Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 25

by Richard Houck

  The article paints a negative portrait of conservatives, while entirely ignoring the clear media bias of most news organizations. Pew Research also found that Liberals are so incredibly tolerant and progressive, that they are more likely to block and un-friend people on social media who do not share their political views. They rush past this bit. The profound irony of a research article on the bias of media preferences which itself shows clear biases had me wondering if I was reading satire.381

  The extreme media bias documented in regard to coverage of Presidents does not only apply to heads of state. This clear and present bias is found in nearly every article, on nearly every talking point. The press is majority pro-Islam, anti-white, sympathetic to Black Lives Matter and Antifa, while they denounce any pro-white organizations and accuse them of being composed of “supremacists.” When whites are the victims of violent crimes, which they usually are, the story hardly makes the papers; when the victim is black and the perpetrator white, the coverage is non-stop. Anything that can be used to forward the Liberal narrative is exploited to the utmost. Meanwhile, the frequent events that fly in the face of the Liberal narrative are relegated to local press, and seldom make national headlines.

  War is Hell

  For over 100 years, the press and government have been conspiring in the dark to lead the US into unnecessary wars. The RMS Lusitania was used as a US battle cry to enter the First World War. The Lusitania, besides carrying Americans, was also carrying munitions for the British, unprotected, through a war zone, while the Germans were fighting a British blockade. The Allied media reports omitted those crucial details in order to stir up more resentment towards the Germans and to muster American support for war.382 383

  The Second World War is overbrimming with lies. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was, and still is, sold as a “surprise attack,” when in reality, FDR had been waging an increasingly aggressive economic war on Japan with increasingly hostile provocations for months prior. President Franklin Roosevelt had seized all Japanese assets within the US, and placed a devastating oil embargo on the Japanese, months before Pearl Harbor.384

  The Katyn Forest massacre was one of the most notorious and brutal mass murders of the Second World War. 15,000 unarmed Polish prisoners were executed and buried in mass, shallow graves in the snowy Katyn Forest. The massacre was used in Allied propaganda to foment anti-German sentiment, and showcase the German lack of humanity. But Polish investigations from 1943 revealed that it was in fact the Russian secret police, the NKVD, who had massacred the Poles, not the Germans. The German army had not even been in the region when the massacre took place. Yet the true story was covered up for years, and the NKVD was never held responsible for their war crimes. In fact, Germans were tried for the Katyn Massacre after the war ended — tried by a Soviet court in Leningrad.385

  The Gulf of Tonkin incident is strikingly similar: lying government intelligence agencies, followed slavishly by the lying press who ran with the story in order to manipulate the citizens that trusted them. The official narrative of North Vietnam launching two unprovoked attacks against US ships was almost entirely fabricated. The story has it that on August 2nd 1964, the US ship, USS Maddox, was on patrol when an unprovoked attack came from the North Vietnamese. What the government and media failed to mention was that the day before, North Vietnam had been attacked by the South Vietnamese Navy in the same Gulf of Tonkin.

  Two days after the first “attack” on the USS Maddox took place, the Pentagon and media claimed that another US ship was attacked. The second incident never took place, yet it was all the justification Lyndon Johnson needed to enter into the war. Forty years later, it would be revealed that the NSA had falsified information to “create” the second attack. There are over 58,000 Americans, and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese dead, as a result of that lie. And nobody was ever held accountable.386 387

  The entirely fabricated Nayirah testimony was used as justification for entering the Gulf War. The fifteen year-old daughter of a Kuwaiti ambassador lied before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. Nayirah told a harrowing tale of having personally witnessed Iraqi soldiers going into a hospital in Kuwait, throwing Kuwaiti children out of incubators, and leaving them on the floor to die. The story was entirely fabricated. The press of course ran with it, and government officials used the work of fiction to paint the Iraqis as monsters, so as to justify yet another war.388

  Government “intelligence” agencies around the globe and the media sold the Weapons of Mass Destruction lie. Saddam Hussein was built up to be the largest existential threat to the West of his time. Our very survival was predicated on a war with Iraq, according to both intelligence agencies and the press. Years later we are left with thousands of dead Americans, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis, and absolutely nothing to show for this carnage.

  United States and NATO involvement in the Libyan Civil War, which ultimately lead to the brutal slaying of Muammar Gaddafi, was entirely justified through Colonel Gaddafi’s alleged massacre of his own citizens. Intervention by the US and NATO came under the guise of humanitarianism; they created a monster out of Gaddafi, armed his opponents, then murdered him.389 As happens time and time again, we are sold the same tired boogeyman story. We are expected to believe that war is a reasonable “humanitarian” solution. The Ministry of Truth is so brazen that they openly espouse blatant contradictions, and so insulting, that they expect us to actually pretend that these manipulations are normal.

  If the Ministry of Truth would so shamelessly lie to us about these watershed events, they will lie about anything.

  The media and government is now trying to do the same thing to Assad and Putin. Liberal-controlled media and “intelligence agencies” have been forwarding a Russian conspiracy theory since the 2016 election. They have presented no evidence, per their usual, but they insist on the narrative regardless.

  How suitably ironic that the same people who favor mass migration and the abolition of borders, now pretend to be deeply concerned with national sovereignty. The same people who go about chanting “Build bridges not walls!” and “No human is illegal!” are suddenly terribly worried about Russian influence, to the point of advocating war with one of the world’s largest superpowers.390

  The United States has toppled governments and assassinated leaders; Obama threatened the UK with penalizing trade policies before the Brexit referendum.391 Liberals had no issue with Obama and Hillary hunting Colonel Gaddafi down like an animal, which in turn exacerbated the European migrant crisis. But alleged Russian interference is just too much to take. It’s remarkable when you think about it. That’s what finally did it for the Left? Seeing the truth about their corrupt and depraved Democratic National Committee from some leaked emails? And how ironic that Liberals were more upset about the method in which the truth was revealed, than they were about the contents of the emails themselves.

  In true Orwellian manner, the Ministry of Truth wants us to believe that “war is peace.” That we needed be involved in every war throughout history. That we needed to invade Iraq. That Gaddafi needed to be overthrown. And that Putin and Assad are presently our greatest threats. But I ask, are those men the ones responsible for the opening of our borders? Is our tax money being sent to their nations? Are they the ones robbing us, lying to us, stealing our hard-earned money and time? Are any of these foreign leaders responsible for creating our oppressive tax system, our welfare state, our absurd immigration policies, and the ceaseless attacks on our liberties?

  Not at all. The enemy is within. If you want to know who the real enemies are, follow the money, and ask yourself what groups you are not allowed to freely criticize.

  Looking back at the history of armed conflicts, ask yourself a simple question — how could this have possibly benefited Americans? You’ll be hard-pressed to find a single answer. Nonetheless, we have spilled endless treasure and rivers of blood. For what? What do we have to show for our involvement in any of history’s wars? Nothing,
save a long list of good men that never made it home.

  If this past election and these stories have not caused you to question every single narrative upheld by the mainstream media over the last century, I’m afraid you have not learned to ask the right questions.

  Fearing that too many people had begun to ask too many of the right questions, Congress leaped into action. A bipartisan bill called the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act would be added to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), in an effort to fight “fake news.”392 This is a new low, even for invertebrate swamp creatures. Who gets to arbitrarily decide what is and is not “fake news”? How will “fake news” be countered? With a visit from the Thought Police and a three night stay in Room 101? Does Congress think we are too pedestrian to discern “fake news” from “real news”? Or do they have so much to hide, that an addition to the already overreaching NDAA needed to be made?

  The same group of people that brought us such insights as “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction,” “The NSA is not spying on US citizens,” and “Hillary has a 99 percent chance of winning the election,” want to be the gatekeepers of “fake news.” Thoroughly horrifying.

  The truth will never need laws to protect it. The truth will always stand with two feet on solid ground, while lies stand on but one. The truth is out there. Patiently waiting for the lies to collapse under their own weight, so that it may triumph once again.

  The Lie Factory presents: Hate Crime Hoax Hysteria

  The latest perverse and degenerate Liberal fetish is the fake hate crime. The rise of fake hate crimes since November 2016 has been meteoric. The Southern Poverty Law Center kicked this circus off with their propaganda literature entitled “Ten Days After: Harassment and Intimidation in the Aftermath of the Election.”393 The SPLC’s scare piece begins with the tragic story of the burning of a Mississippi church, and a message painted on the side of the building that read, “Vote Trump.” Well, the truth rose from the church’s ashes like a triumphant phoenix: a member of the church itself had written the message and started the fire.394

  According to the SPLC over 1,000 “bias related incidents” occurred in the month after the 2016 presidential election. Of those “incidents,” the SPLC counted a group of middle-school children chanting “Build the wall!” during lunchtime as a “bias related incident.”395 Apparently the SPLC does not take kindly to twelve year-olds who support sovereign borders. Who knew?

  Interestingly, the SPLC has maintained silence on the hundreds of instances of violence against the Right. The attacks on Trump supporters make it onto their list only to discredit and downplay them. Violent Left-wing groups are ignored, and the SPLC makes no comment on incidents such as a man being shot at on the freeway simply for having a Make America Great Again flag flying on his truck.396

  For over a year, the Liberal media was infatuated with the rise of hate crimes. This has been its favorite method to defame those of us on the Right as violent lunatics.

  Here Are 28 Reported Racist And Violent Incidents After Donald Trump’s Victory —Buzzfeed397

  Hate crimes spike, most sharply against Muslims —CNN398

  Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Surged Last year, Fueled By Hateful Campaign —SPLC399

  2016 was a horrible year for anti-Semitic hate crimes. 2017 is much worse. —ThinkProgress400

  Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Are Spiking In The U.S. Donald Trump Won’t Speak Up. —The Huffington Post401

  The lying press constantly ran the story of increasing antisemitism, citing a string of bomb threats to Jewish centers and Jewish cemetery vandalism as the most egregious incidents. As fate would have it, the “neo-Nazis” behind over one hundred bomb threats turned out to be a single Jewish man living in Israel, along with a black, Liberal journalist.402 403 It doesn’t get much better than that.

  Or does it?

  Do you remember all those tombstones in Jewish cemeteries that were vandalized? The tombstones, for whose repair over $100,000 were raised through donations?404 The cemeteries that were plastered all over the news as a sure sign of the rise in Right-wing “neo-Nazi” terror? Well, the New York City Police Department hate-crime task force investigated the “vandalism,” and found that the “desecrated tombstones” had actually been damaged by “environmental” factors. Meaning — a strong storm blew the headstones over. The cemeteries were in such disrepair and had been maintained so poorly, that high winds were able to topple the headstones. The tombstones became dilapidated as a result of utter neglect, and antisemitism was declared the cause.405 To be clear, according to the Left, nature is now antisemitic. And, of course, it’s our fault.

  As a result of the fake bomb threats and fake hate crimes, the bipartisan Combating Anti-Semitism Act of 2017 has been introduced to Congress. The Act seeks to create harsher penalties for those who target religious institutions. Just as acts of violence are so often used to restrict individual liberty, now even imaginary violence is being used as a justification to pass Draconian laws and usher in a far more authoritarian State.406

  To be entirely objective, I looked at the FBI database of hate crimes, to see if perhaps the Liberal narrative had any trace of credibility. In 2015, the FBI reports 5,818 hate crime offenses. Out of those, eighteen were murders and thirteen were rapes.407 To put the 5,818 hate crimes in perspective, over half were either classified as “intimidation” or property damage and vandalism. Also in 2015, the FBI estimates there were 1,197,704 violent crimes. Over 15,000 murders, and over 90,000 rapes and sexual assaults. Despite the narrative that hate crimes are committed by whites against others, the data shows that whites are under-represented as hate crime perpetrators, and blacks are over-represented by a factor of double their population percentage.408

  According to the Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey, the vast majority (85 percent) of interracial crimes are whites victimized by blacks. In 2013 there were around 660,000 interracial crimes that involved blacks and whites. Less than 100,000 of those crimes were whites attacking blacks. The remaining 560,000 were blacks attacking whites. The rate of blacks attacking whites is twenty-seven times higher than that of whites attacking blacks. More than 20,000 rapes per year are black men raping white women, yet these are never counted as hate crimes, nor does the media so much as bother to cover these stories.409 The Liberal press is too busy ghost hunting racism, Islamophobia, and antisemitism to be bothered with real crime epidemics that show clear signs of racism.

  Out of the multitude of “bias related incidents” and “hate crimes” with which the media has been infatuated, many, if not the majority, have turned out to be entirely fabricated by the “victim.” While many of the higher profile “crimes” have remained in the news for weeks or months, the revelation of hoax is seldom covered. Here are a few of such “crimes” which were later revealed as a ruse:

  Jewish man arrested after spray painting swastikas on his own home in Upstate NY — Syracuse410

  Muslim Woman Made Up Hate Crime on Subway — The New York Times411

  Muslim girl who claimed she was pushed in front of a train because of her headscarf faces prosecution in Austria after CCTV shows she invented the story — Daily Mail412

  Man Faked ‘KKK’ Crimes —Breitbart413

  Indiana State Professor Fabricated Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes —Daily Caller414

  University of Michigan student pleads guilty to reporting fake hate crime after President Trump’s election — NY Daily News415

  Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues — The Times of Israel416

  It is hard to tell what percent of alleged hate crimes were real and what percent were fake. Many of the stories that revealed the crimes to have been hoaxes were only covered in local papers, while the original “crimes” frequently made national headlines. I can tell you that I have personally come across hundreds of articles and police reports which found that previously reported hate crimes had been entirely manu
factured by the warped Liberal mindset of the “victims.” After researching these “crimes,” it appears that the hoaxes outnumber the actual crimes.

  Several “victims” claimed that, although the incident they alleged was fake, they were still helping to “raise awareness” about the rise of hate in America. Perhaps even more grievous than the people who hoaxed crimes is the fact that so many news organizations and “anti-Hate” groups seldom bother to retract the original stories. It’s one thing when a deranged individual fakes a crime; it’s another issue entirely when massive organizations actively participate in gaslighting the ordeal.

  By claiming to be daily victimized by the Right, the Left has created an atmosphere in which violence against political opposition is justified as simple act of “retaliation,” lex talionis. As a result, over 200 actual crimes have been perpetrated against Trump supporters merely on account of their political views. The violence from the Left, directed to the Right, has all but been ignored.417 And these 200 crimes do not even count the Trump supporters that have been pepper-sprayed, beaten, hit with rocks, and had urine thrown on them by protesters all over the country, without a single arrest being made in consequence. In several cases, it appears the police were told not to intervene, nor to arrest the Liberal rioters at many California protests.418

  An analytics company named Dataminr found that since the Inauguration, over 12,000 people have called for the assassination or threatened assassination of Donald Trump on Twitter.419 Celebrities and Liberal politicians have of course also joined in on Hate Week, some calling for violence in the streets, others proclaiming their fantasy of blowing up the White House, others yet carrying out mock executions of President Trump.420 Yet the Left still accuses the Right of violence, even while its useful idiots attack speakers, politicians, and everyday citizens for holding the wrong political views.


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