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Liberalism Unmasked

Page 35

by Richard Houck

  Europe, too, is on the forefront of these changes. The situation in Europe is so grave that Europeans are no longer able to enjoy a holiday, a concert, a night out, without fear of Muslim violence. Islam is no longer allowing Europeans to carry on their cultures and pass their traditions on to their children. Our homelands are under siege. It is not our tradition to act with haste, but it is even further from our heritage to lay down our weapons and allow the hordes to overwhelm and dominate us.

  It is not in our nature to sit around and wait to be conquered. The ancient Greeks staved off the invading Persians, defending all of Europe. The Romans did not submit to the Carthaginian Empire — they fought three brutal wars to protect Europe. When the Huns marched through the Catalaunian Plains, did the Romans and the Visigoths lay down their weapons? They never dreamed of such a thing. And when the Ottomans laid siege to the gates of Vienna, were they met with signs reading “Refugees welcome!”? They were greeted as any invader should be — by shield and sword.

  The health and future of Western civilization is inextricably tied to us, the descendants of those who built these magnificent civilizations. No group of people can continue the rich history and culture of Western civilization, except for the descendants of those who built it. The once great Rome fell because it allowed invaders into Roman homelands. When Rome was no longer able to protect its borders, mass migration from the barbarians followed. Government corruption, wasteful spending, and a diluted currency all accelerated the decline of the great empire.610 Finally, a loss of traditional values among Romans, combined with an apathetic indifference towards their demise. It’s all been done before; you can see it all through history and in literature. The parallels are haunting.

  T.S. Elliot was right. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang. But a whimper.

  If they kill the West, destroy our homelands, dispossess our people; if they tell us to “be tolerant” and to “not look back in anger” when our children are murdered and raped;611 if they label us as “Nazis” for wanting to protect our people from gang rapes, abuse, extortion, and terror — then what do we have left? If the Occident crumbles, nothing will remain for us to fight for. We will become a generation of revenge. In that moment, their advice will be sound. I will agree: at such a point, we should not be looking back in anger — we should be looking forward. With steady eyes, voices low, and hate in our hearts. Once there’s nothing left to save, once our civilization lies in ruin, we will having nothing left to lose. And then there will be no reason to not send them all straight to hell as we ascend to Valhalla.

  Without hatred for everything that threatens what we love, love itself becomes a worthless cliché for cowards and degenerates.

  We are at a crossroads unlike anything we have seen in centuries. When my children and grandchildren ask me what happened to our once great civilizations, I’m not going to tell them with shame in my eyes that I did nothing. Because I was too afraid of losing a few friends and too afraid of being called racist and xenophobic by the Liberal hordes. I’ll be able to tell them I sacrificed part of my youth fighting to rein our culture back from its death throes.

  When they ask me why such brutality was necessary, I’ll tell them about Rotherham, the Christmas market, the Bataclan, of Reagan Tokes, Pat Mahaney, and about little Reese Bowman. And I will not forget to tell them of the deranged criminal vermin who ensured these atrocities would to take place.

  The Left is taunting us. Mocking us. Daring us even. We gave the Left and migrants alike every opportunity to live peacefully in the lands that our ancestors built. They have mistaken our kindness for weakness and they have used it as an opportunity to abuse us. We have been icy, willing to wait. When we finally decide the Left has taken this too far, there will be no going back. The global Left has been waging a total war on us for nearly 100 years, and we are just now waking up. The hour is late, the night is dark, but all is not yet lost. Either we decide that enough is enough, and secure our nations for the future of our people. Or like Nero, we watch it burn down around us. What we do in the next few years will echo through eternity. Those echoes will either haunt us, or define us. If we fail, if we must leave the scene of history. Let us shake this history to the core so that generations of our enemies will speak of the horror and rage of the last white men.

  If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it. — Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

  Manifestations of the Liberal illness: Mass Migration

  All arguments Liberals use to promote migration are full of lies. The data they present is a lie concealing a lie. Liberals hide and omit the information about migrant welfare use and crime, or distort the data to make it invisible.

  We’ve seen the Liberal outrage when we try to limit migration and travel. In America they shut down airports and rioted over proposed travel limitations for a handful of nations.

  When presented with all the data in terms of crime and welfare use, Liberals still hold steadfast to their view that every person on planet Earth deserves to come to our nations, that every last human being somehow belongs in the West. Mass migration is turning Europe into a Chernobylian wasteland. Sweden is set to become a Third World nation. America will become an extension of Mexico. Islamic expansion will consume the majority of the European Union. Like Sweden, the rest of Europe and the US is also only a generation at most away from sliding into Third World conditions. Yet Liberals refuse to take account of any of this. They still shrilly claim that “diversity is our greatest strength.”

  Unjustified feelings of victimization are seen in illegals and Liberals alike. Liberals feel it is their right to give our nations away. They appeal to marginal cases of Right-wing violence and take that as justification for their stance of moral righteousness, as if they are saving the people from some sort of persecution, even as they themselves are the true persecutors.

  Tremendous self-guilt and self-hatred is seen here. American and European Leftists are claiming they have no culture, that they need Third World savages to “enrich” them. Of all symptoms of Liberal pathology, self-hatred and ethnomasochism is the most frightening due to the havoc it wreaks.

  Nobody is born hating their own race. It is learned. It has become institutionalized in every university social science class, throughout the press, and in the entertainment industry. Imagine hating yourself and your own people so much, that you would happily participate in the demise of your own culture and nation. That is what it means to be a Liberal today.

  The desire for power, control, and dominance is revealed in the destruction of our culture, the removal of our statues, art, and history. It was not the Arabs, Mexicans, Africans, or Muslims who opened our borders to hordes of migrants. It was not the invaders who promoted Marxism, oppressive governments, feminism, abortion, and pornography. It was the Left who constantly attacked our rights of expression and to maintain arms. It was the Left who expanded the welfare state, and it was the Left who involved us in nearly every major war we have been entangled in throughout recent decades. It was not the invaders who opened our gates. We can forget: the gates were opened from within.

  Liberal idealism is based on their hatred for themselves and their own people, a hatred so deep that they would gladly doom their children to lives of terror and abuse. Have all the massacres not been enough? Have the sex slavery rings of young girls in Rotherham and a hundred other European cities not been enough? Has the meteoric rise in rapes not been enough? Is there a point at which Liberals realize their ideals are not working? Or is their hated for their own people so great they will not stop until the last white people are hunted down and killed or sold as sex slaves?

  The Left is showing no signs of stopping the madness. It appears we are going to have to put an end to this for them. Once and for all.

  From Cluster I we see symptoms 1, 2, 3, and 5. In cluster II symptoms all symptoms are observed.

  Cluster I

  1. Deceitfu
lness, indicated by repeated lying, grand exaggerations, or omission of contrary information, with the purpose to advance their chosen narrative and discrediting others.

  2. Irritability or aggressiveness towards anybody that questions or opposes their views. Coupled with the inability to recognize they own hypocrisy, double standards, and doublethink.

  3. Inability to adjust views when presented with information contrary to their own beliefs.

  4. Frequent projections of their own traits onto others.

  5. Difficulty in dealing with a loss of control or power, or a strong desire for control and power.

  Cluster II

  6. Appeals to altered and redefined definitions of words, or relies on fictitious terms for argumentation.

  7. Consistent feelings of having been victimized or wronged, without any actual harm being done. Seen also as playing the victim after attacking others.

  8. Intense sense of righteousness or moral superiority.

  9. The inability to recognize the negative outcomes of their own actions. Often placing the blame on others.

  10. Intense guilt or self-hatred, often manifests as hatred towards one’s larger group identity.

  Act III: Winning the War


  Revolution 2016

  Liberals still don’t get it. They honestly believe that the 2016 election was won by “hate, fear, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia” — the list goes on ad infinitum. Liberals still can’t figure out why they lost. They actually believe racism and sexism defeated them.

  In truth, quotations from Hillary Clinton such as, “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders,” defeated them.612 Hillary telling people she will continue on with the policies that have already cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, defeated them. Liberal values no longer resonate with Americans, who wish to see their lives and communities revitalized. Liberals are ever concerned with efforts toward globalization and increased mass migration, while they turn their backs on the very people they are elected to serve. Liberals were defeated by their own manipulations and failures.

  The stakes of the 2016 election could not have been higher. Had Trump not won, the Supreme Court would have been stacked with young, deranged Liberals, blanket amnesty would have been granted, mass migration to the US would have been given a cocktail of steroids and cocaine, and we would be taxed to fund it all. An unambiguously Left Supreme Court could have paved the way for firearms manufacturers to be sued out of existence by holding them liable each time one person shot another. The election of Donald Trump may very well have saved, among other things, the Second Amendment.

  Had the election gone differently, a Leftist Congress might have tried to make that worthless poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty an official Amendment, or removed any sort of limitation at all on the number of migrants that would be allowed to flood our nation each year. Firearms would now be restricted, censorship would be the norm, hate speech laws would be enacted, and taxation would become increasingly oppressive. An entire horror novel could be written about the “what ifs.” It’s fair to say that this was a close one.

  There is a local electronics store I stop by every few months. I like the manager and they usually have what I’m looking for. I stopped by one evening on my way home after noticing a 50 percent-off sale sign out front. As I pulled into the parking lot I realized that the sale was a going out of business sale. I noticed the store manager outside taking a photo of the storefront. The sun was setting behind the store on the crisp autumn evening — rather symbolic now that I’m looking back. As I approached to say hello, I noticed his eyes were heavy and blurred. I didn’t say much; he didn’t seem to be in the talkative mood. I made my purchase, sat in the parking lot for a few moments, then drove home.

  I thought a lot about that scene the rest of the night. I truly felt for him. I’m not sure if he was saddened by the store closing that he had spent so many years working. If it marked the end of an era in his life. If he was anxious and feeling uncertain about what he would do now. He might already have a better job lined up. He might be wondering how he’ll pay rent. I really have no idea.

  What I do know is that there have been millions of people just like him all over the country, facing similar struggles, similar thoughts, and similar uncertainties. There are small towns all over the nation that have been utterly devastated by businesses closing or moving overseas. Once vibrant and lovely towns have become barren wastelands, devoid of all hope.

  That night, I thought about a summer I spent exploring New England. While visiting Maine, I passed through Freeport, home of L.L. Bean. Freeport is not a particularly large town in size or population, yet it was striking in terms of its spirit. Shops and restaurants were bustling, sidewalks were filled with people enjoying the day. Freeport had an entirely different atmosphere than so many other small towns I’ve visited across the nation. There was one main difference: people in Freeport had a place to work. There was a vibrant economy, and despite the small size, there was opportunity to be found. Companies like L.L. Bean are not simply providing jobs and income for their workers. They give hope, a sense of purpose and opportunity.

  Donald Trump seems to understand this on some deep, almost instinctual level. During many speeches, President Trump declared his campaign and presidency would be about three things: “Jobs, jobs, and jobs.” That resonated profoundly with the millions of Americans affected by awful trade agreements, open-border policies, and greed. The Left is out of touch with reality, and further out of touch with what made America great. They do not seem to grasp that by simply having an opportunity, a chance, lives can be transformed. Families can be invigorated. Entire communities can thrive.

  Hillary campaigned on ideals opposite to these principles.

  I’ve traveled all over the country. And I’ve seen the places that were once brilliant little communities, that have been totally hollowed out through a loss of jobs and shattered economic opportunity. Throughout the election campaign I had the feeling that Donald Trump had also seen something similar, had spent time talking to the people who face these difficulties day by day. They didn’t want a handout or another government program, they only wanted a chance.

  Liberals are still clinging to “how qualified” Clinton was. And how “ignorant” Trump and his supporters are. I am still an entirely unaware of what “qualifications” the Left was speaking of. Hillary is the wife of a former President, and used those political connections to become a Senator and Secretary of State. Almost without exception, every single thing Hillary has been involved in has turned into a scandal or a disaster of some sort. Her “qualifications” appear to be little more than having caused so much destruction and manipulation that people finally lost track of the reasons she’s so unfit. Even so, the election was far more important than the transgressions of Clinton.

  Indeed, what the global Left fails to grasp is that the 2016 election had almost nothing to do with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Don’t get me wrong, Donald Trump was possibly the only man who could have taken on the Democrats, the establishment Republicans, the media, the special interest groups, the globalists, the entertainment industry, and the social media all together, and still won. But the election was larger than Trump, too. The election went beyond Left and Right. This election was about nationalism verse globalism, truth verses lies. In a sense, it was almost the manifestation of the eternal conflict between good and evil.

  When Donald Trump proclaimed, “We’re going to start saying Merry Christmas again,” the Left did not understand the significance of that phrase. And why would they? Their religion is that of totalitarian Liberalism, they believe in nothing higher than their own egos. For many of us, it was a welcomed sign. It had actually been years since somebody in a store or market had said “Merry Christmas” to me. Always “happy holidays,” all through December. I do not live or shop in areas with an abundance of people that do not celebrate Christmas. Nor do I remotely
look like I might celebrate any other holiday in December. Nor did the people saying “happy holidays” appear to celebrate anything other than Christmas. 92 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas; why did we as a society decide that those 8 percent matter so much, that we wouldn’t want to burden them with our traditions? How absurd and ethnomasochistic. Any society that would tolerate this sort of subversion is hardly a society worth saving. This is the tyranny of political correctness: a small group of hostile foreigners can come into our nation, and tell us how we are supposed to behave and how we are supposed to celebrate our own traditions. For many Americans, myself included, December 2016 was the first time, in a long time, that people in stores said what they should have been saying all along: Merry Christmas.

  All of these small actions by Donald Trump added up to something tremendous. And Liberals don’t see it. They are perfectly happy living in a society that shuns their own traditions, that sacrifices their own holidays to the false god of “inclusion.” If saying Merry Christmas is mortally offensive to any person or group, I’m sure we can raise the money to fund their repatriation.

  The leaked emails proved that the media and the Democratic National Committee work together to shape a simply deceptive narrative. A vote for Hillary was the same as a vote for the hostile global elite that constantly undermines our interest and sovereignty. This election was not about two personalities: it was about keeping the experiment that is America out of the hands of tyrants.

  The election was a revolt against globalist policies, against open borders, against a loss of rights, a total rejection of the Liberal narrative, and outright denial of their “progress.” The 2016 election was the start of a revolution.


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