Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 24

by Richard Houck

  Once upon a time, in a bygone era, when men from another nation came to a given land, raped the women, attacked the men, and refused to assimilate, we called that invasion. Today, it’s called “cultural enrichment.”

  Feeling enriched, my friends? I hope so — because we are all about to become a whole lot richer.

  Feminism Makes Women Miserable

  Feminist culture, which is advanced in universities, online, in the press, and in the media, tells women that their careers are paramount, that being a housewife is degrading, and that “liberation” amounts to being a whore. This lesson is embodied in every film, sitcom, song, reality show, and female “role model.”

  The cover story on a recent Time magazine, “The Childfree Life: When having it all means not having children,” is a perfect example of placing the value of self-indulgent materialism over that of making a family.351 At heart, feminism is nothing more than conspicuous consumerism for women, which tells them that nothing will make them happier than their next promotion or new car, or that hideous handbag they’ve been yearning for. Books on the subject, like All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation, seek to promote a similar aim: to glorify the single career women, with her “hobbies,” wine habit, and never ending supply of Zoloft.352 In theory, if these tenets of feminism made women objectively better off, I wouldn’t bother to argue against them. However, they do not, and it is demonstrable.

  In a study called “The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness”, researchers found that in the past thirty five years, women’s well being, life satisfaction, and happiness, have all dropped.353 Today, one in four women use anti-depressants — the highest levels in history.354 Feminism has made women atomized and depressed, and has replaced meaningful values with a worthless job and mountains of trinkets.

  Further, feminism has contributed to the destruction of traditional family units and marriages. A study from The National Marriage Project found that as the number of sexual partners increased prior to marriage, levels of marriage happiness dropped.355 356 As the number of sexual partners increases, so do rates of single motherhood and rates of sexually transmitted diseases. And rates of happiness decrease as the rates of sexual partners increase.357 358 Moreover, the most commonly abused children are those living with a single parent and the single parent’s partner.359

  A study of over 3,000 women and their life satisfaction found that the happiest women, with a life satisfaction score of 87 percent, were stay-at-home moms. They scored higher than women with careers in charity, creative design, leisure, and tourism. The least happy women were ones with careers in marketing, public relations, and advertising, with scores in the low 50 percent range.360

  The results of a similar yet much larger study of 165,000 people were identical. The Office for National Statistics study conducted in the UK found stay-at-home moms, and those who did not return to work after having a child, were happier, reported fewer feelings of boredom, and a greater sense of worth.361

  Following the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks legalized abortion until birth and made it easy to obtain. No-fault divorces were enacted, enabling couples to be married and divorced in a matter of minutes. This was seen as “women’s liberation.”362 The communists sought to destroy the family unit and to “liberate” women — meaning they were now free to work uninterrupted. Destroying the family unit served to facilitate more women’s depending on the State for support; the State now became a parent to the child, and was free to instill the “proper” values into the next generation. Liberals today, one hundred years later, are carrying on the Bolshevik tradition of family destruction. They undermine marriage, promote behavior that erodes the family, and argue that a career is the most important endeavor any person could embark upon.

  Feminism has always existed to help facilitate a socialist state. Communists parties from the Bolsheviks to Mao’s Communist Party of China to the Democratic National Committee in the US, have all utilized feminism as a way to transfer more power to the State.

  Feminism sells the idea that working at a public relations firm for $42,018 a year, sending trivial emails from a laptop at the coffee shop during the thirty-minute lunch break, is a worthy goal for women to pursue. Why? So they can feel “empowered and liberated”? Slaving for an impersonal entity that uses them like cattle?

  The neo-Western tradition of sending children off to be raised by strangers so the parents can work is horrid. Many negative effects have been shown to come from children spending more time away from their primary caregiver in daycare scenarios. Lower levels of social-emotional functioning, higher levels of stress, more behavioral problems, and conflicts with parents and teachers, all arise with just ten hours a week of daycare.363 If you’re sending your children to an institution on a regular basis, even a “high-quality” one, so you can afford a bigger house, newer car, or nicer electronics, you’re making a tremendous mistake. Favoring your gadgets and a slightly larger McMansion does a great disservice not only to your child, but to you yourself, your family, and your society. You’re choosing consumerism over ensuring your child has a strong and secure foundation for life.

  The effects of all of this are most strikingly visible in what is perhaps the saddest and most frightening fact: while life expectancy in the US has remained stable in recent years, even increasing for blacks and Hispanics, for white women, life expectancy has dramatically declined. Increasing rates of suicide, drug and alcohol use are among the causes of the shortened lives of white women.364 Collapsing job prospects for the middle class, reduced marriage rates, increased divorce rates, and poor mental health are all thought to contribute to the malaise that women, particularly white women, are so viscerally experiencing, in what are being called “deaths of despair”.365 All of these factors arise from a breakdown of social capital and breakdown of communities, in which increased diversity plays no small role.366

  Between 1999 and 2014, the period of time covered by a recent CDC report on suicide, suicide rates of women increased drastically.367 The rate of suicide among young girls has tripled, leading overall rates to a thirty-year high.368 Between 1999 and 2015, the alcohol-related death rate increased for white women by 130 percent, far higher than Asian, Hispanic, and black women. Compared to Asian, Hispanic, and black women, white women drink more; they drink more days per week, more times per week, and binge drink at a far higher rate.369 Diversity and feminism are creating horrific environments for white women in particular. These movements ensure they are surrounded by hostile invaders; the rates of crime and rape steadily increase, while economic and family opportunities are increasingly rare. Feminism, far from being interested in helping women, is vastly more concerned with, and more effective at, destroying Western society. White women are its primary victim.

  If feminists and Liberals actually cared about women, instead of promoting promiscuity and going through life atomized, deracinated, and alone, they would promote the values of modesty, elegance, and family. Our Liberal culture is telling women that a career and new possessions will make them happy and fulfilled, while the data, traditional wisdom, and common sense all suggest otherwise. Women are more miserable than ever — not despite feminism, but because of feminism.

  I know it’s difficult to believe. Who would have thought that abortions, promiscuity, boxed wine, Zoloft, and worthless consumerism were not the keys to happiness?

  Manifestations of the Liberal Illness: Feminism

  Feminism lies to women from beginning to end. Not only does the feminist narrative espouse lies like the pay gap myth, it promotes a lifestyle that is empirically proven to make women less happy. Despite the overwhelming evidence standing against their claims, feminists dismiss anybody who disagrees with them or with their dogma as a misogynist.

  Rampant hypocrisy is found in the very foundation of feminism. The feminists are clearly not interested in equality, but only in more equality for themselves. Feminists hold marches for their “r
ights,” and cry out continually that their rights are being eroded, without ever providing a scrap of evidence to support these claims.

  In typical Liberal manner, feminists feel they are the victim of fictitious entities such as the “glass ceiling,” the “patriarchy,” and “male privilege.” They display a sense of moral superiority in their claims that they are the true champions of women’s and children’s rights, while all those who oppose them must be haters of women and children. And in blatantly disregarding the facts and the evidence suggested by any number of studies, they willfully bring harm and unhappiness to precisely the group of people they claim to be defending.

  All symptoms of Cluster I are readily apparent. Symptoms 6, 7, 8, and 9 from Cluster II are shown.

  Cluster I

  1. Deceitfulness, indicated by repeated lying, grand exaggerations, or omission of contrary information, with the purpose to advance their chosen narrative and discrediting others.

  2. Irritability or aggressiveness towards anybody that questions or opposes their views. Coupled with the inability to recognize they own hypocrisy, double standards, and doublethink.

  3. Inability to adjust views when presented with information contrary to their own beliefs.

  4. Frequent projections of their own traits onto others.

  5. Difficulty in dealing with a loss of control or power, or a strong desire for control and power.

  Cluster II

  6. Appeals to altered and redefined definitions of words, or relies on fictitious terms for argumentation.

  7. Consistent feelings of having been victimized or wronged, without any actual harm being done. Seen also as playing the victim after attacking others.

  8. Intense sense of righteousness or moral superiority.

  9. The inability to recognize the negative outcomes of their own actions. Often placing the blame on others.

  10. Intense guilt or self-hatred, often manifests as hatred towards one’s larger group identity.


  Ministry of Truth

  The freedom of press was intended to protect those speaking the truth, and to ensure that the truth will come to public attention. The mainstream media has bastardized this freedom, transforming it into the freedom to lie to the general public, to only report that which confirms their bias and aims, while withholding any information contrary to what Big Brother would like us to believe.

  The leaked DNC emails revealed not only clear collusion between the DNC and CNN in regard to interview questions, debate questions, and which stories to run; they also revealed DNC correspondence with at least a dozen other news organizations.370 371

  None of these revelations was startling. Why would they be? It is obvious to anybody paying attention that the American mainstream media is little more than the propaganda division of the global Leftist cabal.

  Sadly, it appears that the basic function of the lying press has always been to advance the appropriate narrative to its eagerly anticipating herd of soft-brained golems.

  The press coverage of the 2016 election, and the interviews with Hillary Clinton, were disgusting. Alleged journalists acted much more like star-struck groupies with backstage passes to meet their favorite rock star, than like professional journalists seeking objective truth. The vast majority of writers, journalists, and anchors within the mainstream media are little more than drooling fans, opinion bloggers, and propagandists with clear agenda-driven narratives. It was stomach-turning to watch grown adults fawn over a woman who has caused so much horror in the world. It was chilling to watch her cackle like a deranged fiend at the death of Muammar Gaddafi.372 Yet the lying press continued to worship her, as the cowardly bootlickers they are.

  The lying press serves as a clear looking glass into the mental illness known as Liberalism.

  Clear and Present Bias

  Truth, honesty, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, and accountability.373 When you read these values, does the mainstream media come to mind? I would wager the contrary. If anything, the lying press would only come to mind because these tenets, which journalists claim to uphold, are diametrically opposed to what we actually see from the media today. Being honest, truthful, accurate, objective, and impartial, requires a degree of neutrality on the part of the journalists in question. Nothing could be further from reality in the case of those journalists, reporters, commentators, and anchors that cover the “news” today — or rather, who present what they want us to believe.

  Professors of journalism, Lars Willnat and David Weave, have been conducting research tracking journalism since 1971. Their recent survey entitled The American Journalist in the Digital Age, found that 50 percent of all journalists consider themselves politically Independent. If this were the case, one might assume that 50 percent of media coverage would be somewhat impartial. As we will see, it is anything but. Journalists that identify as Democrat account for 28 percent of those surveyed, while Republicans make up only 7 percent of journalists in the study. Even if 100 percent of those who claim Independent status are being truthful — and there is reason to doubt this — Democrats outnumber Republicans in the field by four to one.374

  Now that we know what political affiliation journalists claim to have, let’s take a look at how this plays out in terms of press coverage. The Media Research Center (MRC) has been examining and tracking press coverage since the 1980s. They recently released data on the media coverage for Donald Trump’s first three months in office. Evaluating the three big news networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS, the Media Research Center found that over half of all news coverage for the period was directly related to President Trump. Of that coverage, MRC found that 88 percent of the coverage was negative and hostile towards President Trump.375 Conversely, after President Obama’s first hundred days in office, the same media organizations not only devoted much less time to covering the new President, but they were largely supportive, with over 50 percent of all coverage being favorable towards President Obama.376

  A similar study was conducted by Harvard professor Thomas E. Patterson. Patterson’s media study also included The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and Fox. During Trump’s first 100 days, Patterson found that 80 percent of all coverage, including that by Fox, was negative. The study found that fully 93 percent of CNN reports were negative, while only 52 percent of Fox reports were negative. Fox was the only news organization that displayed an even split between negative and positive coverage. Fox, the organization which Liberals so clearly despise, the organization which Liberals so often label as “fake news,” “faux news,” “not really news,” and the like, was the only organization to show any level of impartiality. Of all the topics covered, immigration received the most negative press, with 96 percent of statements being negative; economics, meanwhile, was merely 54 percent negative.377

  In terms of print newspapers, the bias was no better. Of the top hundred major papers in the US, only two endorsed Donald Trump in the 2016 election. The majority endorsed Clinton, while a few supported Gary Johnson. A handful of low-circulation, independent papers, also endorsed Trump in his 2016 run.378

  An analysis by the Center for Public Integrity found that during the election cycle leading to November 2016, 96 percent of all campaign donation dollars from the media industry went to Clinton. Of the 480 media donors, 430 donated to Clinton.379

  Two elements are worthy of note here. The first is the number of journalists that are Left of center as compared to those on the Right. The second is the fact that a mere six corporations control 90 percent of the media outlets in America. In the 1980s, there were over fifty companies that controlled the press, radio, TV, and film studios. Due to deregulation, abetted by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which eased regulations and removed the limit placed on radio station ownership, companies were able to buy up smaller entities until only a handful now control nearly everything that we see and hear. Clear Channel Communications, now iHeart Media, went from owning around forty radio stations in 19
95, to over 850 stations since the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was passed.380

  Previous laws would not allow conglomerate media companies to create an oligopoly; media regulations existed for a reason. Our freedom of press, and the media regulations which helped defend it, existed because statesmen of long ago recognized the danger that consolidated media could pose. The threat of having all information filtered through a small clique was understood as being detrimental to freedom. This danger has been demonstrated in our day. The mainstream media empire now exists not to inform us, but to tell us what to believe. Everything is now screened through a handful of companies that dictate what we are supposed to care about. Between the media oligopoly and the government’s role in deciding what is taught in schools, everything, literally everything, is transformed into some deviated and diluted version of the truth.

  Pew Research published an article entitled “Political Polarization & Media Habits,” which examined the differences between Liberals’ and conservatives’ media habits. The article thoroughly praised Liberals for using more news sources as compared to conservatives. While 47 percent of conservatives named Fox News as their primary news source, Liberals sought an “array” of sources — that is, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and The New York Times. What the Pew Research article did not mention while they were busy painting conservatives as shallow, uniformed, ignorant plebeians living in an echo chamber, was that the “array” of sources Liberals use all parrot one and the same ideology right back to them. According to the studies just discussed, Fox is by far the most impartial and balanced source of news. Yet Pew Research went to great lengths to use the fact that most conservatives prefer Fox News as a way to denigrate them as simple-minded, insular, and biased.


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