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Liberalism Unmasked

Page 33

by Richard Houck

  Other people and their children cannot carry on our cultures, this is fundamentally true for all cultures. If all the Japanese all were vanish into thin air one day, then a bunch of Texans all moved to Japan, Japanese culture would cease to exist. It would thus be replaced by Texan culture. Because culture is not transmitted merely via the land on which you walk. People create and maintain a culture, for better or for worse.

  America is a nation united by culture and history. It was never intended to be some doss-house for the world’s indigent. America is not just some random ideal that anybody can claim as theirs, even while they recreate the nation in their image. The “ideal” of the American experiment was to grant the highest power to the individual, to his self-reliance, to his freedom. America for this reason is the homeland to the natives of the land, and the children of the people who built this nation. It belongs by right to no one else.

  A nation is not some abstract set of ideals. A nation is the people who built it, and their descendants that carry on their blood and traditions. Western values, and American values, are not things that can be taught, or learned. They are the physical manifestation of the blood that flows through our veins, thus they can never be recreated by others. All the cultures that Europeans have built can only be understood as the physical manifestations of our DNA. “Ourselves and our posterity,” written in the Preamble of the Constitution, surely never meant just any of the planet’s billions of dwellers.

  In fact, for the majority of our nation’s history, immigration was limited by a quota or national original formula, which heavily favored Europeans, and ensured the nation would not shift in demographics away from the people who built this country. For over 100 years, US naturalization was limited to “free white persons … of good character.” Until 1965, all immigration acts were specifically designed to maintain the WASP, European Christian culture of the country. The national origin quota must be restored to preserve the Western tradition of our nation.

  The provision that “good character” was required meant that we could turn away those with views that were in clear opposition to our own. This idea of having two political parties, one which constantly undermines us, is relatively new; our nation was designed by white nationalists to avoid these type of problems. Had we been able to grant citizenship as it was intended, we would not have people advocating to take away our gun rights, property rights, and assailing our freedom of speech. The Founders of this nation anticipated the very issue we are facing today, over 240 years ago. They knew the dangers of letting people into our nation with views too radically different from our rightful ideals. The Founders of this nation would have never granted citizenship to purple-haired Gender Studies majors, to any strain of communists, to welfare tourists, or to those seeking to undermine our rights.

  Being American is not just a legal label. This is about having the bravery to fight for freedom at every turn and over every hill. This is about having the blood of revolutionaries in your veins, the bones of renegades deep within you, and a wild heart. Self-reliance is the essence of American identity. Taking pride in your heritage, having an understanding not only your past, but of why America was a beacon of light in the darkness of tyranny and oppression. There are people that were born in this fair land, that are faithfully un-American. There are people who come here that have no reason to be in this land. After the Revolution, many of the Tories and loyalists were expelled from the newly created nation. The Revolutionaries knew people like them had no place here any longer. This sentiment is as true today as it ever was. Half of our nation is in favor of gun restrictions, in favor of the welfare state, in favor of laws limiting speech, in favor of open borders, and in favor heavy taxation. Fully half of our Nation has no business in a country founded by men who were willing to pay quite literally any price to be free from an overreaching government.

  Speaker Paul Ryan claimed in an interview that cutting Muslim migration is un-American, and “not who we are.”550 To the contrary, that is precisely who we are. The Immigration Act of 1907, signed by Teddy Roosevelt, prohibited “polygamists, or persons who admit their belief in the practice of polygamy,” from immigrating to the US, effectively prohibiting any Muslim from entering the United States.

  During a State of the Union address in 1905, Theodore Roosevelt said there was a need “to keep out all immigrants who will not make good American citizens.” He would later write that Muslims “are the enemies of civilization,” and that “The civilization of Europe, America and Australia exists today at all only because of the victories of civilized man over the enemies of civilization.” Teddy Roosevelt praised Charles Martel for fighting off the hordes of Muslim conquerors, noting that without Martel’s actions and bravely, Christianity would have vanished, and Europe would have been conquered.551 552

  In Federalist Paper No. 2, John Jay wrote that a unified and homogeneous people, not diversity, will create a strong nation:

  With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established their general Liberty and Independence. This country and this people seem to have been made for each other.553

  In the same year that Teddy Roosevelt signed the Immigration Act of 1907, he spoke about immigration and becoming American:

  In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.554

  Migrants are supposed to integrate; we are not supposed to tolerate their norms and values, no matter what these might be. If migrants expect their new nation to change the laws, customs, and culture to accommodate them, in any way, even the slightest, they need to go back to wherever they came from.

  Liberals are engaging in a nefarious ship of Theseus experiment, replacing Europeans and Americans with Third World hordes in some hope they can by some miracle become similar to us and carry on our cultures.

  If just anybody can become an American, then it is entirely meaningless to be an American. The American experiment is truly the last bastion of freedom on Earth; America itself was nothing less than an appeal to heaven. Those of us who are patriots, dreamers, revolutionaries, and still wild at heart, have nowhere else we can go. This fair land is the final frontier. And it belongs to no one but us.

  Flowers for Europe

  I can’t quite recall when I began to concern myself with the politics of Europe. There was certainly a time in my life where I was rather indifferent to anything happening beyond my own little sorrows. At some point, years ago, I began to feel a kinship towards the people of Europe. At first I was mostly interested in the shared culture and values of my own ancestry. Then I began to be more concerned with their well-being, at about the same time I felt a growing concern for my own American kin. I had always felt this to some extent, but not to the same degree.

  Through the study of culture and politics, I noticed similar trends materializing. I was continually lead to see the sickness and rot of Liberalism causing our civilizations to decay, everywhere in the West. Every destructive Liberal policy that was plaguing Europe arose eventually in the US, as well. Th
e Leftist cabal has been able to advance their agenda more aggressively in Europe — but America is not far behind.

  I feel a profound despair for the peoples of Europe, many of whom, election after election, vote for the Right-wing and nationalists candidates in a desperate hope for a change of course. They have had their voices silenced, they are unarmed, and now, because of the Liberal disease, and the import of mongrel hordes, their vote has been nullified. Their countries are being destroyed, their families victimized, all while their “leaders” tell them to enjoy their demise and revel in the Kali Yuga.

  Liberal leaders in America routinely praise the policies of Europe. Hillary Clinton extols Angel Merkel,555 and Barack Obama lauds Australia and the UK for their firearm restrictions.556 While the European Left is turning Europe into South Africa, the US Left desires the same for us.

  The current state of geopolitical affairs reminds me a lot of the classic novel, Flowers for Algernon.557 Europe is much like Algernon, the mouse. America, meanwhile, is reminiscent of Charlie Gordon. The “fatal flaw” of course being the ideology and political projects of the international Left.

  I can relate to Charlie on a profound level. Desperately trying to hold on and salvage something, anything, from his fleeting soiree with brilliance. I too am grasping for something that can be preserved from the collapse of our culture.

  Just as Algernon and Charlie were inextricably bound, so too are we with Europe, through the sickness known as Liberalism. The sickness has already turned much of Europe into hell on Earth, while we watch the demise. I feel like Charlie, watching the slow, inevitable demise of his little mouse friend, Algernon. Knowing I might be next.

  Although the story of Algernon and Charlie provides a stunning allegory for the way we can look to Europe to see the future of unfettered Liberalism, we still have time to change the path we’re on. But we are swiftly running out of that time, and anyone who wants to know what lies ahead for us if we do not change course should look to Africa.

  Mugabe, the president of Zimbabwe, declared that none of the people who have participated in the ethnic cleansing of whites in what was formally Rhodesia, none of those responsible for the torture, rape, and murder of white farmers, will be prosecuted.558 South African whites are similarly being ethnically cleansed in a state-sponsored genocide. The president of South Africa, Ramaphosa, has vowed to confiscate white land without compensation, and the government has begun the process to amend its constitution to do so “legally.”559 White settlers have been farming that land for over 400 years; the land was settled, not stolen. None of that matters now that blacks have control of the government. Another South African politician, Julius Malema, praised the land confiscation plans; he even platforms on removing all whites from political office, and proposes to continue “cutting the throat of whiteness.” Malema added, “We are not going to listen to any Britain, we are not going to listen to European Parliament, we are not going to listen to UN — we are going to listen to the people of South Africa.”560

  Our story does not have to end in despair and ruin. With their perverse meanderings, Liberals have led us right to the edge. With our backs against the wall, time running out, and little left to lose, there has never been a finer moment to take it all back. I won’t have time to place flowers on any graves, or to attend the requiem mass. I’ll be raging against the dying light. Working through the night to preserve our Promethean flame.

  Their game is up. And the fire is rising.

  Killing a Culture

  Hordes of Third World migrants are stopping Europeans and Americans from enjoying the society our ancestors created and passed down to us. Our very cultures are being assaulted from every side. What’s worse, Leftist politicians sit idly by, refusing even to utter the word “terrorism.” They refer to terrorist attacks as knife attacks, machete attacks, gun attacks, car attacks, train attacks, bus attacks, truck attacks — anything to avoid calling a spade a spade. And even more afraid to identify the terrorists themselves.

  When the Berlin Christmas Market was attacked killing twelve, leaving dozens more injured, that was an attack directly on German culture. The French were celebrating Bastille Day when dozens were murdered and hundreds injured. The message could not be clearer. Migrants are not interested in assimilation. They are interested in turning Europe into Muslim nations and creating an environment in which native Europeans can no longer participate in their long held traditions.

  Liberals claim this is about freedom to migrate to and from whatever country you please. What about the freedom of the European peoples not to have their taxes stripped from them to fund violence against them? What about the freedom of the children to grow up in their own country without having their dreams shattered by tragedy? Or what about the freedom to leave your house without fear? A recent study in France reports that 60 percent of French people do not feel safe anywhere outside of their homes due to the amount of terror and crime.561 Similar studies in Sweden and Germany revealed that half of all women are afraid to leave the house after dark, and feel unsafe in their own neighborhoods.562 563

  Obama, while rigidly refusing to condemn Muslim migrants for the violence they commit, was quick to remind us of the violence during the Crusades against Muslims committed by Christians in the name of Christ.564 Either nobody told Obama what caused the Crusades, or else he knew, and was betting on most people not being aware of what brought Pope Urban II to finally decide that enough was enough.

  Before the launch of the First Crusade, Muslims seized Constantinople, they attacked Rome, they invaded Spain, Italy, and France. In the lands they conquered, Muslims raped, enslaved, and murdered the native inhabitants, all in the name of Islam. Over half of Christendom had been sacked and pillaged, for nearly four centuries, before the First Crusade was launched.565 Finally, after centuries, the European Christians put the invaders to fire and sword. Yet somehow modern Leftists ignore that crucial bit in the timeline of history. They not only want to place the blame of the Crusades solely on Christian shoulders, they also want to somehow use conflicts from 1,000 years ago as justification for the victimization of modern Europeans at the hands of Muslims.

  Nearly as pathetic as the reactions of Left-wing politicians is the media portrayal of the attacks. Migrants kill 100 people, and the first thing the media worries about is protecting the migrants from any potential hate crime and Islamophobia. The media claims terrorism never has anything to do with Islam or migration; if you deny this claim, you are instantly deemed a racist. Everybody changes their social media photo to one with a flag of whatever country was attacked, along with a self-gratifying post that says “Pray for [insert recent victimized city here].” And then they proceed to change absolutely nothing, and wait for the next slaughter. Rinse. And repeat.

  Germany’s Interior Ministry, which oversees a myriad of responsibilities, from civil protection to displaced persons and government administration, released a recent study of crime. The Ministry found that while asylum seekers and illegal migrants make up only 2.5 percent of the population, they accounted for 5.7 percent of total crime, and were strongly overrepresented in every type of crime as compared to native Germans.566 Non-German migrants committed nearly half of all theft, a quarter of assaults, and over a third of all robberies. If all non-German invaders were deported today, crime would drop by a third.567 German news outlets had been focusing instead on the “extreme rise” in Right wing hate crimes, citing that in 2015 there had been 1,485 instances of Right-wing hate crimes against migrants — most of which, incidentally, were “hate speech” or vandalism crimes.568 Meanwhile, the Ministry report shows over 400,000 crimes were committed by migrants the same year, which the lying press mostly ignored, as it was not conducive to their narrative.569 Here’s a taste of what the German press doesn’t want its citizens to know:

  On Christmas Eve, a homeless man was set on fire in a Berlin train station by seven “refugees.”570

  In the small town of Neuenhaus, G
ermany, a Somali “refugee” broke into an elderly care home, raped two disabled men, before he murdered one of the victim’s wife.571

  Vienna, on New Year’s Eve a woman was abducted from a bar, and gang raped for hours by a family of nine Iraqi “refugees.”572

  An elderly woman, visiting the grave of her sister early one Sunday morning was raped in the cemetery by an African “refugee.”573

  During a camping trip outside of Bonn, Germany, a “refugee” from Ghana took a young woman by machete, and raped her in front of her boyfriend.574

  This is by no means an exhaustive list of crimes, but a sample of daily occurrences. Germans are not able to enjoy a holiday or camping trip without being terrorized by invaders.

  These stories rarely make headlines throughout the Leftist-controlled media in Europe. The American press never bothers to cover them either. They instead focus on the real threat of Right-wing hate crimes and the rise of Islamophobia, and antisemitism. If there really is a rise in “Islamophobia” and “antisemitism,” it seems it would be a normal reaction to the amount of terror and crime we are being subjected to through mass migration of Muslims and forced cultural enrichment policies that are heavily promoted by Jews in Europe and the US.575

  The same theme has been repeated for centuries, since the early Muslim conquest under Muhammad in the 7th century A.D. Hijrah, the proper term for the spread of Islam through land conquest, is what we are seeing now.576 The European Union Parliament Chief, Antonio Tajani, has stated that within the next ten years, thirty million new “refugees” will come from Africa alone into Europe.577 Tajani then went on to declare Europeans could prevent the flood of tens of millions of Muslim men into their nations if they invest billions of dollars into Africa to create a more sustainable environments for them. This is what people are being paid to do at Immigration Summits: threaten their citizens with the invasion of tens of millions of foreigners if they do not pay enormous sums of money to fund the teeming Third World population, which makes this invasion possible to begin with. Not only is the Hijrah clearly happening, we are being betrayed by the people who are supposed to be fighting for us, as they are evidently more interested in creating a managerial state and eradicating our people. At some point, these politicians will need to be removed from power.


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