Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 38

by Richard Houck

  Tech companies in concert with the ADL have been suspending, banning, and demonetizing Right-wing content solely for political gain. They manipulate search results as well as “trending” topics, all in a conscious effort to warp the political discourse. The danger this poses is clear and present.

  Terms of service should not be used to prohibit Americans from saying totally legal things, just because it might hurt somebody’s feelings or go against the hegemonic status quo.

  Soon, people are going to be denied the most basic of rights by companies claiming that obscure “terms of services” were violated. Under current federal civil rights law, a grocery store cannot deny you service for being of a certain race or sexual orientation. But they can deny you service for being Right-wing. It has already been suggested that banks should prohibit customers from buying firearms with their debit or credit cards, as a way to curb gun sales.632 What happens when merchant banks decide to close accounts for those having the wrong views, as PayPal has already done? Or when gas stations and grocery store chains decide not to sell to anybody on a blacklist of political dissidents? These questions, among others, show glaring problems in the “free market,” when that market is run by elements hostile to the founding stock of our nation. Anybody who does not participate in the destruction of the West is seen as a pariah; soon, they will be excommunicated entirely.

  We need an American Renaissance. Society has been progressing further into degenerate filth and the effects are becoming clear. Never in human history have we had such easy access to food, such easy access to information, such opportunity. Yet what have recent generations become? The first to live shorter, less healthful lives than their parents. Despite having constant, year-round access to fresh fruit, meats, and vegetables; despite being relatively richer than almost any other in history; despite having more information at its fingertips than has ever been contained in any single physical library, my generation has become wretched and pathetic. Internet access gives us the ability to search through the entirety of human accomplishment and knowledge, thousands of years of writings in our pockets. Is my generation the most intelligent or well-informed in consequence? No. It uses that unparalleled power to become addicted to pornography, to waste precious time in elaborate virtual Skinner boxes, scrolling endlessly through mindless social media sites. Never in history has any group of people squandered so many beautiful days.

  This is the result of Liberalism, the ideology that seeks to make us all equal, ensuring that everybody gets a trophy. This is the result of the modern feminism that seeks to undermine masculine traits and destroy the family unit. This is big pharmacy drugging up an entire generation of boys merely for acting like boys. This is the single-mother generation, the welfare generation, the collectivist generation. The generation of obesity, porn, and video games. Will that be our legacy? Surely it will — if we continue down this dark and decadent path.

  Although we have a lot to change in terms of policy, it must all begin with each single American. Be proud of your heritage and your culture. I encourage you to learn more about who you are and where you are from. Learn the language of your great grandparents. Find the European town your ancestors came from and go visit it if you can. If not, read about it. Learn to cook some of the old family recipes. Read about your culture and ancestry. Read about the Wright Brothers and their unwavering sister, Katherine. Read about the Revolutionaries, the dissidents, the thought criminals of years gone by. Learn about the people who changed the world for the better. Discover where you came from; it will help you understand where you’re going. We have become rootless in our own lands. Find your way home again.

  Take care of yourself. The CDC reports that 80 percent of Americans do not get enough exercise.633 According to Bankrate, over 60 percent of Americans have less $500 in savings, and far more in personal debt than in savings.634 Get out more, save your money, pay off debt, and take care of each other. Eat rice and fish if it’ll help you escape the bondage of usury or improve your health. If we are healthy and free, in body and in mind, we cannot be controlled. Help your family, your parents, your friends, and neighbors along these same lines. Encourage each other, pay off debt, save, and exercise together. Work towards common goals.

  Travel the country if you can. See for yourself how beautiful and how splendid our nation truly is. Visit places you’ve always dreamt of seeing, and find places you never knew existed along the way. If you do it right, you won’t come back the same as when you left.

  Explore your community. Meet some new people. Take that yoga class, or music lessons, or whatever it is. Learn about the local history of the place where you live. Find a new local bar or restaurant or shop you never knew existed. Do something — anything — other than the regularly scheduled programming. Do something to wake yourself up.

  Live your life in such a way, that you will not find yourself one day looking back on your life and wishing you hadn’t taken so many beautiful days for granted — days just like this one.

  And read more. But don’t believe everything you read. Question everything. I’m not even asking you to believe me. Check my sources, see for yourself.

  Remember — the System needs us to be poor, sick, and unlearned. The entire basis of their power is predicated upon our weakness, not their strength. Free yourself from financial strain, from a sedentary life, and free your mind.

  The free man is a warrior. — Friedrich Nietzsche

  Perhaps most importantly — tell the truth. To the forked-tongue liars among us, the truth is as Holy water cast on demons. The truth is an elegant weapon; it is the one and only silver bullet needed to expel the golem army which is rising up even now, enchanted by their lies.

  All is not yet lost. There is still time to change the road we are on. The hour is late, and the night is dark. But all it not yet lost. A light still flickers — if only we choose to fan the Promethean flames of the Occident.

  Never lose hope. And never despair. Do not give in to culturally transmitted malaise and hopeless nihilism, as is so easy to do with the odds stacked against us, as they presently are. Never forget what a small, dedicated group of men can achieve. It only takes a handful of brave souls to change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.

  There would be no Europe or America today if not for small bands of men coming together against seemingly insurmountable odds and proclaiming in the face of looming disaster that tomorrow, we shall live yet, and more boldly still than ever before.


  Beyond Left & Right

  In the dystopian science fiction film The Matrix, a young boy helps Neo realize the fundamental truth that “There is no spoon.” In the same sense that there is no spoon, there is no need for party politics or political debates. I’ve come to realize there is no Left and no Right. There is only the truth.

  It took writing an entire book for me to see that I was not merely attacking the Left or the fake “conservative” Right. Nor was I supporting the true Right. I was seeking only the truth. Looking for some objective high ground in this postmodern flood. And upon coming as close as I could reach towards an objective reality, I found that, beyond a certain point, there were no more politics. If two people look on the reality of what is happening daily in our societies and come to different conclusions about it, they both cannot be correct. Only one, or neither, has epistemologically realized knowledge. The other must be either lying or deranged. What the mainstream, hegemonic culture, calls a “Far Right” ideology, is at heart, in its social and political principles, little more than truths that are becoming increasingly evident.

  There was a lot of talk, before the 2016 election, between the election and inauguration, and after, about “healing the divide.” This is no surprise; the US experienced a very personal, drawn-out election. The social mood slowly decayed from innocuous folly, to nervous tension, to rampant hatred, all before a single ballot was cast. It makes sense that many people were interested i
n bringing Americans back together. For many saw the election as a soft civil war, and never has this country forgotten the horror of civil war.

  However, I do not see this as an era of post-civil-war reconstruction. Nor do I see a possibility of attaining any reasonable compromise. Both the American and European Left and Right do not simply want different things; they do not merely have somewhat varying goals. They are fundamentally different cultures. Their dispute goes far beyond them, far beyond Left and Right. It even goes beyond Nationalism and Globalism. What we have entered is a battle over the truth. And certain factions have declared they will fight to their last breath in order to hide that truth, because the vast web of lies they have spent almost a century weaving is the unique trap by which we might be captured and enslaved.

  Indeed, the post-election is less an era of reconstruction, than it is a period akin to the removal of the Loyalists following American Revolution. I did not see the election as a civil war, I saw it as more of a revolution — or at least the start of one.

  The divide between the Left and Right can never and will never be healed. We cannot compromise. Nor should we. The Left has made it clear: they want our money, they want our guns, they want us controlled, and they want dissenters dead in mass graves in snowy forests. In such a case as this reconciliation is literally impossible. When we say we do not want any more migration, and they say we need to let in another half a million male “refugees” next year, the “compromise” falls at a quarter of a million coming next year, and the year after that, and the year after that — and sooner or later, they win.

  When we say we do not want to be taxed, that we want to be able to own our homes without paying rent to the government for eternity, they say they need more tax dollars to pay for an endless refugee “crises” or global warming or any other number of schemes. They always have a new cause or scam that requires our money. The “compromise” will be temporarily lowering tax rates by a percent or two, while we are still effectively slave laborers and feudalistic serfs.

  When the 1965 Immigration Act was passed, America was 90 percent of European descent; the Left passed the Act while lying through its teeth that this legislation would not change the fundamental demographics of the nation. Now, they cheer and applaud the demographic projections that show every single European population on Earth becoming a minority in its own homeland, within this very century.

  Germans were not even able to enjoy a Christmas market this past Christmas season without being murdered, or having the market shut down, or living anxious under the continual threat of these things. This is the natural result of the Liberal lie that migration will not change our culture: we are left with a shadow of our former nations.

  The international Left-wing clique cannot be compromised with or negotiated with. They have launched a total war on our way of life, our fundamental values; compromise means demise.

  Stop trying to find a middle road with them or to get them to like you or to discover some mutual ground with them. Liberals want us dead. No one but the suicidal and the insane try to make peace with their mortal enemies. They will never care about you. They are monsters. And they will never relent nor give us any respite, until better men force them to do so. Nobody in the history of Western civilization has been able to vote his way out of this kind of quagmire. Reasoning with them, voting against them, hoping they might be persuaded to change their minds, is not a plan.

  The difference between us and them is not merely political or ideological. We are of fundamentally different ilk. The differences are irreconcilable and their hate against us is illimitable.

  It is impossible to bargain with extremists; but Liberals are extremists. They will anchor their propositions on entirely unrealistic expectations, then adjust down to a smaller victory, but a victory nonetheless. As fundamental a psychological trick as this is, most of the people we have elected to fend off the Liberals still haven’t caught on. Reasoning with extremists does not work; becoming extreme in our own convictions is our only hope.

  Liberals would rather live under a globalist government ruled by an international clique than under a sovereign and nationalist regime. The Left has made it clear they want a global state with no borders, in which everything is “equally” divided and the collective is always put before the individual. How can we compromise with this line of thinking? According to our values, the international Left is the world’s foremost problem.

  The US was designed as a Constitutional Republic, and not a democratic majority rule, because those who created our nation understood the perils of direct democracy. The majority of people will inevitably vote to take away rights from the minority in order to achieve some egalitarian dream. Those who oppose the egalitarian dream are of course sent to the Gulag. We tend to forget how soon social democracy devolves into social totalitarianism.

  In the book Democracy: The God That Failed, economist and philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe wrote about the inherent conflict that arises between collectivists and those that wish to maintain individual liberties and private ownership. He concludes that egalitarianism is simply incompatible with freedom. If you wish to have a society that values individual liberty and private property, those seeking to undermine those values either through voting to take away your rights, or any government which actively does take away your rights, need to be physically removed from society.

  He writes,

  Egalitarianism, in every form and shape, is incompatible with the idea of private property. Private property implies exclusivity, inequality, and difference. And cultural relativism is incompatible with the fundamental — indeed foundational — fact of families and intergenerational kinship relations. Families and kinship relations imply cultural absolutism.

  One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society.635

  Those who support communism, or any of its variations, even communism masquerading as democracy, are implicitly, or explicitly if they are versed in history, supporting our physical demise. There is no way around this fact. More mass murders, famine, disease, and death have been directly and indirectly caused by communism than by any other ideology in the history of the world. Those who espouse the same principles, no matter how shrouded or veiled these principles might be, deserve no place in our society. Do not take them lightly: the useful idiots are as dangerous as the very elected officials who are leading our people to ruin. They are all actively seeking our demise. More, those marching in the streets to silence us and disarm us are engaging in sedition. They should not be granted rights they do not fundamentally believe in. People using their free speech in an effort to take our right to free speech through “hate speech” laws highlights the failures of Liberalism and Libertarianism. We simply cannot coexist with these people. Simply wanting to be left alone is not an effective strategy. They will never leave you alone. They will always seek more taxation, more mass migration, more infringements, more gun control, more censorship. All I ever wanted was to be left alone. But at a certain point I realized there would be no peace until the warmongers and war-bringers among us were dealt with.

  There is no more time to waste tolerating subversive entities that seek to destroy the West. Our enemies, the enemies of Western civilization, are tribal, very well-organized, and extremely efficient. We must be the same if we are to win.

  Viktor Orbán was right: “We are fighting an enemy that is different from us. Not open, but hiding; not straightforward but crafty; not honest but base; not national but international; does not believe in working but speculates with money; does not have its own homeland but feels it owns the whole world.”636

  The mere act of advocating for policies that would res
trict the fundamental rights specified in the Bill of Rights should be considered treason against the American people. Until we get serious about this, and politicians are physically removed from office who seek to open our borders, to silence us, to endanger us and our futures, the Left will continue to launch assault after assault against us. Sitting around and playing gate keeper does not work when our worst enemies have already entered.

  Gun control, mass migration, censorship, taxation might not all appear to be directly related, but they are. They are united under the same goal of ensuring the white European people are silenced, defenseless, poor, and replaceable, devoid of any recourse against the onslaught of the global Left. Throughout history, the silencing, extortion, disarmament, and displacement of a people were always the first steps towards genocide. Our enemies are preparing to turn the Occident into one gargantuan communist prison camp, if not a Rhodesian nightmare.

  As long as Liberals exist in a society, they will not rest until they have found a way to limit individual liberties in favor of the collective. They will try to outvote us, and when that doesn’t work they will import more people to vote with them, and when that doesn’t work they will do whatever is necessary to gain power once more and limit our freedoms. We have seen this all before; we will see it again. But sooner or later, it will be too late to go back.

  Hate speech laws are an example. The Left all over Europe has achieved such laws, and those in the US are hungering for them. At essence, a society that enacts hate speech laws is smothering the value of truth. The idea of hate speech indicates that the potential for somebody to be offended is such a priority that society would prefer to deprive another of his liberty, and lock him in a cage, than so much as risk that he might hurt another person’s feelings, or bring the truth to light. That the mere utterance of certain words is justification for ruining a life.


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