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Liberalism Unmasked

Page 22

by Richard Houck

  But perhaps — perhaps there should have been. Maybe we need to start sending a message that probation and sweeping these deaths under the rug will no longer be acceptable. Maybe a little more intolerance is exactly what we need. The current malaise of the West is perhaps best exemplified by scenes of white men rioting and taking to the streets after a sporting event, but doing nothing in the wake of the rape, brutalization, and murder of our own people. Perhaps it is time for us to wake up to what really matters.

  These organizations like to proclaim that “white supremacy” is everywhere. My message to them is this: they have never in their lives experienced White Imperium. But if they continue down this path, they will most certainly one day find themselves standing face-to-face with everything they fear most.

  Shots Fired

  The concept of “white privilege” is merely a battle tactic in the war against whites in America and in Europe. It is a tool used to delegitimize a people in their own homelands. What “white privilege” and its proponents really represent are parts of a larger cause: Leftists view “whiteness” as an intrinsic problem that must be solved. The ceaseless promotion of more diversity is at root an attempt to make whites the minority in their own lands. Globalization and the open-border policies that cause hordes of Third World migrants to flood into Europe and America is part of the Liberal Final Solution for the White Question. Evidence supporting my claim, can be drawn from just about every possible source — the media, advertisements, university campuses, academic articles, and the lying press.

  In an “Open Letter to the White Right,” Jewish blogger and so called anti-racism activist, Tim Wise, goes on an unhinged rant about how he will revel in the demise of the white race:

  Because [white people] you’re on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around…

  Do you hear it? The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently? Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful.285

  In March of 2016, leading up to the presidential election, Wise had this to say:

  White people: this is the moment of truth. Will we choose multiracial democracy or white nationalism? Know this: if you support Donald Trump or would even consider voting for him for president, you have chosen the latter. You are my enemy. I will not seek to co-exist with you. I will not make nice. I will not pretend we believe in the same things but merely have different opinions about how to get there. You are the enemy, plain and simple. And you must be stopped. You must lose and not just by a little. By a lot. A crushing defeat that leaves no doubt in your mind that the country you prefer is gone and is never coming back.

  Georgetown University law professor, Preston Mitchum:

  “Yes, ALL white people are racist. Yes, ALL men are sexist.”

  “If you’re apart of any dominant group when it comes to race, gender, sexuality, etc., you contribute to the oppression of groups period.”286

  Texas A&M professor, Thomas Curry:

  “In order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people may have to die.”287

  Several quotes from Jewish professor Noel Ignatiev:

  “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.”

  “There can be no white race without the phenomenon of white supremacy.”

  “Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.”

  “The task is to bring this minority together in such a way that it makes it impossible for the legacy of whiteness to continue to reproduce itself.”

  “Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed, not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.” 288 289

  Quotes from Mexican professor and founder of La Raza Unida Party, Jose Angel Guiterrez:

  “We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”

  “Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes.”

  “This is not a white country. It is not going to be a white country. And we will paint this White House brown.”290

  None of these people or those like them, nor even their legions of useful idiots, are interested in seeking equality. They want to dominate us.

  After reading these quotes by university professors, it becomes clear why during so many revolutions throughout history, “journalists,” academics, and professors were the first people to be rounded up and physically removed from society. Eventually, people come to an end of their tolerance; their patience for the incessant insolence, and provocations against them, runs dry.

  A few headlines:

  White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it — Salon291

  Straight, White Men Are The Root of Our Problems —Affinity Magazine292

  I Don’t Know What to Do With Good White People —Jezebel293

  Ten Things White People Need To Quit Saying —The Huffington Post294

  Yes, Diversity Is About Getting Rid Of White People —Thought Catalog295

  Escaping Whiteness —The Huffington Post296

  A Sermon on the Unbearable Whiteness of America —The Washington Post297

  Do White Men Really Deserve to Vote? —Affinity Magazine298

  The Sugarcoated Language Of White Fragility —The Huffington Post299

  17 Deplorable Examples Of White Privilege —Buzzfeed300

  White Families Are Engines Of Inequality —The Huffington Post301

  What Is Whiteness? — New York Times302

  The Case for Banning White Male Americans From America —Slate303

  White Identity Offers Bland Nothingness or Racism —The Huffington Post304

  Defending ‘White interest’ can never be right —The Times305

  And if these publications are not enough to re-educate you, thankfully there are classes white folk can take to help them! Everyday Feminism offers a ten-week online class titled “Healing from Toxic whiteness.”306 There are even white privilege conferences around the country, where you can pay to be properly indoctrinated.

  For the college-bound, the University of Wisconsin Madison offers a class titled, “The Problem of Whiteness.”307 Hunter College offers another titled, “Abolition of Whiteness,” in which eager young minds can be warped by Cultural Marxism and learn all about “white supremacy and violence.”308 And Stanford offers a course in Anthropology focused on “abolishing whiteness.”

  I’m sure other universities will follow suit. As if the social sciences were not already filled enough with the degenerative virus that is Critical Theory, they are going to ensure this is now part of the required curriculum (read: propaganda program), as well.

  The people who pass as today’s “intellectuals,” professors, journalists, those authoring books and articles on white privilege, are without a doubt, some of most hate-filled, self-righteous, lowliest vermin on the planet right now

  White guilt has been transformed into an industry, in which non-whites not only are able to teach whites to hate themselves further, but can even profit greatly from it as well. From books to classes to seminars, the market for ethnomasochism grows by the day.

  Based on my own experience and research, it seems to me that many modern university programs now serve as indoctrination centers for communist radicalization, places to stomp out critical thinking. Perhaps even more troubling is how this mind-plague of Liberalism will begin to affect the young. Conferences are now being held in which school teachers, from kindergarten to high school, will be taught how to deal with, and talk to, their students about white privilege, the problems of “whiteness,” and how to address “microaggressions” in the classroom.309 Children as young a
s six years old are now going to be exposed to the same Cultural Marxism and Frankfurt School Critical Theory as college students. Young whites will learn to hate themselves, hate their race, and bear a sense of collective guilt; they will be taught they are inherently evil for being white. Nobody is born hating their own people; ethnomasochism is not innate — it is a learned behavior. It must be taught to the young. These are all very clear signs we are being subjected to the control of a hostile elite.

  “White devil,” “white trash,” “toxic whiteness,” “the white race is the cancer of humanity,” “dead white male,” “white genocide,” “abolish the white race.” The media, the news, professors, Liberals, all snivel about the “dangerous rhetoric” coming from the Right, while they freely and openly discuss ways to rid the world of the White Problem. No one is coming to check these people’s hate. It’s up to us to end these affronts against our people.

  If we truly lived in a country of white supremacy, as the Left claims, would these be the kind of headlines we would see? Would the press, academia, and the media be permitted such vehement and openly anti-white comments? In a nation of true white supremacy, would slurs of “white trash” and calls for “white genocide” be made with impunity? If we lived in a nation of white supremacy, would any of these people have jobs the next day? Of course not. If Liberals truly believe that their ability to openly mock us and promote our dispossession is the consequence of “white supremacy,” they are in for one hell of a shock. They are creating the very monsters they fear most.

  If these statements were made about any other group of human beings, people would call for the heads of those who had made them. Why do we allow this to go unchallenged in our own nation, built by our own ancestors? Do you think they would be proud of us? These men who fought and died for our nations — would they be proud of what we have become? Allowing an invasive species to come into our homeland, attacking us with such uppity displays and insolence, and with such total impunity?

  No other group on Earth would tolerate this. Nor would our own ancestors of a mere century ago.

  “Whiteness,” despite the rhetorical pseudo-intellectual excuses its users make for it, is simply a code word for white people or Europeans. Our enemies don’t have the mettle to declare total war outright. So they hide behind their Liberal dog whistles. Whiteness means white people, “racist” now too means white people, and, of course, diversity simply means fewer white people. As if it weren’t enough that these people support policies across the globe that persecute and destroy our race, they laugh about it, they cheer it on.310 They gloat over the fact that whites are becoming a minority in our own homelands.

  Fake-news extraordinaire, The Washington Post, published a piece titled, “The ‘war on whites’ is a myth — and an ugly one.” In the article the authors describe white economic achievement relative to blacks and Hispanics as “proof” that there is no war on whites. Of course, they leave out Asian economic achievement, which is higher than that of whites’.311 Their article is only proof of the widespread cover-up of what is happening. They conveniently leave out the fact that 85 percent of violent, interracial crimes, amounting to over half a million each year, comprise blacks attacking whites. They chose to ignore the fact that nearly 100 percent of interracial rapes are white women raped by non-whites.312 They failed to mention the somewhere near one-million white women and children that have been raped by Arab and African Muslims in England alone in the past forty years. They ignored the fact that, due to those economic achievements, whites are forced to fund the lifestyle and families of blacks and Hispanics, who are perennial net negatives to the fiscal budget. Our monuments are being destroyed and vandalized, we are being written out of our own history books, our identity devalued, deconstructed, until we are unpersoned. We are murdered, raped, beaten, and extorted by non-whites at totally disproportionate rates, while the media covers up the crimes and excuses them — because whites have a higher average income than blacks and Hispanics.

  An article titled “The Last Days of a White World,” discusses population data and projections. The conclusion: before long, there will not be a country, state, or city, on Earth, in which whites are a majority.313 The Asians will always have Asia. The Africans will always have Africa. The Jews will have Israel. Arabs will have the Near East. The Hispanics will have Central and South America. And for us Europeans? We will not even have a single city to call our own. Even in our own homelands, we are being displaced. If this were happening to any other group on the planet, it would be called a genocide; yet for us, it is welcomed. An internet search of “white genocide,” will assure you that it is nothing but a “racist conspiracy theory.” They cheer on our demise, and then use the media to tell us nothing is happening.

  Then let us set the record straight. Immigration is genocide. Through our tax dollars, we are forced to fund the war on our own people. The war is waged with our own money, on our own soil. The ethnic cleansing of whites is happening in our own homelands. Be it mass murder or mass migration, the end results are the same. There is no term other than ethnic cleansing to describe the reality that were will not be a single nation, state, or city left where whites are the majority. Our homelands are being ripped away more and more each day.

  In many cases, these efforts to eradicate the whites are purely cultural. Take the Eiffel Tower, perhaps one of the best known symbols of the modern Occident. The famous Parisian monument was recently desecrated by the first ever mural to be painted at its base. An “artist” named Cleon Peterson, who has a portfolio of work that depicts white women being beaten, beheaded, and raped by black men, was chosen to paint the mural. Titled “Endless Sleep,” the scene is of black figures on top of white figures, arranged in a six-pointed star, with a black man and a white woman “embracing” in the center.314 The Eiffel Tower is an explicit expression of European culture and of the European peoples. The “art” that was chosen as the first to adorn this space in the Tower’s more than century old history, is an open depiction of whites being replaced, by an “artist” who built his career around violent scenes of white people being tortured, raped, and murdered, by non-white people.

  Pay attention: it’s all around us. The war is raging, silently but surely. They call for white genocide, then shirk when pressed, calling the whole thing a conspiracy theory. If anybody on the Left wants white genocide, that’s fine. But own it. Don’t be a coward when confronted. Professor George Ciccariello-Maher was on the Tucker Carlson show; he claimed his comments about whites being raped and killed were simply jokes and that his “white genocide Christmas wish” was merely satire on an “imaginary concept.”315 Don’t call us racists when we want sovereign borders, when we seek to save our nations and our people from your diabolical politics and genocidal intentions. Declare your war, let everybody know your intentions, so we may respond accordingly.


  The hordes are coming for you, my friend. If you think you’re safe because you voted for the open-border candidate or because you posted an “I support Black Lives Matter” photo on social media, you’re gravely mistaken.

  Take a look at how whites are treated in South Africa. If you think for a second that Europe and America will not follow the same route when Europeans are no longer a majority in our own homelands, think again.

  If you think having a “Coexist” bumper sticker might save you, consider this. In South Africa, whites makes up less than 10 percent of the population, yet they are raped and assaulted at a rate of over four times that of anybody else. They are quite literally being hunted to extinction, while the world sits idly by. The murder rate of whites in South Africa is 313 per 100,000 people. Higher than any other group of people on planet Earth. Not only are they murdered, they are tortured daily in the most vile and horrific ways imaginable. South African whites are facing genocide, while the world remains silent.316

  We stand at a crossroads such as we have never before seen at any point in the history of the
West. It is high time to think long and hard about which way you are going, Western man.

  Manifestations of the Liberal Illness: Racism

  Constant lies abound in discussions of race with Liberals. They parrot the lie that blacks are being gunned down by police, and the lie that white privilege is the cause of the plight of certain non-white groups. The lying press never makes mention of the data that proves whites are victimized at higher rates than any other racial group, nor do they care to cover those stories in the media. They only care about preserving their narrative.

  When confronted with facts, when told white privilege is a myth, and the problem with certain communities is their own choices and actions, Liberals lose their minds.

  Yet these terms, like “systemic racism” and “white privilege,” are empirically bankrupt. Liberals provide no evidence to support their theory of white privilege. Nothing but words made up by sociologist to belittle the hard work of Westerners and undermine all of our accomplishments. Just words made up by sociologist to try to explain why some people can succeed and others are stuck in the Stone Age and struggle to meet even the most minimal of Western standards.

  What the Left and non-whites refer to as “white privilege,” is nothing more than white competency. White industriousness. White struggle. White perseverance. And ultimately, white culture. Through our own efforts we became great, not due to some unearned “privilege” that exists in an insubstantial metaphysical realm. Never let anybody tell you otherwise.

  Despite those facts that entirely blow the Liberal narrative apart, Liberals still vehemently stick to their story. Liberals claim that whites are the racists, while they consistently denigrate whites and white interests.


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