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Liberalism Unmasked

Page 26

by Richard Houck

  If the media were interested in really troublesome trends, they would focus on the rise of Left-wing violence since the 2016 election. As the collective Left and the press bemoans the rise of “neo-Nazis,” they entirely ignore the global rise of neo-Bolsheviks. From Antifa to Black Lives Matter, the Left is totally out of control. Communists have killed around 100 million people in the twentieth century — a staggering figure that seldom receives mention, but which we cannot repeat too many times. The violence we are seeing now is merely an extension of a long tradition on the Left — the Left which is the rightful heir to the October Revolution, the Katyn massacre, the Gulags, and the NKVD.

  The Liberal media reminds me an awful lot of Iago, the puppet master and villain from Shakespeare’s Othello. From garnering support for endless wars to inciting political violence, they can masterfully manipulate and twist nearly anything so that it favors them politically.

  Shifting Blame

  Just as Liberals blame crime and poverty on “systemic racism” and “white privilege,” so terrorism is also framed as being brought about by abstractions such as “lack of tolerance.” A few recent headlines to this effect:

  Donald Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ will only make terrorist attacks, more, not less likely — Independent421

  Donald Trump’s Muslim Bashing Aids Cause of Terror Networks, Say Experts — NBC News422

  How Trump has inspired violence across the country, in one map  — ThinkProgress423

  These examples point to Donald Trump specifically, and by implication to Trump supporters. However, the press has been playing this same game for years. The Benghazi attack was blamed on an anti-Muslim video, and the Charlie Hebdo attack was blamed on a cartoon. No matter what happens, it is always our fault when we are attacked.

  According to the Left, if we do not let Muslims into our countries, they will attack us out of rage. If we criticize Muslims, this will incite violence against us. If we do not give them enough welfare, they will attack us in retaliation. Liberals blame the victims, claiming that they have not been welcoming enough, not tolerant enough, not accepting enough. In what warped mind could this make any sense?

  After every terrorist attack, the Liberal media, Liberal politicians, and their flocks of underlings, all rush to “remind” us that Islam is not the problem. Articles such as, “After the Paris attacks, the fear of Islam runs rampant in the United States,”424 “Muslim hate crime rises in London,”425 and “Hate crime in Manchester has doubled since terror attack,”426 are all too common. After Muslims rampaged through Paris, murdering 130 people, torturing dozens, injuring hundreds, wouldn’t it be at least slightly normal for fear to increase? Are fear and horror not the normal reactions to these nefarious actions? Many of these alleged “hate crimes” are nothing more than people voicing their thoughts about the rise of Muslim terror online. Is this really abnormal?

  We are being victimized at incredible rates, but the Left is only worried about racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism. The Liberal cries out in pain as he attacks you. It is an integral part of his character — to play the victim while on the attack.

  This is the result of political correctness run amok. It’s literally getting us killed at this point; the government and media are engaging in massive cover-ups and soft-peddling, in order to avoid offending anybody. Instead of warning us of the crime and violence we face, they pretend that everything is normal, so as not to offend the fragile feelings of non-whites. The same is true in America in terms of black on white crime, which largely stays out of the news despite accounting for over 500,000 violent crimes per year. The silence on this topic can do nothing but lead to an increase in white victimization.

  NPR ran an article about the fears in the Muslim community the day after a Muslim student at Ohio State ran his car into a group of people, jumped out of his car with a butcher knife, and started stabbing people. The article discussed how fearful the Muslim community is about a potential “backlash” — which virtually never happens, by the way. NPR went on to discuss the plight of the Muslim community in an article entitled, “Muslim Community Fears Backlash After Ohio State Attack,” which painted Muslim students as the real victims of the campus terrorist attack.427 The reader learns that the real tragedy of these events is found in the fact that Muslims are a little uneasy the day after one of their own tried to kill as many Westerners as he could. I guess they never considered how we feel, being surrounded by invaders in our land, who every so often try to kill as many of us as they can by any means available.

  Three months after the campus attack, the Ohio State Middle East Studies Center even hosted a discussion on Islamophobia, so that students could be properly educated out of their fear of Islam and Muslims.428 Maybe I’m just paranoid, but it seems to me that having a healthy level of apprehension towards a group of people that hunt us for sport is a natural reaction. To my mind, calling the fear of Islam a “phobia” is a misnomer in itself. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. It is perfectly rational to fear an alien culture, in which more than one in four of their members justifies our massacre for having insulted their cult.429

  The Washington Post published the article, “Attacks like Portland’s will keep happening unless we all fight white supremacy,”430 in which the author incorrectly claims that “The greatest threat facing our country comes from homegrown white supremacists, not Muslims or refugees.” From Newsweek: “Homegrown Terrorism and Why the Threat of Right-Wing Extremism is Rising in America.”431 The media is selling a false narrative. Not only has it been proven that Muslims have killed over twice as many people as white supremacists and Right-wing terrorists combined, but the media frequently ignores and downplays Muslim terror. They have to, else their sob stories about Muslim victimhood would immediately fall apart. In all of the West over the past two decades, a dozen or so Muslims have been killed due to “Islamophobia”; meanwhile, Muslims kill us daily.

  In slander pieces such as The Nation’s “Why Does the Far Right Hold a Near-Monopoly on Political Violence?”432 , The Huffington Post’s “Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim,”433 and The New York Times’ “What About Terrorism of the Far Right?”434 , they all blatantly espouse lies. That is, that white men, not Muslims, are the real terrorists. Per a study by New America, after September 11th, 2001, there have been fifty-three deaths due to Right-wing terrorists, and ninety-five by Muslims Jihadists in America.435 Incredible, considering that Muslims are about 1 percent of the US population and whites are over 60 percent of the US population. The most superficial of research into terrorist ideology reveals that despite their small numbers, Muslims are far more prone to terrorism than whites; but the lying press continues to churn out garbage article after garbage article, with the intent to defame whites and mislead.

  In the last decade, the number of Muslims killed in Western nations due to “Islamophobia” is in the single digits. The citizens of France, England, United States, Sweden, and all other nations terrorized regularly by Muslims, have seldom retaliated against their resident Muslim communities. Muslims kill more Americans and Europeans in single attacks, than Muslims have been killed collectively across Europe and the US over the last twenty years by Westerners. Keep that in mind the next time you see an article, anchor, or social media post that argues the irrationality of Islamophobia, and how we must learn to be more tolerant. Despite what the Liberal media would have you believe, Muslims living in Western nations are the least likely group to be victimized. Yet the Liberal media only cares about them and their “feelings.” Tolerance is not an effective strategy towards barbarians. It never has been, not at any point in history, and it will not work now. There is only one thing that has ever brought an end to hordes of violent invaders. Maybe a little more intolerance is exactly what we need.

  These people are entirely alien to us. They come to our nations speaking other languages, dressing like they are still in the desert, bringing drastically different cul
tures. And by all measures, it appears that most of them are not too fond of us. I’m tired of constantly hearing about how racist, Islamophobic, antisemitic, bigoted, and xenophobic Americans are. None of it is true. The only reason some Americans appear to be racists, is because we point out facts about crime rates that some people do not want to hear. The only reason we are called antisemitic and Islamophobic is that Muslims and Jews seem to have made a hobby of fabricating hate crimes. Claiming that the evil white man spray painted a Swastika on your house or ripped off your hijab is nothing short of a revelation of a depraved pathology. These people should have all been deported for their insurrection.

  Election Meddling

  The press has been struggling to make an issue of “foreign influences” in the election. In a sense, I agree that there is some foreign meddling. Let’s start by asking ourselves why the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) exists, which uses its vast lobbying network to connect current Congressmen and those running for office, with pro-Israeli donors who then donate millions of dollars to our politicians each year. It might have something do to with the fact that Israel is the beneficiary of the largest aid agreement in the history of planet Earth. I’m still waiting for somebody to explain to me what the American tax payer gets out of this aid package to a single country, which costs us over three billion dollars a year. There are of course hundreds of lobbyist groups funded by various foreign nations. It just so happens that AIPAC is one of the largest and most influential, and the recent aid deal was the largest of its kind.436

  Here’s a wild idea. How about, if Mexico, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, or any other nation on Earth needs more money, it can raise taxes on its own people, instead of giving our politicians millions of dollars in exchange for billions of our tax dollars? We are literally being sold like cattle. For these transgressions, no fate would be too severe for those who have been masquerading as our representatives.

  The elected get their thirty pieces of silver, and we get a knife in the back.

  The billions we provide the rest of the world each year in economic and military aid does not represent just a balance-sheet figure. At bottom, those dollars represent hours worked by every American tax payer. Hours of our lives we will never have back, hours that we must spend away from our homes and families, so that other countries can enjoy the benefits of our labor.

  When Russophobia was running rampant under headlines of “election hacking,” I found it odd that Liberals were not much concerned about money from Saudi Arabia making its way into the hands of US politicians. One of the biggest human-rights violators on Earth was paying our politicians for something — yet this was not worthy of an investigation. I also find it interesting that our politicians turn a blind eye to the Saudi and Yemen conflict, or the Israel and Palestine conflict, while being curiously interested in intervention in Libya, Iraq, Iran, Russia, and Syria.

  There has been an deafening cry of outrage over the mere possibility of “Russian election influence.” To be sure, the idea that a hostile international clique might be subverting the American will is indeed alarming. Yet I cannot help but wonder if this concern over foreign meddling is misplaced. The Jewish Telegraph Agency reports that the top five campaign donors to Clinton’s presidential run were Jewish.437 The Jerusalem Post reports that 50 percent of the donations to the Democratic Party and 25 percent of donations to the Republican Party were contributed by Jewish donors. The article reports that 70 percent of Jewish voters supported Clinton, and further notes that “The degree to which liberalism and liberal ideas has been good for the Jews in America helps explain why so many American Jews think liberalism and Judaism are the same.”438 A similar trend was present during the Obama years: according to The Times of Israel, top Obama donors were also Jewish.439 The New York Times recently discussed a shift in funding of pro-Israeli donors towards the Republican Party. The influx of millions of dollars in donations to support Israeli and Jewish causes has led the Republican Party to accept “little dissent on the topic of Israel.” 440

  In a discussion of alleged Russian interference in the US election, Brexit leader Nigel Farage had this to say: “There are other very powerful lobbies in the United States of America, and the Jewish lobby, with its links with the Israeli government, is one of those strong voices.”441 When Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked about potential Russian interference he replied, “Maybe they’re not even Russians. Maybe they’re Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews, just with Russian citizenship.”442 Putin’s comments are particularly fascinating in light of a Jewish Telegraph Agency report from several years ago, in which Putin is reported as remarking, while speaking at Moscow’s Jewish Museum, that the majority of the first Soviet governments, the governments that slaughtered millions of Orthodox Russians, were in fact ethnically Jewish.443 This is perhaps best corroborated by the fact that not long after the Bolshevik Revolution, antisemitism was declared a crime, one punishable by death.444

  On one hand we have the more Liberal J Street Jewish political action committee, on the other we have the hawkish neoconservative Emergency Committee for Israel, and AIPAC in the middle, all helping to fund both parties, so long as the “elected” officials adequately support Jewish interests. While stories of Russian election interference are constant, any discussion of Jewish influence in the West is immediately decried as antisemitism. Does it not stand to reason that when there are very well-funded organizations spending considerable resources in both American political parties, there may be some conflict of interest? If Russia was allegedly able to influence a US election and US politicians by publishing a handful of articles, surely another group would be able to influence public policy by infusing tremendous sums of money into American politics, no?

  There may very well be a hostile international clique of interlopers that are subverting our nation. However, I do find it odd that we are not sending billions of dollars to Russia each year, or fighting endless wars at the behest of Russian dual-citizens, while Russian dual-citizens lobby to enact gun-control, undermine free speech, and free association. I do not see many ethnically Russian members of Congress introducing constant legislation to undermine our right to bear arms (Schumer, Kohl, Feinstein), nor do I see Russian organizations working with Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft to censor the lawful speech of Americans online (The Anti-Defamation League). I do not recall it being Russians or Russian organizations who fought to open our nation up to mass migration (Celler, Javits, Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, American Jewish Congress). And it is certainly not ethnic Russians who own and operate the majority of American news, media, and advertising organizations.

  No, it’s not Russia that is the problem.

  Manifestations of the Liberal Illness: The Press

  Bias, lies, exaggeration, and the omission of facts, are pillars of the Liberal media establishment. The lying press will only cover stories that fit neatly into their narrative. The press in America never reports on the economic disaster and civil unrest in Venezuela. They never cover the massive slaughter of whites in South Africa by the hands of blacks. Those stories do not fit well into their multicultural utopia or into their white-privilege conspiracy theories. The very same people who bemoaned the “horrors” of Apartheid, non-stop, for years, are silent on the current genocide currently facing white South Africans. The same people who booed white South Africans in the US, the same people that boycotted South African goods, the same people who herald Mandela as a hero, do not even mention how whites are being tortured and hunted down by blacks in South Africa — or anywhere for that matter.

  The members of the lying press serve as propagandists to atomize those with thoughts contrary to the Liberal establishment. The propaganda is designed to make you feel alone, ostracized, incorrect, and psychotic for daring to swim against the stream. By only presenting a very particular story, and only reporting on events which reinforce its narrative, the press spins a vast web of deceit, one that is based on the principles of crow
d manipulation. In providing fake and rigged studies, the press manipulates the masses by providing false social proof for their views through an argument by consensus or by reliance on the authority of the many. Humans naturally seek conformity and communal reinforcement, and the press plays on these social psychological concepts in order to mold the consensus into anything they wish.

  When they are called out for their behavior, they violently attack and lash out while playing the helpless victim. Despite all evidence against their narrative, the press sticks with its story to the point that it will plainly deny reality on live TV. In true Liberal form, the mainstream media loves to name other media outlets the purveyors of “fake news,” when it has better than a century-long record of being just that.

  Perhaps most damaging is the Liberal inability to recognize the negative outcomes of their actions. The government intelligence community in concert with the mainstream media has literally gone to war on the basis of lies. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, have been slain due to this negligence. All with total impunity to any consequence. If we truly seek a fair and just society, marching the war mongers and lying press to the gallows would be the place to start.

  The Liberal press claims that the “violent rhetoric” from Trump and Trumpian “racists” has caused an increase in crime, when in reality it has been the Left to incite and engage in most of the violence. The media has screamed since the election that Trump is illegitimate, that his supporters are all Nazis, that American children and lives are endangered by his administration, that the government has been taken over by the Russians, and the resulting violence from the useful idiots is a response to injustice. When people take the Liberal press’ lies seriously, the result cannot help but be riots, beatings, shootings, and killings.


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