Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 23

by Richard Houck

  We see the Liberal mind projecting its own bias, hatred, and bigotry, upon the Right. Liberals claim that the Right is guilty of that which the Left does non-stop. When Liberals seek to come up with conspiracy theories about white privilege, they are trying to blame another group for their own failures. They have no ability to recognize their own responsibility.

  Redefined words run amok in this connection. The idea that only whites can be racists is a perfect example. Feelings of persecution are also seen throughout this discussion of race. It’s always the evil white man who is keeping everybody else down — except, of course, for the Asians, and the Indians, and really anybody who stays in school, doesn’t commit crime, and goes to work.

  Liberals are always vying for power for their own group, even while trying to denounce their out-groups. They garner support by telling people they are victims of racism, by assuring people that they will save everyone from those horrors.

  An exaggerated sense of moral superiority is seen in the way Liberals and extremist groups like the ADL and SPLC unilaterally declare themselves to be the moral authority on all things race-related.

  Self-guilt and hatred are manifested in many Liberals, who are consumed by white guilt. All over Europe and even in America we see the symptoms of ethnomasochism. The claim that whites or Europeans have no culture of their own is only a single prime example.

  The desire to control and silence their out-group, whites, is rampant.

  Every symptom, in both Clusters, can be found in the discussion of race.

  Cluster I

  1. Deceitfulness, indicated by repeated lying, grand exaggerations, or omission of contrary information, with the purpose to advance their chosen narrative and discrediting others.

  2. Irritability or aggressiveness towards anybody that questions or opposes their views. Coupled with the inability to recognize they own hypocrisy, double standards, and doublethink.

  3. Inability to adjust views when presented with information contrary to their own beliefs.

  4. Frequent projections of their own traits onto others.

  5. Difficulty in dealing with a loss of control or power, or a strong desire for control and power.

  Cluster II

  6. Appeals to altered and redefined definitions of words, or relies on fictitious terms for argumentation.

  7. Consistent feelings of having been victimized or wronged, without any actual harm being done. Seen also as playing the victim after attacking others.

  8. Intense sense of righteousness or moral superiority.

  9. The inability to recognize the negative outcomes of their own actions. Often placing the blame on others.

  10. Intense guilt or self-hatred, often manifests as hatred towards one’s larger group identity.


  Feminism and the Downfall of Western Women

  Modern, third-wave feminism, as it exists today, seeks to destroy the family unit, cause more dependency on the State, and make women miserable. Feminist theory seeks to pit women against men, undermine traditional values, and alienate women. None of what feminists are advocating helps women in any fashion. In reality, it does precisely the opposite.

  Modern feminism claims to seek gender equality, but nothing could be further from the truth. Feminists are not interested in equality in the slightest. They are not concerned with the fact that men pay the majority of taxes, while women use the majority of government benefits.317 They are not concerned with the fact that health insurance companies are no longer able to charge women higher rates than men, despite the fact that women use health insurance more often than men and frequently have more expensive health care.318 While in automobile insurance, companies are still allowed to charge men higher rates than women, because men are riskier to insure due to their higher rates of drunk driving and speeding tickets.319 Feminists claim there is a “glass ceiling” that prevents more women from becoming CEOs of companies, yet they are oddly silent on the fact that over 90 percent of workplace fatalities are men.320

  Where are the marches demanding that men and women pay the same rate for auto insurance? Where is the outrage that women are not required to register for the Selective Service Act in order to receive college financial aid? Where is the organization that volunteers young women for the most dangerous and the dirtiest jobs? 99 percent of garbage collectors are men — but feminists do not want any part of that equal share.321

  Over 70 percent of all homeless people and suicides are men.322 323 Yet I rarely see anybody expressing grave gender-based concern for the young men on the streets, or those who take their own lives. Feminists will march in the streets and demand free birth control from the government, paid for by tax dollars which mostly come from men, yet they are oddly silent about the grave issues in our society. The Women’s March on Washington was outstanding in its level of entitlement. Demanding that the tax payers fund the hobby of recreational sex. Demanding free birth control, free STD screening, and free abortions. The fact that modern feminists see these things as fundamental rights does not do much to bolster their posturing as fighters for equality. I have many hobbies, but I could not imagine demanding that the government pay for my new camera lens, or bicycle tires, or target ammunition. Imagine being so self-righteous that you truly believe it is somebody else’s responsibility to fund what you do in your spare time!

  I find the broader issue of women’s reproductive rights to be incredibly one-sided and unequal. Considering that these agitators are claiming to seek equality, it is odd to me that they offer men almost no rights at all regarding children, from the moment of conception all the way to child support. If a man and woman are in a relationship and the woman becomes pregnant, the man has no legal voice at all as to what becomes of the pregnancy. If the man desperately wants the child, yet the woman wants an abortion, she can unilaterally decide to have an abortion, with no input from the man. If the woman decides to have her child, on the other hand, she can take the man to court for child support, which he must pay, though he is granted only limited custody rights. There is nothing equal at all about this arrangement. The woman has the authority to make every decision in the life of that child, while the man has little to none.

  Feminists want equality in only the most Orwellian sense of the word: everybody is equal, but some are a little more equal.

  The Myth of the Wage Gap

  The single largest myth that feminists perpetuate is the “gender pay gap.” Feminists from purple-haired Gender Studies majors, up to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, all drone on endlessly about the wage gap. The claim is that women are only paid around 75-80 cents for every dollar a man makes. Let’s see how well this holds water.

  The data showing that men earn more money than women was determined by looking at the total amount of money earned by men, and dividing that by the number of men in the workforce; the same was done for women, and the result was that men, on average, earn more money than women. Liberal feminists like to conflate this simple fact with the notion that men are earning more for the exact same job, which is not at all the case. The alleged wage gap does not take into account education level, occupation, or hours worked.324 What we find when we look at the data more closely is that men work more hours than women, they work more overtime, they choose college programs and careers that are higher paying, and they take less time off from work. The claim that men make more than women does not account for the fact that the majority of jobs like software development and network engineering are occupied by men, while most human resource managers and administrative assistants are women.325

  Further, studies that factor in all those aforementioned variables find that the “pay gap,” falls to within 2 percent.326 That is, when men and women have the same education level, the same amount of work experience, and the same career, they are paid an almost identical amount, with women earning even more on average in many fields.327 The framing of the “pay gap” problem by Liberal feminists is incredibly misleading and disho

  A quick thought experiment shows the total absurdity of the idea that women are paid less than men for precisely the same job. Imagine you are the owner of a company that has ten employees, five men and five women. And imagine that everybody in the company does the exact same job and has the same amount of productivity, but the women are all paid $35,000 per year, while the men make $50,000 per year. Annually this means a total of $250,000 to the men and $175,000 to the women, for a total of $425,000 being paid out in salaries. If the company were to fire all 5 men, and to hire 5 more women at the lower rate of $35,000, it would immediately save $75,000 per year, a labor savings of close to 20 percent. If men were truly making a significantly higher amount of money for the exact same jobs, as many feminists claim, there isn’t a single man in the country that would be able to find work. If companies with tens of thousands of employees that pay tens of millions of dollars in payroll yearly could cut their payroll costs by 20 percent overnight by only hiring women, don’t you think they would have done so by now?

  So we’ve come to an impasse: either every company in the nation is so sexist that it is willing to pay men a substantially higher amount of money for no other reason than their gender; or else the idea that women make less than men the for same job is a lie. The studies that have been made into this question, and logic itself, will both suggest which of these possibilities is more likely.

  Perpetuating the wage gap myth is another way Liberals try to sell their narrative that women and non-whites are oppressed by the evil white man, so that they can be the noble crusaders for “social justice.” It’s the same old trick with a slightly new veneer — and purple hair.

  Rape Culture

  Feminists define rape culture as an environment in which the prevailing norms enable rape to happen more frequently, to be covered up, trivialized, and ignored.

  There is indeed a rape culture, and one that is increasingly prevalent; Liberal feminists and myself agree up to this point. However, that is where our agreement diverges: For the very people who perpetuate and cause rape culture, are feminists, Liberals, and open-border globalists.

  There is a current denial of widespread rape in the Western world, and the denial is encouraged by none other than the Liberal feminists themselves. They deny the fact that there have been hundreds of cases of Muslim rape gangs; they deny the sex trafficking of women and young children which is happening all over Europe and the United States.328 The cases have largely managed to stay out of the media and press, despite the fact that many of the incidents involve hundreds of victims and have lasted for a decade or more. Feminists refuse to acknowledge the fact that Arab and African men in Europe and America commit a disproportional amount of sex crimes as compared to European men. Feminists ignore the fact that since enacting open-border policies, places like Sweden have seen incidents of rape increase from 400 per year, to over 6,000 per year.329 They ignore the fact that nearly half of Swedish women are afraid to leave their home now, in their own country, and they ignore the fact that the same trend is following for women all over Europe.330

  The Swedish government describes itself as the “first feminist government in the world.”331 Where have these feminists leaders led the women of Sweden? To some of the highest rates of rape in the world and to a constant state of fear and anxiety which is so strong that many women do not even feel comfortable leaving their homes alone. Nor is it any wonder: the National Crime Prevention Council released a report showing that one out of every four Swedish women will be raped at least once in their lifetime if the upward trend continues.332

  Feminists are quiet on the prevalence of acid attacks all over the world, and they are equally quiet about their rise in the West. Over 1,500 acid attacks have been reported in London alone in the last few years — a lovely custom which the Muslims brought with them to the West.333 It is estimated that over one million British women and girls have been raped by migrant men in the past forty years.334 Mass sexual assaults are plaguing nearly every city in Europe, while the lying press rushes to cover up the atrocities. There is no telling how many more millions of girls and women have been raped across Europe by invading Saracen hordes of non-European men. These are millions of girls and women that would have never been subjected to such horror and torture had the borders of their nations remained secure and closed.

  There is a rape culture being imported into the West at alarming rates, yet feminists take the low-hanging fruit every time. They are endlessly outraged at the Brock Turner case, while they refuse to discuss the case of Edgar Mendoza, an illegal invader that raped a six-year old girl in her own home.335

  Why? Because the Turner case fits the feminists narrative of a “privileged white athlete” being able to get away with anything. Cases of non-whites and migrants raping women and children at a disproportionately high rate, meanwhile, do not fit their Liberal narrative of poor young refugees just trying to make a better life for themselves in the West.

  I’ve seen almost no media coverage of a couple that was on vacation in Germany, when an African migrant raped the woman at knife point, nor the case in Sweden of two African migrants who raped a girl and beat her friend to the point of permanent brain damage.336 337 These criminals received just three years for their crimes. No outrage attended their acts.

  In Italy a Polish couple was vacationing in the Adriatic coast, when four African men beat the man unconscious with bottles, then proceeded to gang-rape his girlfriend. After the horrific attack, a Muslim who works at an Italian reception center for migrants commented, “Rape can be enjoyed like normal sex by women once they calm down.”338 This is our real rape culture — the one feminists will not acknowledge.

  Feminists often cite “toxic masculinity” as the underlying issue that predisposes young men to rape women. Yet they forget to mention that per FBI data, a third of rapes in the United States are committed by black men, who make up less than 6 percent of the population.339 In every single aspect of violent crime against women, from domestic abuse to rape, we see severe ethnic and racial discrepancies. In European countries, reports show that foreign migrants are responsible for nearly 100 percent of all gang rapes, and for over 75 percent of all sexual assaults.340 341 It appears that “toxic masculinity” is a bit more prevalent in some cultures than others. Yet Liberal feminists will not address a single one of these glaringly obvious trends. “Toxic masculinity” is an incredibly obtuse theory and thoroughly lacking when measured against reality. The statistics in terms of violence against women would lend much themselves much better to theories of Toxic blackness and Toxic Islamism.

  After Ohio State student, Reagan Tokes, was abducted, raped, and murdered just months before her graduation, Liberals wasted no time blaming “toxic masculinity.” In a letter to the editor, the university paper The Lantern, a graduate student suggested that male privilege was to blame for the girl’s rape and murder. He writes that men must be “fearless” in speaking up about this “culture” and bringing about the change needed in the unfair dichotomy between men and women.342 343 The letter never made mention of the fact the attacker was a black man who had recently been released from prison.

  Although I agree there is a disproportionate level of violence between men and women, there is an even larger disproportion in the level of violence between races. There is an especially profound dissonance in terms of rape between races, which nobody has been “fearless” enough to address. Why is it that in 85 percent of interracial crimes between whites and blacks, whites are victimized? Why is it that nearly 100 percent of interracial rapes involve white women being raped by non-whites?344 The theory of toxic masculinity fails short here. Toxic blackness, meanwhile, would account for these differences. Surely East Asian and white men, who commit far lower amounts of crime, are not behaving in toxic ways — so why indict them as well?

  Vice “news” published an article titled, “Immigrants Aren’t Responsible for Rape Culture in Germany,” in which Vice blamed the
laws in Germany, not the rapists, for the crime epidemic.345 Isn’t that the very essence of rape culture, per the Liberals’ own definition? A culture in which you blame the victim, the environment, and not the actual rapists? Liberals advocate mandatory sexual consent classes on college campuses in which they “teach” young men not to rape women — only to turn around and make excuses for migrants who do the same.346

  Over half of all German women are afraid to be alone in their own neighborhoods at night, citing the recent rise of crime as the cause for their fear.347 Police all over Europe have issued warnings to women, telling them not to go out alone.348 In the United Kingdom, police let over 1,500 men charged with sexual assault walk away with only a “warning.” Forty-five of the men were admitted rapists, who had also received warnings before being released back onto the streets.349 In Denmark, a seventeen year-old girl used pepper spray to fight off a would-be rapist, and was later charged by the police for defending herself.350 Since carrying pepper spray is now illegal in much of Europe, she will be prosecuted for her “crime.” These are sure signs of a sick society, one that has been subverted and led far off course. The institutions that created this sort of perversion must be burned down, with the purveyors inside.

  If feminists actually cared about the well being of women, they would adamantly seek to stop the violent crime that their own Liberal politicians and policies are inflicting upon them. If they actually cared about the safety of women and ending the “rape culture,” they would close their borders, stop making excuses for non-whites and migrants, and stop covering up the crimes of these men. If feminists and Liberals actually cared about women, they wouldn’t import rapists, make it illegal to criticize the rapists, make it illegal for women to defend themselves, and then keep the stories out of the news. UK citizens have been arrested for “inciting racial hatred,” merely because they brought these stories to light. I myself have been banned from social media accounts for discussing this rape epidemic. The establishment is so complicit in these crimes that we are no longer even able to publicly discuss what is happening to our people.


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