of life, innocent, bright-eyed children can turn into Klan-robe wearing, Hitler-hailing monsters, I’ll have a go at it.

  In-group favoritism is a well known psychological concept, and it is an adaptive trait for survival. When humans lived in small tribes, they needed to be able to quickly discriminate members of their own tribe from others, since out-group members could pose a threat to their very existence. Babies, being entirely defenseless, are wired to prefer their own in-group, as it is more likely that the people who looked most like them, would be the same people to care for them and keep them safe; people who look differently, meanwhile, those in the out-group, had uncertain intentions. It’s a good thing public money is going to pay professors’ salaries so that they can unearth these groundbreaking discoveries, and it’s even better we have such fearless journalists, who are willing to present these chilling scientific conclusions to us plebeians.

  And what do professors and journalists recommend as the remedy for the problem of racist babies? Expose them to more diverse groups of people and to more diversity in the media, of course. We wouldn’t want our newborns missing out on mandatory tolerance and diversity indoctrination, would we?

  Anti-Defamation League & The Southern Poverty Law Center

  The ADL and SPLC are two of the most influential and well-funded Leftist organizations for promoting the Liberal narrative and denigrating political opposition. In true Leftist fashion, the main tactic used by the Anti-Defamation League to attack those with thoughts outside of the official narrative is to defame their work and character. Both the ADL and SPLC are nothing but glorified Judeo-supremacist think tanks that seek to advance Leftist, Jewish, and anti-white political agendas. They behave in a more hateful manner than those they claim to oppose; these groups, which claim to be the de facto experts on extremism and hate, are in fact exponents of the same. Both organizations essentially exist essentially to defame whites.

  Any group that publicly defends vehement anti-white partisans such as Tim Wise, who openly admits to hating whites and fails to condemn professors for calling for the complete destruction and annihilation of the white race, has zero moral ground to stand on.250 If these were truly unbiased groups that honestly wanted to combat hate and extremism, they could declare George Ciccariello-Maher an anti-white extremist in no way fit to be a university professor. If you’re unfamiliar with him, Dr. Ciccariello-Maher is the university professor who publicly stated that the racially motivated rape and murder of whites in Haiti “was a good thing,” shortly after publicly expressing his “Christmas wish” for “white genocide.”251 The ADL and SPLC see no problem with him, or others like him. Which really comes as no surprise given their history. The ADL was founded to stop “antisemitism,” after a Jewish factory boss, Leo Frank, had beaten, raped, and strangled a thirteen-year-old factor worker, named Mary Phagan. Frank was found guilty of the crime, but due to appeals, his execution was postponed several times and finally commuted. Growing weary of legal proceedings that were preventing justice from being served, a group of armed men stormed the penitentiary where Frank was being held, kidnapped him, and hung him from a nearby tree.252 To this day, the ADL claims the lynching, which it considers the impetus for its organization, was due to “antisemitism,” and not Frank’s vicious crimes.

  I searched the ADL and SPLC websites for Tim Wise, George Ciccariello-Maher, and Noel Ignatiev, to name a few. Not much is listed on any of them, and certainly nothing negative. These people are calling for the genocide of an entire race, yet the groups that take in millions of dollars annually to “combat racism and hate” are both strangely quiet when it comes to the advocacy of the rape and death of whites.

  In true stereotypically neurotic ADL fashion, before the 2016 election, this organization declared a cartoon frog named Pepe a hate symbol. That’s right; a green, cartoon, talking, frog, is now an icon of hate.253 They were serious about this, by the way.

  The ADL uses its enormous budget to ensure that the world is safe from a wide-eyed, fictitious frog, while they remain totally silent regarding calls for white genocide. There is a lot of money to be made protecting people from imaginary hate crimes. In fact, it appears to be one of the best-selling works of fiction, one of the largest industries to date.

  Further illustrating the actual agenda of the ADL and SPLC is the case of Black Lives Matter. When I first heard about BLM, it was sometime around the death of Eric Garner. I recall seeing signs and shirts that read, “I can’t breathe,” shortly after Garner’s death. At first I was deeply sympathetic to the group and their cause. There are indeed many instances of police brutality, corruption, and tremendous lapses in judgment. And there have been indeed many cases of people killed by police who should be alive today. Reforms are needed. Those responsible for wrongful convictions and deaths should be held fully accountable. There is nothing worse in the justice system than putting an innocent man behind bars or killing a man needlessly. I disagree however that Black Lives Matter is helping anything, or even moving in the right direction; at this point it is really nothing more than a glorified anti-white hate group.

  It wasn’t long after Eric Garner’s death that Ferguson went up in flames as a result of Mike Brown being shot and killed during a confrontation with police.

  “Hands up don’t shoot,” became the BLM slogan. Except there was a glaring problem. Mike Brown never had his hands up. Brown was attacking officer Wilson. Yet the line “hands up don’t shoot,” persisted on the mainstream media, all over social media, and on the signs of protesters who quickly mutated into rioters. Instead of workin
g towards actual resolutions, these mobs decided to parrot a lie, and burn a city.

  Neither the ADL nor the SPLC recognizes Black Lives Matter as a hate organization. Yet they do list the group White Lives Matter as a hate group.254 As far as I know, White Lives Matter has yet to advocate for anybody’s death, nor have any of their supporters killed anybody. More than can be said for BLM.

  During a July 2016 protest, a shooting in Dallas left five police officers dead. The killer, Micah Johnson, stated that he was upset about white officers killing blacks, and that he “wanted to kill white people.” Less than two weeks later in Baton Rouge, another police shooting took place during protest over the death of Alton Sterling, in which six officers were shot by Gavin Long, a member of a black separatist group.

  FBI reports implicated BLM in the shootings in Dallas and Baton Rouge, stating that the shooters were influenced by the BLM narrative. The FBI report also cited the news and media as contributing to hostility towards police.255 It’s not hard to see why, when the mainstream media, the national organization of Black Lives Matter, and politicians, continue to disseminate false information, while never bothering to correct the record.

  The fact that both the ADL and SPLC claim to be non-partisan is ironic to say the least. Contradiction after contradiction, complete hypocrisy, and reckless double-standards define these organizations at their root. They have an astonishingly clear agenda, one that falls nicely along party lines, and one that is tremendously anti-white.

  The SPLC maintains a list of Right-wing terror attacks. They listed both Micah Johnson and Gavin Long as Right-wing terrorists.256 So if you’re keeping track, all whites that speak out against violence against whites and advocate for their own people are Right-wing extremists — as are blacks that want to kill white people, and blacks who do murder whites.


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